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Proposed Nation-based Role-Playing Rules and Request for Comments
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  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry it took some time, but here is a rough draft of the Nation-Based Role-Playing rules I propose.  I welcome and encourage all constructive criticism and feedback.

    Nation-Based Role Play Rules, VERSION 1.0

    1. I will be in charge of moderation over the Nation-Based Role Playing Section and to help make things smooth.  Each person, however, will be in charge of the storylines they start with other people.

    2. Tech will be kept at a Modern / Post-Modern Tech level.  Future Tech / Historical Tech will be in separate allocated areas.  Post-Modern Tech is something that's near futuristic but not as futuristic as say, the tech from the Star Wars universe.  I would consider an example of PMT would be the tech featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, or the UNSC tech in the Halo series, excluding the SPARTAN soldiers.

    3. Anyone involved in a RP must all be consenting.  That is, do not RP a war or invasion of a NS nation without their explicit consent.  Doing so will bring a very quick end to that RP.

    4. No NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) weaposn without explicit authorisation and evidence of development shown.  Authorisation must be approved by a combination of myself, the Jarl of Culture, and the King of Wintreath.

    5. Military can be no more than 10 percent of your population, with showing economic effects. Anything higher must get approval.

    6. Populations should be reasonable and proportionate to RL nations you're portraying, not NS populations.  A minimum of probably 70 million and no more than 800 million.

    7. Land plots for expansion - one plot per nation, any nation-expansion must be approved by a consent of those involved in terms of nearby territory, as well as the Map Moderator.

    8. Should a dispute between participants happen, disputes will be heard by a Role Play Appeal Board will review it, consisting of the Jarl of Culture, Jarl of Mediations, and myself.  If people disagree with the decision, the final appeal goes to the Monarch of Wintreath.

    1 person likes this post: Thê Bläck Heårted Røgué
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  • Do those rules only apply to your own roleplay? If not, I will be drafting my argument.
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  • Gov, Gov, Gov.

    Where do I start?

    I guess I have two questions that I need you to answer honestly. Did you throw this together under pressure of the deadline I gave you? Because it definitely seems that way. You spent multiple months to get these 8 rules put on paper?

    It's just not good, I honestly expected so much more, having waited so long.
    I'm sorry if this seems rude, I know it's hard to tell tone through text, so I'll just tell you the tone. Genuine curiosity.
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  • I might be interested.

    Though my nations might be close to CTE XD
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    Feliciana Anthousa Shadowhowl
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  • I like the rules pertaining to war and military.  They're even-handed and they have safeguards built in them. However, in that regard, I think NBCs should be given more consideration.

    Perhaps the gross damage and the quantity of NBCs deployed could have some sort of inverse relationship?  That way a nation of 800 million can't hoard thousands and thousands of nukes, use all or most of them on a consenting nation, and say, "haha I killed all ur base, gg".  Just an idea.

    Also, can these rules be expanded, if necessary, as the RP progresses?  If so, then I think starting off with roughly this many is fine.
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  • Do those rules only apply to your own roleplay? If not, I will be drafting my argument.

    Please clarify what you mean?  These rules will apply to anything under the Nation-Based RP area, not with current RP threads.  If I started a NS RP in this section, I would have to follow the rules as well.  I'm not sure what you're asking?

    Gov, Gov, Gov.

    Where do I start?

    I guess I have two questions that I need you to answer honestly. Did you throw this together under pressure of the deadline I gave you? Because it definitely seems that way. You spent multiple months to get these 8 rules put on paper?

    It's just not good, I honestly expected so much more, having waited so long.
    I'm sorry if this seems rude, I know it's hard to tell tone through text, so I'll just tell you the tone. Genuine curiosity.

    No, I did not throw this together at the last minute.  I did develop these months ago with people who were first interested in RP and later left the region.  The only reason it took so long for me to post them was that I couldn't find the time to remember where I had put them in my logs because of the other stresses I had dealt with.  It was pretty much that.  Had things not been as stressful I would have remembered these logs sooner and I would have posted them.  That's honestly the reason.  I didn't just come up with these last night.

    Furthermore, I said these are a rough sketch.  They aren't final.  Suggestions to improve them are welcome.

    I like the rules pertaining to war and military.  They're even-handed and they have safeguards built in them. However, in that regard, I think NBCs should be given more consideration.

