Hey there, Wintreans! I wanted to take a second and let you know about two things that are happening in the near future that YOU can be a part of! They're both great chances to get more involved in the game, meet new people, and represent Wintreath as a region...and they're just fun!"The Islanders Beach Championship"For starters, Wintreath has been invited to the "The Islanders Beach Championship"! This is an event being hosted by 10000 Islands, where nations from a number of regions send athletes to compete in various outside-the-box events, such as Silly Hat Limbo and Cocktail Making. It's a light RP and conversation event, so there isn't a heavy time commitment for those of us that are busy, but I think it will be fun and should be great for any of you wanting more opportunities to represent your nation to others. I will be there, and hope to see some of you there as well. For more information on this event and information on how to sign up, check it this topic on our forums: http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=1692The ZOMBIE APOCALYPSEI know that a lot of you have also had questions about the impending Zombie Apocalypse event! Last year, as a new region we not only cured the entire region of the zombie virus before the end of the event, we were able to keep our borders open and grow a great deal toward that time. This year, we are a much larger region and thus a larger target, especially for those outside the region that are going to spread the zombie virus...but I expect we will be able to fight them off and maintain our legacy with your help! Here's what you need to know:1) As a region, our aim will be to research a cure. Once we have researched a cure, not only should our infection rate go down (how fast our populations convert into zombies), but we will also have the ability to launch cure missiles which we can use to quickly cure other nations.2) Especially once we have access to the cure missiles, it will be very important for us to coordinate so that nations are cleansed as quickly as possible. We will be coordinating in our regional IRC channel/chat room, which you can access here: http://wintreath.com/index.php?part=chat. If you are unable to access the chat, any help you can provide is still appreciated, though! We will also attempt to keep you apprised of our progress during the event through telegrams such as this one.3) During the event, we will need to find any nations that are spreading the zombie virus, especially those that come to our region especially to do so. You will be able to report those on our region page or the chat room, and they will be ejected from the region by our delegate or myself.4) Our goal is to keep the region as open as possible, but border controls may be implemented as the need arises, especially if nobody is available to watch for virus spreaders. The ability to enter the region during these times may be limited.5) Most importantly, have fun. Nothing that's done during the event is permanent (except for the glory gained by being one of the surviving regions!), and nations will revert to their previous state at the end of the event. This is a very fun event, and it's been a blast both times I've participated in it. So let's have fun and show NationStates how we're the best region out there!If you have any questions, feel free to post on the region page! That will ensure that someone will answer you as soon as possible!Yours,-Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)-Monarch and Founder of Wintreath