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The North Pacific
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  • Consulate of The North Pacific
    « Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 11:51:32 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Village Drifter
  • October-November 2013

    The Government of The North Pacific
    Delegate: McMasterdonia
    Vice Delegate: Sanctaria

    Minister for Foreign Affairs: Sanctaria
    Minister for Communications: Iro
    Minister for Defence: Ash
    Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lennart
    Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Reginald Carmichael

    Acting Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn

    Security Council:
    Chairman: Sanctaria
    Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, Blue Wolf II, McMasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys

    The Court
    Attorney General: PunkD
    Chief Justice: r3naissanc3r Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Mall


    Judicial Cycle Elections

    As November begins, so does yet another election cycle for TNP. One day we shall go an entire month without some sort of an election. But it is not this day. Anyway, this month it's the Judicial Election Cycle which sees TNP elect three Justices and an Attorney General (despite the AG no longer being in the judicial branch but SHUSH).

    The 7 Justice candidates

    Among the candidates include current Justice, Romanoffia, Speaker of the Regional Assembly (before he resigned anyway (read below for that!) Crushing our Enemies, and longstanding Court critic and TNP patriot flemingovia. Over in the Attorney General election, former Vice Delegate Kiwi is up against Leekem. They held a debate with many commentators saying Leekam had put up a good fight against favourite Kiwi and that the latter's victory may not be assured.

    Voting is currently ongoing in both elections but is scheduled to end soon. Who will occupy the bench? Will the new Attorney General actually do his job? When will I stop asking questions? Find out next month, same TNP time, same TNP channel.
    Written by Sanctaria

    Speaker Resignation & Special Election
    It was during his campaign for Justice that Speaker of Regional Assembly, Crushing Our Enemies, dropped a bombshell on TNP - he was resigning. Having held the position for 11 months, COE felt that regardless of the outcome in the election for Justice he was currently battling, his time in the Speaker position had come to an end.

    Before he resigned he directed that Zyvetskistaahn should becoming Acting Speaker in the event of any vacancy in the office. A vacancy which happened about five minutes later.

    The Speaker's Chair & Gavel - Unoccupied

    So COE resigned and TNP had to have a special election for the position. Quelle surprise. With nominations still open, at time of writing there are three contenders: Acting Speaker Zyvetskistaahn, TNP newcomer bootahilley01, and resident TNP oldie Democratic Donkeys. It'll be an interesting race for sure - stay tuned!

    Written by Sanctaria


    Zombie day was a lot of fun for the North Pacific. It saw a massive increase in regional message board activity and brought hundreds of nations out of the woodwork to participate in the day. The RMB was the centre of the fight back against the Zombies with individual nations taking the lead and establishing a triage system as a way of dealing with the most infected nations.

    Then Speaker Crushing Our Enemies and Military Generals in a sign of solidarity begin to advocate for the pro-life movement and to stop the killing. COE commented "Every life is sacred, we have a duty to protect even the smallest of lifeforms".

    This strong move against killing the Zombies saw a significant increase in the number of survivors in comparison to those killed and infected. The North Pacific did far better in comparison to the past Zombie apocalypse and we are certain that we will do even better next year.

    A timeline of events related to Zombie day can be viewed here

    Written by McMasterdonia

    NPA News

    Delegate McMasterdonia receives yet another star on his uniform.

    "These promotions are well-deserved and long overdue," stated Minister of Defence Ash, after shining the four stars on his uniform. Speaking at The North Pacific's military headquarters, General Ash announced the most recent promotions in The North Pacific Army: current TNP Delegate and former Minister of Defence McMasterdonia was promoted to General of The North Pacific Army, former Minister of Defence and former TNP Vice Delegate Kiwi was promoted to Brigadier General, former Deputy Minister of Defence and current Chief of Staff Borndisaster was promoted to Colonel, long-serving NPA soldier Isimud was promoted to Lieutenant, former TNP Chief Justice Abbey Anumia was promoted to Colour Sergeant, and reliable updater Aikku was promoted to Sergeant.

    NPA soldiers deploy in a seaborne invasion of Warzone Australia.

    In other news, The North Pacific Army seized Warzone Australia and held it with assistance from the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army. "This was only a training exercise, but it was our first foray into a Warzone in quite awhile," said Minister of Defence Ash. Asked whether he considered the mission a success, General Ash responded, "Of course it was! Our new recruits received valuable experience in this exercise, and the NPA had a chance to work in concert with our allies from The East Pacific. We look forward to future exercises with the EPSA."

    Written by Ash

    TNP Roleplay, Culture and the Oscars

    Under the leadership of Minister for Culture and Entertainment Lennart, the North Pacific has seen a revitalization of it's roleplay within recent weeks. Lennart has taken over the maintenance of the map and has added new nations that had been waiting for some time. Notably, International Media from various nations in the North Pacific has begun flooding in and a new treaty "The treaty of Pigletville" is already on the brink of collapse after the founding signatory Guslantis declared war on the highly respected and influential nation of Zemnaya Svoboda prompting an international backlash.

    The TNP-Europeia Culture Fest underway

    TNP also held a cultural event with Europeia which was a moderate success, despite falling right in the middle of Europeian Presidential elections. The second half of the cultural festival will be hosted by Europeia at some point in the next few weeks.

    The North Pacific Oscars have continued to be handed out over the past few weeks. McMasterdonia was awarded Most Popular TNPer, Durkadurkiranistan won the Oscar for most likely to coup, and the region is still in the process of determining who will be awarded "funniest poster" but it looks like the award will go to Flemingovia in a landslide victory.

