Post #16878
July 25, 2014, 06:04:12 PM
Ladies, gentlemen, otherwise identified humans, and cats. I stand before you as a humbled woman.
In the last election, I stood before you and made grand promises. Promises that I was unable to follow through on to their fullest extent.
However, there were some positives from my time in the Underhusen. The speaker of the Underhusen election system has been clarified to cover in cases of ties. The fourth sitting of the Underhusen also passed the Code of Criminal Conduct, which is a monumental achievement.
So, while I have not completed all I wished to do in the fourth sitting, I am looking forward to a productive fifth sitting during which to tackle remaining such issues.
And though I am humbled by my service, I am also motivated to do better. in the fifth sitting, to be better. as a Skrifa and most importantly to make Wintreath BETTER
Thank you for taking the time to read my opening speech. I will now take questions from the crowd.
Yours truly,
Daphne Amalya Meindhart
Speaker, 4th Underhusen