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Thorweald Dawkins
  • Former Citizen
  • Ninth Foreign Update of The Kingdom of Ainur
    13 August 2015

    The Steward Ashton Mercer

    Minister of Foreign Affairs TBA
    Minister of Internal Affairs TBA

    HM The King Augustus
    HRH The Prince Consort Aubrey

    Lord Chamberlain Thorweald Dawkins

    The Speaker of the Senate Alexandros Ezkantion
    Senator L33T H4X0R
    Senator Liana

    The Lord President of the Assembly Ashton Mercer

    A Letter from The King

    Dear Friends and Allies,

    It gives me great pleasure to be able to write to all of you again after such a long time. After a bit of a dip in activity, Ainur is once again returning to form. Our region has almost 200 members again and we've just elected an entirely new regional government. In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to my Government reaching out and organising new cultural events to broaden our horizons. We hope to get in far closer contact with all of you very soon!

    King of Ainur

    Our New Regional Government

    August saw our first general elections in slightly more than two months. The Senate election was a relatively uncomplicated affair, with Liana, Alexandros Ezkantion and L33T H4X0R being elected unopposed.

    The Steward election was perhaps the strangest we've ever had, with three different stages. In the first James Narya and Ashton Mercer signed up to run but Ashton withdrew before voting could commence. James therefore went into the vote unopposed, but he himself withdrew before any votes could be cast.

    Ashton alone re-entered the race when the sign ups were opened again, only to lose the vote to the "re-open applications" option because he hadn't posted a manifesto.

    In the third round of sign ups both James and Ashton decided to run again, and this time both thankfully posted manifestos and saw the election through to its conclusion. Ashton Mercer won the election with 62.5% of the vote and was elected Steward of Ainur.

    Military Matters

    Our military has also been through radical changes in the past few weeks. James Narya (aka 94 Block) was removed as Lord Commander of the Knights for insubordination towards His Majesty, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Knights and holds the highest military rank of Marshal of Ainur. After throwing some very choice language at His Majesty (language which our more delicate readers will be glad we're not quoting here!) it was felt that James' position was untenable.

    Thankfully, former Lord Commander Emrys Mercer was available to step in. He kindly agreed to take over the training of new Knights, which is a priority for the upcoming term. He has therefore been appointed to the rank of Lieutenant-Commander with special responsibility for training.

    We wish Emrys the best of luck in his new position!

    We hope you have enjoyed our little update. We wish you all well! Until next time, folks!
    Thorweald Dawkins
    • Posts: 35
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! I'm glad that things are starting to come back together in Ainur...may it continue to be active and successful. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Citizen
  • The Potato Pope
  • Tenth Foreign Update of The Kingdom of Ainur
    23 December, 2015
    The Steward Klaus Mikaelson
    Deputy Steward Emrys Mercer

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Justinian Ezkantion
    Minister of Internal Affairs Ashton Mercer
    HM The King Augustus
    HRH The Prince Consort Aubrey
    HRH The Crown Prince Crushita Telcontar

    The Lord President of the Assembly TBA

    In an announcement by His Majesty King Augustus, 94 Block was banned following numerous warnings for his rude and dismissive behavior towards the residents of the region. Despite all that Ainur had done for him, 94 Block began to insult nearly every one of its citizens after losing his position as steward in a heated election. As summer brought more activity, plans to rebuild the region after disastrous April turmoil were made, but 94 Block, or James Narya as he was called, insisted on a military buildup as necessary for future activity. When these plans were defeated, his previously mentioned bad behavior resulted in his removal from public offices. After that, even more insulting and bad behavior resulted in his ejection from the region. Now he has been sighted in the notorious raider group DEN. Repairing diplomatic relations after his tumultuous stay has been one of the key issues presented to the new Foreign Ministry.


    Klaus Mikaelson: 5
    Re-Open Applications: 1

    Despite the position of Steward being empty for some time, many felt a new Steward was needed in the considerably downsized government. Thus Klaus Mikaelson, a returning member, was swiftly elected to the position. Although the ministers are now appointed by the crown and already had been by the time Klaus was elected, the Steward was able to instill a discipline and coordination that did not exist before. The mere existence of this update is a testament to that. Since the banning of 94 Block the government has been reorganized with the complete dissolution of the Senate and the appointment of a new Crown Prince to replace the now-inactive Royal Chamberlain, Jack "Thorweald" Dawkins. Crushita Telcontar, the new Crown Prince, merely followed up on his appointment with the simple statement that "the Potato Revolution has begun". The Ainurian Pentagon's top cryptologists have been working 24/7 to figure out exactly what that means.

