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    Wintreath Family System Design Document


    Before building a formal family system, character pages will needed to be added to member profiles...these pages will list the roleplay name of the character, their character background, and after creation of the family system will display their parents, siblings, and children. In the future, it will also display a selected title out of a list of titles based on the character's positions, roles, and any honorific titles granted by the Storting.


    In keeping with the importance of family and familial Houses in a Monarchy, Citizens of Wintreath will have the ability to create and join families, which will be of various importance and prominence. Depending on the circumstances that they choose, members may actually be part of two families: their birth family and the family which they are married into. The birth family will be the family that adopted the person (or the family they founded), while the marriage family will be the family that they married into.

    Creation and Growth of Families

    Any Citizen will be able to create a family. When creating a family, they will be able to choose their family name and the background of the family, if they wish. Once created, the system will determine whether the founder is a patriarch or a matriarch depending on the sex of the character. Afterwards, the founder will have the ability to adopt or marry others into the family.

    Once a family has at least three members who are Citizens, they will be 'recognized', and be entitled to a public page to display their membership and background in. Recognized families will also be able to become noble families and to be part of family events, if any are created in the future.

    Founder Settings

    Family Name: Only settable when creating a family, this will be the name of the house.

    Family Background: The background of the family, mostly for role-play purposes.

    New Member Approval: If set to "yes", any adoptions and marriages into the family will require the approval of the founder in addition to the confirmation of the other member. Otherwise, new members will join the family as soon as they confirm their marriage or adoption.

    Force Surname: If set to "yes" this will force all members marrying into the family to use the family name as their surname. Otherwise, they will have the choice of using their birth family name (if they have one), their married family name, or both names hyphenated.

    Family Actions

    Additionally, all members of the family will be able to take the following actions by going to the profile of the character they want to apply the action to and selecting the appropriate option:

    Marry: Members will be able to invite others to marry into the family. By default, the person marrying into the family will take on the surname of the family, but unless 'force surname' is set to "yes" they will be able to select from options if they also have a birth family.

    Divorce: By the same token, members will be able to divorce from their partner, at which point their surname will revert to their birth family name, if they have one.

    Adopt: Adopt a member as a son or daughter. In order to be adopted, a character must have no parents and have been a Citizen for at least one month...if the person who initiated the offer to adopt is married, their partner will need to confirm that they also want to adopt before the person being adopted can confirm. Note that if the person is married, their partner will automatically join the family, and if the character is the founder of an existing family, any of their descendants will join the family as well, allowing for families to merge in a way.

    Disown: Disown a son or a daughter, forcing them to leave the family. Care should be taken when disowning, as the partner and all descendants of the character will also be expelled from the family. Those expelled from the family will be spun-off into a new family, which the character that has been disowned will have the opportunity to name.

    Ward: Adopt a ward as explained below, proclaiming that you will be responsible for their education and integration into regional affairs and culture.


    As noted above, a person must have been a Citizen of the region for a period of one month to be adopted into a family. However, a member of the family can take on a new Citizen as a ward, essentially taking them under their wing and becoming a mentor during their formulative first month. After the month is over, the character's stewardship of the ward will be over, but if desired they will be able to set it up so they are automatically adopted at the end of the period.
    « Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 03:16:31 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • We don't have enough family wise in here for that though.  Once family stuff increases, then I can see a use for this

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    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • I don't think family stuff is going to increase until people can do more things with it...there's no incentive for people to get more involved with families.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • This ^
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  • I should start a family. The long lost line of McDonalds. Descendants of David Tennant (McDonald)

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    David John McDonald

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  • People should join my family of Assassins.  you get free stuff :P

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    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Obviously being one of the few active members in the only noble family in the region, I am clearly in favour of more information and greater roles for families.

    What would stats about families look like that you speak of WM?
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  • I think what's likely to happen is that a new page for families is released, a more reliable method of inviting people to join families is made, and then registered families are required to have so many Citizens (probably 3), both to discourage one-member houses and to make it easier for Weissreich to integrate families into the regional lore when he's back and has time to.

    As for your question...well, anything really. Let's assume you're making a page for your family, and you can include anything in it you like. What would you like to see?
    « Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 03:01:16 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • People should join my family of Assassins.  you get free stuff :P

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    How much free stuff are we talking about here?
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • Assuming I am making a page for my House, I would include the following:
    -Seat of Power
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Those are some good ideas...thanks Sapphiron! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Assuming I am making a page for my House, I would include the following:
    -Seat of Power
    What about same-sex heads of household?
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • What about same-sex heads of household?
    Perhaps the partner of the Patriarch/Matriarch of the House could be called a Consort?
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • * Jone nods

    That is probably the thing to be done in that situation. Patriarch/Matriarch Consort.
    Check out my Interview!
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  • People should join my family of Assassins.  you get free stuff :P

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    How much free stuff are we talking about here?
    Oh assassin training, bodyguards, an assault helicopter squadron, access to an airfield, and possibly a seaport with access to a stealth frigate......

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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