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The North Pacific
Posts: 215 Views: 54672

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Probably just a little. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North

  • Special Vice Delegate Election
    by Atlae, Citizen
    On July 3rd, Court Justice Lord Lore moved that then-Vice Delegate Deropia be recalled for inactivity. Deropia had stopped posting a month earlier and stopped doing citizenship checks soon after. After some discussion, a vote was held and the recall motion was passed with 33 ayes, 11 nays and 11 abstains.

    This triggered a special election for the now-vacant Vice Delegate seat. Candidacy declarations began on July 13th. In the end, 5 candidates (in decreasing order of number of votes received): Pallaith, Brendog, Mall, Krevt, and Dinoium stepped forward and ran for the seat.

    Pallaith, former two-term Delegate and Minister of World Assembly Affairs, posted his campaign thread and ran on a position of implementing a WA voting component to the WADP, with hopes of encouraging more membership within the WA, and pledged to hold a multi-regional endorsement event originally planned around August. As opposed to his competitors, he currently holds a seat in the Security Council, and among other positions, he stated that his "experience as Minister of World Assembly Affairs makes me uniquely suited to be Deropia's successor." (Deropia had been Minister of World Assembly Affairs previously.) He also happened to be a Sith-lord ghost that haunted the regional forums and Discord server.

    Brendog, Minister of Communications, posted his campaign thread and also ran on a position of implementing a WA voting component to the WADP and holding a multi-regional endorsement event. Separately, he pledged to increase the base endorsement of TNP by promoting the endorsement tool. As opposed to his competitors, he stated that he was "more inspired by his ideas" and "has a drive that is effectively running for an elected office which would make the Vice Delegacy be extremely active," and touted his experience in leading two Ministries. He also happened to be a rocket.

    Mall, a veteran campaigner, posted his campaign thread and pledged to endotart until he 'accidentally' took the Delegacy. As head of the Security Council, he would make public any and all documents I will be privy to. Additionally, he would insinuate that I have handed off the nation "Mall" to JAL. He also had a plan for when a recall vote came: stonewall it in the Courts, resulting in various members of the Court to go absent for a month, then start a recall of those Court officials. If the RA fails to recall them, he would bring another case before the Court accusing all those who voted against the recall of treason. If the AG screws it up, he stated that at this point, he would have fouled the works so much that everyone will give up prosecution efforts and just leave him alone until the next time he takes office.

    Krevt posted their campaign thread and touted their experience in being Resource Manager, Map Coordinator, RMB Coordinator, Defence Secretary, and RP-Managing Head in more than 5 regions prior to entering TNP. Nations from those regions, they stated, have appreciated Krevt for taking care of the quality of RMBing and any other sort of stuff that highly affects the nations.

    Dinoium, Deputy Minister of Communications, posted their campaign thread and planned to get more people into the Security Council, expand the WADP, and encourage people to endotart. Dinoium withdrew their candidacy before the election had started.

    After the election ended, Pallaith came out on top with 31 votes, followed by Brendog with 17 votes, Mall with 3, and Krevt with none.

    Due to Pallaith being elected Vice Delegate, he resigned his post as Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Delegate Siwale appointed Sil Dorsett as his successor.

    June Judicial Elections
    by Dinoium, Deputy Minister of Communications and Deputy Attorney General
    After the special election that had just taken place in May after Justice Zyvetskistaahn vacated their office, an official justice election was about to unfold. The Chief Election Commissioner General COE appointed Artemis and Brendog as Election Commissioners prior to the start of voting.

    8 competitors had arrived for the election to run for Justice, a surprising turnout for the usually more quiet Justice elections.

    Limerick is a new nation in The North Pacific, and after winning the Special June Justice Election and serving as a Justice for over a month they elected to run again for a full term. Posting his Campaign Thread, He said that he was incredibly honoured to even be considered for this position and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about him or his legal ideals, and has shown to be one of the most eager members of the court since their initial election.
    "I am a relatively new member to TNP considering the time many have put in. This, however, does not compromise my understanding of our legal documents as I read them in preparation for my special election campaign and Continue to re-read them to this day."

    Lord Lore was a current associative justice since March of 2018, a former Minister of Culture for The North Pacific, Deputy Minister of Culture for The North Pacific, and Minister of Entertainment for The North Pacific. He also has experience as the Lead Cartographer for TNP's forum RP. Lord Lore campainged to continue his term as Justice, many people were impressed and supported him. Lore's experience and name recognition may be a significant tribute to his popularity.

    SillyString is an experienced and long-time contributor to the North Pacific, she has previously served as Delegate, Attorney General, both an Associative and Chief Justice and currently serves as Deputy Attorney General as well as an advisor to the delegate. Unsurprisingly, SillyString received magnanimous support.
    "I don't have a specific platform to run on, because I don't think there is anything about the court that urgently requires changing." Read more here

    Mall, the infamous shark and scary game moderator, continues his tradition of running in elections on the premise of doing as much as humanly possible to damage the region, in this case, the court. More recently Mall has proposed that court cases should be decided by a game of chess, which has prompted thoughtful discussion among the Regional Assembly. Mallorean Apathetic Evil is a rising ideology in the North Pacific.
    "Vote for me and I'll find a way to make the Court interesting for a bit, it's been boring af recently and frankly the entire region needs a kick in the shins. Y'all been decadent." Here is his destructive ways infull glory

    Yalkan is a strict adherent of Fluff, a former justice and is a standing officer in the North Pacific Army. Yalkan't deny the credentials. "I was a justice. Spirit of the law is for wimps. Like it or hate it the law rules. Vote for me please." Here is more of Yalkan

    Syrixia, a well known Forum RPer and former Minister of Culturedecided to run for Justice as Thomas Johansson, a character from said Forum RP. Syrixia's most notable achievement was successfully annoying Lord Lore.

    Cedierking ran for Justice only a month after joining the region. Honestly not much more to their campign than that.
    "The rule of law is one of the characteristic institutions of a democracy, and of course, this nation. To preserve the rule of law, the judiciary must be independent and not subject to pressure from outside influences. Further, the public must have the confidence and trust that its judiciary is impartial, unbiased and free from partisan interests."

    Kingsley ran into the candidacy declarations, decided he was going to run and then proceeded to disappear from the space time continuum. No thread was made, the Executive Council has figured that this may prove a threat to the multiverse. Please abstain from mentioning Kingsley to avoid a full collapse of time.

    The victors of this election were Limerick1 with 23 votes, Lord Lore with 32 votes, and SillyString with 35 votes. The other unelected candidates were Syrixia with 17, Yalkan with 16, Mall with 10, cedierking with 4, and Kingsley with none!

    How we Dispense Justice in Nationstates: Thinking Outside the Box
    by Flemingovia, Citizen
    This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
    Disclaimer: I know that some of the trials I reference in this article took place when TNP law looked very different. Before people dismiss what I say by saying "the court/law" is different now so that does not apply" please understand I am not looking at how well the laws are framed or administered but rather the philosophical underpinning of our legal system.
    Also please note that this article relates mainly to criminal trials, not requests for review.

    'To be human is to affirm one's humanity by recognizing the humanity of others and, on that basis, establish respectful human relations with them.' Hunhist Maxim

    The judicial system in TNP has had a rocky history. For many years the kindest thing that could be said about it was that it was dysfunctional. Many hours of crafting rules and legislation have gone into making the system work, and what we have now in TNP is probably the best that we can achieve given the jurisprudence that underlies it. Of course, as part of an online game the TNP court faces this paradox: the better it works the less fun it is to participate in and watch. There is a spectrum between shambolic and stiflingly dull. I leave it to you to decide where you think the current TNP court is on that spectrum.

    All this tinkering has left the underlying framework of the system intact. But I have believed for a number of years that the fundamental problem in the TNP court system is not the detail or execution of the law, but the western philosophical basis of it. In this article, I would like to explain how I see the problem, and what I would suggest as a solution.

    In TNP the court is essentially based on a western adversarial model. It is about establishing innocence and guilt and apportioning punishment. It excludes people who are not seen as having "standing" and draws heavily on western (largely American) legal codes. This has been the case ever since the first formal TNP courts were established.

    It is easy to see why this happened. Most TNP players have grown up under such systems, many are attracted to NS because they have an interest in or have studied law. Many have used NS courts as a safe zone in which to hone skills that they hope might be used in a real-life legal or political career.

    So what is wrong with it?

    I do not think what is wrong is that people do not take it seriously, or that our laws are poor. Rather, I think this whole system is ill-suited to a game like ours. Here’s why.

    1. TNP trials are actually rarely about guilt or innocence

    TNP is a small world, and we pretty much know the innocence or guilt of most defendants who come to trial. Rather the trial becomes about proving innocence or guilt under the law. That leads to absurdities where a defendant (I am looking at you, JAL) can be manifestly as guilty as sin, and everyone can know it, but they cannot be proven guilty because the law or the court is inadequate.

    So our trials are not really about the innocence of the defendant, as they are in real life, but more about the adequacy of our law. Often it is the criminal code that is put under trial, not the defendant. This is shown by the times that we have passed legislation or a court review to close a loophole in the law after a trial.

    2. An adversarial system requires meaningful punishment to be taken seriously

    Realistically, what can we do to one another? If we ban someone they either wait it out or move to another region. TNP is not so very special that many of us would lose much sleep over this. Even then, TNP has shied away from imposing the most harsh sentences on convicted criminals.

    It is hard to take trials seriously, or expend much effort on them, when the consequences are trivial. Therefore people either refuse to participate in trials or take the piss - a pattern we have seen many times in TNP. Several times I have been defence counsel in a trial and my client has just not bothered with the whole proceedings.

    3. Real life courts work in a very different setting

    The basis of our court system, Western law, is complicated, technical and requires professional input for even the simplest cases; hence the saying "the man who represents himself has a fool for a client." Attempting to replicate this in TNP means that our laws have numerous grey areas, loopholes and the like. It also leads to a number of mistrials and justices going inactive because of the effort involved in a meaningless exercise.

    4. Regions are about community, and an adversarial court does not help build community

    This gets to the heart of this article. You can approach courts in TNP in two ways: Either you role-play them as a piss take (as McM and I did once), which undermines the system; or you can take them seriously (Flemingovia vs Grosseschnauzer) which almost always causes a break down in relationships, and often results in people leaving the region or the game.

    So think to yourself for a minute. TNP is more like a village than a nation. So what if our justice system was modelled on village councils rather than the High Court? What if we abandoned a western, adversarial court system and looked at other forms of jurisprudence?

    In more tribal societies the basis of law is less about guilt and punishment and more about restoring community and reconciling broken relationships. Sharia law in the Muslim world works on this basis, as do the tribal courts based on Ubantu in South Africa or hunhuism in Zimbabwe. In Papua New Guinea, village courts based on traditional custom has had much more success in bringing peace to warring Enga tribes than the post-colonial government courts.

    After all, why do we need courts? Has fear of the courts kept us free from tyranny these past few years? I do not think so. Has it been the court that has stopped our delegates from overstepping the Bill of Rights? Nope. Why not scrap the current court, charge the Security Council with keeping a check on the Delegates use of power, and have the SC bring a recall to the Regional Assembly if necessary.

    And what if, for disputes between citizens, we had simpler hearings with the objective of arbitration and restoring ubantu or hunhu in the region (google is your friend if you do not understand this philosophy)

    In TNP in 2012 I introduced an alternative to the dysfunctional constitutional court called the Fiqh, loosely based on Sharia courts.

    It gave as an alternative to the hidebound TNP courts a simple hearing, presided over by respected figures.

    All those coming to the Fiqh would agree up front to be bound by the findings of the Fiqh.

    As in Ubantu hearings, there would be simple process of accusation and rebuttal or counter-argument. There would be no extended debate.

    Those presiding would be expected to use common sense rather than a written legal code.

    It was as simple as I could make it, and for those cases brought to it, it worked admirably. Far simpler and better than the constitutional court. Because the object is restoration, in general people went away from the Fiqh happy, and continuing to be a part of the region.

    My big mistake was that I wrapped the Fiqh up in Flemingovian mysticism, which meant that from the outset many people did not take it seriously, and brought frivolous cases. I placed it in the world of roleplay, so I cannot complain that people treated it as such. If I could have my time over again I would take it out of that sphere. Perhaps I should have introduced it as a secular adjunct to the judicial court? The problem was, in 2012 I could not find others who understood and agreed with the philosophy behind the Fiqh and the need for a court that aimed for reconciliation rather than justice.

    I still maintain that it is a much better way to do courts in a game like Nationstates. Maybe one day there will be a region that reads these words and is imaginative enough to give it a go.

    North Pacific Army Bulletin
    by Bobberino, TNP Citizen and North Pacific Army Lieutenant
    North Pacific Army Bulletin, July - August 2018!

    Minister of Defense: Zazumo
    Deputy Ministers of Defense: Konar, Veniyerris

    The armies of Max Barry encircling the combined forces of the NPA and ERN. Note their use of the all-new 'random update time' rifles, which helped them defeat the combined forces.

    Your beloved North Pacific Army has shifted focus in a sense this month. Our focus has shifted: No longer are we chasing the detag record. I say, nay nay. Rather, Minister of Defense Zazumo has been lazy and has us in hold after hold. Special Forces have recovered from carpal tunnel largely from the Ratboi's term, typing "in" after yet another detag.

    Our alternative from spamming in was to instead do more joints than I've seen in my career over the course of a month. Lots of these were last-minute pings from Zaz; shout-out to excellent last minute attendance by Special Forces and readiness by the Auxillary. Great work!

    Specifically, our most recent joint was in Imperivm Romanvm. EPSA gave us a shout and we showed up with good numbers. Held it for a day and we got 10 soldiers deployed.

    We got in on a World Cup themed tag of England with the SPSF and EPSA due to BMWSurfer and I being active on the SPSF's discord and subsequently pinging about a last-minute jump. 11 soldiers ended up deploying over 5 days.

    Hosted by the NPO, we got called upon to fash bash. We deployed first in The National Axis Powers, but Special Forces got called up and 5 of us (including yours truly) hit and held Carthage. This was last minute and right at the update. We assisted the Pacific armies of NPO, EPSA, SPSF, and TWPAF.

    We also hosted our own joint tag raid with ERN. We hit 11 regions and tagged them in honour of our fallen comrade Deropia. This qualifies as our lolcow OP of the Month. BMW and I led a team each, as did WritingLegend of ERN. The ERN-lead team hit 6 of their 10 regions. 3 of them had an RO issue. I hit 5 of my planned 20 targets. BMW hit 4. These numbers were mostly due to truly awful update variance. Atrocious by our standards, to say the least. Heads have rolled.

    Two officers joined us this month: The Chronicler and Khanic.

    New to the NPA bulletin is the Rookie of the Release. This goes out to the relatively new soldier who has impressed the most over the past release period; be it activity, skill, or anything in between. The inaugural Rookie of the Release goes out to PFC Ryasta! She has shown up for close to every op since joining and has caught on quickly.

    A huge congratulations to QuietDad of TNP who finally overtook Gladio in logged operation count. Will Gladio be kicked off his golden chair? Or will the boss baby come back and take charge? Tune in on the next episode of The Northern Lights!

    The Spotlight #14: Interview with ABC
    by Brendog, Minister of Communications
    Brendog: Welcome abc to the 14th Spotlight! How does it feel?

    abc: It feels great, thank you!

    Brendog: How do you feel about the most recent election, the Special Vice Delegate Elections?

    abc: I feel that there were multiple good candidates and some newcomers, but in the end, the citizens chose an experienced person fit for the job

    Brendog: Abc, for those who don't know you, tell us your backstory in the North Pacific. Where did you come from?

    abc: ABC actually wasn't my first nation, my first one went by the strange name 'Zoobles', which by game mechanics was founded in The North Pacific. I kept that nation afloat for a few months, regularly answered issues, and even joined the forums and received citizenship, but ended up going inactive. When I came back to the game a few months later, I refounded Zoobles, but once again went inactive after a little while. Finally, sometime around November of 2016, I came back to NationStates and founded ABC. I can't quite remember where ABC was founded, but remember moving it to The North Pacific because of my good experience there previously and my preference for the region over others, generally for its consistent democratic leanings. The rest of course, is history.

