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Ask Me Anything: the Michi Mix
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  • Out of all your flags, what’s your favorite?
    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • favorite fallout new vegas faction (NCR, Legion, or Mr House) excluding independent?
    I'll let you know when I actually sit down to play NV, since I haven't done so yet.  :))

    Out of all your flags, what’s your favorite?
    Oh lord, that's always a toughy.  Currently, I'd have to say the one I made for my puppet nation Gay Metropolis is currently my favorite, though overall I still have a fondness for the original-ish Penguin Dictators flag (the one with the red/white/blue stripes and central emblem) since it actually won me a contest against contenders from various known regions, so it just made me super proud and more confident in my flag making to even want to continue making them.
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  • If you were confined to one video game universe for eternity where would you want to be?
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  • If you had a Freaky Friday situation with a current celebrity, which would you rather be switched with?
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
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  • If you were confined to one video game universe for eternity where would you want to be?
    Hmm, if I had to be confined to a video game universe, I'd want one with a loophole of having an actual universe that I was able to explore.

    The ones that come to mind are:

    1) The Outer Worlds, although the idea of traveling planet to planet in a universe owned entirely by corporations where that whole "employees are just statistical numbers on a chart" ideal is literally universe wide would not be a great thing in the long run.

    2) Mass Effect, probably one of the more ideal ones despite some of the universal threats that appear...but in all honesty there's some pretty awesome places to explore and it's less of #1's problem, so I'd be more comfortable with it.

    3) No Man's Sky with it's unimaginable amount of planets to explore and apparently tech to where you can explore all of them and even hit the center (with effort) with no issues and supposedly I'm assuming no worry of time slowing you down/aging you in the process.  The downside with this is the atmosphere and dangers of some of the planets (though this is a worry with the other two as well depending on the place traveled to), but being a real planetary traveler could be really exciting, especially with some of the tools at my disposal...though I'd probably be terrible at the survival part with some of those aforementioned dangers on the more hostile planets.

    4) Ratchet and Clank, if we're going by the series as a whole rather than a singular game, also has set itself to be a pretty vast universe(s) of planets, not to mention Rift Apart introducing, well, another dimension as well.  The pluses with this one is that the planets are incredibly interesting on their own, and would be in the standpoint of being able to explore/visit them.  There's a wealth of weapons/gadgets to buy for protection as well as some great spaceships for traveling, so overall one could live out their dream of being a space adventurer...fighting bad guys while roaming planet to planet, that kind of thing.  The downside is that the people on these planets tend to border either incredibly stupid, or incredibly greedy.  The person who is highly revered (Captain Quark) is probably easily the dumbest person to exist, yet he's looked up to as an amazing Superhero despite him repeatedly proven to publicly to be otherwise. Also the amount of monsters, terrible villains with their evil plots, and malfunctioning or overly secure robots/mechanized security devices would also be a daily annoyance.

    5) Kingdom Hearts, again if we're going by the series as a whole rather than a singular game, has also set itself up to be a vast universe of worlds both from past Disney properties as well as original.  I mean, including the "side" games you've got: Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland), Thebes + The Underworld + Mount Olympus (Hercules), Deep Jungle (Tarzan), Prankster's Paradise + Monstro (Pinocchio), Atlantica (Little Mermaid), Halloween Town + Christmas Town (Nightmare Before Christmas), Neverland + London (Peter Pan), Radiant Garden, Traverse Town, Disney Town, Twilight Town, Space Paranoids/The Grid (Tron + Tron Legacy) via inside a computer, The Caribbean (Pirates of the Caribbean), The Land of Dragons (Mulan), Beast's Castle (Beauty and the Beast), 100 Acre Wood (Winnie the Pooh) via a special book, Agrabah in its entirety plus the Cave of Wonders and other area outside from KH2 (Aladdin), Pride Lands (Lion King), Timeless River (via a special door inside Disney Castle), The World that Never Was, Mysterious Tower + Books to special worlds (Sorcerer's Apprentice), Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion, Enchanted Domain (Sleeping Beauty), Castle of Dreams (Cinderella), Dwarf Woodlands (Snow White), Deep Space (Lilo and Stitch), The Keyblade Graveyard (which I'd avoid...probably), Destiny Islands, La Cité des Cloches (Hunchback of Notre Dame), Country of the Musketeers, Kingdom of Corona (Tangled), Arendelle (Frozen), San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6), Toybox (Toy Story), Monstropolis.

    Overall, there's a lot of worlds and a lot of variety, and this isn't even including if the normally unreachable worlds from before the Keyblade War are included, and if they are then that'd add Scala Ad Caldeum, Daybreak Town and Game Central Station + Niceland + Candy Kingdom + Cy-Bug Sector (Wreck it Ralph) to the list as well.

