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The North Pacific
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  • Village Drifter
  • I have something special from TNP this time! Our first volume of Eras Magazine! This magazine will be a monthly snapshot of the RP community over in TNP.

    Eras Magazine Volume I
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update, @Peregrinum. I'm not a RPer, but it was interesting to read the thought, creativity, and detail that went into the articles...sounds like you have some talented people there. :)

    One thing though, it looks like Madjack's article got cut off abruptly at the end: "To fail at this final hurdle is seen as both disrespectful to the tribe that has put so much work".

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,456
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    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Thank you for the update, @Peregrinum. I'm not a RPer, but it was interesting to read the thought, creativity, and detail that went into the articles...sounds like you have some talented people there. :)

    One thing though, it looks like Madjack's article got cut off abruptly at the end: "To fail at this final hurdle is seen as both disrespectful to the tribe that has put so much work".

    Thank you for the kind words @Wintermoot! Also thank you for pointing out that issue, we're still ironing out the kinks in formatting :p
    • Posts: 9
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I completely understand! The formatting looks fantastic, and hopefully next article we'll find out what else failing is seen as...kinda like a to be continued. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,456
    • Karma: 9,679
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North
  • [size=200]Regional Assembly Highlights[/size]
    [align=right] by Peregrinum, Deputy Minister[/align]
    The TNP Regional Assembly saw a flurry of activity this month as many of the debates from March carried on into April, and new debates began. 

    Lord Lore's Security Council Application
    Status: Passed
    Lord was nominated unanimously by the Security Council and has been an active member of the nation states for over three years. Lord Lore also holds a laundry list of positions in a just as many regions. He currently serves the North Pacific as lead cartographer for the Eras RP setting, and as a Justice on the Court of the North Pacific. Lord Lore was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 27th, 2018 with 29 citizens voting Aye, 1 Nay, and 6 Abstaining from the vote.

    Gladio's Security Council Application
    Status: Passed
    Gladio, the current Delegate of the North Pacific has been a familiar face in the region since 2012, and had served the North Pacific faithfully as Minister of Defense for six full terms before deciding to make his run for Delegate. He was nominated unanimously by the security council, and was confirmed by the Regional Assembly on April 18th, 2018 with 34 citizens voting Aye, 4 Nay, and 7 Abstaining from the vote.

    Election Commissioner Confirmations
    Status: Closed
    On April 10th, 2018 the Delegate nominated Ark, and BMWSurfer to serve as election commissioners. Both nominees currently serve as Deputy Ministers in the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs respectively, and are respected members of the community. The citizens affirmed this by confirming both Ark and BMW. Ark received 29 votes Aye, 0 votes Nay, and 3 Abstentions. BMW received 30 votes Aye, 0 vote Nay, and 2 Abstentions.

    R3naissanc3r's SC Application
    Status: Passed
    R3naissanc3r is an old name in the North Pacific and has served the region in a myriad of ways since joining the community in 2007. Most recently he serves as an administrator and as an adviser to the delegate. While this was not his first time being nominated to the Security Council, he was nominated unanimously by the current members. He was confirmed on April 26th, 2018 with 36 citizens voting Aye, 1 voting Nay, and 4 Abstaining from the vote.

    Currently in debate in the Assembly is the proposed "Election Corruption Amendment." Proposed by McMasterdonia on April 17th, 2018. The aim of the amendment is to reduce election corruption by prohibiting the delegate candidates from promising ministerial positions before they are elected to office. This proposal can be here.

    With the passing of the majority of the proposals brought before the Regional Assembly in April, it is likely that May will see a decline in activity with the exception of the continuing debate around the Election Corruption Amendment. However all citizens are encouraged to partake in the Assembly, and bring forth any proposal that may make the regions a better place for us all. 
    [size=200]NS: The Gathering[/size]
    [align=right] by Malphe, Minister[/align]
    Ultra Rares, Epics, Legendaries, oh my!

    I couldn't find a good cards gif, so here's a picture of our lord and savior instead. Can't go wrong with that.

    Maxx came down to the nations of his world and shook the earth with his booming voice, "On the first of April, as is my custom, I will bring from the heavens an evil too great for you to muster". The nations and regions of the world discussed what he meant by this, and universally agreed to prepare for the worst. Citizens were herded into huge bunkers and the armies were assembled, weapons of all shapes and sizes pointed to the sky in grim anticipation.

    Throughout the deep bunkers the people theorized on what Maxx prophesied; some said it was to be a subtle change in the psychology of humanity to encourage selfishness and evil, so plunging the world into narcissistic anarchy. Others, usually with long beards and smoking substances with questionable legality, declared that it was another world just as scared as their own crashing into the earth. Fear and terror paralyzed the crowds.

    Then there was Bob. Bob lived in a small fort built in the corner of the bunker made out of various brands of trading cards from his youth. Bob had not showered for thirty years, kept an untidy beard and was thirty years old. People tried to ignore Bob, against his own efforts to the contrary. Bob was adamant that Maxx was, in fact, trying his hand in the recent lootbox fad with his own trading card game based around the nations of his multiverse. These national cards would be assembled into various ranks of rarity, starting at Common and ending at Legendary. You would be able to junk these cards for credits, and with those credits you could buy other cards put up for sale or you could put said cards up for sale, as well as making an offer for any given card. You would find these cards in random boxes which would fall from the sky at a constant rate, and you would be more likely to in these boxes find the card of a nation inside your region.

    Bob has since been burned at the stake for foretelling, a form of witchcraft.

    It was intended that this would only last a week, but overwhelming demand from the people dictated that it be kept. Of course, being coded to only last for a week, it would require some revision to last in the long term, so whilst card trading was still stopped at the planned time, a few million suggestions were made on the NS forums, maybe a few more, which were to some extent largely listed as future changes to the trading system here, including increasing lootbox cooldown time and no ex nation cards. It has been stated by moderation that there is no set deadline or schedule for releasing trading cards again with these new changes implemented, it depends on whether any moderators will find the time and motivation to code in the changes.

    I'm guessing the novelty of the game will wear off for the most part for most people, though some will stick around with it and gain a hegemony with near infinite credits and enough cards to create a small planet with. That is, when trading opens again.
    [size=200]The Spotlight #11: Interview with MoC Bootsie[/size]
    [align=right] by Kaschovia and Bootsie, Communications and Culture[/align]
    [box]Kasch: Hello Bootsie! It is great to have you on the Spotlight Interview Series. I don't know why it's taken over a year for the Northern Lights to interview you, but alas, I look forward to this.

    Bootsie: Hello Kasch, good to be here. I'm looking forward to talking, in case it wasn’t obvious, I do enjoy doing that. Pardon me if I ramble.

    Kasch: Ramble all you wish, I'm not going to stop you. So, Bootsie, tell us about you. What is your NationStates story?