    Brendog: Can you tell us how you got involved in the executive staff?

    abc: After founding ABC, I joined the forums and immediately registered for the executive staff (after receiving citizenship) as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There I started out as part of a diplomatic team sent to The East Pacific.

    Brendog: I remember I was the leader of that team! Could you give us a little more information about your time as Speaker?

    abc: My time as Speaker has been a time of great work, learning, and implementation. I started out my term on not so high of a note having been elected without competition and having been a Deputy Speaker before who wasn't quite on the active side. I worked hard to change those perceptions and started out my term by training my deputies whilst keeping the office running. My first major test was holding a vote for Darcania's bill which had been much delayed when I was a Deputy Speaker as I was unfortunately inactive. Once I got past that, things started going smoother. I learned the nuances of the office, how much work there was to be done in it, and what could reasonably be done to improve things. I've managed to release RA Digests almost weekly and have brought voting activity up from about 45% to 50% through my work with the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Speaker's Staff as well are once again up and running and have played an active role in producing the last few digests.

    Brendog: Very Interesting, How has being the Speaker different to being a minister?

    abc: They certainly are very different. While both offices require hard work, the office of Speaker requires more than being a Minister ever did. As Speaker, work needs to be done almost constantly and any delay to that could cause major problems. On the other hand, as a Minister although work still needs to be done, it is less of a day to day job - it's more things that need to be done routinely, like every week.

    Brendog: But would you prefer being a speaker again or a minister?

    abc: I think I'd prefer being a Speaker again. Though I loved my time as a Minister of Home Affairs, I would like to continue my time as Speaker so that when I do leave the office, I leave thoroughly experienced Deputies, Speaker's Staff who hold great interest in the office and may serve as Deputies in the future, a legacy of doing things on time and correctly, and various guides and protocols to ensure that future Speakers start their terms competent and well-prepared.

    Brendog: Alright, what is the most important thing that you have learnt as Speaker?

    abc: How dangerous it can be to leave things overlooked. As a Minister, I could make a mistake over something and not worry, but as Speaker, any mistake can not only cause major criticism, but also serious problems for the region as a whole. Elected officials have higher standards than non-elected ones and we need to live up to our promises.

    Brendog: I definitely agree. What would you say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?

    abc: My greatest weakness is my misinterpreting of things. I often think something is one way when it's not, but luckily as I grow more experience in this office, I tend to make the same mistakes less and less often. I'd say that my biggest strength is my ability to act on things. If I promise something to people, I act on that promise and do what it takes to make it happen. Sometimes I forget (which is another weakness of mine), but once I have it on my mind I make sure that it gets done.

    Brendog: Very astute so what in light of that what is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

    abc: He's no longer active in this community, but Lord Ravenclaw gave me a lot of good advice back when I was a Minister. I think the best piece of advice he gave me though was not to befriend people seeking to get things done, no matter what it takes (by whatever it takes, I don't mean that in a good way). I made this mistake with Tomb when I was quick to associate myself with him. Though he was outwardly a very nice person, he had some bad intentions and a dark past which I really hadn't looked into. In politics, we like to overlook people's intentions if associating with them will mean for political gain.

    Brendog: Definitely a good piece of advice so finally, if you could sum yourself up in one sentence, what would that sentence be?

    abc: Despite the mistakes I've made throughout my political career, I genuinely want to make The North Pacific the best it can be.

    Brendog: That is a wrap for The Spotlight!

    abc: Thanks for having me.

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    by Stoskavanya1, Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs

    Forum Relocation Amendment:

    Following an announcement by the administrative team of The North Pacific regarding the transition of the regional forums from Zetaboards to XenForo, the Regional Assembly promptly voted to alter an amendment in the region's constitution to reflect the new location of the official forums. In addition, the amendment stipulates that once posting is disabled in the current Zetaboards forum in preparation for the transition, a Forum Access Emergency will be declared, which will temporarily suspend citizen and government activity checks during this process. The amendment was almost unanimously approved, with 41 ayes to 1 nay.

    Sacagawea Alliance Mk. II:

    Introduced by Delegate Siwale, the treaty expands upon an existing bilateral treaty between The North Pacific and Equilism, elaborating in areas of mutual defence, intelligence sharing, cultural events, and mutual recognition. The treaty passed without controversy, with 32 ayes to 3 nays.

    Freedom from Manumission Bill:

    Introduced by Sillystring on Manumission day, this bill intends to clarify the manner in which certain holidays are to be celebrated. The bill alters the legal code to classify holidays between celebration days, days which are festively celebrated, and memorial days, days which are intended to signify historical dates and events. In addition, the bill allows a sitting delegate to proclaim one-time Celebration Days. The bill was unanimously passed with 31 Ayes.

    Treaty of the Golden Star:

    Introduced by Delegate Siwale, the treaty cements the close relationship between The North Pacific and Greater Dienstad into a single bilateral treaty, binding the two regions in areas of mutual defence, intelligence sharing, cultural events, and recognition. The treaty was ratified with 53 Ayes and 2 Nays.

    World Assembly Affairs Digest
    By Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate

    The exalted marble halls of the world assembly have echoed to the sound of tumbleweed recently. It is speculated that most enthusiasm and WA engagement has been sucked out of the multiverse by a disturbance in space-time, leaving only a motley collection of proposals and quiet discussions within the General Assembly. Whereas the GA has shown minimal signs of life, the SC has been brutally murdered and is surely dead.. A funeral is being held for the security council by concerned parties.
    General Assembly
    Improving the world one resolution at a time
    Quote from: -
    Repeal "Ban on Secret Treaties"
    Status: Discarded
    Delegates Vote: Against
    Total Votes (World): For: 5,678 Against: 9,914
    Total Votes (TNP): For: 101 Against: 405
    Recommendation: The resolution "Ban on Secret Treaties" sought to end the deleterious effects of secret diplomacy, asserting that such conduct fostered an atmosphere of misunderstanding and miscalculation which ultimately resulted in greater conflict within and among member nations. The proposal at vote rejects this notion, asserting that the resolution had failed to account for the 'positive' aspects of secret diplomacy at the time of its passing. We find these claims of the supposed benefits of secret treaties in this proposal unconvincing, however, unsubstantiated either in the text of the proposal or other explanation by the author. Holding that the content of repeals should be based upon a compelling argument, we believe the proposal at vote fails to achieve this standard.

    In accordance with the reasoning above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.
    Quote from: -
    Protecting Free Expression
    Status: Passed
    Delegates Vote: Against
    Total Votes (World): For: 12,495 Against: 3,443
    Total Votes (TNP): For: 316 Against: 204
    Recommendation: The current proposal seeks to replace the recently repealed WA#30, Freedom of Expression. However, where WA#30 was an elegant, comprehensive defense of individual civil liberties - which had one important omission - the current proposal puts a much greater emphasis on the rights of nations to limit free expression than it does on protecting the rights of the individual. By trying to achieve too much, in a single piece of legislation, the author has introduced a variety of limitations to free expression which are somewhat arbitrary, vaguely defined, and, may in fact empower nations to unnecessarily limit civil rights to expression that were previously granted. The Ministry feels it would be more beneficial to have multiple resolutions address some of the complex issues like defamation and company advertising rather than a single proposal attempting to blanket the many facets of free expression.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal
    Quote from: -
    Ban on Conversion Therapy
    Status: Passed
    Delegates Vote: For
    Total Votes (World): For: 14,123 Against: 2,300
    Total Votes (TNP): For: 448 Against: 81
    Recommendation: The Ministry concurs with the author's justification for a total ban on conversion therapy. We believe this proposal is necessary to protect the lives of an often marginalized group of people. Conversion therapy is pseudoscience with no reliable evidence of its effectiveness and is potentially harmful to those who undergo it, especially in teens and children, who have higher suicide and self-harm rates after going through such procedures.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth
    Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog :: Managing Editor: Malphe & Dinoium

    The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

    • Koala from the North
    • Posts: 56
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    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Former Citizen
  • Supreme Grand Admiral of The Emoticonian Army
  • Good to see Pallaith doing so well in TNP! :)
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

    Potential clients should PM or Query Emoticonius
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  • Former Citizen
  • That judicial system seems a good idea, you make a good point.

    Citizen: 23 June - Present,
    Wintreath's Finest July 2018,
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the 29th, 30th and 31st Underhusen,
    RP Guild Rank: Layman
    Ambassador to Hartfelden: 11 October -
    Thane of Roleplay, December 2018 - Present.
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    • I am totally not sleazy. My products are top quality.
    • Former Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North

  • Editor’s Note
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications
    Good day, all! I'd like to take a minute to introduce you to The North Pacific's latest publication: The North Star. It will be published once monthly, offset from the Northern Lights by a two week period. The North Star will include Election Results, the NPA Bulletin, Regional Assembly Highlights, and the WA Digest. While The Northern Lights will continue to serve as our region's premiere newspaper, The North Star will take on the role of a standard update. Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy this issue!


    September 2018 General Elections
    by Hardonius, Staff Member of the Ministry of Communications
    The September 2018 elections were a spectacular event, anticipated by many for months and offset by the change of forums. However, after a long wait, the elections finally got underway and ended the 14th.

    In an unprecedented turn of events, the Delegate and Vice Delegate elections were only filled by one candidate for each on the ballot. Siwale, the incumbent Delegate, took a total of 49 votes and 4 abstains, claiming his second term in office. As for the Vice Delegate election, Pallaith, the incumbent Vice Delegate, took a total of 46 votes and 7 abstains, claiming another term in office.

    Taking a look to our Regional Assembly, the Speaker elections were an interesting area to view, with both candidates putting strong campaigns forward. Incumbent Deputy Speaker Wonderess took a victory with 28 votes, gaining 58% of the votes, taking a term in the Speakership. Their opponent, bootsie, took the other 42% with 20 votes.

    In a close victory, Crushing Our Enemies is the new Attorney General, taking 26 votes, for 54% of the votes. Incumbent Attorney General Goyanes took 46% of the votes, for a total of 22 votes. It was a close and harrowing election, but the former Chief Justice and Speaker took the majority and took office the same day.

    We would like to congratulate all of our newly elected officials, wish luck to those who ran this election, and thank all of our voters for furthering our democracy.

    North Pacific Army Bulletin Sept-Oct 2018
    By Dinoium, Deputy Minister of Communications and Deputy Attorney General

    Minister of Defense: Zazumo

    Deputy Minister of Defense: Veniyerris, Konar


    This once again was a great couple of months during the term. Former Lieutenant and NPA Officer Goyanes returned after losing the Attorney General Election with the rank of Lieutenant again. Two people joined us within this period: ABC and Koopa103.

    We also got two new Officer Tests done! Dinoium and Owenstacey! Owenstacey is a former Lieutenant who rejoined as a Sergeant while Goyanes rejoined at the rank of Lieutenant.


    Dinoium promoted to Lieutenant! (8/24/18)

    Owenstacey promoted to Lieutenant! (8/29/18)

    Paluentia promoted to Private First Class! (10/13/18)

    Logs of the period

    To end this off, we will be continuing our Featured Troop of the Report. Congratulations Koopa313!

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    By Hardonius, Staff Member of the Ministry of Communications
    Passed: Election Commission Confirmation of BMWSurfer:

    Introduced by Siwale via appointment, the Regional Assembly undertook a four day vote to confirm BMWSurfer to the Election Commission for the September 2018 elections. BMWSurfer was confirmed to the Commission by a vote 18 “Aye”, 1 “Nay”, and 1 abstain.

    Passed: The Unicorn Star Accord:

    Introduced by Siwale, this proposal sought to bilaterally further unite and bring together The North Pacific and The Rejected Realms, both being game-created regions. Through this proposal, both regions established diplomatic recognition of each other, while pushing forth an agenda of non-aggression and cooperation in world affairs.

    Awaiting Quorum: Amendment to the Election and Appointment Procedure:

    Introduced by BluieGamer, this proposal pushed to extend the current term of the incumbent government due to the state of recess caused by the transfer to Tapatalk. Through this proposal, the current government would serve for one more month before transferring to the next election cycle. It also pushed for the change of election months, pushing them forward by one month.

    World Assembly Digest
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    Over the course of the last month and a half, The North Pacific has been - and continues to undergo - a forum emergency. During this period, our Executive Ministries were not as active as is usual, and as such, the coming issue of The Northern Lights was delayed by a month. As such, this WA Digest encompasses about half of October and all of September.

    General Assembly

    Improving the world one resolution at a time.

    Repeal "Crime and Punishment"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 11,284 Against: 3,827
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 395 Against: 125 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.7%

    Recommendation: United Massachusetts proposed this repeal as the first step towards replacing it with a resolution to ban capital punishment, which would conflict with the currently standing resolution. UM highlights the irreversible effect that capital punishment inflicts, the loss of life. We concur with this and also raise the point that in the event of an error found later on, posthumous acquittals are only symbolic in nature, as they do not change the fact that the state executed an innocent. We believe that all persons have the right to live, and we believe this proposal is a step in the right direction.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Uniform Labeling Of Hazardous Goods
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,184 Against: 1,108
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 515 Against: 23 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.1%

    Recommendation: The resolution proposes the labeling of hazardous materials in an effort to prevent undue loss of life and reduce inconsistencies of labeling systems between nations. In doing so, it commissions the International Transport Safety Committee (ITSC) with creating a universal labeling system and set of standards to achieve aforementioned goals. Such legislation is deemed to be an integral and necessary step in ensuring the safety of workers and the greater WA citizens alike.

    In accordance with these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the resolution.

    Freedom Of Expression For Organizations
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 3,108 Against: 11,770
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 115 Against: 401 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.5%

    Recommendation: Affirming that the importance of freedom of speech is paramount, we are disappointed in the stark lack of depth and confusing delivery that leaves us questioning the potential effectiveness of this proposal. This proposal intends to set free speech standards for organizations, however picks seemingly arbitrary points on which to base these standards. Noting the complexities of organizations and how they deal with free speech, especially in the vastly diverse members of this World Assembly, it becomes our belief at this time that these freedoms, or lack there of, are better handled by national governments and and not be regulated by the General Assembly at large.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

    Administrative Compliance Act
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 11,084 Against: 4,011
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 429 Against: 86 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.9%

    Recommendation: The Administrative Compliance Act targets the frustrating behavior of noncompliance within the World Assembly. While it is a complicated law, it is also beneficial.

    Firstly, the ACA creates a committee that applies hefty fines to any nation that does not comply, within arguable interpretations, with WA resolutions. The payment of these fines will then be used to benefit compliant WA nations.This means that any nation that acts in conformity with WA law will be rewarded for their compliance!

    Secondly, the ACA requires members engage in stiff economic and political sanctions for any nation that refuses to pay said fines. This empowers individual nations to act directly to punish genocide, torture, rampant discrimination, and slavery in nations which commit those foul acts.

    Lastly, the ACA gives individual persons the right to sue in their nation's courts if that nation refuses to address their grievance, creating both an incentive for participation and a means of reparation.

    This proposal, when taken in full, curtails noncompliance in its worst forms. This will not only benefit the greater citizens on the WA as a whole but improve quality of life for those in non-compliant nations.