    Written by McMasterdonia

    Lennart Continues Couping Spree

    Culture Minister Lennart of Avalon continued to threaten the region Tuesday when he amassed more endorsements than the Vice Delegate himself. Security Council officials were stunned when a tipster secretly sent in a warning by posting publicly in the Security Council forums. The Wire has learned that the tipster was Lennart himself.

    "Rubbing it in our faces that he's this close to couping the region? Now, that's just not nice," said a senile SC clerk. "It would be more courteous of that young man to quietly overtake all of our Security Council officials, never telling a soul until it was too late and he'd beaten the Delegate."

    Officials were further worried when McMasterdonia made a public statement that he could not prevent the oncoming disaster, saying that he had "ejected and banned" the offender from the North Pacific. "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" screamed paranoid onlookers. "McM CAN'T DO A THING! WE'RE DOOMED! LENNART IS COMING! PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES!"

    More disturbing was the fact that psychologists agreed that Lennart had a bloodthirsty profile and was ready to do gruesome things to get the title. He had no sense of shame, not one ounce of dignity, and he even went so far to say that "I'm not comfortable with [the] red colour I got on the [SC] list." Look out, TNP!

    Written by Iro for the TNP Wire

    Regional Assembly Weekly Digest
    (2013-10-12 - 2013-11-10)

    Acting Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
    Deputy Speaker: SillyString

    Old Business: Please find below a list of proposals that have passed and failed this week.

    1.Motion to uphold the rejection of Trieze_Dreizehn: Passed
    2.Motion to grant Eluvatar exception to the RA Membership requirement of the Security Council: Failed
    3.Officials Amendment Bill: Passed
    4.Oaths Amendment Bill: Passed

    New Business: Below can be found a list of proposals currently before the assembly.

    1. Admission of Lennart to the Security Council: At Vote
    2. Security Council Amendment Bill: Under Discussion
    3. Europeia Treaty Implementation Bill: Under Discussion

    Other Business: See below for other matters that may concern you as a member of the RA.

    1. We extend a warm welcome to our newest Assembly members: Aphitc, schweizweld, Maxdresser, murdock213, Johz, Kistonelle, Eluvatar, T.HE.S.MA, Nino Syahputra, Jack Holland and newmist.

    2. We bid a fond farewell to those who have left us: Venico, Daniel S, RepublicofTrebinje, Mysteron, Wilkshire, chmguy88, Zolonya, Solm, America2025, Scandovia, Quadrimmina, Voronia and Shadowminister. We’re sorry to see them go.

    3. Following the resignation of Crushing Our Enemies, a special election for the office of Speaker has begun. Fear not, however! The Speaker’s Office shall be maintained by his deputies until a new Speaker is in place.

    4. The nominations for the Judicial election, which includes the Attorney General and three Justice positions, have closed. Voting will begin shortly before the scheduled debate between Leekem and Kiwi, the candidates for Attorney General, which will be held this evening. Remember: vote early, vote often, and vote for a tie.

    Zyvetskistaahn Presents: Long Names
    My name is fourteen letters long, but it's not the longest name ever. Allthegoodnamesareused is longer.

    SillyString's Silly Advice
    The best way to welcome a new Speaker is to play lots of pranks - glittertacks on their chair, whipped cream in their shoes, and especially buckets of blue paint poised precariously over the door to their office. Without such expressions of love, a Speaker is likely to feel underappreciated.

    General COE's Final Cautionary Words
    Treat the next Speaker nicely - not everyone is as patient with your shenanigans as I am.

    Written by Zyvetskistaahn

    [big]Thanks for reading our update![/big]
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  • Thanks for the update! It made me smile.  ;D
    Paragon of the Realm
    Skrifa of the 40th Underhusen
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! Sounds like a lot is going in in TNP, as usual :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    Saeturn Valerius
  • Former Citizen
  • Out of curiosity, which region are those dancers from?
    Saeturn Valerius
  • Former Citizen
  • Out of curiosity, which region are those dancers from?
    Belgium *nods*
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  • Village Drifter
  • Out of curiosity, which region are those dancers from?
    Belgium *nods*

    * Campinia slaps Horse with a waffle.
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  • Village Drifter
  • January 2014

    [big]The Government of The North Pacific[/big]
    Delegate: McMasterdonia
    Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys

    Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissanc3r
    Minister for Communications: Iro
    Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II
    Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
    Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea

    Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
    Deputy Speakers: Bootsie, Lord Nwahs

    Security Council:
    Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
    Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, McMasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart

    The Court
    Attorney General: Kiwi
    Chief Justice: Crushing Our Enemies Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Flemingovia


    [big]Changes to the Cabinet[/big]
    Minister of Defence

    Today, I announce that Blue Wolf II will serve as the new Minister of Defence for the North Pacific starting immediately in the role. This is following a discussion by NPA High Command and between myself and Blue Wolf II.

    Blue Wolf II was the Delegate responsible for the reformation of the North Pacific Army and appointed me to serve as the first Minister of Defence of the new army in 2012. As Blue Wolf II has left the Security Council and now has a mobile WA nation, this combined with his well known military experience has placed him in the perfect position to lead the North Pacific Army in the months ahead.

    Together we will be working on establishing clear goals for the North Pacific Army and BWII will be responsible for involving members of High Command and lower ranking officers in working to achieve these goals. The NPA is a regional military and must be well versed in all aspects of military gameplay, with our primary responsibility being to serving the regions interests and protecting and supporting our allies.

    I wish him the best of luck and I hope to see the military return to high levels of activity.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Firstly, I would like to thank Democratic Donkey's for his service in the position over the last month and a half or so.

    For the new term ahead I have decided to appoint r3naissanc3r as Minister of Foreign Affairs. R3n has been an active participant in this region for quite a long time now and has previously served as Chief Justice. He is also one of the biggest contributors to law reform in the Regional Assembly.

