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Story Time
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  • Greetings :) So I talked to Wintermoot and he said it was okay if I posted this here. I am currently starting to write a new fiction story in order to keep me busy, and also for fun. I started last night, and I am going to keep this thread updated. I would appreciate feedback, and maybe some ideas on where to go with it :) So, here it is.

    "Winter is nigh" said Maison. Of course he was talking to himself. He found that no company was the best company. He was sitting around his fire, cooking a rabbit he had caught earlier. "Poor animal. I bet he had a family. Little rabbit children." The thought quickly faded from his mind as he chewed into a leg.


    "But I didn't do it!"

    "Lies! I saw you! You were running away from my house with it in your hands!"

    "Silence! Everyone here today knows that theft is not a light crime. Especially when one steals bread during winter! I find Marcus Møller guilty of stealing bread from Baron Snow."

    "Fine! I did it! All of the royals get more than plenty while we peasants are left to starve--"


    "--We are the backbone of this Kingdom!" Marcus yelled as he was being dragged away.

    "That was the last one for today, Your Majesty."

    "Thank you Octavius. Prepare me a concubine in my quarters." As Octavius was about to leave through the side door, "Actually, make it two."


    "Halt!" Maison clicked his tongue and his horse came to a stop. "Who are you and what business do you have in Reykjavik?"

    "I'm here to see my family. I have just returned from Imatra." The guard stared at the cloaked figure.

    "Open the gates!" The gate creaked and moaned as centuries old craftsmanship slowly lifted the massive gate. Maison clicked his tongue twice and his horse moved forward, entering the prestigious capital.

    Boring at first yes :P But it's a work in progress :)
    David John McDonald

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  • Interesting... am I sensing a political drama revolving around the lives of several noble families while an unknown but dangerous enemy to all lurks from afar?  You have my interest.  Let's see if you can grab my attention ;) 

    Also, have you thought about getting involved in some of the roleplays around here?  They're a great creative outlet. 
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  • I'll post more tonight. And I don't have anything planned for the story. Obviously I know what I'm writing next, but as to what is going to happen...I don't have a clue :P The pen is doing the writing.
    David John McDonald

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