    Refusing to allow non-compliant nations to oppress people further and in accordance with above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Convention on Freshwater Shortages
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,864 Against: 2,161
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 452 Against: 34 Percentage of WA nations voting: 35.3%

    Recommendation: Convention on Freshwater Shortages establishes a basic mission to preserve an ample supply of clean drinking water and prevent the loss of essential waterways to pollution. The operative clauses are mostly advisory and encouraging, leaving the details to individual nations and justifying its mild strength. However, this is a framework that works and is appropriate for the World Assembly, setting its goals for the future.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Repeal: "On Universal Jurisdiction"
    Status: Discarded
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,234 Against: 2,543
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 442 Against: 40 Percentage of WA nations voting: 34.9%

    Recommendation: Convention on Freshwater Shortages establishes a basic mission to preserve an ample supply of clean drinking water and prevent the loss of essential waterways to pollution. The operative clauses are mostly advisory and encouraging, leaving the details to individual nations and justifying its mild strength. However, this is a framework that works and is appropriate for the World Assembly, setting its goals for the future.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Circulation of World Assembly Law
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,053 Against: 2,588
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 437 Against: 65 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.3%

    Recommendation: The proposal is designed to improve the dissemination of information relating to World Assembly legislation, and ushers the development of a WA service branch to work with member nations in carrying out that task.

    The only mandatory clauses to be followed by members are to make WA resolution texts available (not require forceful dissemination of them) and to not interfere with the Law Dissemination Service's work by deliberately discriminating against its employees.

    The remainder of the resolution, specifically clauses 2 and 3 are optional, as their enacting clauses are "Urges" and "Recommends", respectively. Clauses 2 and 3 request that additional emphasis on WA law be entered into the education system and that member states make strident efforts to ensure the widest possible understanding and appreciation of both rights and obligations, among citizens. This to improve compliance among WA nations; but, also to ensure that the public has the ability to govern up, and ensure their nation is meeting its obligations to the Assembly, and the international community. However, as stated before this is technically optional, though highly encouraged.

    The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Ban on Capital Punishment
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 7,903 Against: 10,163
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 262 Against: 343 Percentage of WA nations voting: 43.2%

    Recommendation: This proposal seeks to fully ban all forms of capital punishment, better known as the death penalty, across WA nations. The death penalty has proven to be an ineffective method of punishment for criminals, often having little to no effect on crime rates after being implemented. Noting that the death penalty cannot be reversed, innocent people may die due to judicial error and new evidence coming to light.

    In seeking to promote human rights and for these reasons mentioned above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs of The North Pacific recommends a vote for the proposal.

    Preventing the Execution of Innocents
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 9,244 Against: 8,475
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 341 Against: 242 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.8%
    No Recommendation

    Int'l Service of Process
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Insufficient information

    Convention on International Oil Spills
    Status: Repealed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,810 Against: 4,372
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 376 Against: 200 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.5%

    Recommendation: This proposal attempts to create a unified approach to the prevention and clean up of oil spills; however, the Ministry has identified some significant problems with the document, not the least of which is the poor quality of the writing and grammar. This is attributable to it being rushed through the drafting process, and a failure by the author to allow proper vetting of a document that aspires to become law. This leaves the proposal vulnerable to repeal.

    In some instances, the proposal is extremely vague and informal, exemplified by the suggested timeline for maintenance of oil tanks. In other cases, the proposal is needlessly specific on matters previously addressed in existing law (specifically GA95). This creates the potential for redundancy and conflict, and could also lead to repeal.

    Finally, the Ministry is concerned that a good portion of the onus for the prevention and clean up of such spills would be shifted to the WA instead of remaining on oil companies, where it belongs. While the Ministry acknowledges the importance of the subject, and feels it is an area worthy of legislation, the consensus is that this proposal fails to meet the standards of the Assembly.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

    Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For?
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,741 Against: 2,606
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 483 Against: 93 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.6%
    No Recommendation

    Repeal "Convention on International Oil Spills"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,189 Against: 3,151
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 513 Against: 57 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.8%

    Recommendation: As exemplified in the original IFV sent, the target resolution commits improper and unprofessional grammar mistakes, uses unclear and vague language, and possesses a general feel of rushed authorship. This repeal properly addresses and presents these points before the General Assembly as well as meets the goal of repealing the resolution.

    Therefore the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, in accordance with such facts presented above, recommends a vote FOR this repeal.

    Respondeat Superior
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: Against

    Recommendation: The proposal before us would allow individuals to sue companies for acts of negligence committed by employees against individuals. We believe this to be a well-intentioned proposal, however we feel it is too vague to cover the issue at hand. The proposal appears to be vague/under developed which concerns may lead to a repeal which would further harm the chances of positive tort reform coming into effect.

    In hopes of a redraft and subsequent resubmit, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal.

    Security Council
    Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

    Commend Greater Dienstad
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,689 Against: 1,317
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 467 Against: 34 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32.3%

    Recommendation: Greater Dienstad is a stalwart of the NationStates roleplay community, fostering exceptional roleplay collaborations with various regions and hosting a variety of events, including our own 'The North Pacific-Greater Dienstad Roleplay and Cultural Exchange' held recently. Seeing the proposed commendation as a well deserved reward for Greater Dienstad's years of activity and service in the community, we urge you to vote for Commend Greater Dienstad.

    Commend Frattastan II
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For?
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,188 Against: 2,408
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 427 Against: 38 Percentage of WA nations voting: 33.8%
    No Recommendation

    Liberate Confederation Of Corrupt Dictators
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 10,443 Against: 4,928
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 316 Against: 196 Percentage of WA nations voting: 35.9%

    Recommendation: This self-pat-on-the-back proposal is nothing more than a publicity stunt to bring attention to their region after recently starting a campaign of antagonism against the World Assembly. This region is near totally undeserving of any positive recognition from the greater WA community; particularly in that the proposal's arguments for said commendation hold no merit and the regions intent to undermine experienced and intelligent voices within the WA.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

    Repeal: "Liberate The Communal Confederacy"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,750 Against: 789
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 435 Against: 34 Percentage of WA nations voting: (40.0)%

    Recommendation: Barring any reason to maintain a liberation for symbolic purposes, once a region has been refounded and has an active founder nation, there is no need to maintain a liberation. Liberations only remove delegate-imposed passwords, not founder-imposed passwords. Since The Communal Confederacy has a founder, the liberation serves no further purpose.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Condemn Lord Dominator
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 7,987 Against: 8,748
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 193 Against: 351 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.4%

    Recommendation: This proposal to condemn Lord Dominator is entirely undeserved. Its only purpose is to fulfill a desire to retaliate for the liberation that targeted the home region of this proposal's author, who also founded the region. Regardless of one's feelings about the use of liberations as an offensive tool, this presents a clear conflict of interest, is clearly an inappropriate use of the Security Council, and is not worth being entertained.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

    Liberate Federation Of Conservative Nations
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 3,892 Against: 12,243
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 59 Against: 482 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.4%

    Recommendation: The liberation of the Federation of Conservative Nations is an unneeded liberation that would be much better served as a condemnation. Let it be known that racism in any form is toxic and should be condemned and ousted. However when confined to such a small regional discord, a liberation seems unnecessary to fight such transgression.

    In believing that the application of a condemnation would be much better served and in accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against this proposal.

    Condemn Chan Island
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: For

    Recommendation: In acknowledging that some issues that come before our nations may be brought about by bad actors within the world assembly, we must recognize the primary abettor of this chaos and mayhem. Chan Island, formerly Annihilators of Chan Island, has contributed to at least 24 different situations that nations may encounter; in which your desired answer to these issues may not have the impact you had hoped for. To compound the villainy, Chan Island has also given direct assistance to occupiers and hostile invaders of various regions, some of which had to be valiantly liberated and fought for control of by those wishing to restore them.

    Understanding that Chan Island only wants to watch the world burn despite his lack of predatory superweapon usage, and in accordance with the reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    The North Star: Lighting The Way To The Truth
    Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: El Fiji Grande :: Managing Editors: Dinoium, Ryasta, Bobberino

    The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
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    Editor's Note
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    This last month has seen several changes to the TNP Ministry of Communications, specifically regarding The Northern Lights. The North Star will continue to be published once per month, and will serve primarily as an update. The focus of The Northern Lights, on the other hand, has changed to become - we hope - substantially more insightful, engaging, and relevant. Issues will be less frequent, and likely contain fewer, albeit longer articles. While TNL remains TNP-focused, there will be articles about NS as a whole, and we encourage guest writers to become more involved.

    That aside, I hope you enjoy this month's edition of The North Star!


    November 2018 Judicial Elections
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    Just three weeks or so following the conclusion of the delayed General Elections came the Judicial Elections. General COE and BMWSurfer served as Election Commissioners.

    During this judicial election season, nineteen candidates were nominated. Of these, four accepted their nominations. Lord Lore and Limerick1 announced their candidacies independent of a nomination. McMasterdonia made sure to nominate each member of the current Executive Staff, each of whom then proceeded to decline the nomination or to simply ignore it. Hardonius initially accepted his nomination, but later rescinded it and dropped out of the race. The final six candidates in the race were Darcania, SillyString, Eluvatar, Limerick1, Lord Lore, and Marcus Antonius. Detailed below is a summary of each of their campaigns.


    Darcania is an experienced nation, having formerly served once as Speaker, Attorney General, Election Commissioner, and as Deputy AG. He views the most important attributes for a justice in the region to be “legal experience, a legal mindset, level-minded discourse, seeing an issue from multiple perspectives… and fluff.” The main criticism surrounding his campaign was the public perception that he has the tendency to leave. Darcania responded by reassuring voters that each time he has left in the past, he did not have an official government position, and that when he had left government positions prematurely, he had always done so responsibly be notifying the Delegate well in advance such that a suitable replacement could be found.

    SillyString is the current Chief Justice of The North Pacific and has served in numerous other offices over the course of her five year tenure in the region. She has extensive knowledge both of the law and of court history. Her main concern “is that we need to make sure we elect justices who are thoughtful, familiar with the law, and who take the time to weigh the options and possible ramifications before making big decisions.” She believes that by doing so, TNP’s justice system will provide more consistent results.

    Eluvatar is a veteran nation who joined The North Pacific back in 2006, and who has served on and off in various positions including Delegate in the years since. He has extensive legal knowledge and, back in 2012 with the help of then Speaker Gulliver, rewrote TNP’s Constitution and Legal Code to set the region on a better path. There were no questions as to his qualifications, only if he was ‘especially qualified,’ in the words of Funkadelia.

    Limerick1 is a relative newcomer who has served on the bench for the last term and a half. Immediately upon posting his campaign thread, he received an endorsement from Siwale, our Delegate, praising him on his legal knowledge and his attitude as a team player. Limerick1 believes his ethic of hard work and the experience he gained in his previous terms make him fit to serve.

    Lord Lore has served as a justice for the last two terms, and has held office in numerous other positions prior to that, including as a former Minister and Deputy Minister of Culture and Lead Cartographer. He was endorsed by three important nations: Syrixia, McMasterdonia, and Pallaith. The only point of controversy in his campaign was the note that he did not sign the government letter declaring the new forum valid. His response highlighted his belief that the Court does not and should not serve as legal counsel of the administration, when rather the Attorney General serves that role.

    Marcus Antonius is an entirely new nation to the executive staff of The North Pacific, and his recent involvement in World Assembly and Home Affairs show that he is quick-learning, fair-minded, and has plenty of time to dedicate to regional affairs. His campaign thread mirrors that perception, and demonstrates his willingness to study and review TNP’s legal code and constitution. His campaign thread is worth a read, if only for the roleplay he posts within it!


    SillyString, Limerick1, and Eluvatar won, with 46, 35, and 32 votes respectively. Darcania narrowly missed with 29 votes. Lord Lore placed fifth with 23 votes. Marcus Antonius placed last with 14 votes. 12% of the vote requested a re-opening of nominations.


    SillyString and Eluvatar almost certainly won due to their extensive legal experience and incredible service record for the region over the years. Their past contributions have not been forgotten. Limerick1 has served about as long on the court as Lord Lore, yet does not have as much name recognition. Siwale’s early endorsement of him is likely a prominent factor that helped his campaign. I would have expected Lord Lore to get more votes. Darcania likely lost out due to the perception - true or not - that his occasional disappearances from the region have been irresponsible, regardless of his statements to the contrary. It is not much of a surprise that Marcus Antonius came last in the race because of his lack of experience regarding TNP’s legal code and history. This is understandable given that he is a regional newcomer. The North Pacific has a strong legacy of supporting qualified newcomers for offices, and we are willing to earnestly consider candidates who may not have as extensive a resume as more senior members. But said newcomers must also be qualified for the offices for which they are running. This explains the difference between Limerick1 and Marcus Antonius in the November Judicial Elections.

    The Spotlight #15: Interview with Loz
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    El Fiji Grande: Welcome to The Spotlight, Loz! I am delighted you were able to find time on such short notice.

    Loz: My pleasure, happy to be here

    El Fiji Grande: One thing that that struck me a couple weeks ago when you returned to TNP is just how little I know about you. Could you tell me how you came to join NS?

    Loz: Sure, I came into the game in January 2017 if I recall correctly. I was a pretty casual player at first, but a Telegram from Gladio caught my eye. Before I knew it I was in TNP, and in the NPA

    El Fiji Grande: How early after joining did you become involved in the NPA? Did you become involved in other aspects of the regional government as well?

    Loz: I joined the NPA as soon as I gained my citizenship! I was mainly just in the NPA in the beginning, but after a few months I started joining other ministries piece by piece. I really got my start in the executive in Comms helping to write the NPA bulletin. After that I joined the others, and actually became the Deputy Minister of Culture for Role Play Promotion. My proudest achievement there was restarting the Eras Magazine, which Prydania and McM are now doing a great job with!

    El Fiji Grande: Are there any particularly noteworthy moments during your rise while in the NPA? What rank did you ultimately reach before your current position?

    Loz: My Officer Test is a moment that will always be dear to me, but my proudest accomplishment was probably my term as Deputy Minister under Malphe. We smashed operation records that term and I learned more about R/D than I ever had before. Following my term as DMoD I was promoted to Major, which was the rank I held before becoming the Minister of Defense.

    El Fiji Grande: I've noticed that many - if not every - member of the NPA holds their Officer Test as a significant moment in their NS career. Could you help explain why that is?

    Loz: The Officer Test is in my opinion the most important part of a soldier's career. Only officers are allowed to organize and lead operations which opens up a whole new side of R/D. Being made an officer also shows you've earned the trust of your fellows and superiors in the NPA. Being a part of that brotherhood for me at least has been one of the most rewarding aspects of being in The North Pacific.

    El Fiji Grande: While serving in the NPA, what is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome?

    Loz: The greatest challenge I have had in the NPA is staying organized. I think I have largely overcome this, but when you are a new soldier it can be difficult to keep all the information you need to run an op together.

    El Fiji Grande: Siwale mentioned something about how being involved in IRL militaries drew you away from NS. What made you decide to return?
    And is that statement even accurate?

    Loz: Yes actually, I am in the United States Army and my duties over the last sixth months kept me too busy to be active in Nation States. For this term I thankfully have something of a break, but come May I'll have to put NS on hold once more.

    El Fiji Grande: (Thanks for your service!) Congratulations on your appointment to Minister of Defense!! It seems like it’s well-deserved. How does it feel to be Zazumo’s successor?

    Loz: Thank you for your support, I appreciate it! I am very happy to be following Zaz, but he has left a tremendous legacy. As Minister he was phenomenal in maintaining activity, and working with our allies. I will absolutely try my best to live up to the standard he set.

    El Fiji Grande: In your words, why is it important that the NPA remain active?

    Loz: The NPA needs to remain active and well trained in order to support the objectives of The North Pacific. There are parts of R/D that are inherently more difficult than others, and ensuring that my soldiers are well trained to face any operation that might come their way is absolutely critical.

    El Fiji Grande: Do you have any plans for where you want to take the NPA?

    Loz: My main focuses for this term are training and modernization. I have already reorganized the officer corps in order to make more officers involved in the administration of the NPA. I will also be updating the NPA training documents to reflect changes in R/D, and changes in the NPA. Of course I would also like to continue working with our allies, and continue our dedication to anti-fascism and anti-Nazism.

    El Fiji Grande: That sounds good! My plans for the future of the Northern Broadcast Service line up with that as well.

    Loz: I am actually in the NBS, or I was before my absence :D

    El Fiji Grande: I'm glad to hear that! I've listened to all the old episodes, so I may have heard you.
    To continue, why were you chosen above other candidates for the office? What do you bring to the job?
    Or rather, what would you say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?