    After the admittance of one Nargothond into the region, Ainur was plagued by posts relating to a show made for little girls despite the apparent lack of said little girls. Therefore emergency action was taken by the New Orderly Government of Ainurian Activity, or NOGAA, by way of the creation of a containment board so that ponies would never threaten the established hotspots of normal people activity. Hopefully this solution will work and new members are not scared off by mentions of pony hitler in the bar....
    In other News...
      • Bisgea Dawkins and Aceus Hovda-Ezkantion have been appointed Deputy Foreign and Internal Ministers respectively.
      • Emrys has returned after some brief time away, and is now helping out withe the RP scene.
      • In the annual Halloween 'Nationstates Day Z' scenario, Ainur strugled to survive! With Augustus not being up for Halloween, we were decimated by zombies under the control of our own Crown Prince!
      • House Ezkantion has opened up a new bar with a unique seaside theme that will serve all manner of seafood and colorful drinks!
      • In the Media Centre the Comprehensive Post-Apocalyptic History of Britain is on hiatus while Justinian Ezkantion comes up with a new conflict in Scotland to push the story along.
      Ambassadors notes:
      I just realized I never posted this here.

      Despite visiting here like, every day.

      I'm dumb :D
      1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
      « Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 07:09:44 PM by Crushita Telcontar »
      Held Positions
      Skirfa of the 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th and 29th Sessions of the Underhusen
      Former Thane of Information
      His Majesty's Court Pet
      Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Privy Councilor
      Former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Member of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Lord of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Formerly His Royal Highness, the Viscount Telcontar of Whitby
      Former King of Ainur
      Former Minister of Culture of Ainur x2
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ainur x2
      Former Senator of Ainur x2
      Former Deputy Speaker of Ainur
      Other Regions
      Former Prime Minister of the British Isles
      Former Prime Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Culture Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Member of the Parliament of the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Privy Councillor in the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
      • The Potato Pope
      • Posts: 1,860
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        The House of Lancaster-Stuart
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Eww, old news. Bring us new news. :P

      But thanks for the update regardless.

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,502
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        Wintreath Nation
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    • The Potato Pope
    • 1 person likes this post: Barnes
      Held Positions
      Skirfa of the 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th and 29th Sessions of the Underhusen
      Former Thane of Information
      His Majesty's Court Pet
      Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Privy Councilor
      Former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Member of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Lord of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Formerly His Royal Highness, the Viscount Telcontar of Whitby
      Former King of Ainur
      Former Minister of Culture of Ainur x2
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ainur x2
      Former Senator of Ainur x2
      Former Deputy Speaker of Ainur
      Other Regions
      Former Prime Minister of the British Isles
      Former Prime Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Culture Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Member of the Parliament of the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Privy Councillor in the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
      • The Potato Pope
      • Posts: 1,860
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        The House of Lancaster-Stuart
        Wintreath Nation
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Thanks for the invitation! I'm sure some of us will be there. :)

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,502
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        Wintreath Nation
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    • The Potato Pope
    • We, Eldarion II, King of Ainur and Tsar of the Caucasus, do hereby resign and forsake all right and claim to the throne of Ainur, and henceforth shall be referred to as Crushita

      Eldarion R
      Held Positions
      Skirfa of the 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th and 29th Sessions of the Underhusen
      Former Thane of Information
      His Majesty's Court Pet
      Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Privy Councilor
      Former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain
      Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Member of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Great Britain x2
      Former Lord of Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain x4
      Formerly His Royal Highness, the Viscount Telcontar of Whitby
      Former King of Ainur
      Former Minister of Culture of Ainur x2
      Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ainur x2
      Former Senator of Ainur x2
      Former Deputy Speaker of Ainur
      Other Regions
      Former Prime Minister of the British Isles
      Former Prime Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Culture Minister of the New United Kingdom
      Former Member of the Parliament of the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Privy Councillor in the Canadian Kingdom
      Former Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
      • The Potato Pope
      • Posts: 1,860
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        The House of Lancaster-Stuart
        Wintreath Nation
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Sorry Ainur didn't work out for you...but on the other hand, I can call you Crush now. Or CrushCrush. ^-^

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,502
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      Justinian Ezkantion
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    • Y
      Justinian Ezkantion
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    • Should have known you'd play that game, Wintermoot :]
      I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
      • Some Random Guy
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