    The focus of the Ministry will be regular foreign updates (obviously), a review of inactive embassies and pursuing closer relations with our fellow GCR's.

    The rest of the cabinet will be:

    Minister of Communications: Iro
    Minister of WA Affairs: Abacathea
    Minister of Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw

    For various reasons, but mostly due to the lack of a goal for the Ministry, I have decided to disband the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I would like to thank Reginald Carmichael for his service in the cabinet.
    Written by McMasterdonia

    [big]Judical Election Results[/big]

    The North Pacific has concluded elections for our new Justices and our new Attorney General. Congratulations to Chief Justice Crushing Our Enemies, perennial candidate and returning Justice Romanoffia, and finally, somewhat of a shock to us all, our new Justice, but ever enduring Deity, Flemingovia! A hearty congratulation to our new Attorney General Kiwi, who has certainly brought life and discipline to an erstwhile derelict position.

    This election saw some new faces in the mix. We want to congratulate them as well on their dedication, and encourage them to continue to put themselves forward for our region in the many elections to come.
    Written by Democratic Donkeys

    General Elections

    Elections for the offices of Delegate, Vice Delegate and Speaker were held at the beginning of the month. The election for the position of Delegate was fairly quiet with the only hiccup occurring when Tim lost citizenship half way through the nomination period. McMasterdonia won the election easily with 86% of the vote.

    The position of Speaker of the Regional Assembly was hotly contested by incumbent Speaker Zyvetskistaahn, Deputy Speaker Bootsie and perennial candidate Leekem. Zyvetskistaahn focused on efficiency in the office of Speaker, Bootsie's campaign focused on his personal mission "To represent the Regional Assembly as a whole, and the Legislative Branch of our government." Leekem's platform focused on interaction with new citizens: "I believe that as Speaker you must interact with your citizens. You must help if they need it, you must clarify if clarification is needed and you must have the personality and mentality to help your region. You will learn about my platform on newcomers, I have a huge platform on them as I am still considered one." Zyvetskistaahn won reelection with 58% of the vote.

    The office of Vice Delegate was contested by Democratic Donkeys, Abacathea, Blue Wolf II and Geniva. Democratic Donkeys raised significant momentum early on with a exploratory committee with several high profile TNPer's coming out in support of the TNP stalwart. This coupled with the endorsement of the Former Vice Delegate, Sanctaria shot Democratic Donkey's to a solid victory.
    Written by McMasterdonia

    [big]The North Pacific Falls to the Skeleton Queen[/big]

    On a quiet day in the North Pacific, the Skeleton hoards marched on Magicality City. There was no time for the Security Council to spring into action as they were violently awoken from their beds and arrested by the Skeleton Queen. The Delegate quickly surrendered and handed the region over to the Skeleton Army.

    Residents quickly rallied to the RMB to express their disgust and feelings of betrayal that the Delegate would give up so easily.

    The Skeleton Queen enjoyed terrorizing residents of the North Pacific

    "We're no territory of you "skeleton army" your majesty and it would be best to refrain from calling us such. For we North Pacific Citizens value our freedom and we are the largest and most powerful region in the world; it wouldn't be a good idea to provoke us..." ~ Valkany

    The North Pacific has returned to peace and tranquility as the Skeleton Army has returned home. We dare not consider rebellion out of fear that they will return for us.
    Written by Terrified Citizens


    Rioting in the streets of nations throughout the North Pacific has been reported this evening following the resignation of the much loved nation Blue Wolf II. Reports suggest that protesters are threatening to move their protest to the regional IRC channel in the hopes that they can be further ignored there. The region itself has gone into a state of mourning following the announcement earlier today but experts are convinced that like all drama in the North Pacific, it will be forgotten by the end of the week unless someone is taken to Court over it, in which case it will be kept on our televisions for the foreseeable future.

    Some of the latest reports and images from protests suggest that the protest's message is not a united one. One protester alleged that he was there to protest a lack of silliness in the speaker's office alleging that the resignation of the loyal nation of SillyString from the office has resulted in forecast silly levels not being met whilst another protester (pictured above) was concerned by the 'horrible use' of pie charts in the recent election results even though there were no pie charts available for the results in question.

    An organiser of one of the protests who wished to remain anonymous stated: "I believe this is all a big conspiracy," utilising the latest legal protection and loophole from the Regional Court. "We are protesting a great many things here today as is our right under the constibillocode. Security Council members are dropping like flies. Most recently we had our beloved former delegate Eluvatar removed because of some rubbish rules and now the wolf himself has mysteriously 'resigned'? I don't believe it for a second!"

    Our esteemed Delegate, McMasterdonia stated "Waffles, Rum and bananas... These will solve our problems."

    In completely unrelated news, our estimates have shown that invasions of founderless regions have risen by no less than 100% in the past 24 hours following Blue Wolf II's resignation with numbers set to quadruple in the weeks to come.
    Written by Kiwi

    From Culture and Entertainment
    The Department of Culture and Entertainment is currently seeking suggestions regarding themed forum events and roleplays in Port Thel, and would like to invite the various denizens of NationStates to contribute names and suggestions that are realistic for us to work on.

    We are also going to be working on a series of University lectures. If you are interested in giving a lecture, please contact Lord Ravenclaw via Telegram stating your desired topic.

    Keep an eye on this spot and we'll tell you more next month!
    Written by Lord Ravenclaw

    WA Affairs Steps Up

    On the back of the passage of two resolutions back to back through the WA by TNP Authors McMasterdonia and Abacathea, the WA Ministry is going to push for it's younger and newer members to become active in the WA, be it through simply encouraging more voting activity, engaging further in the debating and drafting processes or actively pursuing projects of their own.

