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Citizenship Application
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  • Paragons
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) What is the name of your Wintreath nation?
    The Regency of Point Breeze

    2) What is your World Assembly nation? If you don't have one or are WA mobile, state so.
    Same, my only active nation is Point Breeze

    3) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where?

    4) Do you serve in any official roles in any other regions or organizations? If so, what are they?

    5) Are you new to NationStates?
    Not at all.  I've been playing on and off for years.

    6) What timezone are you in?

    7) How did you find out about Wintreath?
    Spammy refounding telegram (JK, not spammy at all)

    Section II: Interests
    Based on your answers, we will help you get involved in any aspect of the region that you are interested in! Indicating interest here does not commit you to joining any aspect of the region. You will be asked to sign up for relevant areas once you are a Citizen to confirm you still want to join it.

    1) Would you like to serve in Wintreath's military, the Hvitt Riddaral?
    I've always been more of an armchair general, but I'm open to new things.

    2) Are you interested in joining the Civil Service?
    Absolutely!  Sign me up!

    3) Would you like to be part of roleplays on the forums?
    I have small experience in roleplays, but I always had a great time, so yes!

    4) Are you interested in joining a regional Minecraft server?
    No thanks.

    5) What other interests do you have?
    In-game, I have a lot of experience in the World Assembly.  I served as Delegate in my last region and got a piece of legislation to the floor (it got crushed.).  Out of character, I enjoy console games, so if anyone in the region has a PS4 and loves first-person-shooters, I'd be up for playing with them

    Section II: Introductions and Questions
    Please take a moment to introduce yourself to your future region-mates, or ask us any questions that you may have.
    My name is Matt, I'm a 20 yr old student from the US, and I'm looking for a region that is big enough to offer a lot of activities and diverse nations to interact with, but also small enough that individual members can still stand out and make a difference.  I'm looking forward to starting another chapter in my NS career and taking my nation and the region to new places.  Thanks. 
    • Posts: 1,760
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath, Matt! My name is Jason, and I serve as Monarch in these parts. :P I hope you enjoy your stay in our region and if there's anything I can do to help just call on me anytime. :)

    Polaris should be around to review your app soon, but in the meantime feel free to browse around and post. :)

    Also, I'd be curious to learn more about your history in NS and your time serving as delegate. I also got a piece of legislation to the floor of the Security Council (co-authored with Charax) and it also got crushed!

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Paragons
  • Thank you, Your Majesty.  I'm glad to see we share a common background in the WA.

    As far as my experience goes, I was delegate of Dux Milan.  We were pretty small, only around 30 or so nations as peak, but we had offsite forums, a map, RP's, newspaper, and a bunch of other fun stuff.  I co-authored an act on radio wave regulation and an act protecting civilians in wartime.  I can't remember which one never made quorum and which got shafted in voting.  I'm not too familiar with the Security Council, though.  Gameplay isn't my strongest suit.
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Ours was Commend The Pacific. Somehow our implementation was so incompetent even The Pacific came out against it. I think they thought it was some kind of imperialist scheme of some kind, somehow, lol.

    I'm moving away from gameplay be honest, I only got involved with it to start with was because when I was new others told me it was the only way for a player or region to be relevant in the game, but I've experienced first-hand the downsides of being involved in gameplay and I watched it pretty much devour a great region. That's one of the reasons Wintreath was founded, in fact...we were founded on the principles of community and cooperation over politics, and since then we've grown further to become more of a community of friends. In fact, I'd say over time we've become even less of a gameplay region and more of a social region, although we still maintain some of the trappings of a gameplay region such as relations with other regions and a military.

    It sounds like you accomplished a lot to only have 30 nations in the regions. It sounds very impressive to me. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Paragons
  • Well I certainly appreciate the praise, coming from the founder and Monarch of a top-20 region  ;D

    The founder of Dux Milan came to strongly dislike the gameplay aspect of NS, and the way other people could force you to play the game their way, so I suppose we had a lot of the same ideals as Wintreath. It's a long story, but the right of the individual to dictate their government became dear to us.

    We still had plenty of gameplay activity anyway, which I think is one of the coolest parts of NS. You can partake in all these different avenues of expression, and no one can tell you what they mean to you (aside from forum rules, of course).  You could have a "military" in your region for a legitimate need or just because its fun. Or both.  ;)
    • Posts: 1,760
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  • Former Citizen
  • Altross
  • Hi, Point Breeze!

    This Citizenship Application is Accepted and Approved. :D
    Welcome to Wintreath and I Hope You Enjoy Your Stay!

    Your background is quite interesting! I'm also curious of what you've experienced during your time in NS ;)

    Military : Sign-Up : Wintreath Hvitt Ridarral; Skydande Vakt

    The HR is our update 'strike' force, whereas the SV is our piling 'support' force.

    The Civil Service : TCS is where citizens like you can help our Jarls, ministers, and the region in general. Sign-Up

    If you want to help out in the region, start there. :)

    Also : RolePlaying

    Families : Family Roster & Sign-Up

    Families are kind of a roleplay thing, but they exist all through NationStates. To create a family, just say you're starting one and create a name for yourself, or you can join an existing family if you're close to someone already in one and they'll adopt you.

    Apart from that you can take part in our General Discussions Forum, Wintreath's IRC, the chat area, or #wintreath on :P

    For Questions : Ask Me or Wintermoot about anything via this thread; Private Messaging; Or IRC - Azkevja (ME)

    - Your Local Therapist,

    Jack-it Johnny
    • Altross
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Paragons
  • Thanks, Polaris. I'm eager to get started!
    • Posts: 1,760
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Sorry for the delay in granting permissions, but you should be good now. :)

    I suppose this is going to sound off since we're in a political simulator, but I just dislike the politics of gameplay...the disingenuous behaviour, the lying, the people that'll push one agenda one week and then the exact opposite one cause that's the easiest way to advance themselves, the way some kind of fake power on the internet sends some people there on an ego-trip. I'm a pretty honest, straightforward guy, and yeah that's earned me some enemies in the game, but...I just couldn't be like that. Thinking about it depresses me cause I can't help but believe this is why government is in such a shit-poor state in real life. >_>

    I just think there's more to be gained by accomplishment and building things than devising schemes and plots, I suppose.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Hi. :)
    Check out my Interview!
    • Posts: 1,742
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  • Former Citizen
  • Welcome to the region!

    It is good to see you have hit the ground running here in Wintreath!
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  • Paragons
  • Thanks, both of you.

    I can totally understand your frustration, Wintermoot. I don't think its too much to ask for people to be civil to each other, even if they're politically opposite.
    • Posts: 1,760
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • You would think so, but...

    In any case, I think you'll fit in well with this region...I'm glad you decided to join us. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Paragons
  • I think I made the right choice. I'm glad to be here
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  • Citizen of Wintreath
  • Welcome to the region, I'm Prudii the Olog and would like to plug you into a little RP currently being run by Leo, if you're interested. Only three regular posters right now, counting me, and I love to RP so I hope to see you there, or just around. :)
    Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la. {Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be.}
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  • Thanks Prudii. I think I'd have the free time for a roleplay. I'll check it out
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