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10000 Islands "The Islanders Beach Championship"
Posts: 8 Views: 1408

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Wintreath has been given the honour of being invited to participate in The Islanders Beach Championship taking place in 10000 Islands. As I understand it, the championship is a mix of casual RP and chat and will involve nations for all regions participating sending athletes to be judged in certain events. It should be fun! For more information on this fascinating event, I'm including the introduction by Ater Nox below:

    Championship Introduction
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Welcome to The Islanders Beach Championship. This competition will see athletes from around the world travel to the 10000 Islands to compete for glory, fame, and a voucher for a free meal at the Taco Island Tiki Bar.

    All events in this competition will take place on the 10000 Islands beaches to take advantage of our region's natural beauty.

    The Championship will begin on the 7th of November.


    Beach Fashion Show
    The opening event in the Islander’s Beach Championship involves Models from each Nation showing off some Beach Themed Fashion, either in the style of their home Region or Nation, or in a 10000 Islands tropical theme. This competition allows every participating Nation to either proudly display the splendor, creativity, and/or edginess of its homeland’s beach attire, or shamelessly pander for the favor of the local XKI Judges by displaying attractive beachwear befitting of only 10000 Islanders.

    Taco Island Sand Sculpting
    This contest takes us down to the shores of Taco Island, itself. Artists from each Nation must construct a sand sculpture from the beautiful white-sands that adore and define one of the most picturesque and pristine beaches of all 10000 Islands. The sculptures must measure at least 3x3x3 feet, and survive the island’s battering winds and surf for no less than 1 hour after the judging starts. Sculptures depicting Cats, Pandas, or Penguins are strictly forbidden.

    ”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
    The churning and turbulent waters off Wavebreak Beach will be the venue for our Surfing competition. Each Nation’s surfer will make 3 runs, attempting to be more and more creative from a risk-taking viewpoint with each attempt. We will all hope for a relatively calm day, as the “normal” wind-blown waters off Wavebreak are beyond the capabilities of even the most skilled and experienced Surfer dude or dudette.
    Surfers compete off Wavebreak Beach.

    Silly Hat Limbo Competition
    This contest will bring especially limber Dancers from all Nations together, to see just ”how low can you can go?” All Dancers must also adorn themselves with a silly hat, which they must both wear and retain on their heads after successfully passing underneath the “Dripping Taco” Limbo bar.

    Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
    This may be the most challenging of our events. Sailboat Captains must circumnavigate an orienteering course around Taco Island in the quickest time possible. For no good reason, but interestingly, it will have a “running” start, beginning inside the Taco Tiki Bar. At the starter’s gun, each Captain must dash from their barstools, down the beach to their anchored sailboats, and then navigate their way around or through various obstacles at sea, back to the starting dock, and finally up the beach to their starting barstools in the Taco Tiki Bar.

    "Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
    Here, scuba divers from all participating Nations will maneuver their way through Shipwreck Reef and spear gun various targets for points. Prized targets will range from the highly sought after & scrumptious “Blue Water Bacon Fish”, to the poisonous and highly ‘ouch!’-producing “Schnitzel-Like Smelling Algae Plant”. However…Beware! Thar be monsters, traps, and many sharp pointy things in them thar corals, as well!

    Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
    This is primarily a culinary competition. Chefs from each Nation must search through rock pools, and forage under the rocks, to find mouth-watering ingredients to cook a delicious meal for the Judges. However, the Chefs will also be graded on the quality of a befitting toast they make to the Judges on the subject of how fairly and magnificently the Judges have carried out their difficult tasks during the games.

    "Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast
    The culminating event of the Islander’s Beach Championship is one requiring Mixologists to create a unique cocktail - with an extra kick – again, for the judges’ palates. Each concoction should capture the spirit of these Islander games. They should also strive to provide a memorable beverage with which to remember each participating Nation, until we all meet in friendship once again, in the next inter-regional games.

    If you have participated in one of the previous Cross Regional Games, or are ready to launch your nation's athletes on to the world stage, this is a chance for you to compete in the 10000 Islands. To sign up, post below with your list of athletes.