    In an attempt to further this, the WA Ministry is actively seeking new and fresh ideas to encourage and promote itself within the community. Seen as a very limited scope of gameplay the key, according to Minister for WA Affairs, Abacathea, is to find something that entices members in to begin with, and then hooking them from there.

    Minister Abacathea takes Ministry to all new levels of activity and success

    "It's something that's ultimately going to be a massive challenge" said WA Minister Abacathea, "Really in most regions the WA section seems to be the hardest to promote the activity in, so it's more about finding the magic formula and then utilizing it to it's maximum potential that really will be they task and key here. Watch this space".

    As it stands the Ministry is refusing to release any further details of what it is working on, only being quoted as "Big things ahead!".
    Written by Abacathea

    [big]You'll never leave TNP alive[/big]

    This one is based on an old Country and Western song: "You'll never leave Harlan alive", rewritten for TNP.

    Join in and sing along:


    In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
    That's the place where I trace my bloodline
    And it's there I read on a thread long archived
    You will never leave TNP alive

    Oh, ten years ago I first registered on Old Blue
    And I call myself a TNPer with pride.
    I fought in our wars and resisted the tyrants
    And I’ll never leave TNP alive

    When you log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And you check in several times a day
    And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinking
    And you spend your life just thinkin' of how to get away

    No one ever knew that our region could be stifled
    'Til the cosmos from IRC arrived
    Waving amendments and new laws they said we’ll crush your spirit
    But we’ll never leave TNP alive

    Now some sold out cheap and they moved to another region
    to a region that did more colours than bland,
    I bet the cosmos danced them a jig, laughed and sang a new song
    Who said we'd never leave TNP alive

    But the times got hard with each and every new law
    And ole timers knew what we'd do to survive
    He kept our heads down low and let the cosmos run the region
    But we never left TNP alive

    So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And we check in several times a day
    And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
    And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away

    So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And we check in several times a day
    And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
    And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away

    In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
    That's the place where I trace my bloodline
    And it's there I read on a thread long archived
    You will never leave TNP alive

    Written by Flemingovia

    [big]Thanks for reading our update![/big]
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  • Thank you Ambassador for your great update, looking forward reading more :)

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  • January 2014

    The Government of The North Pacific
    Delegate: McMasterdonia
    Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys

    Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissanc3r
    Minister for Communications: Iro
    Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II
    Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
    Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea

    Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
    Deputy Speakers: Bootsie, Lord Nwahs

    Security Council:
    Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
    Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, McMasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart

    The Court
    Attorney General: Kiwi
    Chief Justice: Crushing Our Enemies Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Flemingovia


    Changes to the Cabinet
    Minister of Defence

    Today, I announce that Blue Wolf II will serve as the new Minister of Defence for the North Pacific starting immediately in the role. This is following a discussion by NPA High Command and between myself and Blue Wolf II.

    Blue Wolf II was the Delegate responsible for the reformation of the North Pacific Army and appointed me to serve as the first Minister of Defence of the new army in 2012. As Blue Wolf II has left the Security Council and now has a mobile WA nation, this combined with his well known military experience has placed him in the perfect position to lead the North Pacific Army in the months ahead.

    Together we will be working on establishing clear goals for the North Pacific Army and BWII will be responsible for involving members of High Command and lower ranking officers in working to achieve these goals. The NPA is a regional military and must be well versed in all aspects of military gameplay, with our primary responsibility being to serving the regions interests and protecting and supporting our allies.

    I wish him the best of luck and I hope to see the military return to high levels of activity.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Firstly, I would like to thank Democratic Donkey's for his service in the position over the last month and a half or so.

    For the new term ahead I have decided to appoint r3naissanc3r as Minister of Foreign Affairs. R3n has been an active participant in this region for quite a long time now and has previously served as Chief Justice. He is also one of the biggest contributors to law reform in the Regional Assembly.

    The focus of the Ministry will be regular foreign updates (obviously), a review of inactive embassies and pursuing closer relations with our fellow GCR's.

    The rest of the cabinet will be:

    Minister of Communications: Iro
    Minister of WA Affairs: Abacathea
    Minister of Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw

    For various reasons, but mostly due to the lack of a goal for the Ministry, I have decided to disband the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I would like to thank Reginald Carmichael for his service in the cabinet.
    Written by McMasterdonia

    Judical Election Results

    The North Pacific has concluded elections for our new Justices and our new Attorney General. Congratulations to Chief Justice Crushing Our Enemies, perennial candidate and returning Justice Romanoffia, and finally, somewhat of a shock to us all, our new Justice, but ever enduring Deity, Flemingovia! A hearty congratulation to our new Attorney General Kiwi, who has certainly brought life and discipline to an erstwhile derelict position.

    This election saw some new faces in the mix. We want to congratulate them as well on their dedication, and encourage them to continue to put themselves forward for our region in the many elections to come.
    Written by Democratic Donkeys

    General Elections

    Elections for the offices of Delegate, Vice Delegate and Speaker were held at the beginning of the month. The election for the position of Delegate was fairly quiet with the only hiccup occurring when Tim lost citizenship half way through the nomination period. McMasterdonia won the election easily with 86% of the vote.

    The position of Speaker of the Regional Assembly was hotly contested by incumbent Speaker Zyvetskistaahn, Deputy Speaker Bootsie and perennial candidate Leekem. Zyvetskistaahn focused on efficiency in the office of Speaker, Bootsie's campaign focused on his personal mission "To represent the Regional Assembly as a whole, and the Legislative Branch of our government." Leekem's platform focused on interaction with new citizens: "I believe that as Speaker you must interact with your citizens. You must help if they need it, you must clarify if clarification is needed and you must have the personality and mentality to help your region. You will learn about my platform on newcomers, I have a huge platform on them as I am still considered one." Zyvetskistaahn won reelection with 58% of the vote.