    Bootsie: I started playing NationStates in November 2010. I was introduced to the game by this really weird kid in my computer class who told me about this game where you control a nation. Like any young teenager, the sound of controlling a nation was pretty cool, so I signed up. The first few years in NationStates were not too memorable. I believe that it was actually The South Pacific that I founded in, unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure. From there, I jumped around to a bunch of UCRs, including the most memorable of them, the now-defunct region of Alterra. Like most kids do, I got bored with the game, and CTE'd quite a few times before officially joining the TNP forum in 2013. Honestly, couldn't tell you how I even got to TNP, but well, here I am.

    Kasch: Very interesting! So how does TNP play into your experience on NationStates? You've covered your NS origins, but what about your story in TNP?

    Bootsie: When I first joined TNP, I quickly joined the Speaker's Office as a Deputy Speaker, and befriended Zyvetskistaahn and Asta (SillyString). I was offered a chance to be the Deputy Minister of Culture and Entertainment under Raven, however, soon after the job, I CTE'd because apparently kids enjoy doing that. Upon returning, I was Deputy Speaker under Lord Nwahs, who vacated the office and left me as the Speaker. My first term as Speaker was interesting to say the least (just ask anyone about the Acceptable Words List) and proved that apparently the teenage me loved power. Unfortunately, due to my bad memory, and the sheer number of positions I've held over the years, this part becomes a bit blurred. I was Deputy Minister a couple of times, pretty sure I went back to the Speaker’s Office sometime during this period, but really where I want to get to is the January 2016 elections. I really wanted to make TNP a better place, but I wasn't sure I was ready to make a jump at the Delegacy. Upon talking to McMasterdonia, he convinced me to run for Vice Delegate. Despite running against flemingovia, I was able to win my way into the seat, and served TNP alongside Raven for two terms. I then ran for the Delegacy, but lost to Plembobria by a thin margin. I served as Minister of a few ministries in Plemby's government, and built up my resume a little more. I was Speaker again after that, became a Security Councillor, and then most recently a Justice. I rejoined the Executive just a month or two ago, and due to Yukkira resigning, we had an opening for Minister of Culture. Culture is one of those Ministries I'd literally take a job in any day, so I volunteered to serve out the rest of the term.

    Kasch: That was definitely an interesting read! Who do you think has influenced your path in the North Pacific the most, and was that influence positive, or negative?

    Bootsie: I'm gonna cheat, but only because I swear these two are attached at the hip, but Their Majesties, the Kings. Raven knows foreign affairs better than any player in NS that I know, and McM is just a beast when it comes to ideas. It's quite crazy, because these were two players I looked up to when I joined NS, and now I can say they're some of my closest friends in the game.

    Kasch: What event alone do you believe has shaped your NS career the most?

    Bootsie: Errgh, you're really making me think for these questions. I think my terms as Vice Delegate really shaped the direction of my NS career. Prior to my election, I was just a casual player who loved to just RolePlay and go on operations with the North Pacific Army. That all changed when I was elected Vice Delegate. I was finally able to use my expertise and ideas from over the years to make the region, my region, a better place. Being a leader and representative to my fellow citizens was something I think helped me as a person, and I am definitely hoping to get the opportunity to change TNP by leading again.

    Kasch: What's the biggest challenge you've had to face as a NationStates player?

    Bootsie: Probably encountering players that I disagree with on a political stance. Because NS is a political simulation game, when you travel outside of TNP's sphere, you can encounter players who are on the opposite end of the spectrum. While I think regions are best served with a representative democracy, some of our fellow GCRs prefer a rather permanent leader. Through my work in foreign affairs, those political differences have been less of an obstacle, but sometimes you just gotta admit you're never going to agree with someone with different political values if they're extremely different.

    Kasch: And what would be your message to all new NationStates players who want to follow a similar path to yourself, but don't know where to begin in the game?

    Bootsie: Jump right in. TNP is unique to other regions because if we see you're capable of putting in the effort, we give you the benefit of the doubt. The Deputy positions are great for newcomers and if you tell your higher-ups the goal for yourself, we're usually very willing to say "hey, you’re not ready for that yet, but let's work to get you there." You also never know what opportunities will come on your way to your goal. I never thought I'd be Justice or Vice Delegate, but those were two positions that I enjoyed working in, and have helped me as a person. And I'm personally open to giving advice to new players, so if they're reading this, they can use the avenues of communication provided to them to reach out to me.

    Kasch: To you, what is the best thing about the North Pacific?

    Bootsie: Its activity. That was something I took for granted being in a feeder, but there are always new people joining with fresh new ideas to bring to the table. Does that bring chaos sometimes with it? Oh yeah, absolutely, but if we can keep the activity and have the proper leaders in place, TNP can have productivity in its government that even our fellow feeders may not be able to replicate. Stepping back from a political standpoint, with new people, there are potentially more RolePlayers (yay!) and just awesome people to hang out with. You never know who's gonna join or rejoin the forums next. The next Delegate or nations that were here more than a decade before us!

    Kasch: And, to challenge you even further, what is the worst thing about the North Pacific?

    Bootsie: It's not a negative thing, per se, but TNP is very rooted in its traditions. A lot of times that means good ideas fall to the wayside because they aren't how TNP used to do it. No one was really a huge fan of changing our citizenship laws or making it so our endorsement cap was higher than any region in NationStates, but both of those things paid off in the long run. I'm not saying we need to throw our decade-long traditions away in favor of radical new ideas, I just wish "tradition" wasn't always the argument to some of our ideas. Regions change, and though we must stick to our roots, in order to lead the world, our region must continuously be making steps forward.

    Kasch: Are there any specific steps forward you'd like to see in the North Pacific of today?

    Bootsie: Unfortunately, some of my best ideas are also part of my platform for the upcoming election, so I can't share them quite yet. I will say that TNP has a good way to go in Culture and Foreign Affairs.

    Kasch: Of course. How are you feeling about the upcoming election?

    Bootsie: I'm confident. Obviously the last two elections where I ran for Delegate did not go in my favor, but I have faith in my platform. I'm a strong candidate, and I hope that the contributions of our citizens has helped build the grassroots of the campaign.

    Kasch: What is the best piece of advice you've ever recieved from another NS player?

    Bootsie: Just to have fun. NationStates is a game, and if you're not having fun, you're missing the point. I've had a ton of fun in NS over the years, and I can't wait to see what other fun awaits.

    Kasch: And a final question before we wrap this up, if you do become Delegate, how would you like to be remembered by the generations of TNPers in the future?

    Bootsie: I want to be remembered as the Delegate that didn't give up, that fought for the citizens and the region he loved. I want to also be remembered as being there for all of the North Pacific, to bring us together, not tear us apart. I hope that at the end of my term(s) that people look bad at my Delegacy as a huge success and that the only thing preventing me from not being Delegate again will be the two-term limit. This interview was fun, thank you for asking all of these thought-provoking questions, and for having me do this interview to start off with.[/box]
    [size=200]NPA Bulletin for April 2018[/size]
    [align=right] by Malphe, Minister of Defence[/align]

    Minister of Defense: Malphe
    Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Lozinak, Zazumo

    A citizen inspecting the NPA High Command.