    Loz: While I don't want to speak for Siwale, I'd like to think that he remembered my passion for the region and for the NPA. As for strengths and weaknesses, am I very proficient at leading and triggering which has also been what I enjoy most about NS war. In terms of weaknesses I suppose my weakness is that I have been a TNP loyalist all my time in NS. I have recently starting communicating with my allied counterparts to close up that gap in knowledge.

    El Fiji Grande: I know from experience how difficult leading and triggering can be. Regarding stance, how do you align yourself on raiding and defending? What are your thoughts on our stance as independent?

    Loz: To be truthful I don’t have strong opinions either way. The NPA is a tool of foreign policy and I’ll do whatever it takes for the NPA to fulfill the needs of the Region.

    El Fiji Grande: A careful response. :P It's ok, I respect that. Is there anyone in the region in particular whom you look up to, and if so, why?

    Loz: Like is said I’m a loyalist :P

    El Fiji Grande: That's not a weakness!
    But I understand what you mean.

    Loz: I look up to so many people in this region it’s hard to put a few down here. QuietDad, Gladio, Bootsie, McM, Malphe, Zaz, Prydania! It’s hard to pick when this region has such a wealth of incredible people
    But I will say that I look to people who take the time to help others learn and grow

    El Fiji Grande: What advice would you give any newcomers to the region to have a successful career here - as you put it - to learn and grow?

    Loz: The most important advice I can give to new members of the region is to ask questions and find a mentor. I think it was easier for me to find a mentor because the NPA is already more geared towards that to begin with, but in the ministries and in RP its vital to find people who have had a myriad of experience in NS and who can help you grow.

    El Fiji Grande: To follow that up, what's the best piece of advice you've ever received on NS? How has that advice affected your own path through NS?

    Loz: The best piece of device I have ever received is from QuietDad. Once when I was stressing about something he told me "Its a friggin game." And I think that is important for everyone to remember as they start to establish themselves in NationStates. Too often have I seen people take this too far and ruin themselves in the process.

    El Fiji Grande: What's your favorite thing about TNP that isn't NPA-related?

    Loz: That's a tough question, but I would have to say participating in Roleplay is my second favorite part of TNP. TNP RP is filled with awesome and incredibly helpful people who are not only usually excellent writers, but people who also care deeply about the growth and camaraderie of the community.

    El Fiji Grande: *nods* To borrow a question from Kasch’s interview of Malphe: How do you want to be remembered in TNP? What do you want your legacy to be?

    Loz: I want to be remembered as someone who left the region better than he found. And as someone people could always come to for advice or just to chat

    El Fiji Grande: I'll keep that in mind.
    Alright, before we bring this interview to an end, is there anything you'd like to add?

    Loz: Yes! Thank you for having me in the spotlight tonight Fiji! I didn’t know you before I left, but it’s clear to me that you have passion and work ethic that we should all aspire to.

    El Fiji Grande: I appreciate that, thanks. I look forward to serving alongside you this term.
    Well, it looks like that's all we have time for. It’s been a pleasure. *shakes hand*

    Loz: *shakes hand*
    North Pacific Army Bulletin Oct-Nov 2018
    By Dinoium and El Fiji Grande, Deputy and Minister of Communications

    North Pacific Army Bulletin, October-November 2018!

    Minister of Defense: Peregrinum TNP (Loz)
    Deputy Ministers of Defense: Malphe

    NPA Soldiers parade through the streets of TNP
    The former Minister of Defense, Zazumo, submitted his Letter of Resignation on October 23, 2018, stating IRL reasons that prevent him from serving to his fullest potential. Having honorably stepped aside, Zazumo was promoted to General by Loz in his Opening address. While a sad day for the Ministry, Zazumo will continue to serve in the NPA, albeit in a lower role, and Loz will surely take the Ministry to new heights!

    QuietDad promoted to Chief of Staff
    Owenstacey and Bobberino promoted to Adjutants to the Deputy

    Bobberino promoted to Captain! (11/9/18)
    Aerilia and John Maynard promoted to Sergeant! (11/9/18)
    MadJack promoted to Private First Class! (11/9/18)
    Deerfenland promoted to Private First Class! (11/14/18)

    "Logs of the Period"

    To close this off, we'll be continuing our Featured Troop of the Report. Congratulations Deerfenland!

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    By Dinoium, Deputy Minister of Communications and Deputy Attorney General

    Regional Assembly November 2018

    Speaker of The Regional Assembly: Wonderess.
    Deputy Speakers of The Regional Assembly: Prydania and Artemis.
    Members of The Speaker's Staff: Dinoium and Bobberino.
    There have recently been six proposals up for discussion in the Regional Assembly. Of these, one was voted on within the last month.
    Amendment to the Election and Appointment Procedure, proposed by BluieGamer.
    Summary: The Amendment to the Election and Appointment Procedure Proposal was an attempt to postpone all future elections by one month due to the forum-emergency and delayed elections. It was also to remove a grammar error. Had this amendment passed, it would have added an extra month to the terms of the current administration.

    "Voter Breakdown"
    Members voting Aye:
    El Fiji Grande

    Members voting Nay:
    Great Bights Mum
    Sil Dorsett
    Crushing Our Enemies
    Lord Lore
    Union of Caplis

    Members Abstaining:

    The Forum Day Bill, proposed by bootsie.
    Summary: The Forum Day Bill is a proposal to create a regional holiday similar to Blue Day which recognizes our first official forum: Old Blue. If passed, Forum Day would celebrate all of the supporters and staff members who helped with our forum-transfer from ZetaBoards to Xenforo.

    Reforming the Penal Code, proposed by Eluvatar.
    Summary: The Reforming the Penal Code proposal is a proposal from last year that has been in discussion for a very long time. It's an attempt to reform the Penal Code of the Legal Code. These reforms include defining basic terms to clarify the original language of the penal code, removing inconsistencies and repetitive sections, and adding specificity to sentencing.

    Delegate Advisor Law, proposed by St George.
    Summary: The Delegate Advisor Law proposal is a proposal to make Delegate Advisors regulated by law. Most people say that the law already states that this can exist because the Constitution states the Delegate can appoint Executive Officers at any time. This bill would have the consequence of limiting who the Delegate can appoint as an advisor. Publicly announcing advisors is merely a way of transparently informing the public who has consistent access to the Cabinet.

    Election Corruption Amendment, proposed by McMasterdonia.
    Summary: The Election Corruption Amendment was a proposal proposed back in April to stop election candidates from offering positions or influence in exchange for votes. The proposal was written by former Delegate McMasterdonia and was co-authored by Attorney General Crushing Our Enemies. With the January General Election coming up in two months, author McMasterdonia bumped it because "While we need to consider the future and should talk about it, we shouldn’t be jeopardizing the present, our ideals, or the honor by which we campaign." The bill has run into some difficulty however, as there exists a bit of a gray area with Delegates wanting to sound off potential future Cabinet members such that work can begin immediately after the election is won. This common practice has more to do with courtesy than with building support via corruption. That said, some members of the RA are of the mindset that Delegates should only begin building their administration once in office. Either way, the proposal would be difficult to enforce, relying on self-reporting and a more staunch public stance against corruption in the hopes that such a measure would discourage such activity and ingrain TNP's democratic values in newcomers to the region.

    Citizenship Amendment, proposed by Siwale
    Summary: The Citizenship Amendment proposal is a proposal to make sure if you post on either the forum or regional message board in under 30 days, you can keep your citizenship. It currently is done via forum posts, but if passed, regional message board posts would count as well. Such a measure could substantially enlarge our citizenry, and could potentially provide a bridge between various groups within the region, allowing for a more unified TNP.  Proponents of the bill feel that posting requirements should be loosened, and this is a good step towards that goal. On the other hand, opponents argue that citizenship does require activity on the forums - from voting in the RA to elections in general - and that as such, the current system where only forum activity is counted towards posting requirements should continue.
    World Assembly Digest
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    General Assembly
    Improving the world one resolution at a time.
    Respondeat Superior
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 8,726 Against: 7,071
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 181 Against: 393 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.8%

    Recommendation: The proposal before us would allow individuals to sue companies for acts of negligence committed by employees against individuals. We believe this to be a well-intentioned proposal, however we feel it is too vague to cover the issue at hand. The proposal appears to be vague/under developed which concerns may lead to a repeal which would further harm the chances of positive tort reform coming into effect.

    In hopes of a redraft and subsequent resubmit, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal.
    Cyberweapons Control Act
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 5,010 Against: 10,741
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 82 Against: 476 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.7%

    Recommendation: In attempting to protect society from civilian and collateral damages in regards to cyberwarfare, this proposal ultimately is stunted by its murky definitions and unclear language. The leading definition of cyberwarfare appears to encompass any and all ordinance that uses electricity, far overreaching the intended target of this proposal. Furthermore, the proposal attempts to distinguish cyberwarfare from espionage in a rather unnecessary and poorly written clause. The proposal goes on to outline an arbitrary list of potential 'protected sites' without giving any relevant parameters, rendering this proposal fairly unenforceable, especially when the punishment for attacking these undefined 'protected sites' is potential trial for war crimes.

    In accordance with the facts stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.
    Right to Self-Defense
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 9,735 Against: 7,682
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 253 Against: 353 Percentage of WA nations voting: 42.1%

    Recommendation: It is difficult to know if the current proposal is genuinely concerned with improving civil rights or if simply seeks to try and resolve violence by enabling further violence. The author cites the lack of legislation on this subject as a potential tool of oppressive regimes, but a right to self-defense never extends to acts of violence against one's government, so that argument makes little sense. The proposed justification for an individual's (often weaponized) self-defense is too broad and too open to interpretation. This leaves great potential for a disproportionate defense response, based not on the actual threat in each situation, but on the individual's interpretation of that threat. This often leads to fatal mistakes. A one-size-fits-all legislation does not work in this case, and it is the opinion of the Ministry that any nation's rights to self-defense should develop organically, over time, and perhaps through individual judiciaries.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal.
    Repeal "Right to Self-Defense"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,666 Against: 3,894
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 482 Against: 122 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.2%

    Recommendation: "Right to Self-Defense", while appearing to be well-meaning, is noticeably riddled with flaws. Most concerning, the resolution is overly broad and as a result unintentionally allows criminals to employ self defense against law enforcement. To reiterate, the opinion of the Ministry is that any nation's rights to self-defense should develop organically, over time, and perhaps through individual judiciaries.

    For the reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.
    Sensible Limits on Industry
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 6,749 Against: 10,702
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 124 Against: 483 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.4%

    Recommendation: While this proposal has clear ambition to achieve something positive, it suffers by the author's decision to rush it through the review process. The result is a hazy, half-formed blueprint, that outlines an immediate leap from vague premise of offense, to the most extreme consequence. There is little explanation as to how a nation would reasonably get from A to B, or, any detailed justification as to why nations should have this sort of unfettered power over industry. Reasonable regulation on the business sector isn't a bad thing, but there must be some manner of due process. Businesses need to know precisely what sort of actions would put them in peril, and, surely there must be other measures a nation can take prior to asset seizure and liquidation. Much of what this proposal sets out to protect is already covered by existing legislation with clearer definitions, more reasonable steps outlined, and less radical outcomes.

    For this reason The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.
    Don't Kill The Poor Act
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,051 Against: 3,344
    Final Vote (TNP): Information Currently Unavailable

    Recommendation: The Don't Kill The Poor Act, whilst named in a more trivial way than perhaps it should, is a piece of legislation aimed at expanding the current definition of 'genocide' as set out in GAR#38 'Convention Against Genocide', to include those targeted due to economic status. The resolution, whilst short, contains adequate protections from overzealous definitions or accusations of genocide whilst protecting victims and vulnerable groups. Moreover, the resolution adequately helps those fleeing genocide and reinforces nations responsibilities as defined in aforementioned legislation.

    In accordance with the reasoning above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this resolution.
    Repeal "On Universal Jurisdiction"
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: For

    Recommendation: "On Universal Jurisdiction", while well meaning in supporting the ability of WA member nations to prosecute war criminals and those who commit crimes against humanity, possesses critical flaws that are exposed upon further review. Specifically in section three where the resolution requires prosecution, but fails to require the sharing of pertinent evidence or information that will assist the prosecution in reaching a conviction, therefore harming the ability for nations to properly prosecute criminals. Additionally, section seven prevents the World Assembly, as a collective, from claiming jurisdiction over said criminals, therefore preventing any WA based court from effectively bringing up charges and using acquired evidence in prosecuting criminals.

    In hoping that a corrected replacement or equivalent proposal is draft, and in accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.

    Security Council
    Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

    Condemn Chan Island
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,312 Against: 3,536
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 506 Against: 47 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.3%

    Recommendation: In acknowledging that some issues that come before our nations may be brought about by bad actors within the world assembly, we must recognize the primary abettor of this chaos and mayhem. Chan Island, formerly Annihilators of Chan Island, has contributed to at least 24 different situations that nations may encounter; in which your desired answer to these issues may not have the impact you had hoped for. To compound the villainy, Chan Island has also given direct assistance to occupiers and hostile invaders of various regions, some of which had to be valiantly liberated and fought for control of by those wishing to restore them.

    Understanding that Chan Island only wants to watch the world burn despite his lack of predatory superweapon usage, and in accordance with the reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
    Commend Minoa
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,917 Against: 2,189
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 540 Against: 46 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.4%

    Recommendation: Minoa is a hard working contributor to the greater NationStates community. One who has authored and passed numerous General Assembly resolutions, maintained the database for passed Security Council Resolutions between 2009 and 2015, and maintained NSIndex as well as currently maintaining a database for tracking issues and the effects they have on member nations. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

    In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
    Commend Xoriet
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: For

    Recommendation: Xoriet is a hard working contributor to the greater Nationstates community, and one who had a crucial role in The East Pacific and the East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA). They led its golden age and helped make it one of the preeminent militaries of its time between 2014 and 2015. They are also a nation that provided guidance on treaties with other regions, including TNP, and helped set new harassment policies around NationStates. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

    In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
    The North Star: Lighting The Way To The Truth
    Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: El Fiji Grande :: Managing Editors: Dinoium, Bobberino

    The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and by the Ministry of Home Affairs internally. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
    • Koala from the North
    • Posts: 56
    • Karma: 31
    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update. :)
    1 person likes this post: Sanjurika

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North
  • Harry Potter and the Festival of Friendship
    A NationStates Community Event
    Event Discord

    Sponsored by The North Pacific, The East Pacific, The West Pacific, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, and Escade's Event Services

    Dates: Saturday December 22,2018 - Tuesday January 1,2019
    This festival is an end of the year celebration with a Harry Potter theme for the NationStates community. All players in good standing are welcome to partake :) While the theme is based around J.K. Rowling's epic universe - the festival is to celebrate the end of 2018 and the beginning of a new year!
    Festival attendees choose a Hogwarts House to be sorted into and then play to compete in team and individual events including trivia contests, dueling bot, battleship games, art competitions, writing competitions, New Years wishes, a Yule Ball roleplay mystery and other activites TBA!
    Preview of Events and Activities
    First stop! Take the custom NS edition Buzzfeed Quiz to get sorted into your House! Houses will earn points and the the House with the most points at the end of the festival will earn the House Cup and shout outs on the event dispatches, posts and regional WFEs!
    Posting a screen cap of your Buzzfeed Quiz results will earn your House 10 points :)

    Ways to get House points by Monday 12/31/2018 midnight:
    On the NS Forums:

    ~ Submit decent entries into the Golden Snitch Writing Contest (5 points for each decent entry, 25 points for the best according to our esteemed judges)
    ~ Create beautiful artwork representing your House (and all members) in the Fantastic Art & Where to Find It contest  (15 points if artistically pretty)
    ~ Write decent RP posts in the Yule Ball Role Play (10 points per fleshed out post)
    On the Event Discord
    ~ Take the Buzzfeed Sorting Quiz and post your results in the house-points channel (10 points per individual player)
    ~ Win the HP Trivia Rounds answering questions about the books, the movies, and the prequels! (20 points per round winner, 5 points for second place)
    ~ The highest duel hits (pinned) and most duel hits in the Discord Room of Requirement (10 points for highest hits and 25 points for best dueler)
    ~ Winners of the fantasy and Harry Potter themed Cards Against Humanity Games (10 points to each winner)
    ~ Winners in the Wizarding Battleship (20 points to each member of the winning team) (5 points to each player)
    ~ Wizarding Chess duels with bracket ranking. (5 points per completed chess game, 10 points to winners, 50 points to the grandmaster)
    ~ Complete the Quest for the Last Time Turner (20 points to the first to compete the quest, 10 points to each quest completer)
    ~ More activites to be announced!
    On Discord:
    - #the-leaky-cauldron - discuss the books (characters, plots, favorites, unfavorites), fan fiction, the movies, the prequels and everything else that makes us love this amazing series!
    - #the-goblet-of-fire - the games channel for HP Quiz Bowl, & Cards Against Muggles - a Harry Potter themed CAH deck (for mature players)
    - #the-quibbler - channel for spam games and music, etc
    - #floo-network - for voice chats with your fellow festival goers
    See you there, lovelies :)
    Escade <3
    4 people like this post: Wintermoot, taulover, Katie, Imaginative Kane
    • Koala from the North
    • Posts: 56
    • Karma: 31
    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the invitation! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North

  • Regional Assembly Highlights

    By El Fiji Grande and Dinoium, Minister and Deputy Minister of Communications

    Delegate Siwale in the Regional Assembly discussing Artemis' SC application.