    The office of Vice Delegate was contested by Democratic Donkeys, Abacathea, Blue Wolf II and Geniva. Democratic Donkeys raised significant momentum early on with a exploratory committee with several high profile TNPer's coming out in support of the TNP stalwart. This coupled with the endorsement of the Former Vice Delegate, Sanctaria shot Democratic Donkey's to a solid victory.
    Written by McMasterdonia

    The North Pacific Falls to the Skeleton Queen

    On a quiet day in the North Pacific, the Skeleton hoards marched on Magicality City. There was no time for the Security Council to spring into action as they were violently awoken from their beds and arrested by the Skeleton Queen. The Delegate quickly surrendered and handed the region over to the Skeleton Army.

    Residents quickly rallied to the RMB to express their disgust and feelings of betrayal that the Delegate would give up so easily.

    The Skeleton Queen enjoyed terrorizing residents of the North Pacific

    "We're no territory of you "skeleton army" your majesty and it would be best to refrain from calling us such. For we North Pacific Citizens value our freedom and we are the largest and most powerful region in the world; it wouldn't be a good idea to provoke us..." ~ Valkany

    The North Pacific has returned to peace and tranquility as the Skeleton Army has returned home. We dare not consider rebellion out of fear that they will return for us.
    Written by Terrified Citizens


    Rioting in the streets of nations throughout the North Pacific has been reported this evening following the resignation of the much loved nation Blue Wolf II. Reports suggest that protesters are threatening to move their protest to the regional IRC channel in the hopes that they can be further ignored there. The region itself has gone into a state of mourning following the announcement earlier today but experts are convinced that like all drama in the North Pacific, it will be forgotten by the end of the week unless someone is taken to Court over it, in which case it will be kept on our televisions for the foreseeable future.

    Some of the latest reports and images from protests suggest that the protest's message is not a united one. One protester alleged that he was there to protest a lack of silliness in the speaker's office alleging that the resignation of the loyal nation of SillyString from the office has resulted in forecast silly levels not being met whilst another protester (pictured above) was concerned by the 'horrible use' of pie charts in the recent election results even though there were no pie charts available for the results in question.

    An organiser of one of the protests who wished to remain anonymous stated: "I believe this is all a big conspiracy," utilising the latest legal protection and loophole from the Regional Court. "We are protesting a great many things here today as is our right under the constibillocode. Security Council members are dropping like flies. Most recently we had our beloved former delegate Eluvatar removed because of some rubbish rules and now the wolf himself has mysteriously 'resigned'? I don't believe it for a second!"

    Our esteemed Delegate, McMasterdonia stated "Waffles, Rum and bananas... These will solve our problems."

    In completely unrelated news, our estimates have shown that invasions of founderless regions have risen by no less than 100% in the past 24 hours following Blue Wolf II's resignation with numbers set to quadruple in the weeks to come.
    Written by Kiwi

    From Culture and Entertainment
    The Department of Culture and Entertainment is currently seeking suggestions regarding themed forum events and roleplays in Port Thel, and would like to invite the various denizens of NationStates to contribute names and suggestions that are realistic for us to work on.

    We are also going to be working on a series of University lectures. If you are interested in giving a lecture, please contact Lord Ravenclaw via Telegram stating your desired topic.

    Keep an eye on this spot and we'll tell you more next month!
    Written by Lord Ravenclaw

    WA Affairs Steps Up

    On the back of the passage of two resolutions back to back through the WA by TNP Authors McMasterdonia and Abacathea, the WA Ministry is going to push for it's younger and newer members to become active in the WA, be it through simply encouraging more voting activity, engaging further in the debating and drafting processes or actively pursuing projects of their own.

    In an attempt to further this, the WA Ministry is actively seeking new and fresh ideas to encourage and promote itself within the community. Seen as a very limited scope of gameplay the key, according to Minister for WA Affairs, Abacathea, is to find something that entices members in to begin with, and then hooking them from there.

    Minister Abacathea takes Ministry to all new levels of activity and success

    "It's something that's ultimately going to be a massive challenge" said WA Minister Abacathea, "Really in most regions the WA section seems to be the hardest to promote the activity in, so it's more about finding the magic formula and then utilizing it to it's maximum potential that really will be they task and key here. Watch this space".

    As it stands the Ministry is refusing to release any further details of what it is working on, only being quoted as "Big things ahead!".
    Written by Abacathea

    You'll never leave TNP alive

    This one is based on an old Country and Western song: "You'll never leave Harlan alive", rewritten for TNP.

    Join in and sing along:

    In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
    That's the place where I trace my bloodline
    And it's there I read on a thread long archived
    You will never leave TNP alive

    Oh, ten years ago I first registered on Old Blue
    And I call myself a TNPer with pride.
    I fought in our wars and resisted the tyrants
    And I’ll never leave TNP alive

    When you log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And you check in several times a day
    And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinking
    And you spend your life just thinkin' of how to get away

    No one ever knew that our region could be stifled
    'Til the cosmos from IRC arrived
    Waving amendments and new laws they said we’ll crush your spirit
    But we’ll never leave TNP alive

    Now some sold out cheap and they moved to another region
    to a region that did more colours than bland,
    I bet the cosmos danced them a jig, laughed and sang a new song
    Who said we'd never leave TNP alive

    But the times got hard with each and every new law
    And ole timers knew what we'd do to survive
    He kept our heads down low and let the cosmos run the region
    But we never left TNP alive

    So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And we check in several times a day
    And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
    And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away

    So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
    And we check in several times a day
    And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
    And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away

    In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
    That's the place where I trace my bloodline
    And it's there I read on a thread long archived
    You will never leave TNP alive