    The NPA began the month in relative inactivity, having just withdrawn from The Great Fascist Legion and with Malphe unable to attend operations. From the 1st to the 13th there were only three operations held, all of which detags. Thankfully, this lethargic activity changed rapidly past the 13th; between the 14th minor update and the 19th Major the NPA didn't miss a single update for detagging, done with the contributions of various Officers of the NPA. Officer participation in leading operations has skyrocketed in recent months, and this marathon displays that effectively. Officers in this term- Captains Lozinak and Zazumo namely- have taken it upon themselves to update logs and post reports to TNP's forums; this kind of independence did not exist in the NPA until quite recently.

    I've always reckoned that this leap in independence and officer participation in the NPA came about in the previous term, when Gladio was MoD. Gladio was WA locked for much of his term as MoD (he was endotarting in TNP), he still could trigger for operations he was unable to point for them, so he had to enlist other NPAers to do that for him. As people became more proficient in detagging they became interested and more confident in taking the officer test (organize and lead your own operation); this lead to a wave of new officers who largely took up the responsibility of leading training operations. The Minister of Defense's action didn't spark activity in this case, but their inaction.

    All in all, the NPA in this term has detagged upwards of 260 regions this term, and counting, breaking the previous record of a little over 200 from last term. This is down to not only heightened detag activity due to officer participation, but also to more average targets in a detag; 8 is the general standard for targets, though not all of said targets are always hit. The most targets generally hit are around the 16 mark in operations I lead and in the odd multiple team operation, and I am confident that we could hit over 30. This is a vast improvement on previous numbers, which averaged around 5 in Gladio's detag operation, though he very rarely missed.

    The NPA, though for the most part detagging this month, has also raided and refounded the fascist Greater German Imperial Confederation; I intended to only tag the region, but General Quietdad brought up that we could quite easily destroy it altogether, so we went ahead and refounded it, now with a nifty poem on the WFE.

    Operation Spreadsheet for Nerds
    DateUpdateTypeRegionParticipating NPA Soldiers
    24/03/2018 - 31/-3/2018MinorJoint Anti-Fascist HoldThe Great Fascist LegionMalphe
    The South Falls
    02/04/2018 MinorDetagUNAF
    NationStates Tea Party
    The Last City
    Save Earth
    God Glory and Conservatism
    04/04/2018MajorDetagThe Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
    Union of Soverign Nation
    Alternis Mundi
    New Utopia
    The Confederacy of Kingdoms
    Omega Syndicate
    The EU
    The Utopian Union
    The Loosly Associated Peoples
    Union of Sovereign States and People
    Creative Region Title
    The Brotherhood without Banners
    The Cooler Earth Kingdom
    The Annihilatiors
    The Meme Reich
    The Slativist Commentariat
    The South Falls
    15/04/2018MajorDetagFree Sovereign Nations
    Alternis Mundi
    Magna Orbis Terrarum
    New United Nations of the Gator Empire
    15/04/2018MinorDetagThe WTP Treatise
    The Revolutionary Galactic Empire
    Orange Archipelago
    The South Falls
    16/04/2018MajorDetagWorld Economic Organization
    16/04/2018MinorDetagThe Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
    Death Watch
    The Threequeerateers
    Central Europe
    Right Wingers of America
    Countries that happen to be Neighbours
    17/04/2018MajorDetagThe Puppet Dump XD
    Kings Kingdom
    Earth Sovereign Colonies
    Role Player Coalition
    Unicornsss land
    17/04/2018MinorDetagThe Region for All
    The only one that is not an issue of whe
    The Actual Batcave
    Cuisine Region
    Iosian Econosphere
    The Alliance of Aeronodia
    NeoPosadist Dolphin Gang
    Just Bored
    Look at all these police
    The United Nations of Fort Kick Awesome
    The Unicorn Brigade
    New Reland
    18/04/2018MajorDetagImperial Federation
    Krilionian Union
    Corporal Clegg
    19/04/2018MinorDetagThe Central Empires
    Federation of Planets
    The Third Order
    World Assembley Region
    19/04/2018MajorDetagSUCK MY TERRYFOLDS
    Alternis Mundi
    United Moderate States
    Holy Internet Empire
    Osnyan Union
    21/04/2018MinorDetagChan nations
    The World After The Flash
    The Outskirts
    in the puppet over the region
    iFunny Gang
    The South Falls
    22/04/2018 (minor) - 25/04/2018 (major)Minor (jump update)Anti-Fascist RefoundGreater German Imperial ConfederationMalphe
    The South Falls
    25/04/2018MinorDetagRiders of Rohan
    Kings Kingdom
    The Bone Zone
    The Dewwit Empire
    Free Nations of Mobocracy
    The Rogue Nation
    27/04/2018MajorDetagIslamic Communist Union
    Justin Bieber
    Alliance of Autonomous Free Nations
    28/04/2018MinorDetagPrato de Cuscuz
    The Starbird Empire
    Save Earth
    The Ambassadors
    The South Falls
    29/04/2018MajorOfficer Test, DetagUnited League of World Nations
    Hearth of Hestia
    29/04/2018MinorJoint Detag (SPSF)Deathwatch
    His DMs
    Stalag 13
    The Northern Pacific Ocean
    Southwestern Alliance Temporary Home
    Ullesbergian Outpost
    The Antarctic Trade Federation
    Golden Dragon
    The Land of The Scandinavians
    Kingdom of the world powers
    The Weastern Legion
    Ze Land of Whatever
    The Free States of Oxfordshire
    New Exodus
    Alliance of Northern Somewhere
    Newest Terrio
    The Confederation of Councils
    Diverse Opinions
    Comintern Pact
    Russia Ussr
    Imperium of Man
    Krupp Steel
    The First Annals of Dankous Memeous

    [size=75]The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth

    Publisher: Gladio II :: Executive Editor: Kaschovia

    The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

    • Koala from the North
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  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North
  • [background-block=#265780]
    [floatleft][/floatleft][size=200]Security Council Vote Recommendation[/size]

    [size=125] [/size]Part of the Information for WA Voters program[size=125] [/size]

    [box][size=150]Resolution at Vote: Repeal "Liberate The Monarchist Entente"[/size]
    [size=150]Vote Recommendation: For[/size][/box]

    [size=150]Resolution Analysis[/size]
    The Monarchist Entente was raided by a group of raider regions, of which are internationally blacklisted for their previous abhorrent behavior, in a pile that exceeded 100 endorsements on the delegate. This raid lasted for a little over a month, and was thwarted by the passing of a WA liberation preventing the raiders from placing a password upon the region. Now the region is under defender control, but that same liberation currently prevents the natives of TME from placing a password on the region to prevent further raids (a notion supported by a former delegate and native of the region). Repealing this liberation and allowing the natives to place a password upon their region is the first step to ensuring the wellbeing of The Monarchist Entente's native community by preventing potential raids in the future.

    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for this proposal.

    [size=150]Join our discussion![/size]

    Sponsored by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs of The North Pacific.

    • Koala from the North
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  • Village Drifter
  • Koala from the North
  • May General Elections
    by Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate

    Candidates for Delegate Siwale (left) and Bootsie (right). The North Pacific prides itself on species diversity in government.

