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The perfect country joins the perfect land authors greetings
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  • A/N Hello everyone who comes across this little story im embarking on, this is my first time doing something like this so id really aprecciate toughts and opinions, they can be negative or positive, ideas are of course greatly apreciated ( im using one of them now, thanks pointbreeze) in general just let me know youve read this

    on a final note this story is mainly about my country and its interaction between wintreath, i do go over breafly on my country its self but for a more indebt look at that check my factbooks

    since this is about the people of wintreath first and formost from a countries point of veiw i would like to try to get as many of the proud citizens of wintreath to show up here, i do not however wish to portray anyone wrongly so if you have an interest in having you or your country show up in this story feel free to pitch an idea

    lastly i apoligies for any spelling errors i fail to catch along the writing of this story

    ty for reading this and i hope i manage to get the first chapter out soon.
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    Zero rode on in to the town on his horse and he was gonna have to feed her mighty well to make up for putting her trough that boat ride. After he had dismounted she nearly kicked him with her hindlegs. "Woah!" he yelled as he jumped to avoid the ebony steeds furious kick, "Now easy there girl, unless you wanted to swim here there was no way to get to this island without that boat." he said as he sympathetically petted her head, this calmed her quite a bit. "Nice horse you gots youself there laddie." Zero turned to see a ragetty old man sitting against the wall of a tavern, Zero walked into the alley way to get a better look at the man. Zero didn't have  to be a genius to figure out he was a bum, but he was probably the most well dressed bum he had ever seen, tough his clothes were ragged they were comprised of black dress pants, a white dress shirt, with a matching black twin tail coat over it. He even had a top hat on altough it was open on the top like a opened can. The only thing that didnt seem dirty or worn was the mans white mustache that he had somehow managed to keep perfectly trimmed. "She gots a name of sorts?" the vagrant asked.

    Zero smiled, he always liked a man that could appreciate his lil' lady over here. "Her names Kurohime." He said with a proud grin. "oooooooh one of them chinky names" the man whistled. Zero didn't much care for the rather rascist description of her name but let it slide for now "So what are you doing here old man?" he asked. The man grinned "I's just being trading my's stories for foods and whatnot." It took awhile for Zero to understand the hobo with him mangling the language so much, once he figured it out tough he smiled too. Being a traveler, Zero always loved hearing peoples stories "You sir have got yourself a deal, i hope you like whatever they serve in this tavern." At this point the bums smile was longer then his mustache "Laddie, why it's be my favorites!" The man held up a hand for Zero to grab him with, Zero noted again how odd the man was, his gloves were white and silky but had brown and red stains on them and all the mans fingeres were exposed, the gloves covering being removed long ago. Most would've tought it suspicous but Zero simply figured his story would be more interesting because of it so he hoisted the man up and they entered they tavern with their arms behind the others back, Kurohime gave an amused snort as they entered.

    Authors Note
    Hello hope you enjoyed the prologue I just want to say again how heavily this plot is based off pointbreezes suggestion, and how id be happy to take others opinions as well, if your worried about the length being to on the short side dont worry, the actual chapters will be longer than the prologue, there isn't yet a definite number of chapters either but id like at least to get 20 or so out there.
    Lastly Please tell me what you think I love seeing the number of reads, but honestly it just makes me want to know what you think about it
    TY for taking the time to read this, forever cold and forever here WINTREATH
    nature and soceity entertwined- Camradatate
    « Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:36:13 AM by camaradatate »
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  • OOC: Pretty interesting.  Question is...where does it go from here?
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  • well whats probably going to happen in ch.1 is we find out a few things, such as what our traveler look like, and where he is exactly then we can start the story within the story

    again however nothing is set in stone things change as I write this originally it was suppose to just be a flashback between a bum and a nondiscript traveler, how ever as you can see i've put quite a bit of character into Zero and his companion Kurohime ( roughly means black princess in romanji/japanese) so im now thinking it will be back to back from the past to the present a 2 in 1 kinda story i suppose.