    Written by Flemingovia

    Thanks for reading our update!
    Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

    Secretary of the Department of Established External Relations of LWU.
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  • Thanks for the update! And congrats on your re-election as Delegate. :)

    Also, thanks for the formatting fixes, Niadh. :D

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • March 2014

    Table of contents
    • The North Pacific recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order.
    • Delegate announces new World Assembly voting policy.
    • The North Pacific-Lazarus cultural exchange.
    • The view from the Speaker's Office.
    • The North Pacific in the World Assembly.
    • The North Pacific Government directory.
    The North Pacific recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order

    The Delegate deliberates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff on the the recognition statement.
    On January 29th, 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement announcing that the Government of The North Pacific formally recognizes the Osiris Fraternal Order ("OFO") as the legitimate government of the region of Osiris. In addition, the Government accepted and reciprocated an earlier request by the OFO for an embassy exchange, thereby establishing formal diplomatic relations between the two governments for the first time.

    In the statement, the Government expressed its satisfaction with the progress the OFO had made in fulfilling their commitments towards establishing a democratic and constitutional government, and transitioning control of the regional delegacy to a democratically elected delegate. Furthermore, the Government recognized the positive effects the efforts of the OFO in the two months since its creation had on the region and its community, and in particular the fostering of a prosperous community in Osiris.

    The Government of The North Pacific enjoyed a cordial and productive relationship with the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, the region’s government until September 2013, culminating in the ratification of a bilateral alliance in summer 2012. The alliance was rendered void by the dissolution of the Kemetic Republic, since which and until the release of the above statement the two regions had no diplomatic relations. It is the hope of the Government of The North Pacific that, with the robust leadership of Osiris provided by the OFO, the two regions will rekindle the amicable relations of the past.

    The full text of the statement of recognition can be found here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    Delegate announces new World Assembly voting policy

    The Delegate smirks at vote stackers while announcing the new policy.
    Delegate mcmasterdonia announced on February 17th, 2014 a change in the way he determines how to vote on World Assembly resolutions. Under the new policy, the Delegate’s vote is determined by the outcome of a poll on the regional forum, where only Regional Assembly members with WA nations in the region or deployed with the North Pacific Army are eligible to cast votes. In contrast, the previous voting policy permitted all Regional Assembly members to vote on the offsite poll.

    Explaining the reasons for the change, the Delegate stated his intention to reward those members that choose to enlist their WA nation in the services of The North Pacific, either by stationing it in the region to contribute to its security, or by joining the North Pacific Army. Furthermore, the Delegate mentioned that he believes that the change will encourage more members to make the same choice, as well as boost participation in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.

    The Delegate of The North Pacific is by law given complete discretion in determining the regional vote and voting policy. Traditionally, this involves the use of an offsite poll, though the voting eligibility criteria have varied over the years. The previous policy had been in place since mcmasterdonia’s first term as Delegate, in November 2012. The current policy had also been employed by Delegate Eluvatar in September 2012, as well as for several years up until summer 2012.

    The full text of the announcement by the Delegate can be found here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific-Lazarus cultural exchange

    Contestants from the PRL (left) and TNP (right) racing to the end of a spam competition. Crude editing by The North Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Graphic Design Division.
    February 2014 featured a cultural exchange event between The North Pacific and the People’s Republic of Lazarus. The event was hosted in the latter’s forums and included OOC discussion and spam games between members of the two regions.

    Of particular interest were the so-called "Trophy Events", a set of contests between the two regions ranging from poetry and trivia to spam games. The stakes were high as the winner region would get to determine the opposing region’s delegate’s pre-title and flag. In the end Lazarus came ahead, but Chairman Milograd graciously awarded the trophy to The North Pacific. So, be on the lookout for changes to his nation besides the loss of the WA Delegate badge.

    The Government of The North Pacific thanks the People’s Republic of Lazarus for their hospitality, and for the effort and time they put into organizing this event.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The view from the Speaker's Office

    "I will not sit quietly and let Crushing Our Enemies shred the Constitution." ~Grosseschnauzer, filibustering commenting during a Regional Assembly session.
    The Regional Assembly has had a busy month, with discussions on electoral procedure, court legislation, and membership matters.

    On the first front, flemingovia proposed a bill that adds the option to reopen nominations to all electoral ballots. The bill was received positively and quickly ratified by the Assembly. A further amendment, introduced by Crushing Our Enemies, is currently under discussion, to address implementation issues overlooked in the original bill. Moreover, an omnibus bill closing several loopholes in electoral law has been proposed by r3naissanc3r, and is currently at vote.

    On court legislation, Justice Romanoffia has proposed the addition of a civil code to the regional statute, in response to extensive discussion in the prior months regarding the civil jurisdiction of the regional court. The bill is currently at vote. r3naissanc3r introduced a bill addressing prosecutorial matters, and in particular allowing private citizens to prosecute complaints the Attorney General has declined to proceed on. The bill is currently under debate.

    Finally, the Assembly has been discussing the Vice Delegate’s power to block applicants from admission to the Assembly. Cormac submitted a bill to expand its scope, permitting rejection of applicants for reasons besides the regional security grounds that current legislation prescribes. A number of Assembly members have supported requiring an Assembly vote before the Vice Delegate can lift an already existing block on an application. This discussion arose in response to earlier decisions by Vice Delegate Democratic Donkeys to block a membership application by Empires of Narnia, and lift a previous block to Treize_Dreizehn’s application.

    The Regional Assembly is The North Pacific’s legislative body, and membership is open to everyone with a nation in the region. You can apply to join here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific in the World Assembly

    Minister of World Assembly Affairs Abacathea (shown to the right) discusses with an aide during a Security Council session.