    Perhaps the gross damage and the quantity of NBCs deployed could have some sort of inverse relationship?  That way a nation of 800 million can't hoard thousands and thousands of nukes, use all or most of them on a consenting nation, and say, "haha I killed all ur base, gg".  Just an idea.

    Also, can these rules be expanded, if necessary, as the RP progresses?  If so, then I think starting off with roughly this many is fine.

    The issue with NBCs, particularly nukes, is that they're more prone to godmodding because an RPer that's frustrated with another person may just take out their frustration by somehow rolling out nukes, and then it gets messy.  Having NBCs need to be strictly controlled to prevent that from happening.  That's not to say however, you're not allowed to have nuclear-powered ships (like submarines and aircraft carriers), but they should show signs of having been developed for a while. 

    Can you explain the "inverse relationship" part Notturno?

    And yes, the rules can be expanded.  This is just a rough draft. 
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • It's just disappointing, is all. You spent at least the two months I've been in this region building the hype and talking about it, one would think you had a better fleshed out idea.

    I also take issue with you inserting yourself as the watchdog of all nation RPs, you had your chance for my job, and you couldn't deliver.
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  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry it took some time, but here is a rough draft of the Nation-Based Role-Playing rules I propose.  I welcome and encourage all constructive criticism and feedback.

    Nation-Based Role Play Rules, VERSION 1.0

    1. I will be in charge of moderation over the Nation-Based Role Playing Section and to help make things smooth.  Each person, however, will be in charge of the storylines they start with other people.
    This rule is bad because the deciding should be left to wintermoot, not to rules which you threw together.
    2. Tech will be kept at a Modern / Post-Modern Tech level.  Future Tech / Historical Tech will be in separate allocated areas.  Post-Modern Tech is something that's near futuristic but not as futuristic as say, the tech from the Star Wars universe.  I would consider an example of PMT would be the tech featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, or the UNSC tech in the Halo series, excluding the SPARTAN soldiers.
    I view this as semi-reasonable.
    3. Anyone involved in a RP must all be consenting.  That is, do not RP a war or invasion of a NS nation without their explicit consent.  Doing so will bring a very quick end to that RP.
    Alright this is fine.
    4. No NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) weaposn without explicit authorisation and evidence of development shown.  Authorisation must be approved by a combination of myself, the Jarl of Culture, and the King of Wintreath.
    Sorry but what the fuck? I have to get authorization from three people before I can fucking use a NBC weapon? I'm sorry but no. This rule in itself is horrible due to the fact that authorization would be hard as fuck to get. Plus you give no definition to "Evidence of Development shown."
    5. Military can be no more than 10 percent of your population, with showing economic effects. Anything higher must get approval.
    get an approval from whom?
    6. Populations should be reasonable and proportionate to RL nations you're portraying, not NS populations.  A minimum of probably 70 million and no more than 800 million.
    ...what? If I'm portraying my NS nation, which doesn't have an RL equivalent then I have to use NS populations. Now if it's an RL nation roleplay, then I don't mind.
    7. Land plots for expansion - one plot per nation, any nation-expansion must be approved by a consent of those involved in terms of nearby territory, as well as the Map Moderator.
    Why not just have this take place in an alternate universe or something so this way we don't need the Map Moderator's approval.
    8. Should a dispute between participants happen, disputes will be heard by a Role Play Appeal Board will review it, consisting of the Jarl of Culture, Jarl of Mediations, and myself.  If people disagree with the decision, the final appeal goes to the Monarch of Wintreath.
    Again don't put words like, Myself, in rules if YOU ARE NOT FUCKING APPOINTED!

    Also one final thing, I don't believe that you even have the fucking time to do this, and as to why I shall quote wintermoot:
    We have had four or five elections, and now this, and each time you end up being busy and unable to either campaign or in this case participate in challenges...
    ...The fact that this keeps happening over and over again leads me to believe that either you're too busy to be able to dedicate the effort to such a position, or you don't manage your time well enough to get things done...
    With that happening time and time again, much like with Wintermoot's position on your having FA, is my position on you being in charge of these RP's.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • So these proposed rules are only for NationStates Nation Roleplays?
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • Can you explain the "inverse relationship" part Notturno?

    Just to clarify, my idea was to have the gross damage be inversely related to the number of NBCs deployed.