    ch.1 will probably be out by the end of today.
    I write in bursts so you can probably expect a chapter everyday or so, unless im struggling to come up with what happens next.
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    "Olivia 5 more orders of lime-curry tofu stir-fry at tables 4,8, and 9!" shouted Donnel as he dried a freshly washed cup in his hands. "That new recipe I made seems to be pretty good eh dear?" came Olivia's reply. "Sure is honey just keep them coming." Donnel responded, just then he heard the bell ring, more customers. Donnel grinned at this rate he and Olivia could finally take that trip they had been planning to the wintreath mainland, they always wanted to see snow which never reached the coastal island of Camaradatate, skiing, snowball fights, they even planned to stay at one of those famous ice hotels only made possible in the land of eternal snow. Donnel shook his head "Customers first Donnie vacation after." He put the cup down looked at the new entrants and suddenly frowned, it was that storytelling bum, he had been trying to get to leave for awhile now, he didn't really have an issue with him but the customers didn't like him offering stories during there meals, he had eventually kicked him out only to have him loiter in the front of the tavern, but he supposed it was good enough. The vagrant had his arm around a man with blue hair and a matching scarf around his neck, he also wore a sleeveles brown leather jacket with slack brown pants , he was surprised there wasn't a 10-gallon hat on his head to finish the cowboy motif, nevertheless he hoped the man had money for 2. He walked over to table number 3 where they were sitting down at.

    Zero and his storyteller had just sat down when a man with a blue tunic walked up to them and put a hand on the table "Hello there fellas can I get you anything tonight?" the man asked "I'll take whatever he does." said Zero trusting the bums taste in food for some reason the man did not even bat an eye when Donnel looked at him for his order "Grilled Tofu Skewers with Sriracha Sauce please and thanks laddie." he ordered. "Uh yeah some kebabs for me to just put some pork in place of that tofu alright?" said Zero. Suddenly the tavern roared with laughter, the raggedly well dressed hobo laughing so hard the top of his hat flapped up and down. "You's really aint from round here are ya's laddie?" snickered the bum. "Uh sir" said the server with a concerned look on his face. "Vegetarism is compulsory here in Camaradatate." "What does that mean?" questioned Zero. "It means meats illegal's ya idget!" burst out the vagrant followed by some more uproaros laughter. Zero blushed in embarrassement and said he would take the same order then.

    After the meal had been eaten Zero awaited with baited breath for the man to begin his story, unfortunatley he was preoccupied with cleaning his teeth with a toothpick. Donnel came with the bill, Zero pulled out some francos to give to the tavern owner when he heard a snicker from the man. "What?" he asked glancing around to see if people were looking at him, worried he was making a fool at himself again. "Theres no problem sir" said Donnel "the conversion is still 1 for 1." "Conversion?" said Zero with a confused look. "Don't all pacific countries use the franco?" Again the luaghter burst into the air colouring his cheeks red. "Laddie I's would get you's a new map if I's was you's cause Camaradatate aint been part of the pacific for months!" Gasped the man inbetween laughs, still slamming his fist against the table.  "Then what is it apart of?" Zero asked. "Why it's part of Wintreath now laddie." answered the vagrant. "How did that happen?" Zero pressed unsure when his questioning would cease. The bum grinned "Laddie thats the story i's gonna tell you's."

    Sorry bout this, I realize that this is just something I shoudve put in the prologue but I had honestly hoped to start the story this chapter, but now that i think about it if i were to tack the begining of story here then it really would just be overkill, plus as I mentioned previuosly a write these chapters and my factbooks all in one go so im rather tired for today.

    Speaking of factbooks I also release those daily along with my chapters of this so pls go check them out as well

    finally again any ideas or comments are greatly appreciated

    Nature and soceity intertwined - Camaradatate
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  • Chapter 2- A Brief Time in The pacific

    After the plates were cleared from the table the vagrant began his story. "Now it is no secret Camaradatate isn't the oldest country around here, altough we have had quite a few unrecorded travels before settling on this island." Began the bum which seemed to have lost his accent since beginning the story. "But when we did settle  down and found this nation we ended up becoming part of the pacific, nice place sure, alot of history too. One of the biggest   places to be a part of and for a time we were happy."The man said with a sad smile on his face reminicing the early days of the nation. "We got a letter congratulating ourselves on our "luck" for ending up with them and warned us to beware other nations "tempting us to wander" from them." He spat out his look souring, then it became a little closer to depressed as he continued "You see us Camaradatatetions are pretty big on honour and manners here, so we took this to heart we turned down letter after letter till they stopped coming, of course it was when we turned down all the telegrams that things got bad." His face once again souring. "First came the demand that we change our currency to the Franco, something about making it stronger or something of the sort, and we went along with it, turned in all our pokos to get some other countries currency. "The man face was growing ever more grimmer as he went on. "Then they asked us to join the WA ,course that in it's self is a good thng but course it had to be bad too." he shook his head "They were raiders Zero, rotten no-good raiders. Who knows how many countries we voted to be "liberated" from their "corrupt and abusive" governments. Eventually they stopped putting a nice spin to it, sure the people reading those WA proposals would get the same quality of propaganda but inside the pacific you couldn't read a sentence without hearing the next country they were raiding or who was gonna be kicked off first just for fun." The man was sobbing at this point, Donnel came by and dropped a tissue box on the table. "Thanks." The vagrant sniffled, after he cleaned his nose and dried his eyes he continued. "By that point we knew we had to leave but we had already turned down all the requests and we were still to greenhorn to go looking ourselves, we probably would've disbnded at that point if not for Vincent Olouisim and the other founding captains, we were stuck there hating what we had become, we were trapped."