    Nation Name:
    Beach Fashion Show
    Taco Island Sand Sculpting
    ”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
    Silly Hat Limbo Competition
    Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
    "Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
    Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
    "Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast

    Sign-Up is here:

    In order to better coordinate and focus on our participation in this event, I have appointed Pengu as Coordinator for the Championship. He will post any further information or directions. I hope to see a lot of participants from Wintreath in the games! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • And I'd strongly encourage anyone who is interested to definitely sign up.  While I've never taken part myself, it's fun to watch the games unfold, and the commentary for it at the end ends up usually being pretty hilarious.  All in all, it's a lot of fun to be a part of it, and as far as I know, it's really not that gigantic of an effort to be a part of it.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Sorry for another post, but speaking with Ater, he also mentioned this:

    I think the other regions are closing their sign ups on the 28th of October so you might need to mention that to people so they aren't late.

    So please keep that in mind if you're interested and haven't signed up just yet.
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Salutations once more fellow Wintreathers!  I come once more bearing news from those helping me coordinate events at 10KI

    While it's encouraged that citizens sign up by the 28th, I will have until November 1st to give them the list of those participating here.  But the earlier you can sign up, the better.

    You can choose to sign up in this thread, over in 10KI, or PM me with the appropriate info, and I will make sure that it gets to the team over at 10KI in time.  What they'll need from you is your nation name, and the name of your "atheletes" for the different events:

    Beach Fashion Show
    Taco Island Sand Sculpting
    ”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
    Silly Hat Limbo Competition
    Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
    "Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
    Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
    "Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast

    With the link that Wintermoot provided at the beginning, you can check out the thread and get an idea of what those events are going to be like.

    If you would like to be a part of the games but not necessarily participate, 10KI will have two different threads to keep you entertained.

    The first is the event thread which I mentioned a little earlier.  It's where you'll see both the scores and commentary for the games, which is where two of the members, Ater Nox and Barry, will be posting events from each game (so in other words, especially with Barry, be prepared for a laugh-fest).

    The second is the Observers seats, which is where those who are watching the games can chat and mingle with each other.  So this would be a GREAT way for citizens from each region to talk to each other and get to know each other.  I'd strongly recommend you be a part of this thread if you're not taking part in the games.

    At the moment, the expected regions participating are:
    Renegade Islands Alliance

    and Wintreath.  So it should prove to be a pretty awesome event.


    We also plan on having an opening ceremony on the 10ki RMB 7-8 november, where you're all invited to move a puppet to 10ki and participate in the chatter. If you want to, Wintreath can also send a judge to the games. But that's not required.

    So again, if you'd like to take part in the games, please feel free to post in this thread, head over to the thread that Wintermoot linked to and sign in over there (be sure to mention that you're from Wintreath if you choose to do that), or simply PM me with your nation name and athelete names for the events to take part, and I'll be providing them with the list of everyone participating here on the 29th or 30th.

    And again, those events are:

    Beach Fashion Show
    Taco Island Sand Sculpting
    ”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
    Silly Hat Limbo Competition
    Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
    "Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
    Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
    "Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast

    I hope you guys choose to take part!  It'd be a really awesome way for some multi-region mingling and establishing relations with regions we may not even be allies with yet.
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
    • Posts: 7,196
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Hey everyone, Pengu here.  Just reminding you that today is the deadline.  If you still want to sign up, message in here or PM me or Wintermoot with this info:

    Nation name:

    Athelete names for the following:
    Beach Fashion Show
    Taco Island Sand Sculpting
    ”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
    Silly Hat Limbo Competition
    Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
    "Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
    Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
    "Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast

    After work, I'll be sending the list of participants with this info to the folks running the show over in 10KI.
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
    • Posts: 7,196
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Myself, VarunHebli, and Nox have already joined up through XKI's forum. I imagine you will also be joining? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Myself, VarunHebli, and Nox have already joined up through XKI's forum. I imagine you will also be joining? :P
    I'm banned from XKI because Grub so I'm not sure if I can take part?  Can someone inquire into this please?

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  • Sad I missed this! Do Wintreath proud guys :)
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