    Election fever gripped the North Pacific a little earlier than expected this time around- a few weeks before the formal start of the election multiple candidacy announcements threads were made for Vice Delegate and Delegate by many future candidates, including Bootsie and Siwale for delegate. This practice drew some complaints from members of TNP's community, claiming it was subverting the process of democracy through citizens pledging their votes behind candidates before the election began and before they saw their platforms, giving the first people to announce their candidacy an advantage in votes. In light of this, Vice Delegate candidate Darcania archived their early announcement thread.

    The candidacy declarations began at the start of May; for delegate six people were running- Vice Delegate Siwale, Minister of Culture Bootsie and Citizens Yuno, Bobberino, The South Falls and Mall.

    Siwale - Siwale- the standing Vice Delegate- ran on an extensive campaign with goals set for each sector of government which totaled at approximately 4137 words and 25250 letters. This set out goals and promises for each sector of government, such as that the NPA would hopefully break the barrier of 40 troops deployed in an operation and that the Ministry of Communications would publish 4 TNL issues and four NBS broadcasts in the coming term. Siwale also promised to expand the Gameside Advocate program and increase TNP's presence on the world stage.

    Bootsie - Bootsie has a storied history in TNP, and this wasn't the first time they'd run for delegate. They were most recently Minister of Culture under Gladio but also a former Vice Delegate and a standing Security Councillor. Their platform was shorter than Siwale's- 1749 words- focusing on Bootsie's ideals and hopes for the term on each of the Ministries as well as the Security Council. There were fewer concrete promises in Bootie's platform than Siwale's, but Bootsie promised increased activity in the NPA, making the Diplomatic Corps more active and engaged and to reestablish TNP as a world leader in cultural activities and community building.

    Bobberino, The South Falls and Yuno - Bobberino, The South Falls and Yuno, the latter of which the delegate of the East Pacific, declared their candidacy for delegacy but didn't post a campaign thread or campaign through other methods to a noticeable extent.

    Mall - Mall, as is tradition, ran for delegate on the basis of couping the region and calling in raider groups to support his rogue delegacy (excluding Nazis and the Dutch).

    For Vice Delegate, Dinoium, Brendog, Darcania and Deropia ran.

    Deropia - The standing Minister for World Assembly Affairs and an NPA officer, Deropia ran for Vice Delegate under goals and promises including capitalizing off the summer population boom to get all Security Council endorsements up to over 900, implementing another iteration of TNP for #1 (where TNP pushes for first place in regional WA endorsements) and processing all citizenship applications within 12 hours of their posting.

    Brendog - Brendog was the Minister of Home Affairs and former Minister of Communications, having been in TNP since November 2016. They ran under similar goals as Deropia, such as organizing a reiteration of TNP for #1, processing citizenship applications within 8 hours, promoting the endorsement tool on TNP's forums to increase the endorsements in TNP and organizing themed weeks on the RMB.

    Dinoium - A newcomer to TNP and NPA soldier, Dinoium ran an enthusiastic campaign for Vice Delegate, promoting himself as "A Humble Nation for the Job!".

    Darcania - Darcania- TNP administrator and Speaker at the time- ran for Vice Delegate but dropped out of the race before voting had commenced. Darcania would later take a break from TNP, distancing himself from NS temporarily.

    For Speaker, ABC ran and for Attorney General Goyanes ran. There was no competition for either of these positions.

    ABC (Speaker) - ABC, otherwise known as TNP's resident duck, ran for speaker on the platform of continuing citizenship checks as they were, public polls on the future of the RA digests and promoting the Regional Assembly through dispatches and references.

    Goyanes (Attorney General) - Goyanes had been elected as Attorney General in the previous term, and ran for reelection. No particular platform was posted, but it's logical to think that Goyanes' goals were more of the same, or what was promised in the previous election.

    The voting period ended on May 11 2018 and the results came in shortly afterwards; for Delegate, Siwale was elected, with Bootsie taking in a surprising lack of votes compared to Siwale. For Vice Delegate, Deropia was elected. For Speaker and Attorney General, ABC and Goyanes were elected, as you'd probably expect.

    Tu iudex eris
    by Limerick1, Court Justice
    This column does not represent the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

    The importance of participating in the elections for Delegate and Vice Delegate as a candidate and a voter are well known. Most people are well aware of the importance of our various ministers; their responsibilities and the standard to which they must be held. The question that needs to be answered is whether or not the Court's responsibilities are widely known and if the extent of the Court's power is well understood. Perhaps it is anecdotal evidence but consider this, in the recently closed election to fill a vacancy in the court, 66 votes were cast in total, 10 being abstentions. The sobering fact is that in the General Elections, 68 votes were cast for one candidate for the Delegacy alone. The title of this article is "Tu iudex eris" which is “You be the judge” in latin. This title was inspired by the sobering participation in our recent elections. Why latin you may ask. It is simply because it allows me to feel like a legal scholar, so please indulge my self confidence booster.

    First we will enumerate the responsibilities of the court. Court officials are called on to be as close to experts as possible regarding the different legal documents enacted by The North Pacific. This would include the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Codes, various procedures, and a host of different treaties negotiated with other regions. Why is this important? Well as anyone who has taken a gander around our legal archives would know, there's a lot to know. Many people simply do not have the time nor the willpower to read, dissect, and understand these documents. They do not have the knowledge to contemplate the context in which they were enacted. It is imperative however that candidates for Justice and Attorney General do put in the time and work to do this as it is vital for them to perform their duties. It is the Court's responsibility to protect the integrity of these documents and to give citizens a platform to challenge government overreach. By interpreting these documents and ruling on ambiguities in the law, it allows weaker legislation to remain flexible. And the legislation doesn't necessarily need to be weak for this to hold true. Legislation cannot account for all happenings and situations different than the ones contemplated when the bill was passed by the Regional Assembly. Once again, it is the Court that allows these pieces of legislation to be flexible and to have their ambiguities addressed. The Court's "Request for Review" function allows citizens to bring forward laws they feel to be unjust or unconstitutional, and to have the Court review the actions of Government officials in an effort to keep the Government accountable for their actions and overreach.

    While this overview of the Court's responsibilities is quite brief, I urge the reader to consider further review and contemplation of the Court's responsibilities outlined in our legal documents. I can only hope that by encouraging this kind of research, we as a region will see greater voter participation in our judicial elections. The truth is that we as a region cannot afford to neglect these elections. The Court has major responsibilities and the power to set precedents that could prove influential for years to come. It is not enough to just vote for a candidate for Justice. Citizens must read and understand the candidate's platforms and decide for yourself whether they are qualified for the position should they be elected. Citizens must believe that the officials they choose to understand the gravity of the position and the significance of the laws they are responsible for interpretating and enforcing.

    With this article, I call on those who haven't researched the topic already, to read up on our court's responsibilities. And when the time does come to elect our justices, we must remember the power we vest in our choice. And thus make the best choice for us.