    Regional Assembly December 2018

    Speaker of The Regional Assembly: Wonderess.
    Deputy Speakers of The Regional Assembly: Prydania and Artemis.
    Members of The Speaker's Staff: Dinoium and Bobberino.

    Delegate Advisor Law, proposed by St George.
    Summary: Delegate Advisor Law was an attempt to amend the legal code to make advisors official government roles, and both define and limit their powers. The proposal ran into some opposition due to concerns that its passage would lead to less transparency, not more. Every delegate makes use of advisors, and publicly displaying them is essentially one form of public disclosure. The concern was that by setting bounds on advisors and by making them bound by oath, it would discourage future delegates from officially appointing advisers. However, after the concerns were addressed, and when the bill ultimately reached quorum, it was passed by an overwhelming majority.
    Voter Breakdown

    Members voting Aye (24)


    Great Bights Mum


    Sil Dorsett















    Marcus Antonius


    Haor Chall


    St George


    Members voting Nay (1)


    Members Abstaining (3)

    Crushing Our Enemies



    Artemis's Security Council Application, put forward by Pallaith.
    Summary: With the Security Council unanimously voting in favor of Artemis' application for a seat on the Council, Vice Delegate and Security Council Chair Pallaith presented the application to the Regional Assembly for discussion and vote. While most favored Artemis for the role, Siwale made an unexpected and high-profile declamation against Artemis' acceptance. He passionately argued that while the SC has had difficulty with activity lately, that that should not be an excuse to bring on new members with what he viewed as having questionable records. The Regional Assembly threw out this argument however, and voted nearly unanimously in favor of the confirmation.
    Voter Breakdown
    Members voting Aye (19)



    St George










    Great Bights Mum





    Sil Dorsett

    Lord Lore

    Members voting Nay (1)


    Members Abstaining (5)




    Crushing Our Enemies


    Votes Discounted (1)

    Haor Chall - discounted for not being one of Aye, Nay, or Abstain, without embellishments.

    Citizenship Amendment, proposed by Siwale
    Summary: The Citizenship Amendment proposal is a proposal to make sure if you post on either the forum or regional message board in under 30 days, you can keep your citizenship. It currently is done via forum posts, but if passed, regional message board posts would count as well. Such a measure could substantially enlarge our citizenry, and could potentially provide a bridge between various groups within the region, allowing for a more unified TNP.  Proponents of the bill feel that posting requirements should be loosened, and this is a good step towards that goal. On the other hand, opponents argue that citizenship does require activity on the forums - from voting in the RA to elections in general - and that as such, the current system where only forum activity is counted towards posting requirements should continue.
    Voter Breakdown
    Members voting Aye (47)







    Thomas Insaniac













    King SillyString





    El Fiji Grande





    Marcus Antonius





    ACR of Deerfenland



    Patrick Henry

    St George


    Islands of Tonga





    Western Remnant


    Members voting Nay (12)


    Great Bights Mum



    Crushing Our Enemies


    Lord Lore


    Haor Chall




    Members Abstaining (6)


    Sil Dorsett




    Notboss Dragonking

    On the Rejection of Andrew's Citizenship Application, put forward by Pallaith.
    Summary: The Vice Delegate Pallaith rejected former TNP Minister of Home Affairs and former Balder Minister of Integration Andrew because it has been known that he shared confidential information with officials in Balder while serving under Delegate Tomb. Pallaith saw this violation as a possible security threat to the region, and did not clear Andrew of the Vice Delegate security check. As required by law, this matter was brought before the Regional Assembly. After some heated discussion, the RA voted to overturn the VD check and confirm Andrew as a citizen of TNP. While this may give him a second chance within the region, future administrations should carefully re-evaluate his disposition before bringing him onboard again.

    Election Commission Nominations of Brendog and Artemis, put forward by Siwale.
    Summary: There was some difficulty getting this to vote as Artemis currently serves as a Deputy Speaker. However, since Constitutional restrictions on holding multiple offices is waived for Election Commissioners, this vote proceeded without fault, and both Brendog and Artemis were confirmed.

    Election Commission Confirmation of Eluvatar and Owenstacey put forward by Siwale.
    Summary: While the vote was initially voided due to a technical error, Eluvatar and Owenstacey were both confirmed as Election Commissioners.[/SIZE]


    The Speaker Accountability Act, proposed by BMWSurfer.

    Summary: This legislation was proposed by BMWSurfer in an effort to increase the transparency of the Speaker's office, as he is not entirely sure what the Speaker's staff actually does. While some saw it as a statement, Wonderess - the current Speaker - supports the bill as doing so may increase the connection the office has with the public. However, many wonder whether this Act is worth inscribing into law, as it does not seem necessary.

    The Executive Accountability Act, proposed by Wonderess.

    Summary: This legislation proposes to have Regional Officers (ie Ministers) submit summary reports of their actions on a monthly basis to increase transparency and aid Executive Staff recruitment. In debate, some feel the legislation poses a needless bureaucratic burden on the Executive. However, others feel that any added accountability in the Executive Branch - irrespective of how long or short the reports are - make the regional government more accessible to the general public. Some controversy was stirred over the Speaker himself proposing this legislation, where some felt his actions inappropriate and others that he had acted merely as a standard citizen.

    North Pacific Army Bulletin Nov-Dec 2018

    By El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    North Pacific Army Bulletin, November-December 2018!

    Minister of Defense: Zazumo
    Deputy Ministers of Defense: Darcania
    Chief of Staff: QuietDad

    NPA Soldiers review their holdings

    Loz served from October 24th to December 14th. His brief tenure in office saw training operations, officers' tests, and notably, the West Pacific Delegate transition and deployment to St Abbaddon. After publicly resigning due to IRL military time conflicts, former Minister of Defense Zazumo returned to take the helm. 

    Zazumo is promoted to General
    Bluie Gamer is promoted to Major
    BMWSurfer is promoted to Major
    Malphe is promoted to Major
    Dinoium promoted to Captain
    Brendog promoted to Lieutenant
    Praetor promoted to Lieutenant
    Koopa103 promoted to Lieutenant
    Stoskavanya1 promoted to Sergeant
    Krevt promoted to Corporal
    Yuno promoted to PFC
    NastyGamer promoted to PFC
    Pasmeni promoted to PFC
    ABC promoted to PFC
    Spang promoted to PFC
    Alex Thompson promoted to PFC
    BeanTaz promoted to PFC
    Logs of the Period

    To close this off, we'll be continuing our Featured Troop of the Report. Congratulations Yuno!

    World Assembly Digest
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    General Assembly
    Improving the world one resolution at a time.

    Repeal "On Universal Jurisdiction"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,483 Against: 1,445
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 539 Against: 44 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.8%

    Recommendation: "On Universal Jurisdiction", while well meaning in supporting the ability of WA member nations to prosecute war criminals and those who commit crimes against humanity, possesses critical flaws that are exposed upon further review. Specifically in section three where the resolution requires prosecution, but fails to require the sharing of pertinent evidence or information that will assist the prosecution in reaching a conviction, therefore harming the ability for nations to properly prosecute criminals. Additionally, section seven prevents the World Assembly, as a collective, from claiming jurisdiction over said criminals, therefore preventing any WA based court from effectively bringing up charges and using acquired evidence in prosecuting criminals.

    In hoping that a corrected replacement or equivalent proposal is draft, and in accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.

    Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 9,411 Against: 6,397
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 392 Against: 165 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.2%

    Recommendation: The target resolution, while intending to modernize WA legal systems and ensure innocents are not unjustly killed, possesses various flaws that may lead to its downfall. Namely, the block of limits on discovery and admission of evidence, as well as requiring cases to meet a requirement of no doubt, well beyond that of reasonable doubt. Furthermore, the resolution possesses multiple points that appear to be selected arbitrarily; including the restriction on the amount of people affected by the crimes committed and the order and separation of the discovery periods by the Division and various council associated with the case. Lastly, a criminal could avoid capital punishment by indefinitely delaying appeals and other avenues that prevent the Division from certifying the case.

    In hopes of a redraft or new draft addressing capital punishment in the WA, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a close evaluation of the repeal and the target resolution, and a vote For this repeal.

    For reference and sake of comparison, the Ministry gave a "No Recommendation" at the original passing of this target resoltuion, such IFV you can find in the following link: here.

    International Aero-Space Administration
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,990 Against: 1,357
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 555 Against: 37 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.2%

    Recommendation: The support of development of space research is a laudable and very important goal for the World Assembly to promote and properly legislate. The proposal addresses a swath of space, engineering, and data issues that concern the way nations interact and share this information. This includes the publishing of donated research, coordination on spacecraft launches, assisting in the development of civilian space programs, and acting as an intermediary for international joint space programs. It further requires nations to coordinate flight plans for aircraft and spacecraft while not infringing on military secrecy or unreasonably requiring corporation. Lastly, and most importantly, the proposal allows for expansion upon the many topics it addresses and lays groundwork for proper space legislation in the future.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Repeal "On Universal Jurisdiction"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,843 Against: 2,064
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 503 Against: 44 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.3%

    Recommendation: "On Universal Jurisdiction", while well meaning in supporting the ability of WA member nations to prosecute war criminals and those who commit crimes against humanity, possesses critical flaws that are exposed upon further review. Specifically in section three where the resolution requires prosecution, but fails to require the sharing of pertinent evidence or information that will assist the prosecution in reaching a conviction, therefore harming the ability for nations to properly prosecute criminals. Furthermore, the requirement of prosecution will lead to criminals seeking out apathetic or even sympathetic jurisdictions in order to reduce or eliminate penalties all together. Additionally, section seven prevents the World Assembly, as a collective, from claiming jurisdiction over said criminals, therefore preventing any WA based court from effectively bringing up charges and using acquired evidence in prosecuting these types of criminals.

    In hoping that a corrected replacement or equivalent proposal is draft, and in accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.

    Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 7,199 Against: 9,737
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 167 Against: 408 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.2%

    Recommendation: The Ministry is nearly equally divided about this repeal. Among Ministry members, there is a majority objection to the practice of capital punishment, but the GA has elected to maintain this punitive option for member nations. GA#443 Preventing the Execution of Innocents (the target of this repeal) was passed to maintain checks and balances, and to create a WA body for sober second thought and review of such cases before executions may take place. The objective being to prevent innocent persons from being executed by overzealous, careless, or corrupted judiciaries. Noble in that cause, GA#443 also has its flaws and is perceived by some as too complex and invasive. As the Ministry vote is nearly equally split, the deciding factor must be the likelihood of passage of any replacing legislation, should the target be repealed. While this repeal makes a competent case in pointing out the flaws in the target, it is the opinion of the Ministry that the pursuant replacement would be unlikely to pass, leaving no protections whatsoever against unsound verdicts leading to the execution of innocents in a criminal context. At present, it is the belief of the Ministry that even a flawed legislation that saves innocent lives is better than no legislation at all.

    For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Intersystem Space Stations Programme
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 7,652 Against: 7,988
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 209 Against: 337 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.9%

    Recommendation: This proposal is a bit convoluted and not very clear in its intent. It fails to cite any parameters for the proposed project and gives only vague indications of the project's eventual benefits to member nations. Without these things, the project has the potential to become a vast and costly white elephant in space, indefinitely hemorrhaging funds into the nearest singularity. Most problematic is the requirement to a mandatory, open-ended spend for all WA nations, many of whom have no interest in space exploration at all. This lack of clarity in authorship, and perhaps an ambition that has outpaced practical realities, renders the project difficult to envision, and the proposal difficult to support.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Security Council
    Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

    Commend Xoriet
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,443 Against: 2,222
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 536 Against: 46 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.3%

    Recommendation: Xoriet is a hard working contributor to the greater Nationstates community, and one who had a crucial role in The East Pacific and the East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA). They led its golden age and helped make it one of the preeminent militaries of its time between 2014 and 2015. They are also a nation that provided guidance on treaties with other regions, including TNP, and helped set new harassment policies around NationStates. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

    In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Liberate the Coalition of Fascist Nations
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 4,008 Against: 10,470
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 125 Against: 411 Percentage of WA nations voting: 35.8%

    Recommendation: This proposal represents the culmination of a series of ideologically driven offensive liberation attempts to an inevitable triviality. Where once liberations of this nature targeted overtly racist regions that celebrated historic atrocities, and had wide support within the Ministry, this proposal relies heavily on hyperbole in an attempt to equate the mundane with the Machiavellian. Coalition of Fascist Nations is an insignificant region, not actively campaigning, hosting roughly 80 nations, and posing no threat to the wider community. Some may find their political position offensive, and those individuals are well within their rights to support liberation. It is the opinion of the Ministry, however, that an indiscriminate use of this important and powerful tool will ultimately render the tool ineffective.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Commend The Church of Satan
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 7,815 Against: 8,349
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 288 Against: 278 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.5%

    Recommendation: Because this proposal reads more like a grocery list of government positions rather than citing accomplishments, the initial response might be to reject it. Taking a deeper read, however, it becomes apparent that Church of Satan has made significant contributions in leadership, to a variety of regions over time, and across the spectrum of the WA. The varying demands of each of those posts, within markedly different realms should not be overlooked. There is clear evidence here of a dedication to knowledge and the development of the sort of soft skills that led to CoS being elected to leading positions in region after region. One does not simply walk into The Rejected Realms and garner respect. It is by the years of commitment and hard work, abilities acquired, challenges encountered, lessons learned, that CoS has been able to instill in each region touched, a sense of pride, and so for TRR. This sort of long term, adaptable, get-the-job-done dedication is worthy of acknowledgement.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Repeal "Liberate The East Pacific"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 15,074 Against: 1,767
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 488 Against: 45 Percentage of WA nations voting: 35.3%

    Recommendation: "Liberate The East Pacific", while a well written and humorous piece of legislation that has blessed these hallowed and secure halls for some time now, has appeared to have lost meaning in accordance with the raider princess being usurped latest election results. The new regime lead with changes in the hue of their official government documents; changing from an autocratic pink to a more democratic green as well as transforming the emigration process to be more shudders cosmopolitan friendly. Furthermore, despite everyone's hopes, TEP was never turned into a Black Hawk or West Pacific puppet state. As a result, the region has moved on and is not currently experiencing the various issues raised in the liberation.