    The downside to this would be the literal threats of darkness in the forms of Heartless/Nobodies/Unversed and villainous plots that involve Kingdom Hearts, as well as the different laws of the different worlds, such as some requiring you change your form entirely should you visit them as well as the overall law that you're not allowed to share that you're from another world.  Overall though, out of all of the previous ones on this list, this would probably be the one I'd end up going for.

    Non actual universe wise, I'd probably go for either: The world of Ni No Kuni/Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom and be an overall adventurer/explorer, the world of Arcadia from Skies of Arcadia and live out being an Air Pirate, or the world of Psychonauts as...well, a psychonaut!

    If you had a Freaky Friday situation with a current celebrity, which would you rather be switched with?

    Oh lord, this is a tough question.  I'd honestly want to choose someone that isn't super well known/in the press often, mainly because I wouldn't want even more press on them since they'd be acting differently if I switched with them.  If I had to pick someone, I'd probably pick Chris Salvatore.  He's not super well known (but he is super cute), and unlike some other folks it wouldn't be a super abrupt change to where it'd set any alarm bells off for anyone if it happened.  He's a super chill and down to earth guy (supposedly), he's openly gay, and overall I'd feel more comfortable that I wouldn't accidentally ruin his life if that situation happened and we eventually changed back compared to some of the bigger name celebrities (especially the straight ones in relationships).

    So yeah, I'd pretty comfortably say if a Freaky Friday situation happened with a current celebrity, I'd say Chris Salvatore.
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  • Favorite carnivorous plant? 

    Top 3 favorite music artists? 

    If you could shapeshift into any animal you wanted, which 3 would be at the bottom of your list? 

    Favorite color?

    Do you believe in luck? 

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  • Favorite carnivorous plant?

    The one from Little Shop of Horrors.  "FEEEED ME SEYMORE!"

    Top 3 favorite music artists?

    Always a tough one, but I'd say: Nobuo Uematsu (guy behind the Final Fantasy soundtracks as well as Lost Odyssey, a criminally underrated RPG locked on the Xbox 360), Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody to this day is still a masterpiece, as is much of their other work), and easily Weird Al (aka the guy who you know you've made it big in music when he asks your permission to parody a song of yours).

    If you could shapeshift into any animal you wanted, which 3 would be at the bottom of your list?

    Bottom as in "I can shapeshift into anything, but these are the 3 I'd more than likely never shapeshift into that often?"  If so, my bottom 3 would be: A fly, earthworm, and deer.  The first because it has a super short life span and is always swatted and killed when seen by someone, the second because I don't even want to try to understand how earthworms work which includes not being one myself to deal with that mess, the third because as beautiful as deer are...they're also the number one thing hunters look for, and I'd rather not become someone's trophy/dinner.

    Favorite color?
    Blue, Purple, and green are my favorite colors.  Any shade of blue, mid to darker shades of purple, and likewise mid to darker shades of green.

    Do you believe in luck?
    Yes and no.  I like the idea of luck, but I tend to believe more in the results we get based on actions we take, and it being a perpetual cycle.  When we find money on the ground, the first reaction may be "It's my lucky day!" But it could also be a test of what you're going to do with said money that you found, which will in itself result in either something good or bad happening you to you (whether it be subtle or blatant) as a result of what you did. 

    For a recent example, I poked into my bank account recently to see a random credit for Doordash in my account.  Normally, the reaction for this would be "Wow cool, free money!" and it'd probably get spent right away, only for you to then look into your account afterward to see that Doordash realized their mistake, reversed the payment, and now you're in the hole for that money that you spent.  That could be argued to just be "bad luck," but the way I see it is that it's more just a negative consequence for taking the wrong action, even if you personally didn't see it as such. 

    In my case, I ended up calling Doordash the instant I saw it in my account, had a long talk with the person on the phone as we tried to figure it out, called my bank at their request to inquire further when we couldn't figure it out, and called Doordash back to let them know what I'd found out.  The result was that the money did end up being mine because Doordash had accidentally overcharged me fees from my time in Hawaii despite them partnering up with Chase Freedom (the credit card which I used with Doordash), and so the credit was a reimbursement from my bank through that partnership of those overcharges added up.  That in itself could be argued to be "good luck" since I was suddenly up just under 75 bucks out of nowhere, but the way I see it was that it was more of the positive consequence for being careful instead of spending it right away.

    On the flipside of that though, I also believe it's a continuous cycle.  Yes, you got free money and you decide to spend it instantly...but then something pops up, and conveniently that money you spent would have went towards it easily, so even in that sense a future bad reaction can appear from a seemingly good one at the time...or the reverse can happen.  Either way, it's a continuing cycle of good things either promoting future good outcomes or bad depending on how they're approached, and bad things doing the same either way also depending on how they're approached.

    So I do and don't believe it.  I do believe that good and bad things can happen to a person, but I tend to believe more that they're the result of actions that we take, rather than just random out of nowhere things of goodness/badness.
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    « Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 04:35:23 AM by Michi »
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