    I would like to note here at the end of my article that in no way was this article meant to be a commentary on the latest judicial election as this article was planned before the beginning of the election. In order to avoid possible influence on the voters in the election seeing as I was a candidate, I chose to delay the release of this article until the conclusion of the election. I am grateful for the opportunity extended to me but i will always call on our citizens to do their research and to make the best possible choice for them.

    Regional Assembly Highlights
    by ABC, Speaker of the Regional Assembly and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs

    Activity in the Regional Assembly remained stable throughout May and hosted a few proposals that were brought to vote and many more that were discussed.

    Election Commissioner Confirmations
    Status: All Admitted
    On May 21st, Delegate Siwale re-appointed themselves and Crushing Our Enemies to the Election Commission, after which debate on their admission began. Great debate ensued, dividing people on whether or not Siwale should be allowed to serve because of their status as Delegate. Deropia motioned for a vote which was seconded by Artemis and voting began on May 25th. Voting ended on the 28th and both were admitted. Crushing Our Enemies received 24 votes in favor of their appointment, none against, and 2 abstaining
    Siwale received 22 voting in favor of them, 4 against, and 1 abstaining.

    Vacancy Bill
    Status: Passed
    Back on March 9th, Darcania brought a proposal in front of the RA to remove the exemption of holders of government office from not logging in for two weeks during a leave of absence. Darcania motioned for a vote on April 4th, after which voting was supposed to begin on April 12th, but it never did. A month later, a second motion to vote, happened soon after which a vote did begin. Voting on the bill began on the 17th and was passed on the 21st with 30 voting Aye, 2 voting Nay, and 1 abstaining.

    A Motion to Establish a New Line of Succession
    Status: Passed
    In Late April, Vice Delegate Siwale, proposed to the Regional Assembly a new Order of Succession. After a motion to vote was brought by Wonderess and seconded by Isimud, voting began on May 2nd. The motion was passed with 25 voting Aye, 3 voting Nay, and 12 abstaining.

    World Assembly Affairs Digest May 2018
    By Bobberino, TNP Citizen and NPA officer
    Minister: Pallaith
    Deputy Minister: Kranostav, Stoskavanya

    From the Minister's Desk:

    I'm happy to be back in the place where it all began for me. The ministry has changed a lot since I was last here and I want to build on all the work this team has put into making MoWA a well-oiled machine. We'll have a bigger focus this term on drafting and improving resolutions ahead of time so we're proactive as well as reactive. I look forward to the crazy summer season in the WA!

    General Assembly

    Resolution at Vote: Agricultural Invasive Species Act
    IFV Recommendation: The Agricultural Invasive Species Act is a well-meaning, however inherently flawed proposal. This proposal seeks to prevent the harm caused by the accidental introduction of non-native species into the environment.
    However, the Ministry would note that the proposal makes no provision for goods that are contaminated in transit, mandating that fines be imposed even though were previously uncontaminated. Furthering this concern is the fact that the resolution makes no indication of who should be fined.
    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

    Resolution at Vote: Freedom of Religion
    IFV Recommendation: The current proposal is an earnest attempt at securing religious rights and freedoms for citizens of WA member nations who may otherwise be forced to worship or not worship specific deities. The proposal allows member nations freedom over the specific criminalization of acts that may threaten the safety, health, or good order when brought upon by religion or persecution thereof. It is important to mention that this proposal protects the rights of citizens to legally practice religion in groups and fear no repercussions as well as the right of citizens to refuse specific religious practices that may have formerly been prescribed by the member nation. Should future application of this resolution be abused, the ministry will seek a repeal and replacement for the abused piece of legislation.
    In accordance with the aforementioned reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

    Resolution at Vote: Pride And Prejudice
    IFV Recommendation: My Dear Bears Armed Mission,
    Allow me to extend my sincere gratitude for your proposal, it was received with open mind and heart. Your affections are appreciated and I will cherish always the manner in which you expressed yourself. Truly, sir, you are a gentleman. With these sincere and positive thoughts having been acknowledged, I must now acknowledge other universal truths. I have no desire to besmirch your honor, good sir, but previous suitors have declared their intentions with more spirited prose and more binding expressions of desire for my security, growth, and well-being. While fanciful, your proposal does not seem to reflect any genuine passion to bring deeper meaning into my life and has failed to touch my heart.
    For these reasons, I must respectfully beseech the gentlemen and women of The North Pacific to vote Against your proposal.
    [align=center]Security Council[/align]

    Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist Bloc
    IFV Recommendation: The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at ideological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
    Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.

    Resolution at Vote: Liberate The Conservative Christians
    IFV Recommendation: Upon recent events, the natives have brokered peace with the invading faction and have begun the rebuilding process of the region. As quoted from the regional world factbook entry, "This region is in the process of rebuilding and as such is implementing password protection. If you wish to join or are a previous member, send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." The current leader of the region may institute a password to temporarily prevent raids until more natives return to provide better security for the region. Due to these happenings, the current liberation at vote is now no longer needed.
    Not wanting to hinder the rebuilding process of the region and for reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this liberation.

    Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist Bloc
    IFV Recommendation: The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at ideological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
    Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.

    Resolution at Vote: Commend Knootoss
    IFV Recommendation: The current Security Council resolution-at-vote seeks to commend Knootoss for their numerous accomplishments in the General Assembly, furthering democracy and human rights the world over. Their contributions to international law include the "Read the Resolution Act", a resolution that requires that every WA member state have an office staffed by a literate, sapient individual to review proposals before voting on the proposal and "Right to Petition" which enshrined the right to petition governments without fear or reprisal into international law.
    The Ministry, having reviewed the resolutions authored by the delegation from Knootoss believes them worthy of commendation by the Security Council.
    For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

    NPA Bulletin for May 2018
    by Lozinak, NPA Officer and Deputy Minister of Communications
    Minister of Defense: Zazumo
    Deputy Minister(s) of Defense: Bluiegamer & BMWSurfer

    May marked the first month of a new term for both TNP and the NPA. As the election results were announced, former Minister Malphe handed over Command of the North Pacific Army to Captain Zazumo. Now Minister Zazumo came into the office with the goals of maintaining the incredible level of activity seen from the Special Forces last term, and increasing the activity of the Auxiliary Force. Zazumo's opening address can be found here. Following the precedent set by Malphe, Zazumo also appointed two deputies. The deputies aid the minister in both administrative tasks, and in leading and organizing operations. With the formalities wrapped up, the NPA jumped back into it performing detags throughout the entire month. Late in the month, TNP ally Stargate was raided in a bizarre turn of events that led to the raider being brought low by the Voice of Mod. The NPA moved into the region following this and assisted in the re-establishment of Stargate's elected delegate.


    28/05/2018-Benolia & Legend were promoted to the rank of Private First Class.
    29/05/2018-Peregrinum(Loz) was promoted to the rank of Major.

    [align=center]Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog
    The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

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      [big][big][big][big] May Special Justice Election[/big][/big][/big][/big]
      by Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate

      Judge Zyvetskistaahn, before promptly losing citizenship and being dragged out of the courtroom by the bureaucracy police, who would then proceed to panic that there weren't enough judges in the courtroom anymore.

