Post #21445
September 14, 2014, 05:23:07 PM
I'm curious, is there anyone here that's looked at or researched the practice of cryonics? For those that don't know, cryonics is the practice of freezing either the brain, head, or body after 'death' with the expectation of future technology being able to fix and revive the person.
I personally find it very interesting, along with my own interest in futurology in general, and I consider myself a cryonicist in that I agree with the assumptions made in the field and believe in its ultimate success. I've even considered undergoing it myself, depending on events in the future. I think it's fascinating reading about how the science, technology, and practice have improved over the decades. The first preservation took place back in 1967 under crude conditions and that person is unlikely to ever be revived with his personality and memory intact. Since then, advances have been made to the point that it's possible to completely freeze a brain with no ice formation damaging the cells so that people preserved after the late 90s are very likely to be revived fully so long as their bodies hadn't been left to decay or otherwise be damaged before the procedure.
What are your thoughts on this? Have you given much consideration to this area?