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The Applebanian Post: Issue I
Posts: 3 Views: 564

[align=center][size=300]THE APPLEBANIAN POST[/size]
Issue I
[size=150]Cormac Stark elected Pharaoh of Osiris[/size]

Cormac Stark, Former Vizier of Osiris, Co-Founder of the OFO, and general flip-flopper was today declared Pharaoh of Osiris after a landslide victory, in which the only people that didn’t vote for Cormac were the ones who abstained from voting entirely. Cormac ran on a platform involving reorganising the Hedjet (cabinet), the creation of a newspaper entitled “The Osiris Oracle”, and Osiris becoming more active on the WA stage as a significant force for National Soverignty.

Cormac has already announced his Hedjet, which has caused no major controversy, however many people have doubts about the selection of Treize Dreizehn (The Dourian Embassy) as Vizier, for obvious reasons. I personally have no major problems with any of Cormac’s ideas, however I lean towards International Federalism myself, so obviously there will be some ideological clashes there. I wish Cormac all the best as Pharaoh.

[align=center][size=150]Lone Wolves United Forum Destroyed[/size][/align]

The forums of the infamous raider region Lone Wolves United was recently destroyed by the second highest-ranking member of the organisation, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The reasons behind the attack remain to be seen. Venico (of Brotherhood of Malice, Asgard, and Osiris fame) has released a log hinting towards a co-conspirator to the attacks, which can be viewed here.

We here at the Applebanian post unequivocally condemn any acts of forum destruction and offer our deepest condolences towards Evil Wolf and the rest of Lone Wolves United.

[align=center][size=150]Republic Alliance destroyed by Founder[/size][/align]

The Republic Alliance, a growing and developing region formerly home to many nations has been destroyed by its own founder. The founder has deleted his own posts, ejected all nations other than himself and another nation, altered the WFE to say “It was fun well it lasted but this game as just gone down hill!” (sic), suppressed every post on the RMB, closed all the embassies, and passworded the region. More information shall surface shortly.

(Am I allowed to post the Regional Spotlight?)
Applebane Stark-Montresor
  • Posts: 67
  • Karma: 2
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    Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Greetings! Yes, you are. I would just ask that you please update the post to make the tags work in Wintreath, if you don't mind. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,499
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      Wintreath Nation
    Will do!
    Applebane Stark-Montresor
    • Posts: 67
    • Karma: 2
    • Former Citizen
    • Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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