    Then the man smiled, something Zero nearly forgot he could do after frowning for so long. "Then one day we got the invitation to Wintreath, first invite in a long time, course by that point we were pretty cynical so we read before accepting." The man's eyes began to sparkle. "It was small only a few countries were with them, and it was young too six months old when we got that invite. Most people see something young and they sneer at it, thinking its weak and inexperienced, it may be too but youth is also pure and thats what we wanted more then   anything else, purity." The man laid back against the chair looking at the ceiling, talking more to himself then Zero at this point. "We alligned ourselves with them and we were welcomed with open arms everybody said hi and introduced us to the Wintreath forum, showing us all the hotspots like the Howling tavern. There was never a request to change our currency so we put it back to the Poko and were glad it's back and now were defenders we make up for the bad we did with good now!" The man was now yelling with glee, the customers all looking on and listening to the story, Donnel had his arms around his wife Olivia as they listened to their country's story. "We applied for citizenship, had it granted and now best of all people actually care bout us, those folks back in pacific couldn't care less about us but people listen to our stories here, least most of us." He said with a slight glare at the crowd, after a few tense coughs Zero got up. "Thanks for the story bud he said as he made his way to the exit, the crowd dispersing, Donnel and his wife heading back to the kitchen. "Hold up young man." Zero stopped and turned to look at the man.

    He smiled as he said "Theres still more to this story."
    Authors note
    Hello everyone thanks for reading this, kinda hope we can get 100 reads, that aside next chapter will have the beginning of the side story i talked about in reply to pointbreeze,

    Im also taking a slight break from my factbooks for now to work on what happens next on this story here, ill get back to it at sone point, didn't leave it on a cliffhanger so it wont hurt to read what I wrote so far there

    Also once again i would like opinions and suggestions from you guys you can let me know here or send my nation CAMARADATATE a telegram, pls i really want to know what you think, liking this post works too if your not the reveiwing type, just im a needy person that likes to get praise.

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    "There's more?" Asked Zero

    "Ofcourse there is more to this story, i mean everyone knows what I told you, its in the history books after all." Zero nodded his head then paused, the man's accent didn't come back after the story, sure maybe because he was still telling it but what was really strange was thay he was somehow cleaner then before, less stains, smaller stiches, even his hat's lid was firmly attached now. "How did you fix yourself up like that?" Zero wondered aloud. "Doesn't matter really, besides I'm not continuing this story until I receive my payment." the man smirked as he held out his hand making a "gimme" gesture. "I already paid for your meal bud." Zero stated matter-of-factly, the man just rolled his eyes. "Yes you did and that got you the first part of the story i need more payment for the next part." Zero frowned "Look, Im not buying you anymore foo-" "That's fine I'm not hungry anyways." the not so raggedy bum said. "Then what DO you want?" asked Zero. Tell you what, you give me part of a story and ill give you mine, gotta keep myself stocked on epic tales and the like." Zero's frown deepend "I don't have a story to tell" he stated sounding strangely defensive. The vagrant lifted his hat to expose his emerald green eyes studying him. "You sure?" He questioned "Unless im mistaken that horse, her names Kurohime right?, she isnt a normal horse is she?"