    The North Pacific continues to have an active and prominent involvement in the NationStates World Assembly. Delegate mcmasterdonia currently commands the strongest vote in World Assembly resolutions, and in coordination with Minister for World Assembly Affairs, Abacathea work closely with the members of the region to ensure this voting power is utilized to its full extent and in the best interests of the region. We sat down with Abacathea, who had just stumbled out of the infamous World Assembly strangers’ bar, and asked him about his thoughts on the month the just finished.

    "In truth it's been a whirlwind of a month. We've had two resolutions discarded SC side, one of which was a *hic* genuine mistake and could have happened to any of us. And then there's Auralia's fall from grace, which in truth is quite saddening. Say what you want about the guy, he was an active contributor, not only WA side but regionally as well. He'd frequent TNP and further debates, and this was always welcomed as it encouraged activity."

    Abacathea was recently commended by the World Assembly. Here is what he had to say on the subject.

    "Ah, you're talking about the Commend? Say why is there two of you? Where'd the other one go? Ah yes, well in truth I feel that it is something that really strengthens TNP more than myself. Regions such as International Western Union, which fostered me and raised me, TNP which encouraged me, and Osiris which outright refined me all deserve the kudos for this more than I, but it does lend itself to improving the work I can do as a Minister. TNP is such a massive battlefield to try and work around but it's been a pleasure, and we're seeing consistent and steady increases in the active WA member base as of late. So we're evidently getting there progressively."

    And what about the change in the voting policy?

    "I swear I thought she was 18... ahem... I mean, yeah, well that definitely helped things. Requiring members who want to have their vote heard to be TNP WA active, along with McM's massive voting power, has really helped spur the activity levels for the Ministry. We envision by the summer to be really hammering at full strength here. So watch this space!"

    And there you have it folks! The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs is a regular contributor to resolution discussions in the World Assembly forums. The Ministry strives to keep all WA nations in the region informed on every resolution at vote, and fosters authoring endeavors among regional members. If you are interested in becoming a member and getting involved, apply here.
    Written by Abacathea and r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific Government directory

    Delegate: mcmasterdonia
    Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys
    Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissanc3r
    Minister for Communications: Kiwi
    Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II
    Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
    Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea

    Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
    Deputy Speakers: Lord Nwahs

    Chief Justice: Leekem
    Associate Justices: flemingovia, Romanoffia
    Attorney General: Kiwi

    Security Council
    Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
    Members: Great Bights Mum, Former English Colony, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, mcmasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart, Lord Byron

    The North Pacific March Update is produced and distributed by The North Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you for reading!
    Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

    Secretary of the Department of Established External Relations of LWU.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Thanks for the update! :D

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • April 2014

    Table of contents
    • The North Pacific ratifies alliance with Albion.
    • The North Pacific Army flexes its muscles.
    • March Judicial elections.
    • The view from the Speaker's Office.
    • The North Pacific in the World Assembly.
    • The North Pacific Government directory.
    The North Pacific ratifies alliance with Albion

    King Charles Cerebella (left), Delegate mcmasterdonia (middle), and Minister of Foreign Affairs r3naissanc3r take a break from negotiating the terms of the treaty. A paparazzi from The Rejected Times can be seen in the background.

    On April 14th, 2014, the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific ratified The North Pacific and Albion Security Treaty. The treaty establishes a close alliance between the two regions, including provisions for non-aggression and mutual defense, as well as military, diplomatic, and intelligence cooperation.

    The treaty is the product of negotiations between Delegate mcmasterdonia and Minister of Foreign Affairs r3naissanc3r for The North Pacific, and King Charles Cerebella for Albion. Presenting the treaty to the Regional Assembly, the Minister described Albion as a strategic partner, emphasized its military prowess and the associated security benefits for The North Pacific, and demonstrated the two regions’ diplomatic compatibility by enumerating their many shared principles and objectives.

    The new treaty capitalizes on the pre-existing strong links between The North Pacific and Albion. Prior to becoming allies, the two regions had collaborated militarily on a number of occasions, most prominently during the campaigns against Milograd’s coup in The South Pacific in April 2013, and The Dourian Embassy’s coup in Osiris in July 2013. The governments of the two regions enjoyed excellent relations and frequently interacted diplomatically. It is the expectation of the Government of The North Pacific that the formal alliance will reinforce this productive collaboration.

    The full text of the treaty is available here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific Army flexes its muscles

    Brigadier-General Gladio (shown) briefs General Blue Wolf II (not shown) on the precious bodily fluids progress of the training exercises.

    The North Pacific Army ("NPA") has been a focus area for the Government of The North Pacific during this ongoing term. In an effort spearheaded by Minister of Defence Blue Wolf II and Acting Minister of Defence Gladio, the NPA has seen frequent deployments and intensive training, at the same time always closely adhering to the directives set out by The North Pacific Army Doctrine.

    In late January, the NPA assisted the Osiris Delegacy transition to Lord Ravenclaw, in a sign of goodwill from the Government of The North Pacific that was shortly followed by a statement of recognition of the Osiris Fraternal Order. In late February, the NPA participated in the occupation of St Abbaddon lead by The Brotherhood of Malice, reciprocating the Brotherhood’s help in eliminating an internal threat to The North Pacific’s delegacy. In early March, the NPA received a request for support from General Hammond, Delegate of Stargate, a region allied to The North Pacific. The NPA immediately deployed, effectively securing Stargate against any external threats, and demonstrating yet again The North Pacific’s commitment to the defense of their allies.

