For my country, Sweden the issue is the very complicated parliamentary situation that we're in.
We have the following 8 parties in our parliament. The letters in parenhesis are the acronyms for the parties, and I'll be using them for my text.
- Vänsterpartiet (V), The Left Party
- Miljöpartiet (MP), The Green Party
- Socialdemokraterna (S), The Social Democrats
- Moderaterna (M), The Moderate Party
- Folkpartiet (FP), Liberal People's Party
- Centerpartiet (C), Centre Party
- Kristdemokraterna (KD), Christian Democrats
- Sverigedemokraterna (SD), Sweden Democrats
The parties are commonly grouped in the following ways:
- The Red-Greens, S, MP, V
- The Alliance, FP, C, KD, M
- The Sweden Democrats, SD
The issue here is that neither bloc got a majority, and that neither bloc wants to co-operate with SD becasue of their extremist politics.
S got the most votes this year, and got to form the government. The thing is that the leader of S chose to form it with MP, and to leave V outside it to try and co-operate with the more left-leaning parties of the Alliance. This gives the government a meagre 138 out of 349 spots in the parliament.
Sometime this week, the parliament will vote about if they approve of the new government. The government has to not get a majority AGAINST them, without needing a single vote for them. If the Alliance and the Sweden Democrats vote against the new government, the whole process will have to be redone from the beginning. If this happens three times, the election will be redone from the beginning.
V has said that they will abstain from voting, so as to not hinder the new government from ruling Sweden in an effective way. This is however still not enough to secure that a vote of confidence passes without issues.