    Zero had a bead of sweat run down his brow, "How did you know?" he admitted. "I didn't but I do now!" The man chuckled. Zero was baffled, was he really that lucky to come across Zero's only secret or was there something more to this, coupling this with the man's magically repairing clothes and Zero started to wonder just who the heck was this guy, needless to say if he had prior information about his situation with Kurohime he couldn't be a freind." As he completed this tought his hand came down to rest on one of his four gun holsters attached to his waist. The man noticed this and put his hands up in a attempt to calm Zero. "Easy there buddy, im not sure what i've stumbled upon here but i assure you I wont be doing anything with it, guess work isn't a crime anyways." "Guess work is it now?" replied Zero his distrust growing, making it a point to keep his hand on the holster. "Yeah guess work, I didn't know anything about you until today, i still dont know much, just that your name is Zero, you have a horse named Kurohime, and your head over heels for her." Zero's eyes widened "How could you tell!" He yelled as he pulled out the gun and aimed it at the vagrant, everyone in the tavern now staring. Donnel ran up to try and keep a murder from happening on his establishment. "Now let's calm down gentlemen, no need to get violent." The man nodded. "There isn't, now you can sit down and let me calmly and reasonably explain to you how I knew, or you can let me announce it infront of everyone present to creat a bigger scene." Upon hearing this ultamatem Zero looked around at the curiuos on lookers, put his gun away and sat down, glaring at the crowd to make sure they didn't continue to listen.

    "Fine now tell me how." Zero growled forcing quite into his voice. "Your eyes, they're the windows into the soul you know, and you gave that horse a look a sane man never gives to a horse, the same look that people write love letters with, and trust me when i say a horse and a traveler make strange bedfellows." "We were never bed fellows!" Zero spluttered out, the man raised an eyebrow "What were you then?" "It's a long story." Zero sighed

    "Perfect" said the man.
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  • Authors note

    I hope you noticed the ansence of the author note for chapter 3, i was a little short on time yesterday, and i regret to inform you there wont be a new one today due to a family situation i wont get into, but I WILL grt chapter 4 out tomorrow, till then why not read some of my factbooks, i will be tying those character into this story anyways so might as well get to know them.

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  • I hope everything is ok at home.  RL always come first.  I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
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  • well everything is fine now, just tired.  Next chapter will be up at somepoint tommorow as promised. Btw it wasn't anything too serius just required me to be out of the house for awhile, ty anyways for the concern.
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  • Chapter 4- Problems, Ponies and Pikmin

    "Where do I begin?" asked Zero, being unfamiliar with telling stories himself. "Where ever you want, just make sure it's relevant somehow." Explained the vagrant. "Well then I suppose I'm going to have to go all the way back to my late teens." Zero sighed "See the country I live in is nice enough, but it's pretty capitalist, the exact opposite of this place, the government runs or supports everything here right?" The man simply nodded, Zero went on "Well in the country I come from the government owns nothing, everything is run by this gambling organization that keeps most of us chained to the country with gambling debts, of course my parents  were the same, so I had to live with 2 parents that were knees deep in this mess. One day we'd be having steak dinners when they got a few jackpots and the next we would be begging the debt collector's for a few more days, it wasn't easy but it was a life at least." Zero stated with a near blank expression on his face. "But one day we didn't get a few more days instead they decided to collect our debts another way, mom was suppose to go to the whore house, she killed herself before they got her to some clients notorius for their "odd" ideas of pleasure, I don't even blame her for it." The man had seen alot in his days but even he was put off by the traveler's cold emotionless expression. "Dad followed suite soon after, he didn't have much choice either, the woman might've made enough bucks but whos going to pay to see a middle-aged man in the buff?" Zero said with a cynical chuckle. "Then there was me, I was old enough to be indepent by that point, but their debts fell upon me and whereas my dad wouldn't have "sold" well I would've been far too popular on the market just like the rest of the young men and woman that go for auction to pay their debts." suddenly Zero's face brightened "That was one I met Kurohime, she was blessed with uncanny luck, a jackpot every time she hit the slots, she paid off my death and offered me a room in her house, I took it." Zero's face looked as if it were daydreaming at this point. "At first I was just thankful to her, but after a few months we got closer, after a year or so we tied the knot, sure she was a few years older then me, but it was close enough, and she wasn't paid for like most "wives" were. We made it a point to keep away from those slots since our debts were non existent now."

    Now Zero's head drooped "We should've moved, shouldn't have stayed in that damned country, but we did, and a few months after the wedding we had debt collector's at our doors demanding we pay them their dues. Apparently I had been gambling frequently, and quite badly too, because they said I owed them at least 10 times as much as we had, we obviously tried to explain to them that neither of us were gambling anymore, but they had pictures of some guy that looked close enough to me that they didn't buy it. Remember what happened to my mom? Well that was just the low level debt payment option, with the debt "I" had they went to one of the more extreme options." "They turned her into a horse?" the man asked clearly baffled. "A racing horse." He corrected the bum. "Now normally I would be the handsome steed for the venue, but the big wigs back in the country hated Kurohime, she was one of the few people costing money, and this was the chance they had been waiting for. They turned her into the horse, we didn't have a say in the matter. I had to watch as she was transformed into what she is now, altough the minute they left me alone to say my good byes until she "paid off" "my" debt I took her and ran, we jumped the border and now  we're hunting down the punk that framed us with his bill, take him back to the country get them to undo the spell and be done with them once and for all." He was gasping by the end, his face drenched with sweat.