    In observance of moving on, while not attempting to demean the artistic flair of the previously passed legislation, and in accordance with the evidence presented above (jokes aside), recommends a vote For this repeal.

    Condemn The Pacific
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,006 Against: 1,866
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 540 Against: 37 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.5%

    Recommendation: The last time The Pacific was condemned, the current regime (the New Pacific Order) apologized for their actions and subsequent conduct in the 2015 coup d'etat of Lazarus. As a result of the apology, the international community repealed the condemnation and attempted to start anew with the NPO. Unfortunately, recent events, including previously covered up events following the 2015 condemnation, have revealed to the international community that its trust in the NPO was misplaced and those apologies were hollow. Recent events include, the infiltration and espionage of Osiris and Lazarus by Feux and A Mean Old Man, and the forced exile of Topid from St Abbaddon. Furthermore, various NPO officials have been directly involved in coups in The North Pacific, The South Pacific, and Lazarus and concealing the true identity of a player who committed vandalism and destruction of various regional forums. The Pacific's resident regime of the New Pacific Order has proven to be aggressive, disrespectful of regional sovereignty, and willing to pursue their own agenda at any cost without fear of repercussion.

    In accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the condemnation of The Pacific.

    Condemn Macedon
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,732 Against: 2,249
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 509 Against: 45 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.9%

    Recommendation: Macedon is an ancient region who was among the first imperialistic regions in the NS community. In accordance with actions they committed during their active existence, they were condemned under the very first Security Council Resolution (SC #1). The reason for existence of this second condemnation is to expand upon the first, specifically in detailing the actions Macedon committed which warranted the original condemnation. These actions including using puppets to undermine other regional governments and overthrow sitting governments, invading and forcing out natives from their home region, passwording and refounding regions to prevent natives from reestablishing their community, and attempting to take over and/or refound France, Belgium, and Greece. Furthermore, the actions Macedon committed against Belgium helped pave the way for the creation of Liberations in the SC.

    In hopes of maintaining proper SC history while providing context to historical resolutions and in accordance with the facts stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Commend Bachtendekuppen
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 10,113 Against: 5,726
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 384 Against: 183 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.4%

    Recommendation: It is undeniable that Bachtendekuppen has made significant contributions to The East Pacific as delegate, mediator, diplomat, mentor, and archivist. The ongoing good work cited in the proposal is laudable and should be celebrated. Also notable is Bach's significant contribution to the treaty between TEP and The North Pacific, forming a long standing alliance between the regions, further strengthened by Bach's continued diplomatic efforts. This is a highly regarded player, and a respected diplomatic force in the wider world.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Repeal "Condemn Macedon"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,625 Against: 5,035
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 397 Against: 167 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.6%

    Recommendation: This repeal is the coup de grâce in a strategy to repeal and replace previous Security Council ruling SC#1, but while taking a slightly different route: Passing first the replacement, then seeking the repeal afterwards. SC#1 was written in the infancy of the Security Council and was without precedent in terms of its structure. The result was a less than comprehensive resolution that failed to provide detail and context to the offences of the target region. The replacing resolution SC#269 accomplishes that, and in doing so renders SC#1 redundant - little more than a curiosity of a bygone era. While care should be taken against wanton revisions of the historical record of both the GA and SC, in this case the repeal of SC#1 poses no threat, and its replacement actually enhances our understanding of that period in our shared history.

    For this reason The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Condemn United World Order
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,062 Against: 1,762
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 462 Against: 43 Percentage of WA nations voting: 34.0%

    Recommendation: This is a Roleplay condemnation, and since they aren't that common, some explanation: A condemnation of this nature is designed to acknowledge both the outstanding roleplay of the nominee, as well as their contributions to the community while out of character. The form the nomination takes, either condemnation or commendation, will often be determined by the role. In the case of United World Order, the role is one of an insidious and villainous nation (in character) guilty of numerous atrocities and crimes against humanity. This condemnation is an extension of that roleplay, and an acknowledgement from their peers of outstanding dedication and commitment to their character. Out of character, UWO is an accomplished RPer with a history of high-quality roleplay for over 5 years. Respected in the community, UWO has always been approachable and willing to help new RPers with advice and feedback, and, has been an upstanding member of our allies Greater Dienstad for some time.

    For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Repeal "Commend Solorni"
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: Against

    Recommendation: There is strong historical precedent within the NationStates community, that commendations of players discovered to have engaged in out-of-character (OOC) misconduct ought to be repealed, as a means of isolating these players and protecting the community. Such repeals have occurred a few times in the past, and The North Pacific has consistently voted in support of them. The need for these repeals arises, largely, due to the unwillingness of NationStates' administration to adequately address OOC actions occurring outside of the main NationStates website. It is also an unfortunate consequence of NationStates' harmful rules for handling OOC misconduct issues, that these repeals must be written from an entirely in-character (IC) perspective. As a result, repeals of this kind are difficult to write, with the authors having to waltz around the rules in order to disguise what the resolution really is about: condemnation of OOC misconduct.

    Unfortunately, in the case of the repeal in question, the attempts for rule compliance have resulted in a resolution containing assertions that are at best exaggerations, and at worst outright falsehoods. The problematic claims are found in two clauses, "Disgusted..." and "Disturbed...": In these clauses, the resolution takes allegations of misconduct by the commended nation, previously published in Europeia's investigation, and elevates them into statements of fact. This is despite the fact that Europeia themselves acknowledge that there is not sufficient evidence to prove these allegations. To make matters worse, by asserting the entire career of the commended nation to be the result of OOC misconduct, the resolution grossly misrepresents even the number of these allegations. The implication of the clauses is that the commended nation routinely and consistently resorted to OOC misconduct, possibly in a majority of their interactions throughout their years-long NationStates career. There is simply no evidence to support that there has been misconduct at this scale.

    It is worth taking a moment to contrast this resolution with previous repeals of commendations for OOC reasons: All of them had to cite IC arguments, in order to overcome the unfortunate confines of the NationStates' rules. However, none of them had to resort to unproven assertions of OOC misconduct. This is the first resolution to do so. Supporting this resolution sets a dangerous precedent for future resolutions attempting to address OOC misconduct. Not only is this resolution not conducive to establishing an effective protocol for how the community should deal with cases of OOC misconduct by commended players, but it damages what progress the community has already made in that regard.

    Because of all of the above, The North Pacific must oppose this resolution. The North Pacific would vote in favor of an alternative repeal resolution that addressed the above shortcomings. But as it stands, The North Pacific recommends a vote against the current resolution.

    The North Star: Lighting The Way To The Truth

    Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: El Fiji Grande :: Managing Editors: Dinoium, Bobberino

    The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and by the Ministry of Home Affairs internally. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.
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  • January 2019 General Elections
    by Marcus Antonius, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Communications

    The January 2019 elections were a spectacular event with a large turnout of candidates. Eluvatar and Owenstacey served as Election Commissioners.

    Delegate Results

    Image: Pallaith vs MadJack

    The candidates for Delegate were St. George, Bluie Gamer, abc, Bobberino, BMWSurfer, Pallaith and Praetor.

    St. George (Mad Jack) once served as Delegate previously in Osiris in 2012, but had a DOS status that prevented him from accessing NS for the last several years. When, a few months ago, he successfully appealed that decision with the NS mods, there was significant hype around the potential for a campaign of his for the delegacy. His platform was impressive and certainly gave Pallaith a run for his money in gaining 36.36% of the region's voters.

    Bluie Gamer was going to run in the last election but was struck by the 'forum apocalypse'. He ran a joke campaign in which he advised the region not to vote for him, but still succeeded in securing a solitary vote.

    abc has been a member of TNP for two years and has held the positions of Speaker and Minister of Home Affairs. He received some criticism from his term as Speaker when he 'vanished,' leaving Wonderess to essentially take over the office. This may reflect why voters only gave him the one vote.

    Bobberino ran a joke campaign in which he declared himself 'Spammer in Chief!'. He still managed to attract four votes.

    BMWSurfer, our hard working Minister of Home Affairs, Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs and relative 'newcomer' to TNP, managed to sway six votes. His campaign made light of his plan to have “Some people will be on my cabinet, some animals,” referencing some peoples' choice of forum avatar and NS flag.

    Praetor's campaign was well thought-out, and provided a deep level of suggestions for future delegates. It was intended to be a model campaign. Praetor withdrew his bid for Delegate on the first day of voting as he never intended to actually run, not having the time to dedicate to the role.

    Pallaith - serving as Vice Delegate and Security Councillor - was always going to be a very strong contender for the delegacy. His commitment, work ethic and the fact he has been Delegate on two previous occasions, proved a popular choice for the voters. He claimed victory with 52.73% of the vote. 

    The new Delegate of TNP is Pallaith, having secured 58 of the 110 total votes cast.
    St. George came second with 40 votes. BMWSurfer, third with 6 votes. Fourth place went to Bobberino with 4 votes. The last place positions were shared by abc and Bluie Gamer with 1 vote apiece.  There were 7 Abstains.

    Vice Delegate Results
    Image: Syrixia gives SiberianFedRep some sound advice

    The candidates for Vice Delegate were Brendog, Sil Dorsett, SiberianFedRep, Bobberino and Bootsie.

    Brendog - a former Minister of Home Affairs - has previously pursued the Vice Delegacy. He provided a sound but intriguing campaign in relation to the running of the Security Council. This achieved him 14.16% of the vote.

    SiberianFedRep received no votes, having abandoned the region prior to the start of voting. While his campaign was clearly beneath the standard of a serious candidate in the election, it is important to emphasize that TNP makes an effort to seriously consider the campaigns of experienced newcomers, even if they're not familiar faces.

    Bobberino not only threw his hat into the Delegate race, but also the Vice Delegate race. He did not submit a campaign thread for the VD race, but still managed to achieve 9.73% of the vote. His joke delegate bid has already been discussed above.

    bootsie has been on the Security Council for three years and has served as Vice Delegate. As Sil Dorsett, a fellow Security Councillor,
    was running for the Vice Delegacy as well, bootsie tactically withdrew from the contest so as not to split the votes between them.

    Sil Dorsett is a current member of the Security Council. He has been involved in TNP for over two years and has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Voters agreed that he was indeed 'The Right Person in the Right Job.' With the withdrawal of bootsie, the race for Vice Delegate was left open for Sil Dorsett to bring home 76.11% of the vote.

    At the end of voting, Sil Dorsett is the new Vice Delegate with 86 of the 113 votes cast. Brendog came second with sixteen votes, and Bobberino gained third place with eleven votes. There were four abstains.

    Attorney General Results
    Image: General COE discussing legal matters with Yuno

    There were only two candidates for the position of Attorney General: Yuno and Crushing Our Enemies. 

    Yuno is relatively new to TNP but she didn’t want COE running against himself. To prove herself knowledgeable and understanding of TNP's Legal Code, Yuno summarized the aforementioned document in her campaign. This impressed some voters as she achieved 27.96% of the votes. 

    Crushing Our Enemies was the sitting Attorney General and was seeking re-election to the office. Four months ago, he promised to center his work as Attorney General around the values of Compassion, Objectivity, and Efficiency. The voters of TNP acknowledged his appeal and he won, accumulating 67 of the 93 cast votes of which there were 23 abstains. 
    So, Crushing Our Enemies has been re-elected as the Attorney General. 

    Regional Speaker Results
    Image: Wonderess, Dinoium and Artemis settle matters in the Speaker's Office

    Wonderess (the former Speaker) as well as Artemis and Dinoium entered the fray for election for Speaker. This particular race became quite controversial. 

    Wonderess completed one term as Speaker after succeeding ABC for the role in the last election. He was very keen to be re-elected as he wanted to publish a successor to the Regional Assembly Digest, a comprehensive summary of RA activity that had fallen by the wayside in his last term.

    Artemis (also known as Oracle and as Sundred) served as a member of the Security Council, Election Commission, and Deputy Speaker at the time of the election, and is a former Minister of Culture. His campaign cited his plan - if elected - to surround himself with active Deputy Speakers, and hopes to blend the make-up of the Deputy Speakers with experienced members as well as newer individuals to help train future speakers. 

    Dinoium has had experience as a Deputy Minister of Communications, Deputy Attorney General, Ambassador and has served on the Speaker's Staff. When the voting started, it became obvious that it was going to be a very close race indeed. At the cease of voting, there were only four votes separating the first and last places. 

    Wonderess - the incumbent - was defeated, taking 34 of 108 total votes. There were nine abstains. Artemis and Dinoium could not achieve a clear majority with 36 and 38 votes achieved respectively at the cease of the voting period. This then led to a runoff vote, which is further described in the section below. 

    Speaker Runoff Results
    Image: Dinoium takes on Artemis

    The runoff vote between Artemis and Dinoium got off to a good start and it very quickly appeared as though Dinoium was going to secure the victory. However, a few days into the campaign, Dinoium had a change of heart having been dropped as a Deputy Minister of Communications. Preferring to once again pursue that role, he wished to concede the Speaker race. There was some speculation as to his intent, given that such an action is illegal. A candidate cannot concede once the voting has started. Dinoium would have had to drop his citizenship or not take his oath if elected. If he dropped his citizenship, the voting process would have to be re-started. If he was victorious in the voting and was awarded the Speaker position and then not taken his oath, this would have triggered a Special Election a week after the Oath Taking period had lapsed. All that said, Dinoium later stated that he had merely attempted to admit defeat and encourage his supporters to shift their votes to Artemis. Whatever the case, this situation did not result in a legal dilemma, as at the close of voting, the votes were as follows: Artemis: 44 and Dinoium: 30, with one abstain.

    Artemis is the new Speaker.

    Minister and Deputy Appointments
    Pallaith appointed:
    Darcania as Minister of Defense
    BMWSurfer as Minister of Home Affairs
    Tlomz (Kranostav) as Minister of WA Affairs
    El Fiji Grande as Minister of Communications
    Brendog as Minister of Foreign Affairs
    MadJack (St George) as Minister of Culture
    Deputy Speakers
    Artemis appointed:
    Ark, Bobberino, bootsie

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    by Marcus Antonius, Deputy Minister of Communications

    Image: Delegate Pallaith being transported to the Security Council
    Regional Assembly January 2019

    Speaker of The Regional Assembly: Artemis
    Deputy Speakers of The Regional Assembly: Ark, Bobberino and Bootsie

    At Vote

    Nessuno's Security Council Application, put forward by Pallaith.
    Status: Passed
    Summary: The Security Council, having previously nominated Nessuno's back in 2015, discussed his application. Siwale provided a detailed statement in support of Nessuno and the Security Council passed the nomination and it went to vote. The vote passed in Nessuno's favour with only one opposed.
    Voter Breakdown
    – Votes in Favor (21)
    Great Bights Mum
    Crushing Our Enemies
    Marcus Antonius
    St George

    Votes Opposed (1)
    Sil Dorsett

    Abstentions (7)
    El Fiji Grande
    Haor Chall

    COE's Security Council Application, put forward by Pallaith.
    Status: Passed
    Summary: The Security Council had nominated Crushing Our Enemies for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for his admission was a majority, with 9 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 abstention. The application then went to the Regional Assembly for discussion and voting to take place. During the discussion a very interesting and reasoned answer was given by COE in relation to 'Reckless Endorsement Gathering". The RA vote was 28 ayes and 1 abstain.
    Voter Breakdown
    Members voting Aye:
    Great Bights Mum
    Sil Dorsett
    John Maynard
    Marcus Antonius
    Haor Chall
    St George

    Members Abstaining:

    In Discussion
    Delegate and Vice Delegate Article Amendment, put forward by Dinoium.
    Status: In Discussion
    Summary: Dinoium proposes changes of Article 3: Delegate and Vice Delegate of the Constitution of The North Pacific.

    Amendment to the Rules of the Regional Assembly, put forward by Artemis.
    Status: In Discussion
    Summary: During the past several months, Artemis had seen some comments about amending the rules of the Regional Assembly. Therefore, he would like to present a draft for consideration of some changes. None are too drastic and would be beneficial.