    In simplest terms, this means that the more NBCs you use, the less their overall effect will be.  The reverse would also be true.
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  • So these proposed rules are only for NationStates Nation Roleplays?

    For NS RPs here yes.

    Can you explain the "inverse relationship" part Notturno?

    Just to clarify, my idea was to have the gross damage be inversely related to the number of NBCs deployed.

    In simplest terms, this means that the more NBCs you use, the less their overall effect will be.  The reverse would also be true.

    That could work yes.

    Chanku, to respond to your stuff:

    1. Wintermoot is letting me, as far as I know, take care of the nation-based RP effort since I have the most experience in this area compared to everyone else.

    2. I believe that rule is reasonable.  Why do you think it is semi-reasonable?

    3. Cool.

    4. Anytime there's something with weapons of mass destruction, there is the strong potential for godmodding.  As for evidence of development, show that there has been development of said material over time, not that you all of a sudden got this technology overnight.  Write out the development.  Make sense?   The reason I suggested the extra approval was as i said, the strong potential for godmodding.  If you have a suggestion to improve or change this rather than curse at me, I'm listening.

    5. From myself, who would be moderating the NS RP area.

    6. NS is not RL.  It's unrealistic to use the NS populations for RP.  No one has done that, which is why coming up with a RP population is reasonable to do 

    7. People shouldn't go and ask for plots unless trying to RP their expansion.  It is reasonable to keep it to one plot per nation.

    8. Wow calm down.  Wintermoot is the one who is letting me set up the NS RP area. 

    I explained myself already.  Things change.  Times were stressful, not so much right now.  Things have been chaotic the past few months and I have been slowly working on getting a handle at it. 
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  • Suggestions?  Feedback for improvement?
    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
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  • Quote
    7. Land plots for expansion - one plot per nation, any nation-expansion must be approved by a consent of those involved in terms of nearby territory, as well as the Map Moderator.
    I believe the Map Moderator's approval should be sufficient since requiring approval from more people would be unnecessary and frustrating when everyone but one disagrees.
    « Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:51:21 AM by Sapphiron »
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  • Let's talk about the populations and tech levels for a minute.  I don't have a lot of experience in nation-based RP, but if we were to use our NS nations, shouldn't it follow that we should use their populations as well?  My nation is sitting pretty around 2.5 billion.  For a PMT society, I don't see that as excessive, especially if we're considering Halo technology PMT.

    Regarding NBC's, I understand they're a touchy subject.  Approval from teh M0N4RCH though?  Perhaps if the players themselves agree on time frames, quality and quantity of warheads, etc., would that be a good compromise?  It prevents godmodding (as any attempt to use NBC's without a prior agreement would be bullshit) and it lessens the bureaucracy. 

    Finally, I think the review board should be flushed out a little more.  Is this a common thing for RP forums?  Would their decisions be binding, under penalty of banhammer?  I've never heard of it, but I don't really know what I'm talking about anyway....moving on... I'd hopefully see some language urging players to settle any disputes themselves before seeking out the help of mods or Jarls in the final draft.

    EDIT:  Can we please tone down the hostility?  If Gov here has been given approval for this from the Monarch, then what's the problem?  He's asking for critiques, taking suggestions, all good stuff.  Constructive criticism is the goal here, right?
    « Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 07:45:16 AM by Point Breeze »
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  • Alongside with military lies economy, and I think our set of rules should cover both. I understand that throwing in too many details can at worst make the RP just unfunctional, but I'd still like you to consider the possibility of setting predetermined natural resources and levels of industrial development for each participating nation. In my opinion that would only increase the quality of RP, even when it's about a war, since the endcome of a war shouldn't be determined by a simple roll of dice (or worse, "I have bigger army, I win!").

    I'm not familiar with the intended level of RP in question, but I'd be in for a well detailed and controlled one. After all, if the only force driving political relationships is military strenght, we'll have a pretty dry RP on our hands. If we're going to interact with each other, we need a good set of economic rules. Even up to a point where each of us has a list of items that are either in supply or demand in our nation, and we can then proceed to acquiring those items in varying quantities from the parties we choose to, affecting each others economies and possibly military. This trade doesn't have to be on-going, but it might be a good way to establish economic relations that can then be manipulated if a conflict rises.

    The set of rules presented in opening post are fine by me.
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