    "Your looking for somebody then?" The man surmised "and he's somewhere in Camaradatate?" he continued. "Yes" Zero simpy said answering both questions at once. "Then I would wager he is in professer Sherstein's database, c'mon i'll take you." the vagrant said getting up. "i'll even tell you the second part of my story on the way there." "Just so you know Kurohime doesn't let anyone other then me ride her, so your gonna have to have your own transportation." Zero said narrowing his eyes as he followed the man out the tavern door into the now dark, starry night. Zero petted Kurohime and gingerly got on her, he still wasn't used to mounting his wife, as the man stretched and whistled with his fingers summoning forth a few dozen white creatures with bright red eyes. "What are those?" asked Zero. "Pikmin, white ones to be specific, most resedents have a few on them, they are the nature we Camaradatations are intertwined with, it's also one of the few things that isn't taxed." As the man said this he fell backwards on top of them, to Zero's surprise instead of being flattened they actually caught him. "To the professor's lab please and thank you my dear comrades." he instructed to the pikmin who began to move surprisingly fast. "Follow me!" The man shouted. Zero simply looked at Kurohime who went into a gallop after the storytelling bum who now had little white minions. "What else is going to happen to us eh Kurohime?" Zero wondered.
    Authors Note
    Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed this recent developement nothing much for me to say that I haven't said before - my  factbooks- read them, this story- reveiw it, your ideas- give 'em

    on a side note we will be seeing more of Donnel and Olivia, altough I doubt any of you will see how it'll happen.

    « Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 10:37:31 PM by camaradatate »
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  • CHAPTER 5- HAIRSTYLISTS AND RAPISTS (sorry if this is breaking a rule but this chapter will be more graphic than the previous one, mostly just suggestive language but just a heads up for the younger readers, i'll be putting a breif summary of the situation so far at the end if you choose to skip this chapter, again just wanted to give a heads up)

    As the man was carried by the white creatures below him he began his story once more "Now things were fine in Wintreath but we still had alot of issues in Camaradatate, the whole cannibalism movement, anti smoking and drinking laws, compulsory vegetarianism, and we're still dealing with a few ne'er-do-wells trying to sell lemonade on the street. Altough those were pretty tough to put in place and deal with what was really the most sour mistake tough since our move to wintreath was when we became a psychotic dictatorship instead of democratic socialists." The vagrant shook his head and chuckled. "The idea to become a dictatorship had been up in the air before but it was brought up by siblings, cousins, and other sort of family, who Vincent did love and trust very much, he still tought that his people wouldn't take the idea very well, but one day when Vincent Olouisim was getting his hair and mustache trimmed at a local hair parlor his hair stylist suggested it, and he actually agreed that time." Zero just stared at the man whilst atop his horse-shoed wife. "I know what your thinking, how could he take that seriously, but the minute Vincent tought people that had no relation to him wanted him to take absolute power he was glad to take it. You should've seen Vincent's face when he explained to the legislature what was going to happen, the smile on his face as he went and did what he tought the people were supportive and wanted of him. He was so happy he even hooked up the stylist with a government position, needless to say it didn't help matters. (on a side note the stylist is now under arrest for embezzlement charges). Vincent was never psychotic, perhaps mistaken but not psychotic nor did he ever refer to us as his playthings but when your country's leader announces he is now a dictator most people don't need any proof to agree to such accusations. He eventually realized that the people were not happy with this and changed it back to how it was before, however the laws passed during his dictatorship are still in place, such as the nation's mandatory uniforms for those youth not yet married, to maintain certain standards of decency, heck we still got the tracking chips they implanted into us!" the man chuckled again while Zero gave a questioning look at him. "What?" asked the bum as if he couldn't understand how there was an issue with these laws "the uniform keeps those girls from flashing their exposed legs and other inappropriate exposure and makes sure those boys keep it in their pants. As for the chips they are for when the authorities are looking for a suspect thats gone into hiding or when your lost in the wilderness, or in this case tracking down people commiting fraud." Zero simply shook his head and kept riding. "How much farther is this lab anyways?" he asked changing subjects. "Not far" the man replied "another 5 minutes or so and we should be able to see it's lights." Zero nodded "I hope so, sooner I catch this guy the better" he stated.