    Making sense of who are government officials, put forward by Haor Chall.
    Status: In Discussion
    Summary: It seems very odd that Deputy Ministers are not currently seen as government officials, which is causing some confusion. Haor Chall proposes changes to the Legal Code, Chapter 6 and Constitutional Amendment, Article 7.

    North Pacific Army Bulletin January 2019
    by Malphe, War Correspondent
    Minister of Defense: Darcania
    Deputy Ministers of Defense: Malphe, Bobberino

    Image: New Minister of Defense Darcania

    Unfortunately the crown we usually give to the Minister was too small for their head but they found a way to make it work.

    Entering into 2019, newly elected delegate Pallaith appointed long-time NPA member and former MoD Darcania as Minister of Defense, who then appointed Bobberino and Malphe as his deputies.

    Darcania is one of the oldest NPAers still active and has the experience of over three years and a short time already as MoD in 2017 under his belt. He has also served as Chief of Staff under Eluvatar and Deputy Minister of Defense under both Zazumo and Lozinak. Deputy Bobberino has been a member of the NPA since early 2018, entering during now deputy Malphe's term who has been a member (with bouts of inactivity) since early 2016.

    Whilst no large operations have yet been undertaken as of 27/01/2019 excepting a small tag of a fascist region, the Minister has been busy reorganizing the roster of the NPA to automatically update any soldier's number of operations undertaken. This term has also seen the return of Gladio to activity within NPA, although still WA locked he has triggered for a simple tag operation where he hit 3 out of the 3 targets, despite not having triggered for almost a year.

    We're optimistic this will be a very good term for the NPA!

    Mission Logs

    World Assembly Digest
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    General Assembly
    Improving the world one resolution at a time.

    Preventing Groundwater Contamination
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,534 Against: 2,184
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 511 Against: 62 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.2

    Recommendation: This proposal is a bit convoluted and not very clear in its intent. It fails to cite any parameters for the proposed project and gives only vague indications of the project's eventual benefits to member nations. Without these things, the project has the potential to become a vast and costly white elephant in space, indefinitely hemorrhaging funds into the nearest singularity. Most problematic is the requirement to a mandatory, open-ended spend for all WA nations, many of whom have no interest in space exploration at all. This lack of clarity in authorship, and perhaps an ambition that has outpaced practical realities, renders the project difficult to envision, and the proposal difficult to support.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Debtor Voting Rights
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 9,613 Against: 6,991
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 457 Against: 157 Percentage of WA nations voting: 42.1

    Recommendation: The proposal very simply and elegantly protects the voting rights of debtors. This is important as democratic member nations should not constrict the rights of citizens to elect representatives and/or the ability to vote upon other democratic processes based on their financial status or grievances.

    In accordance with the brief reasoning stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Repeal "Debtor Voting Rights"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 10,937 Against: 5,078
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 316 Against: 218 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.0

    Recommendation: Foundationally, the target proposal remains sound. That it does not address every conceivable scenario where it may be skirted by nefarious governments does not preclude the possibility of future, enhancing proposals to address those vulnerabilities. The recent passage of GAR#450 (Don't Kill the Poor Act) addressing an oversight in GAR#38 (Convention Against Genocide) shows how scenarios not considered at the time of passage of a law can be later addressed, without a wholesale repeal and replace. Although the ideas outlined in this repeal and the ideas outlined in DVR are linked, they remain separate issues: One relating to debt and imprisonment. One relating to debt and voting rights. As a result, and provided any supplementary legislation enhancing DVR does not tread on precisely the same ground, the concerns raised in this proposal can be addressed without the repeal. While some may see DVR as incomplete, incomplete is not the same as defective. In what it sets out to do, DVR still makes it very clear that no nation shall bar member nations from invoking a person's debts as reason to deprive that person of the right to vote. Legislation relating to debt and incarceration can, and likely will, come later.

    For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Freedom to Seek Medical Care II
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 8,069 Against: 7,770
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 196 Against: 410 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.4

    Recommendation: This is the second incarnation of this proposal. The first was submitted for vote roughly one year ago, and little has changed between that version and this. The Ministry cited a significant problem with version one (FTSMC), in that it created potential conflicts with standing legislation GAR#389, relating to the closure of national borders, and the prohibition of temporary emigration at times of quarantine during epidemics. Should the need arise to repeal and replace GAR#389 with a more comprehensive version, the passage of FTSMC would have rendered that legally impossible. The loss of that ability to declare quarantines, and close national borders, would present an unacceptable risk to the greater public health of the WA, writ large. While the Ministry, then, supported the premise of FTMSC, it could not support the proposal without a suggested, minor edit to language, alleviating that problem. In the current version, those recommendations have gone ignored, the troublesome language remains, as does the potential conflict. It appears the author simply sat on the proposal for a year, made minor amendments that did not address previous concerns, then added a "II" to the title in hopes that voters would forget. This shows a certain complacency, which is further highlighted by the garbled text that appeared in the previous version and remains uncorrected a year later. For these reasons, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Repeal "Safeguarding Nuclear Materials"
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 4,846 Against: 10,862
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 65 Against: 496 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.3

    Recommendation: In citing our previous support of the target of this repeal, it should be noted that the target allows all WA nations to procure and trade nuclear weapons without WA interference. This is important as very real and powerful nuclear threats do exist outside of the WA sphere of influence and it is paramount that WA member nuclear programs are not subject to limitations that may prevent a response or act of aggression by a foreign power. Furthermore, the target resolution provides denuclearization services free of charge to nations who cannot defend or no longer wish to maintain their own nuclear program.

    In accordance with the items stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this repeal.
    Previous IFV
    "Safeguarding Nuclear Materials" aims to protect member nations' rights to possess nuclear weapons and use them in cases of defense and war against hostile forces. We wish to remind the WA nations of the region that there are no limitations on what nuclear armaments non-WA member nations may produce and how said nations may use them, and that two former resolutions regarding nuclear materials within WA member nations have been repealed. This creates a situation in which a single resolution limiting the nuclear power of WA member nations could cause detrimental and most certainly fatal military disadvantages for WA member nations against non-WA member nations. Additionally, this resolution ensures that member nations can call upon the Nuclear Energy Safety Commission to secure technology and scientific knowledge as well as provide denuclearization assistance to nations unable to defend said items from hostile forces.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    Right to Self-defense
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: Against

    Security Council
    Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

    Repeal "Commend Solorni"
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 10,943 Against: 2,806
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 169 Against: 327 Percentage of WA nations voting: 33.8%

    Recommendation: There is strong historical precedent within the NationStates community, that commendations of players discovered to have engaged in out-of-character (OOC) misconduct ought to be repealed, as a means of isolating these players and protecting the community. Such repeals have occurred a few times in the past, and The North Pacific has consistently voted in support of them. The need for these repeals arises, largely, due to the unwillingness of NationStates' administration to adequately address OOC actions occurring outside of the main NationStates website. It is also an unfortunate consequence of NationStates' harmful rules for handling OOC misconduct issues, that these repeals must be written from an entirely in-character (IC) perspective. As a result, repeals of this kind are difficult to write, with the authors having to waltz around the rules in order to disguise what the resolution really is about: condemnation of OOC misconduct.

    Unfortunately, in the case of the repeal in question, the attempts for rule compliance have resulted in a resolution containing assertions that are at best exaggerations, and at worst outright falsehoods. The problematic claims are found in two clauses, "Disgusted..." and "Disturbed...": In these clauses, the resolution takes allegations of misconduct by the commended nation, previously published in Europeia's investigation, and elevates them into statements of fact. This is despite the fact that Europeia themselves acknowledge that there is not sufficient evidence to prove these allegations. To make matters worse, by asserting the entire career of the commended nation to be the result of OOC misconduct, the resolution grossly misrepresents even the number of these allegations. The implication of the clauses is that the commended nation routinely and consistently resorted to OOC misconduct, possibly in a majority of their interactions throughout their years-long NationStates career. There is simply no evidence to support that there has been misconduct at this scale.

    It is worth taking a moment to contrast this resolution with previous repeals of commendations for OOC reasons: All of them had to cite IC arguments, in order to overcome the unfortunate confines of the NationStates' rules. However, none of them had to resort to unproven assertions of OOC misconduct. This is the first resolution to do so. Supporting this resolution sets a dangerous precedent for future resolutions attempting to address OOC misconduct. Not only is this resolution not conducive to establishing an effective protocol for how the community should deal with cases of OOC misconduct by commended players, but it damages what progress the community has already made in that regard.

    Because of all of the above, The North Pacific must oppose this resolution. The North Pacific would vote in favor of an alternative repeal resolution that addressed the above shortcomings. But as it stands, The North Pacific recommends a vote against the current resolution.

    Commend Lyras
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,948 Against: 2,038
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 439 Against: 60 Percentage of WA nations voting: 34.3

    Recommendation: Lyras is a well-known figure in the RP community, commanding great respect, and possessing a highly influential style that has drawn the loyalty and alignment of numerous nations. Lyras' military power is undeniable and has proven to be a stabilizing force in times of conflict and turmoil. As a superpower, this military might has been used overwhelmingly as an ultimate force towards good, and always with a beneficial, strategic endgame in mind. Lyras is expert in military armament, custom manufacture, and is always open to educating fellow RPers, and to bringing an unprecedented technical expertise to the realm of play. With a presence dating back nearly to antiquity, Lyras' place in the stratocracy is undeniable, and their leadership in shaping the post-Jolt landscape has contributed to the thriving RP community enjoyed today.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
    Commend Jutsa
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 12,930 Against: 1,634
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 474 Against: 44 Percentage of WA nations voting: 35.2

    Recommendation: In addition to being regionally active in the East Pacific, Jutsa has been an ongoing contributor to the greater NS community. Jutsa has authored several of the daily issues that appear in regular gameplay and has also collaborated in the authorship of legislation for the WA. Additionally, Jutsa is a regular contributor to legislation development for other nations, providing leadership and expertise through consistent forum activity, along with post-factum documentation and archiving. This is often thankless work that benefits every member of the WA by providing a clear and well-organized window into the past. Jutsa is a deserving member of the community and an important contributor to that which keeps the WA functioning day-to-day.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this resolution.
    Commend Paffnia
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 11,963 Against: 2,600
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 541 Against: 43 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.9

    Recommendation: At first blush, the nomination seems to place greatest emphasis on Paffnia's regional accomplishments within 10,000 Islands, but more careful review reveals extensive international work as well, both diplomatically and militarily. A former WA Delegate and Foreign Affairs Minster for 10KI, Paffnia has forged numerous international relationships and has been recognized for ongoing good conduct abroad. Militarily, Paffnia has participated in some of the most significant defender campaigns in recent history, assisting some of the largest GCRs in the realm, and contributing to hundreds of smaller campaigns that have brought relief and stability to thousands of WA nations. Rounding out their contributions to the greater community is Paffnia's authorship of SC Resolution #93. Paffnia has received numerous accolades, awards, and military decorations domestically, and this worthy nominee is an ideal candidate for SC Commendation.

    For the reasoning displayed above, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
    Repeal "Commend Imperium Anglorum"
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 3,514 Against: 11,845
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 75 Against: 502 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.5

    Recommendation: Like all SC proposals, this one should be given a fair assessment, and decisions should be made based on content rather than any assumption as to the author's motive. Similarly, that benefit of the doubt should be extended to the target as well. If we can't jump to the conclusion that the author has submitted this proposal with anything but reasonable intention, then we equally can't jump to the conclusion that IA has submitted past proposals with any less reasonable motives. We must assume that both are acting with what they feel is in the best interest of the Assembly, even though those ideas may be in opposition. Much of the author's case for repeal is in trying to convince us of the target's ill motive, and it is in the absence of benefit of doubt where the author's argument falls apart under the weight of unsubstantiated speculation. Accusations of ill motive are quite simply a matter of opinion, and don't carry the sort of weight necessary to justify repealing a commendation for a player who has made significant and laudable contributions to both their region and the World Assembly.

    For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.
    Liberate Politics Amino
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 10,357 Against: 4,574
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 523 Against: 51 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.5

    Recommendation: Politics Amino is a small, active region who became the unfortunate target of an aggressive raid and refound orchestrated by a joint force led by Osiris. A liberation becomes necessary as those known to the situation believe it is a trophy hunt without specific reasoning and Osiris has stated that there is no explicit justification for the operation taking place. It is the stance of The North Pacific to oppose the total destruction of innocent communities and the support of legislation aiming to fulfill that goal. In accordance with the reasoning displayed above, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

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  • The Spotlight #16: Interview with Great Bight's Mum
    by Marcus Antonius, Deputy Minister of Communications
    Views in this interview may not reflect the views of TNP's government

    Marcus Antonius and GBM share a bottle of Shiraz

    Marcus Antonius: Welcome to The Spotlight, GBM! I am delighted you were able to take part in this series of interviews.

    GBM: Thanks for asking me.

    Marcus Antonius: I am relatively new to NS compared to yourself and I know little about you. Could you tell me how you came to join NS?

    GBM: About 15 years ago, my brother, whose son had starting playing in college, suggested I might enjoy it. He said, "You make your own country and just answer issues. It takes only a couple of minutes a day." HA!

    Marcus Antonius: (laughing) So, what made you pick TNP?

    GBM: Fate. I was founded here. At first I wasn't sure I was going to stay, but everyone was so nice - Magicality, Thel D'ran, Blackshear, Poe/Indy Girl, that I decided this was the place for me. And Flem. Can't  leave out Flemingovia

    Marcus Antonius: That's exactly how I find TNP, really friendly and welcoming. Did you join the ministries straight away? What positions have you held here prior to being on the Security Council?

    GBM: Actually, the whole thing was very foreign to me. I had no idea what a forum even was when I started playing. So I lurked for several weeks trying to figure things out.

    Marcus Antonius: Yes, that was my experience as well, I found the spam games gave me more confidence. What ministries did you join?

    GBM: My first position was MoC for Thel's Government-in-Exile during Great Bight's delegacy.  I've been an ambassador, NPA, Vice Delegate and Delegate on a few occasions.

    Marcus Antonius: That's really impressive GBM! What was your favourite Ministry or role?

    GBM: Delegate. Hands down. It is a fine thing to be Delegate in a GCR.

    Marcus Antonius: You mentioned Thel's Government-in-Exile during Great Bight's delegacy, this sounds like a very interesting time in TNP's history. Can you give me a summary please?

    GBM: Yes, I hadn't been playing very long when all hell broke loose. We suddenly had a rogue delegate who was banning nations left and right. Great Bight was RPing a 12 year old pirate. (BTW, My original nation was not GBM, I created this one to harass him on the RMB. After all, how heartless would someone have to be to ban his own mother?) Anyway, GB had removed the forum link on the RMB, and replaced it with an elementary school student's piratey website. So we needed to reach as many nations as we could through TG, and by keeping the forum link on the RMB. Remember, in those days once the posts scrolled off the RMB, they were lost to the ether. There was no mass TGing. There were no scans for nations needing endorsements. Everything was quite labor-intensive. Also, there was no influence cost for the delegate in terms of banning nations. After several weeks of unendorsement campaigns, and rallying support from other regions, the Puppetmaster invasion led by Better Times/Ballatonia was successful in unseating GB. For me, the GB delegacy was an experience that fostered a true commitment to regional security. The GIE was created to have a functioning government which could step in once GB was unseated. Avengers Assemble was the region many of us gathered to coordinate things.

    Marcus Antonius: That is incredible! That must have been a terrible time for TNP and very understandable that, like myself, you take security seriously. I wondered how you got the name Great Bites Mum. Are there any particularly noteworthy moments during your time as Delegate or the Security Council?

    GBM: In 2008 Lewis & Clark, aka Westwind was elected Delegate. He established the Crimson Order, which was in fact a rogue delegacy.  It very much divided the region, and it was corrupt at its core. Once I regained the delegacy, we had real problems in terms of unity. Now, we could follow the constitution and try numerous nations for war crimes, but I already had a deep disillusionment with the judicial process which was in place at the time. I also believed that drawn out litigation would further divide the region. So, I decided to grant amnesty to the members of the Crimson Order. I believed that rebuilding the community was more important than the letter of the law. I had already lived through the spirit-crushing Pixiedance regime, and I wanted to try and foster some unity in TNP.