      Panic gripped the nation as esteemed Justice Zyvetskistaahn lost their citizenship due to not posting on the forums in the last 30 days, leaving the court incomplete and calling for a special justice election to bring the court back into full standard. As such, the election commissioners were whipped into action and an official announcement was posted! Now the opportunists of the North Pacific would show themselves in a race for a single justice position, qualifying this special election as a candidate for the most underwhelming elections to date competition.

      Four opportunists stepped forward. The first of which is Blue Wolf II (otherwise known as [any other nation containing the word wolf, and maybe kitty]), an individual so gracious and commended that he saw no need to make a campaign thread. Second of all was Romanoffia, who ran into the election declarations on his morning jog before climbing back into his coffin, and elected to throw his hat into the ring. When writing down his campaign post, windows crashed so it was elected that one line would do the trick.

      Third was Dinoium, whose name I have only recently learnt to consistently spell correctly. Opting for their signature tactic of incredibly large images and unbridled enthusiasm, Dinoium also elected to post their campaign thread halfway through the voting period, in a shrewd move I assume I'm just too primitive to comprehend. Last of the four was Limerick1, whose campaign thread received the most replies, which has to be a good sign.

      Voting showed a clear bias to Limerick1, at a notable 32 votes (just under half of total votes cast) compared to runner-up Romanoffia's 13 votes. Blue Wolf II still recieved 5 votes, as being commended is a platform unto itself, whereas Dinoium received 6 as though they had a platform they didn't have the benefit of being commended, a great burden to bear in elections. Limerick1 was elected to the office of Court Justice despite not having a commendation, truly a testament to their courage and vitality.

      [size=14] Mid-term Review[/size]
      by BMWSurfer, Minister of Home Affairs
      This term has been filled with exciting changes, fun events, funny quotes, and a lot of work. Here is a report from each ministry:

      Home Affairs: The Ministry of Home Affairs has been hard at work informing nations of the opportunities available to them in TNP and providing the necessary assistance to new nations still learning the ropes. They have reached out to over 8,000 nations through manual telegram efforts and over 100 new members of our regional forum through the newly revived forum mentoring program. Additionally, the ministry has restarted the Press Release program in an effort to provide nations with frequent updates from the executive government. With the revival of these neglected programs and maintenance of the existing ministry functions, it is easier than ever to get information and help from the government.

      Gameside Advocates: Home Affairs has also undergone an expansion of its Gameside Advocate program. The eight newly appointed gameside advocates have been working to help keep The North Pacific's Regional Message Board (RMB) a safe and welcoming environment through enforcing rules and providing assistance to players seeking help. The Gameside Advocates have just completed their first season of The North Pacific RMB Trivia which engaged the RMB in a friendly competition regaring TNP history. Additionally, they have run a regional survey to gather nation feedback on various government programs in an effort to enhance these program. We look forward to continued success of this program in the latter half of the term.

      Foreign Affairs: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under minister Plembobria, has been working to maintain activity in all of our embassies regions. In addition, the minister has been working to formalize existing relationship as well as develop new alliances. One of the largest accomplishments this term is the non-aggression pact between The Rejected Realms and The North Pacific, which just recently passed in our Regional Assembly as well as The Rejected Realms's Assembly. This proposed treaty has been met with a plethora of positive feedback from both communities and will hopefully open the door to further collaborations between our regions as we work to strengthen this relationship.

      Defense: Under General Zazumo, the Ministry of Defense has maintained considerable activity but little diversity in operations, almost all operations conducted being detags with the exclusion of a raid and hold on Warzone Africa. Despite this, the North Pacific Army (NPA) has displayed attentiveness to important operations with other regions, including aiding Wabbitslayah's delegacy transition in the Rejected Realms and aiding Stargate in the event of a petty raid on the region with several NPA puppets. Furthermore, with the passing of the WFE/Flag Removal Change allowing Defense to conduct tag operations, diversity in operations may increase in the future. The raid on Warzone Africa displayed that the NPA's pile numbers currently hover around a reasonable 16 nations.

      Culture: Culture, under Minister McMasterdonia, has functioned incredibly admirably so far in this term. The ministry's greatest success this term involved organizing and executing the The North Pacific-Greater Dienstad Roleplay and Cultural Exchange - a Roleplay-centered interregional event which was met with a tremendous amount of participation from both The North Pacific and Greater Dienstad communities. The ministry has also published multiple issues of the Eras Magazine to highlight our regional forum RP community and all of their acomplishments. Additionally, McMasterdonia's aptitude for ideas has given rise to "Theme Thursdays", where every Thursday a new theme is chosen on TNP's Discord server, including Progressive Theme Thursday and Aussie Theme Thursday. These have been met with great involvement from TNP's community in the events. Besides the traditional ministry functions, The North Pacific University is also continuing to development this term under the newly appointed chancellor with a number of new lectures and other educational pieces.

      World Assembly Affairs: The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, under minister Pallaith, has maintained their committed to providing to nations in TNP with some insight into proposals currently at vote. The ministry has drafted a number of recommendations for the various proposals that the General Assembly and Security Council have recently voted on. The ministry has additionally fostered many in-depth discussions and debates on various in-queue proposals and forum drafts both among our regional community and our allies in the World Assembly Legislative League. We look forward to many more quality recommendations from the Ministry in the second half of the term.

      Communications: Communications, under experienced Minister Brendog, has done an astonishing job this term. the ministry has been successful at fostering new ideas for articles, in addition to helping new writers bring their ideas to life. Two issues of The Northern Lights (TNL) have already been published and more are in the works for this term. In addition to TNL, the ministry is also working to keep our radio station, the Northern Broadcasting Service, alive. The station has had one broadcast so far this term and we hope to see more activity from this area of the ministry in the near future.

      [big][big][big][big] Regional Assembly Highlights[/big][/big][/big][/big]
      By Brendog, Minister of Communications
      • Election Commissioner Confirmations
        Eluvatur, Artemis and I were confirmed by the Regional Assembly to serve our region’s Electoral Commision. Eluvatur and I received 17 ayes and 6 abstains whilst Artemis received 18 ayes and 5 abstains.

      • Bootsie's Security Council Application
        Bootsie was admitted to the security council by a vote of 24 ayes, 1 nay and 7 abstains.

      • Election Commissioner Confirmations ( again)
        Due to Eluvatar's nation CTE's, he was no longer an election commissioner. As a replacement Malphe was elected as the replacement. Malphe was confirmed by a vote of 22 ayes, 0 nays and 4 abstains.

      • NPA Doctrine Change
        Longly discussed in the Army, the army now has the option to do tag-raiding. The bill was discussed and changed multiple time to provide the means of natives to restore the region. It passed with 53 ayes, 7 nays and 11 abstains.