    Acting Minister Gladio has also implemented a rigorous program of military exercises, intended to enhance operational capability and maintain combat readiness during periods when the NPA is not engaged in formal military operations. During this term, the NPA has conducted on its own successful training exercises in East Pacific, Transilvania, and Atlantic, and more are planned for the remaining of the term. The NPA also executed in coordination with the United Imperialist Armed Forces ("UIAF") a large-scale joint military exercise in Scotland. The exercise preceded by a few days the ratification of The North Pacific and Albion Security Treaty, Albion being one of the constituent militaries of the UIAF. Together these two actions signal a future of closer cooperation between the two militaries.

    The Government’s focus on the NPA has been a particularly gainful endeavor. The NPA now maintains capability of rapid response, consistent deployment of a minimum of ten units, and effectiveness in varying operating environments. The increased power and versatility of the NPA reinforce its role in serving the region and the objectives laid down by The North Pacific Army Doctrine.

    Membership to the North Pacific Army is open to everyone with a nation in the region and a mobile World Assembly nation. You can apply to join here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    March Judicial Elections

    Newly-elected Associate Justice SillyString, after reading a multi-page brief submitted by newly-appointed Assistant Attorney General Gracius Maximus.

    March saw the first regular election cycle of the year in The North Pacific. Elections were held for the Justices of the regional Court and the Attorney General.

    The Justice election was highly contested, with six candidates competing for three positions. The results saw incumbent Romanoffia retain his seat, and Ator People and SillyString join the bench for the first time. Subsequent deliberations among the Justices resulted in Romanoffia being declared Chief Justice.

    In the Attorney General election, Chasmanthe won by a comfortable margin. After he took office, he proceeded to appoint Gracius Maximus and Treize_Dreizehn as his Assistants. The new Court and prosecutorial team have already had a busy first month in office, addressing several review and criminal cases that had been in the docket from prior to the election.

    The North Pacific boasts one of the most developed Judiciaries in NationStates, with a jurisprudential tradition going back almost a decade. If you are interested in getting involved, apply to become a member here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The view from the Speaker's Office

    "Motions to vote do not work that way!" ~Speaker Zyvetskistaahn informs the members on proper Regional Assembly procedure.

    The Regional Assembly continues to perfect The North Pacific’s statute book, addressing during the last month issues relating to electoral regulations, court jurisdiction, and regional culture.

    Regarding elections, Vice Delegate Democratic Donkeys proposed a constitutional amendment to remove term limits for the office of Delegate, where currently no person may serve for more than two consecutive terms. This would enable current Delegate mcmasterdonia to run again in the next general election. The proposal divided the Assembly during debate, and is currently at vote.

    In terms of court legislation, Minister of Foreign Affairs r3naissanc3r introduced a bill removing the civil jurisdiction of The North Pacific’s Court. The bill followed a previous proposal by Justice Romanoffia for the addition of a civil code to the regional statute, which the Assembly rejected. The new bill successfully passed the Assembly and became law.

    Finally, Minister of Culture Lord Ravenclaw, representing the Cabinet, submitted a bill establishing April 26th as an official regional holiday, commemorating the adoption of the Flag of The North Pacific. This comes just as the region is about to celebrate the tenth anniversary of this important event, which is considered synonymous with the establishment of constitutional government in The North Pacific. The bill was received positively and quickly ratified by the Assembly.

    The Regional Assembly is The North Pacific’s legislative body, and one of the most active in NationStates. Everyone with a nation in the region can join it by applying here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific in the World Assembly

    An artist’s impression of Delegate mcmasterdonia voting on a WA resolution.

    Delegate mcmasterdonia remains the most endorsed delegate in NationStates by a wide margin, with an endorsement count close to and at times exceeding the five hundreds. This places The North Pacific in a position of unsurpassed power in the World Assembly. Minister of World Assembly Affairs Abacathea works diligently to ensure this voting power is utilized to its full extent and in the best interests of the region.

    In the Security Council, March saw a proposal by Ramaeus to Commend Blackbird, prominent member of the Alliance Defense Network, the Red Liberty Alliance, and the Meritocracy. More relevant in determining The North Pacific’s vote was the nominee’s involvement in three forum destruction operations conducted by the Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence operatives in 2005. The North Pacific, a signatory of the Convention on Off-site Property Security, unreservedly condemns all acts of forum terrorism, and accordingly helped defeat the commendation proposal by voting against it.

    In the General Assembly, during the last two months there have been two prominent attempts to repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States". Minister Abacathea on both occasions published a comprehensive argument against the repeal, imploring the region to vote to defeat it. In the first case this proved unnecessary, as the proposal was eventually ruled illegal. In the second case, Minister Abacathea, along with Delegate of Monkey Island and Deputy to the Delegate of Europeia Mousebumples, also organised a wide campaign against the proposal. With an early vote against by Delegate mcmasterdonia, the proposal was soundly defeated.

    The North Pacific vote is determined by an offsite poll, open to all Regional Assembly members with a World Assembly nation in the region. To be able to influence the strongest vote in the World Assembly, apply to join here.
    Written by r3naissanc3r.

    The North Pacific Government directory

    Delegate: mcmasterdonia
    Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys
    Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissanc3r
    Minister for Communications: Kiwi
    Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II (acting, Gladio)
    Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw (acting, Lennart)
    Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea

    Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
    Deputy Speakers: Lord Nwahs, PaulWallLibertarian42

    Chief Justice: Romanoffia
    Associate Justices: Ator People, SillyString
    Attorney General: Chasmanthe
    Prosecutors: Gracius Maximus, Treize_Dreizehn

    Security Council
    Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
    Members: Great Bights Mum, Former English Colony, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, mcmasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart, Lord Byron

    The North Pacific April Update is produced and distributed by The North Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you for reading!
    Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

    Secretary of the Department of Established External Relations of LWU.
    • Posts: 11
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for hte update, and compliments to r3naissanc3r, who apparently wrote all the articles. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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