    Marcus Antonius: You have seen some really trying times GBM. Do you think the judicial processes in place now are better?

    GBM: Of course, they are much improved now. Everything is improved! TNP is so much more sophisticated now than it was back then. Pre-McMasterdonia, we were a tribe. Now we are an organization.

    Marcus Antonius: That is reassuring. Those must have been very dark times for TNP. Would you ever like to be delegate again?

    GBM: No. Even after 15 years of NS, the list of nations who get to be delegate in a GCR is pretty short. I'd like to see as many people as possible get the chance to give it a go.

    Marcus Antonius: Would you say being a delegate is a stressful position?

    GBM: Yes, but in a really good way. It has become a much bigger job than it used to be, so if someone cannot make the time commitment, then that would be a problem. But the stress of running things here beats RL stress, since the consequences if you mess up are, well, make-believe.

    Marcus Antonius: That's very true. What was the most, positive, memorable thing that has happened to you in NS?

    GBM: It isn't just one thing. It is more the sense of community I've gained through sharing this NS experience over the years with so many people from different countries, with different viewpoints, and different walks of life. Yet somehow, by being brought together here, it gives us more in common than we know.

    Marcus Antonius: You are right, it is a TNP family and that is great. My next question I hope, brings a smile to your face. What motivated you to eject McM during ZDay when you knew it would cost you so much influence?

    GBM: It was an accident. I was looking for where to check to see what the influence cost would be if he were to be ejected. That button wasn't where I thought it was. And the next thing I knew - Poof! It said, in red, "McMasterdonia has been relocated to the Rejected Realms." And that's when the screaming started. OMG! I still can't believe it happened.

    Marcus Antonius: (laughs) That must have been quite a shock! It's a shame it doesn't give you a warning like "Are you sure you wish to perform this action" Obviously McM made it back from the Rejected Realms OK. It must have been a bit embarrassing for you. I am sure the Security Council were supportive of you. I hope you laugh about it now.

    GBM: I too, thought a confirmation screen would be a nice feature. But then I thought about how much it would slow down a delegate who wanted to do mass bannings.(laughs)

    Marcus Antonius: What image is your Avvy?

    GBM: it was a gift from Thel.

    Marcus Antonius: Do you know who the character is?

    GBM: I do not.

    Marcus Antonius: Do you have any plans for where you want to take the Security Council?

    GBM: Not really. The SC is here in case bad things happen. We aren't political. We are just defenders of the region. I do agree that every council member should be visible and active in the region.

    Marcus Antonius: That's sensible. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received on NS?

    GBM: Ah... that's easy. Thel once said "Everyone has the right to play the game as they see fit."

    Marcus Antonius: For good or bad, hero or villain?

    GBM: Yes. It is truth. There are so many paths to take and each is allowed to choose for himself.

    Marcus Antonius: Wise words indeed, this is fantasy after all. What advice would you give any newcomers to the region to have a successful career here?

    GBM: Have fun! Look around and find what interests you, there is so much to do. Talk to people in the ministries you want to be involved with. Ask for help if you need it. Have fun! Alternative advice: Join the NPA. Everyone should do a stint in the military. It builds character, teamwork and it's fun. If I wasn't SC I would be NPA.

    Marcus Antonius: Two lots of advice from GBM! Both good. Is there anyone in the region in particular whom you look up to, and if so, why?

    GBM: The short list of people I look up to is still pretty long. But, first would be Flemingovia, because he is God.

    Marcus Antonius: Not that we are expecting you to disappear soon GBM, but how do you want to be remembered in TNP?

    GBM: I resolutely do not like to blow my own horn, Marcus. Keeper of the flame, maybe. I've also called myself everybody's Mum.

    Marcus Antonius: (laughs) I like that. What do you want your legacy to TNP to be?

    GBM: That I did as much as I could to keep TNP safe. If a community doesn't feel secure, it is difficult for it to flourish and grow, and be creative and just have fun.

    Marcus Antonius: That is an honourable and wonderful legacy GBM. What’s the question nobody ever asks you but you wish they would?

    GBM: I'm drawing a blank.

    Marcus Antonius: (laughs) That's ok. Alright, before we bring this interview to an end, is there anything you'd like to add?

    GBM: No, I am done waxing philosophical on NS. Did you have fun?

    Marcus Antonius: I certainly have. It was an absolute pleasure speaking to you. Thank you for answering the questions. I shall see you on the spam threads no doubt.

    GBM: Thank you. It was lovely.

    The lights fade and Marcus produces a bottle of Shiraz

    Marcus Antonius: I thought this would be a change from Rum.

    GBM: (laughs) I love Shiraz, mind you I will drink anything except Gin.

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    by Artemis, Speaker of the Regional Assembly
    Regional Assembly February 2019

    Speaker of The Regional Assembly: Artemis
    Deputy Speakers of The Regional Assembly: Ark, Bobberino and Bootsie



    Extension of Border Control Powers to Nessuno put forward by Delegate Pallaith.

    Status: Passed

    Summary: Pursuant to Chapter 7, Clause 9 of the Legal Code: ”In the event of a Delegate Emergency, or with the permission of a majority vote of the Regional Assembly, the Serving Delegate may assign Border Control powers to any member of the Security Council.” Delegate Pallaith has requested the Regional Assembly grant Security Councillor Nessuno to help assist moderating the RMB of TNP.

    Voter Breakdown
    Votes in Favor (27)
    Great Bights Mum
    Crushing Our Enemies
    Thomas Insaniac

    El Fiji Grande
    John Maynard
    Haor Chall

    Votes Opposed (8)
    Far Easter Republic
    Alex Fierro

    Abstentions (3)
    Sil Dorsett

    Current Business

    Amendment to the Rules of the Regional Assembly put forward by Artemis.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: During the past several months, Artemis had seen some comments about amending the rules of the Regional Assembly. Therefore, he would like to present a draft for consideration of some changes. None are too drastic and would be beneficial.

    RMB Regulations Bill put forward by Artemis.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: This bill expands upon the Delegate of the North Pacific power to regulate the RMB as they see fit by allowing offending nations to be ejected or banned from the region. Current laws already specify that these regulations must not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP Politics, nor conflict with other laws, Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

    Vice Delegate Check Efficiency Bill, put forward by Sil Dorsett.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: Vice Delegate Sil Dorsett has proposed an amendment to Section 6.1 of the Legal Code which deals with the Vice Delegate’s Security Checks of nations applying for citizenship in TNP.

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council put forward by McMasterdonia.

    Status: Cancelled

    Summary: A motion to recall Novare Res, aka Romanoffia, was put forward by McMasterdonia following a recent publication by the Vice Delegate detailing endorsements received, and given by members of the Security Council. It was noted that Romanoffia had only endorsed 11% of WA members of TNP, but still maintained the legal requirements of the office. Discussion on this issue came down to what should be expected of members of the Security Council and calls for Romanoffia to respond. Once a response was received from Romanoffia, several members were still not satisfied and motioned for a vote. Prior to the conclusion of the vote, Romanoffia resigned from the Security Council. The recall and the vote were thus cancelled.

    The Ministerial Ethics Law put forward by Wonderess.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: A proposal to establish a Mandatory Ministry that will be charged with ethical affairs of the government of TNP. The purpose of this office will be to decrease corruption in the regional government by advising the Delegate on issues regarding ethics and producing public reports of government activity that will be available to the citizens of the region.

    Recall Reform Act put forward by Romanoffia.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: A discussion brought forward to add specific instances that a government official of TNP can be recalled by the Regional Assembly. Currently, the Regional Assembly can recall any official for any reason with a 2/3rds majority vote. While no specific changes have been proposed, the thought process is to prevent a recall of an official unless a specific violation of a specific law or legal requirement of position is cited. The Regional Assembly would still be required to meet a 2/3rds majority to recall an official.

    NPA Doctrine - Consistency, put forward by Knightblood.

    Status: In Discussion

    Summary: A member of the NPA has proposed an amendment to provide consistency between the title of Chapter 8 of the Legal Code and the text of it. The current legal name for the military of TNP is the North Pacific Armed Forces (NPAF), while the colloquial name of the organization is the North Pacific Army (NPA). This proposal seeks to change the legal name from the NPAF to the NPA.

    North Pacific Army Bulletin February 2019
    by Dinoium, Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Defense

    Deputy Ministers of Defense
    Bobberino and Malphe

    The North Pacific Army has entered into the second month of 2019 with the Delegate Transition in The South Pacific.

    Islands of Tonga promoted to Private First Class.*
    ACR of Deerfenland promoted to Corporal.*

    Mission Logs

    Other Announcements
    The Soldier of The Issue is Minister of World Assembly Affairs and Private First Class TlomzKrano.
    The Officer of The Issue is Lieutenant John Maynard.
    The High Command Officer of The Issue is Deputy Minister of Defense and Major Bobberino.
    The North Pacific Armed Forces Doctrine is currently being discussed in the Regional Assembly for amending.
    Two people have been removed from the North Pacific Army for Inactivity and failing to maintain a nation in the region.

    World Assembly Digest
    by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

    General Assembly
    Improving the world one resolution at a time.

    Right to Self-defense
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 5,575 Against: 10,531
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 162 Against: 430 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.2%

    Recommendation: This proposal is being resubmitted despite it having been previously repealed for cause. The author has made some minor amendments, but their attempt to shoehorn the fix into the old version, instead of rewriting from scratch has left a convoluted document that claims to fight government oppression but affords citizens no coherent means by which to do so. Many other problems can be cited, including an unnecessary grocery list of weapons and a defined threshold for their use that is highly subjective. Self defense is a very complex issue that requires case by case interpretation and evaluation far more intricate than a generic piece of legislation can address for every single WA nation. Rights to self-defense should develop organically through each nation's judiciary and be appropriate to their culture. Matters of government oppression are better handled in WA legislation that is more thoughtfully constructed than this. For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Defending the Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 8,758 Against: 7,400
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 295 Against: 272 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.8%

    Recommendation: This proposal is well-meaning in its goal of ending sexual and gender discrimination and ensuring marriage rights are fully and completely extended to the LGBTQ+ community, but close examination of the content reveals some critical flaws. Firstly, the Ministry believes that the Charter of Civil Rights (GAR#035) already prohibits discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity, making a large part of this proposal redundant. Clause 3 mandates member nations punish organizations for discriminatory practices but does not allow for an exemption for compelling practical purposes. Under the proposed legislation an organization that assists victimized women could be penalized for having a policy of hiring only biological women. Additionally, clause 5 specifically exempts religious institutions from the scope of the proposal. It is the belief of the Ministry that religious beliefs are insufficient grounds to excuse discriminatory practices. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting Against the proposal.

    Command Responsibility
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 13,020 Against: 2,806
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 501 Against: 72 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.0%

    Recommendation: This well-crafted proposal seeks to ensure reciprocal protections for individuals both up and down the chain of military command. It is designed to both prevent war crimes from being committed, and to provide a disciplinary framework for those who violate the accepted rules of engagement. Given significant attention are the rights of military subordinates to legally decline orders that contravene established law, placing the onus on those issuing such orders. Similar protections are extended to military commanders, limiting their responsibility for any rogue, illegal actions of their charges in the field, provided those rogue individuals are held by their commanders, to account. Throughout existing WA legislation, actions defined as war crimes are surprisingly few and tend toward the most commonly understood and egregious acts. The mandatory education clause ensures widespread understanding of fair rules of engagement across the spectrum of the military and makes clear what actions would be contrary to those rules. The Ministry believes this framework will help to establish a prescient culture of fair conduct in combat, greatly decreasing the likelihood of illegalities. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    On Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes
    Status: Passed
    Delegate's Vote: For
    Final Vote (World): For: 14,393 Against: 2,960
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 518 Against: 49 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.7%

    Recommendation: This proposal wants a healthier WA and seeks to place stringent regulations on the producers of tobacco products. These regulations include the placement of clear warnings on tobacco packaging, prohibition of advertising, and mandatory public education about the risks of use. There is some common-sense regulation placed on tobacco use by the public, like a prohibition of sale to minors. As an alternative to complete prohibition, the proposal requires that nations encourage tobacco users toward safer forms of nicotine ingestion, like electronic cigarettes, gum, patches, or mists, which don't rely on the dangerous inhalation of burning tobacco leaves. While not sweeping in scope of change, this proposal does represent a transition away from the cancer-causing harms of tobacco, and a movement towards less dangerous alternatives. This should both reduce health care costs for nations and contribute to greater life expectancy throughout the WA.

    For these reasons, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Restricting Solitary Confinement
    Status: At Vote
    Delegate's Vote: Against

    Recommendation: The proposal, while well meaning in its intent to address the complex problems that arise as a result of solitary confinement, ultimately does more harm to its cause than good. The proposal is extremely vague, using language that can be easily misinterpreted or creatively interpreted to be used in whatever fashion member nations see fit. The use of 'problems' with virtually no context in the definition of 'solitary confinement' exemplifies this issue. This use of the term also does not take into account the nuances of a situation requiring confinement; whether that be police custody for a temporary time of an individual who may be experiencing stress or anxiety or long term imprisonment and the various psychological effects that are becoming of such. Another example is the problematic use of 'reasonable' in the second clause. This allows law enforcement and any other party using solitary confinement, as defined in clause one, to use any justification they wish as long as it can be deemed 'reasonable' per their own authority. Finally, the third clause inherits the issues of the first two as it suffers from overly vague wording and the ability to be exploited by the lack of sensible application in the second clause.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal

    Security Council
    Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

    Condemn Antifa
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Against
    Final Vote (World): For: 4,265 Against: 12,089
    Final Vote (TNP): For: 143 Against: 397 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.8%

    Recommendation: A bit of effort by the author might have made this a condemnation worth supporting, but the lack of detail and concrete examples of the alleged transgressions render it difficult to justify. Condemnations must make a clear case to support their allegations. If Antifa has crossed lines, then explain against whom, provide dates, and inform as to the impact on natives.  Without that, support is impossible. Similarly, suggesting that a region is ‘just as bad’ as other regions qualifies as little more than a statement of opinion, and nothing close to grounds for WA condemnation.

    For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

    Commend The North Pacific
    Status: Failed
    Delegate's Vote: Abstain
    Final Vote (World): For: 6,312 Against: 7,801
    Final Vote (TNP) For: 497 Against: 46 Percentage of WA nations voting: 37.4%

    Recommendation: In accordance with the delegate issued statement and Executive Order per Clause 5 of the WA voting policy, "In keeping with WA tradition, as well as prior precedent, I [The delegate] will be abstaining from this resolution when it goes to vote. No vote will be held, and no recommendation will be issued."

    For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs issues no recommendation and the delegate will abstain from the vote.

    The North Star: Lighting The Way To The Truth
    Publisher: Pallaith :: Executive Editor: El Fiji Grande :: Managing Editor: Marcus Antonius

    The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and is distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and the Ministry of Home Affairs internally. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

    Index of Issues

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  • Koala from the North

  • Magicality City, March 14th, 2019
    Statement Regarding Invasion of Stargate

    During major update on March 10, forces led by The Democratic Republic invaded Stargate. The NPA mustered a force to retake the region the following update and the rightful delegate Casl was returned to the delegacy. Twenty of our finest, led by Minister of Defense Darcania, came to Stargate's aid during the operation, which has just concluded.
    The North Pacific has a long and cherished relationship with our friend and ally Stargate, and we will always come to its aid when needed. As is evidenced by the participation of McMasterdonia, who returned to active duty after many years, we will always go the extra mile to ensure our friends are safe, and will act immediately regardless of who tests them or what their motivation may be. We extend our best wishes to the people of Stargate and their continued security, and congratulate the NPA for a swift and successful mission.

    Delegate of The North Pacific
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