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Werewolf #1: Metro City Massacre
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  • Guys, I'll own up... My source fucked up bad, and they're being dealt with accordingly.

    RIP Applebania, #NeverForget
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  • Only five had remained from the night watch, and two of them were the killers in disguise.  The odds seemed against the villagers at that point, and it seemed as if the Wolfman would finish the village off for good.

    The rain from the previous night was gone, replaced by an eerie fog that trailed through the village as thick as smoke.  If they hadn't known better, the villagers could have sworn that it WAS smoke at that point.

    Reluctantly, the villagers buddied up and took different directions, scanning for anything out of place.  Seerman went off on their own, trailing behind one of the villagers.  They looked up at the sky and asked about them, but the stars were silent that night.

    Seerman was dumbfounded on what that meant, as they stood there staring at the sky, demanding answers.  The two villagers went on their way through another part of the village.

    They came across one of the villagers whom had gotten separated from their buddy as the two grinned and used the cover of the dark fog to touch the brands on their hands.

    The villager known as Hugsim called out for his buddy, as he was met with a response from far away.  He had started to head that direction until he stopped dead in his tracks, frozen to his spot after hearing a low growl near him.  Hesitantly he turned around as a pair of large golden eyes shined through the fog.  Hugsim let out one last scream as the Wolfman closed in and tore him to shreds.

    It was over...the Wolfman had succeeded in downsizing the villagers, and going after the others was easy at that point.  First was the Seerman, Amalya, grabbed in midrun and tossed into Wolfman's enormous mouth and chewed to bits.  Then came the last villager, Ulkhak, who had stumbled onto the pavement as he navigated his way through, and slipped into a building as the Wolfman approached.

    He had thought himself safe and kept himself from making noise as he started to sweat.  He sat there, terrified, waiting for the horror of the night to end.

    But to his dismay, a drop of sweat had formed and touched the ground, unknowningly to Ulkhak.  In the next second, Wolfman crashed through the building right next to the poor villager, and gobbled him up.

    Hugsim, a villager, has been slain by the Wolfman.

    The wolves have equaled the remaining players, and thus they steal the win!  Congratulations to Sapphiron and Point Breeze, our Wolfman, for a fine performance, and a kudos to the villagers for playing a good albeit tough game. 

    You're welcome to talk about what you thought about the game in here.  How did you feel about Werewolf?  Would you want to play more of it in the future?  What are some things that could be improved?  What were some high points?
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    Colberius X
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  • Thus was my first time playing Werewolf and I quite enjoyed it! I would love to play more of it in the future, but I feel that it could be improved through more activity, more people talking in the thread. And perhaps more players in general.

    (A Note to Vinaza: As soon as I posted my question towards you, I wished I hadn't. Examining what you said more closely, I just KNEW that you were the Knightman, and I am sorry for leading to your demise.)

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • Sapphiron licks his paws and purrs

    Night 1 - Wintermoot (Success)
    Night 2 - Colberius X (Failure)
    Night 3 - Colberius X (Success)
    Night 4 - Vinaza (Success)
    Night 5 - Hugsim (Success)

    When Vinaza claimed that there was an "almost-murder" on Night 2, it sort of hinted her role and I was afraid that Vinaza might have discovered the murder patterns. Thankfully, her suggestion was shot down in flames unknowingly. However, since a Knightman cannot protect the same person for consecutive nights, Night 3's kill was secured. Meanwhile, the No Lynch Policy during the day was particularly helpful for us.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • What was up with the no lynch thing day after day? It makes since the first day, but afterwards...well, pacifism doesn't really work well in this game. It was painful watching the game thread at times, I must say. :P

    I also agree with Colberius, but all things given I thought this first game was a success! I'd love to see another one take root...perhaps one that we can better promote as a region.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • I tried my hardest to stir the pot, and tie the knots.

    Overall, great first game for Wintreath.
    • Countess of Bain
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  • I got Vinaza killed for protecting ME??!

    * Colberius X hides his face in shame.

    First Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria - Founded 5.06.2015
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  • The Formerly Right Honourable
  • GG everyone! In hindsight, we should've lynched more people earlier like everyone else said.
    We had fun though.
    Skrifa of the 8th Underhusen
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  • See, I had my thoughts about Sapphiron from the get-go, which was why I never opted to protect them. But I wasn't certain as to whether they were the Seerman or one of the Wolfmen, so I didn't draw attention to them, opting to do so to myself, simply because the game was going too slowly, thinking I could just protect myself if it went tits-up.

    And then everyone was like "but no Vinaza ur duh wolf" and I'm "wat".

    All ready to go ham, but murdered, so then I went sausage or something.

    gg would re
    « Last Edit: November 17, 2014, 01:37:18 PM by Vinaza »
    Vinaza/Papa Jet | Sampetrius | They pronouns | #witchsquad
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Keeping a low profile is really fun. Anyway, Vinaza, did you notice the pattern of our night kills?
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • As soon as 'Moot died, I was like "well dang, who'd even take out boss man first?" and was working from that. I was trying to find someone that had been on the site/with the region for a decently long time (or someone comfortable enough to be ballsy enough with that decision), which led me to you, PB, and Amalya.

    But then Amalya started getting vocal, which, I admit, was a very long red herring. My last decision was to protect her as opposed to myself (breaking in the long line of someone else, me, someone else, me, etc.) because I was both certain of her status as the Seerman and that y'all would shove her out of the way before me, because you were doing the same with Colberius, I thought.

    But boop-doop, I was the target after Colberius. So, no, I didn't notice the pattern, but I *knew* the identities. I just wasn't aware we could PM people outside of the game with side info (jotting that down for next time, hohoho~) and couldn't manage to mount a witch hunt in a logical manner.

    But, in hindsight, just posting "lynch Sapphiron" would've been the best way to go about it.

    1 person likes this post: Sapphiron
    Vinaza/Papa Jet | Sampetrius | They pronouns | #witchsquad
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  • Sapphiron licks his paws and purrs

    Night 1 - Wintermoot (Success)
    Night 2 - Colberius X (Failure)
    Night 3 - Colberius X (Success)
    Night 4 - Vinaza (Success)
    Night 5 - Hugsim (Success)

    When Vinaza claimed that there was an "almost-murder" on Night 2, it sort of hinted her role and I was afraid that Vinaza might have discovered the murder patterns. Thankfully, her suggestion was shot down in flames unknowingly. However, since a Knightman cannot protect the same person for consecutive nights, Night 3's kill was secured. Meanwhile, the No Lynch Policy during the day was particularly helpful for us.

    Actually, it's becoming popular in 10KI's games to institute a "No No lynch vote after Day 1" rule.  But since this is Wintreath's first game, I wanted to ease everyone into the gameplay a bit before introducing any of the later changes.
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