Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 11:19:42 PM by Joshua Bluteisen »
Vizier of the
Osiris Fraternal Order Red Guard of the
New Galactic EmpireHouse Bluteisen -- Blood and Iron
Axis of Evil on EsperNet & SwiftIRC || ygfbv on ColdFront
<Zeorus> because we're not all smart like you, Axis
<Zeorus> some of us have the privilege of being dumb ;_;
Current NS positions and honours
Patriarch of House Bluteisen
Owner of the New Galactic Empire forum
Osiran Atef
Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Legionnaire of the Sekhmet Legion (Inactive due to WA immobility)
Red Guard of the New Galactic Empire
Holder of the Scale of Ma'at
Holder of the Seal of Vigilance
Former NS positions
Medjai Guardsman
Vizier of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Marshal General of the Sekhmet Legion
Admin of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Sepatarch of the 7th Sepatarchy of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris
Acting-Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order