    At that very moment back at the tavern (this the GRAPHIC part you might want to skip

    Olivia was just finished cleaning the tables after closing time when she heard a knock on the door, she looked out the window to see who it was, normally she wouldn't have opened the door but it appeared to be that Zero guy that was in here earlier so she went to open it thinking he had forgotten something. "What's the matter hon'" She began "you fo-" suddenly the man put his hand around her mouth and went behind her, her hands now pinned behind her she had a closer look at the man, he was dressed like Zero and even had the same hair but this man had an eye patch and for some reason all 4 of his limbs were prosthetic. "Now listen reeeaal careful missy, i'm going to have some fun with you and ask you some questions afterwards, if your quiet enough and I get the answers i'm looking for you may be able to live to tell this lovley tale." the man warned with a sickening snicker at the end. As the man licked his lips and began moving his hand towards his belt buckle tears began streaming down her eyes.

    Donnel walked out of the tavern kitchen after washing the remainder of the dirty dishes and cutlery when he heard 2 things he should never hear in the tavern during closing time. The first was the sound of a belt being unbuckled, the second was the stifled cries of his wife. Donnel looked at the entrance to see a man currently restraining his wifes mouth with one hand and his other undoing his pants, of course the first tought was to run over and confront the man, but Donnel then tought it would be best to get a weapon first. Thankfully in the short time it took Donnel to grab a knife from the kitchen the intruder had only succesfully gotten his pants on the floor, before he could acheive anything else Donnel pressed the knife just below his chin. "I don't know what happened to you mister Zero to get those limbs and that patch but I suggest you let my wife go before you need a prosthetic head!" he growled. The imposter chuckled again in his own little revolting way "I'm not that Zero kid, my names Ray and I just wanted to ask your lady here some questions." "What kind of questions?" Donnel asked narrowing his eyes. " The usual stuff ya know, like how'd it feel, or would you like to go again, or was it her first?" he said with a sadistic smile. "YOU SON OF A-" Donnel began but halted as Ray's arm covering Olivia's mouth turned into a blade. "Now now no need to make a fuss, I suppose this is what I get for mixing business with pleasure." he sighed "Now you answer a question for me and you won't have to go back to wearing those awful uniforms they make single people wear around here." he cackled at his dark sense of humour. "What is it?" Donnel demanded "Just where that Zero fella was headed to." he said "that and could you pull up my pants?" "The old man said something about heading to Sherstein's lab." Donnel answered as he awkwardly began pulling up the mans pants with one hand, the other keeping the knife against Ray's throat. "Thank you very much" replied Ray as he proceeded to toss Olivia into Donnel's hands and running out the door. Ray lept into a herd of black pikmin that were waiting for him and then , quite literally, disappeared into the night.

     Donnel asked his wife if she was alright, her reply was a choked yes and numerous tears that were shed into his tunic, Donnel wasn't sure what was going on but at the end of it Donnel hoped this Ray got what was coming to him.

    Summarary for those who skipped- Zero and the old man are about to arrive at the lab after the man tells Zero about Vincent becoming a Dictater at a hairstylist's request, meanwhile  Zero's imposter who goes by the name Ray is on their tail.
    I would first like to apologize for anyone I offended with this chapter and I assure you that was not my intention, I just wanted to get across what a nasty guy this Ray is.

    On another note there will be no new chapter tomorrow, instead what will come is a factbook explaining the pikmin and each of their abilities for those unfamiliar to the game (if you are you should still read it because I have some made up ones like those black pikmin.)

     Nature and soceity intertwined- Camaradatate
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • Hello everyone, schools coming up soon so i look foward to continueing this story albeit at a slower pace, probably once a week from now on.
    • Posts: 20
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Hey, you've put a lot of work into this story! Keep up the good work. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • ty milord feel free to check my fact books too, im planning to get another chapter NEXT saturday, i would get one out this week but i have things to get ready for school plus a double ip weekend on league of legends so some binging is in order

    just a little preveiw tough Sherstein and dimitri will be making an appearance next chapter (if you don't know who they are than you havn't been reading my factbooks :( )

    Ill continue to keep you posted on anything that becomes relevant.

    Nature and Society intertwined - Camaradatate
    • Posts: 20
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      Wintreath Nation
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