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Shit Relatives Say
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  • Alright! So it's a well known fact that the Christmas time is famously known for it's awkwardness particularly in interacting with strange and unusual relatives whom you normally never ever see. I personally am meeting my girlfriend's father for the first time and he is... Quite the character... This will be my journal of things he's said specifically to me and my internal reactions... Feel free to add as you please!
    And happy holidays humans!

    I've been here for roughly 2 hours so far and this is just the beginning...

    "I just think Muslim is the worst religion of all time." I've been here for thirty minutes man... This is gonna be a loooooong week.

    "Put on your shoes we're not Japanese." Oooooooooh lawd... Lawd...
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Fortunately I don't have the sort of family that gets together. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • "Men can't be raped!" - my sister

    That honestly almost got to very harsh words. I wasn't personally raped, groped or sexually assaulted in the slightest but that myth really grinds my gears. Every time I hear it, I become red in the face, looking like I'm almost going to explode from anger, which is actually about right. It's just so...wrong, flying in the face of every ounce of common sense, betraying a profound ignorance of male physiology that I'm amazed it's still a pretty common "opinion".

    I wish most MRAs weren't either crazy or closet misogynists. There are some issues concerning men's rights that really need to be fixed. I really like A Voice for Men but it's about the only website that makes sense out there. Legitimate issues like the lack of men's shelters (I find it amazing that people forget that Erin Pizzey, the pioneer of the concept, didn't even discriminate by sex and admitted both men and women) or in the same vein, the myth that men are overwhelmingly the violent half in a relationship (a study by Pizzey herself showed that 62% of battered women were actually as violent as the man, if not more) tend to be drowned in the kooky stuff.
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    « Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 08:25:49 AM by Seroim »
    • Posts: 543
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    • The Court Derpster
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  • "So we have an open house thing at about 12:30 where a bunch of parents from the girl's school are coming over. By then the magic mushrooms should've fully kicked in so I should be good."

    I see no way this could end badly... Noooo way... It'll just be your stupid tripping ass and a bunch of parents and they're younger than ten year old children... Should go fucking perfectly.
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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  • Former Citizen
  • And yeah... Men can't be raped is easily the most frustrating and stupid statement that an amazing amount of people are perfectly alright with...
    1 person likes this post: Chanku
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
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