Gonna have to work on that orthography brother, because unless "i" is pronounced /ai/ absolutely everywhere then it honestly doesn't make sense to spell it that way.
Better use a digraph or if you really wanna keep a single letter, a diacritic. On my Valtarian conlang I'm using macrons to denote diphthongs (evolved out of long vowels).
What are the acutes for?
Greetings from a conlanger to another. You know about Zompist?
Forum too.
Oh, I'm sorry, but I've been using this language for 44 years, and it ain't gonna change :-) I is "ai" everywhere unless acuted. Acutes change the vowel to the short-American style. (the word "bet" would need to be "bét;" otherwise it would be pronounced "beet."
That's okay, as long as it's consistent I have no problem with it.
One day I'm going to make a conlang and switch the expected phonetic values of all the letters around to fuck with people's mind. I'd like to see a language where "b, h, q, r, z" are vowels.
Anyway, if you're in the mood to create another, check out that link man, it's amazing. It used to be my favourite website as a teenager, but I don't really like the forums, if it's like it was 7 years ago, it's pretty blowhardy and pretentious, there's nice people, but a lot of washed-up Linguistics BAs who aren't good enough to get into graduate studies and get a job but still harass people on the forums pretending they're future Noam Chomskys. There was this one guy in particular who seemed to be "learning" a new language every single day and each time he'd post it'd be like "oh I'm studying French/German/Russian/Japanese/Korean/Hungarian/some ironic hipster bullshit and blah blah blah". I think the guy was just trying to be badass or was simply an inconsistent pathological liar.
Some helpful people there, but a lot with chips on their shoulders or just bad attitudes.