      • The Unicorn Star Accord
        The Unicorn Star Accord, being discussed for a very long time is a treaty with The Rejected Realms. It received 42 ayes, 4 nays and 4 abstains

      • Vice Delegate Recall Motion
        Finally, due to the inactivity of our Vice delegate, the regional assembly has decided to remove Dereopia from the position, triggering a special election for the Vice Delegacy. This received 33 ayes, 11 nays and 11 abstains.
      In discussion
      • Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums
        We are planning to move to xenforo, and thus a constitutional amendment is needed to change the website our forums will be moved to.
      Activity in the Regional Assembly remained stable throughout June and many proposals discussed in May were passed. Hopefully, we don't slow down in terms of proposals.

      [big][big][big][big] World Assembly Affairs Digest[/big][/big][/big][/big]
      By Brendog, Minister of Communications
      [title]General Assembly[/title]
      Improving the world one resolution at a time
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Preventing Desertification
      Status: Passed
      Delegates Vote: Against
      Total Votes (World): For: 11 231 Against: 6 921
      Total Votes (TNP): For: 228 Against: 357 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.9%
      Recommendation: Preventing Desertification is an attempt to address the damaging consequences of desertification with a call to action on member states to confront the phenomenon within their nation and a grant of authority to the WA Environmental Council to oversee such efforts. We find the measures urged by this proposal both weak and non compulsory, and the duties granted to the WAEC insufficient to address the magnitude of the issue, thus leaving a proposal that is both fiscally unproductive and blocks stronger potential legislation on the subject. Therefore, the Ministry advises a vote against the proposal.
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Repeal "Freedom Of Expression"
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total Votes (World) For: 13 246 Against: 3 680
      Total Votes (TNP) For: 473 Against: 84 Percentage of WA nations voting: 34.2%
      Recommendation: This call for the repeal of GA Resolution #30 is designed to open debate around amendments to the law relating specifically to a nation's right - for the public benefit - to regulate false, misleading, and potentially harmful forms of advertising. Given the importance of clear language around this controversial aspect of expression, and since direct amendments to existing law are not an option, repeal/replacement is the only means by which to expand the rights of nations in this regard. The author places faith in the GA to make these amendments while keeping the spirit of the law intact, and the Ministry shares confidence that a suitable and similar replacement, with slightly expanded rights for nations, will result from this repeal.
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Preventing The Illicit Trade Of Cultural Artefacts
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total Votes (World) For: 13 521 Against: 1 968
      Total Votes (TNP) For: 450 Against: 49 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%

      No Recommendation
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Asbestos Consumption, Disposal And Worker Protection
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: Against
      Total Votes (World) For: 8 720 Against: 5 516
      Total Votes (TNP) For: 207 Against: 292 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%
      Recommendation: Calling for worker safety and standards for asbestos is a laudable cause. The substance of the resolution alone seems to be rather harmless in and of itself, however setting arbitrary execution deadlines as well as a lack of any real need - noting that worker safety is already blanket covered by GAR 7 - creates an awkward and improperly executed proposal. Such proposal should be better attuned to addressing building standards and safety to help prevent asbestos leaks from following society into the future.
      [title]Security Council[/title]
      Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Condemn The League Of Conservative Nations
      Status: Defeated
      Delegate's Vote: Against
      Total votes (World): For: 2 397 Against: 14 881
      Total votes (TNP): For: 50 Against: 484 Percentage of WA nations voting: 33.1%
      Recommendation: We suspect this is a condemnation based on a distaste for the ideology espoused, rather than anything warranting an actual condemnation. The reasons cited are common for many regions, a region is not anti-democratic for having relations with a non-democratic region, and the government identified by this resolution can be understood to be a cabinet, much like the one TNP employs. This flimsy, poorly constructed window dressing does not hide what we deem to be the true motivation for condemning this region, and we support regions on both sides of the political aisle. Condemnations should be made of stronger stuff, and actually condemn something of substance.
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Commend Guy
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total votes (World): For: 12 970 Against: 4 587
      Total votes (TNP): For: 466 Against: 48 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32%

      No Recommendation
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Commend Helaw
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total votes (World): For: 12 781 Against: 2 257
      Total votes (TNP): For: 428 Against: 38 Percentage of WA nations voting: 29.6%

      No Recommendation
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Liberate Boston
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total votes (World): For: 13 493 Against: 1 552
      Total votes (TNP): For: 470 Against: 39 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32.7%
      Recommendation: Boston is a region that will always be culturally significant and a prime target for raids due to its name. The recent invasion was assisted in part by Nazi-affiliated regions and the occupying force failed to remove them from the region when they had ample opportunity. Regardless of any dispute over whether the Nazi involvement is completely fair, liberations ought to protect communities from total destruction when no other option will succeed in preventing that destruction. Size and geopolitical significance are irrelevant. As long as there are displaced natives wishing to save their region, a liberation ought to be supported.[/b]
      Quote from: -
      Proposal: Repeal Liberate The Monarchist Entente
      Status: Passed
      Delegate's Vote: For
      Total Votes (World): For: 15 122 Against: 1 301
      Total Votes (TNP): For: 495 Against: 35 Percentage of WA nations voting: 32.7%
      Recommendation: The Monarchist Entente was raided by a group of raider regions, which are internationally blacklisted for their previous abhorrent behavior, in a pile that exceeded 100 endorsements on the delegate. This raid lasted for a little over a month, and was thwarted by the passing of a WA liberation preventing the raiders from placing a password upon the region. Now the region is under defender control, but that same liberation currently prevents the natives of TME from placing a password on the region to prevent further raids (a notion supported by a former delegate and native of the region). Repealing this liberation and allowing the natives to place a password upon their region is the first step to ensuring the wellbeing of The Monarchist Entente's native community by preventing potential raids in the future.

      [size=14] Spotlight #12: Interview with BMWSurfer[/size]
      by BMWSurfer, Minister of Home Affairs & Brendog, Minister of Communications
      Brendog: Hello BMW, we finally get to you on the Spotlight, so welcome in!

      BMWSurfer: Thanks for having me!

      Brendog: So for everyone out there who doesn't know, how did you start in NS?

      BMWSurfer: Well, a friend told me about this game where he was creating a communist paradise. Clearly, I thought, I must investigate. I joined NS that day and was instantly sucked in.

      Brendog: Ooh, I love that story, next questions, who has influenced you the most in TNP?

      BMWSurfer: Hmmm, that's a hard one! So many people have had a huge impact on my time here, but I would have to say that Deropia had the biggest impact. He showed me how fun government could be, and was a big part of me staying in TNP.

      Brendog: Interesting, for any newcomers to TNP, what do you think is the most interesting aspect of NS and TNP?

      BMWSurfer: Of NS, it would have to be the WA. Of TNP, the executive staff.

      Brendog: Speaking of WA, what made you gravitate towards WA?

      BMWSurfer: Well, I joined the WA ministry of TNP because I was bored one day, and I was instantly sucked in by the discussion and debate. Over time, I learned some of the nuance and got a feel for different proposals, which made the WA even more interesting to me.

      Brendog: With Proposals, TNP writes resolutions so what was the hardest resolution that you had to write an IFV for?

      BMWSurfer: Probably my very first IFV for "Liberate Iran", mostly because I wasn't very confident in my writing abilities. To make matters worse, the proposal had our ministry divided on voting for or against, which meant I had to form a cohesive argument from hundreds of different messages and forum posts.

      Brendog: Does WA Affairs experience help with Home Affairs?

      BMWSurfer: It sure does! The World Assembly requires both writing and interpersonal skills, which helps when writing recruitment telegrams or talking to new players.

      Brendog: That definitely helps. How has Home affairs shaped your experience of the government?

      BMWSurfer: In Home Affairs I have gotten to see how TNP government really depends on everyone doing their part. Government isn’t just for super experienced players, but for all players to help out in.

      Brendog: I feel the same why too! If you had to leave The North Pacific and create your own region, what five current citizens would you want with you and why?

      BMWSurfer: Deropia and tlomz for their experience on Gameplay forums and in the World Assembly, McMasterdonia for his experience in forum and discord administration, Zaz for military experience, and bobberino for comedy relief.

      Brendog: Very Interesting, but what about if every other nation were to CTE tomorrow morning, and you could only keep eight nations alive, who would they be?

      BMWSurfer: Siwale, Deropia, McMasterdonia, Imperium Anglorium, Malphe, Bobberino, Zaz, Kranostav

      Brendog: Are you planning on seeking the delegacy or vice delegacy at some point in the future?

      BMWSurfer: Probably not, I'm not sure I could stand being WA-locked and not participating in the NPA.

      Brendog: Even if you are not, who would your dream cabinet look life if you where the delegate?

      BMWSurfer: That's a tough one! I'd probably put Tlomz as MoWAA, Brendog as MoCO, McMasterdonia as MoCU, abc as MoHA, Pallaith as MoFA, Zaz as MoD, and Deropia as Chief of Staff.

      Brendog: Thanks for including me, I am honoured. What is your least favourite thing about the North Pacific? And your most favourite?

      BMWSurfer: Least favourite? That's hard to answer! Probably would be the lack of applicants to HA ha ha. Most favourite? The people. Everyone here is so nice and makes the game very enjoyable.

      Brendog: A couple more questions before we end, What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

      BMWSurfer: Someone once said, "be a light, be different, stand out." Definitely, the best piece of advice I've ever seen. If we are just focused on doing good work and not on what other people think about us then we will be more effective.

      Brendog: Finally, if you could sum yourself up in one sentence, what would that sentence be?

      BMWSurfer: A hard working and sarcastic, but ultimately friendly, introvert.

      [big][big][big][big] NPA Bulletin[/big][/big][/big][/big]
      by Bobberino, TNP Citizen and NPA officer and Malphe, Deputy Minister of Communications and Lead Gameside Advocate
      June marked a landmark month for the North Pacific Army. Zazumo, as Minister of Defense, has done a laudable job continuing and improving upon Malphe's record of incredible activity from Special Forces, as well as increasing activity and participation within our Auxiliary. Our Deputy Ministers of Defense, Veniyerris and Konar, have also done excellent work aiding Zaz with administration, leading, and organizing operations. The NPA stands at an impressive number of detags performed so far this term- 144 to be exact - which puts the NPA well on pace to smash the pre-existing record of 312 coupled with the planned Bobulous Bonanza of 10 targets per update for a week straight. Important to note the passage of the recent RA bill that allows us to participate in tag raids. This gives us greater freedom to operate as a truly independent leading military organization as well as advertise our brand as the most active and flexible regional militaries in NationStates.

      Operation Spreadsheet for Nerds
      The Northern Lights: Beauty in Truth

      Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: Brendog

      The Northern Lights is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

      1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
      • Koala from the North
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Thanks for the update! :)

      I have to admit, when a region like TNP has issues with inactive government members and mildly to severely disinterested candidates to replace them, it makes me feel a bit relieved since that means it's not just a small UCR issue. I'm glad that the person that seems to have put the most effort in the election won though, hopefully he'll put as much effort into the position and leave his mark on it.

      And there's been multiple issues of Eras Magazine? We only received the first one...what gives? :(

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Village Drifter
    • Koala from the North
    • Thanks for the update! :)

      I have to admit, when a region like TNP has issues with inactive government members and mildly to severely disinterested candidates to replace them, it makes me feel a bit relieved since that means it's not just a small UCR issue. I'm glad that the person that seems to have put the most effort in the election won though, hopefully he'll put as much effort into the position and leave his mark on it.

      And there's been multiple issues of Eras Magazine? We only received the first one...what gives? :(

      So sorry! It must have slipped my mind somehow. I'll hunt for it right away! Sorry about that.
      And sorry for any formatting errors. :P

      I'm still working out how to this kind of thing. First ambassador post and all.
      « Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 12:42:25 AM by Sanjurika »
      • Koala from the North
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    • Village Drifter
    • Koala from the North
    • Eras Magazine Issue II

      Apologies for the late reply.
      • Koala from the North
      • Posts: 56
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Think nothing of it...happens to the best of us. For what it's worth I think you're doing a great job as ambassador. :)

      It seems to me that the unification of the Vestrugat may not be as sinister as the author apparently believes it to be...the article implies that it took an extraordinary person to form it, who's to say an heir with no political experience would be able to hold it? It reminds me Alexander the Great in that, as Wikipedia says, "His unique abilities were further demonstrated by the inability of any of his generals to unite Macedonia and retain the Empire after his death—only Alexander had the ability to do so."

      In any case, thanks for posting the latest edition, I really enjoyed reading it. :)
      1 person likes this post: Sanjurika

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Press Release
      Recall Motion
      After nearly a month-long stretch of inactivity, Vice Delegate Deropia was recalled by the Regional Assembly with 75% of the votes cast in favor of the recall. Upon the completion of the recall vote, McMasterdonia became Acting Vice Delegate and a special election begun.

      Special Election
      Four candidates emerged in the Vice Delegate Special Election with a wide range of experience levels and visions for the office: Pallaith, Xagill, Mall, and Krevt. Pallaith, a former two-term Delegate and a current Minister at the time, ended up winning this election with nearly 61% of the vote.

      Appointments, appointments everywhere
      Following his success in the election, Pallaith resigned as Minister of World Assembly Affairs to focus on his new duties as Vice Delegate. Sil Dorsett, a former three-term Minister of World Assembly Affairs, was appointed in his place.

      Shortly before this, Plembobria resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs due to real life commitments. Malphe, a former Minister of Defense, was appointed in his place.

      Due to his new cabinet position, Malphe was replaced by Lotion Empire as Lead Gameside Advocate in an effort to increase regional officer coverage on the RMB. Territorio di Nessuno was also appointed at this time to serve as an additional Gameside Advocate.
      • Koala from the North
      • Posts: 56
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      • Village Drifter
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    • Regional Stability Squad
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Thanks for the update! Sure looks like a lot of things are changing hands. :)

      I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
      They said "You'd better look alive"
      • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
      • Posts: 19,456
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      • Regional Stability Squad
      • Pronouns
        Wintreath Nation
    • Village Drifter
    • Koala from the North
    • Thanks for the update! Sure looks like a lot of things are changing hands. :)

      Yup! It's been pretty confusing lately. :P
      • Koala from the North
      • Posts: 56
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