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Legislature, Part Duex
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Since a considerable amount of time has passed since we discussed the legislature, I've decided I would like to start over on this from scratch, if nothing else to make sure we're all on the same page. Considering that I'm making myself permanent Executive of Wintreath and granting myself large amounts of power in any future government, I've decided to set back on this topic, as the legislature should reflect the desires of the people more than my own. That being said, I do believe that the legislature should have real authority over the internal affairs of the region, and shouldn't simply serve as some crippled or puppet branch of government.

    With that being said, here are the questions that must be answered.

    1) Unicameral or bicameral legislature? We were leaning toward bicameral in our last discussion, with the Riksrad (Executive Cabinet) serving as the Upper House of the legislature. Both systems have pros and cons, though.

    2) Is the legislature or any part of it to be elected, and if so what will the requirements be to stand for election?

    3) How long would the terms of the legislature be? Should there be term limits?

    4) What exact authorities will be granted to the legislature?

    5) How will the legislature interact with the Executive? What will be the process for passing laws?

    6) Will there be a process to remove a member of the legislature, and if so what will it be?

    7) What will be the process for selecting the person that Chairs or leads the legislature?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • 1. Unicameral, and a small one at that. It's simply more feasible for a roleplay. You'd have trouble filling all of the seats in a bicameral legislature.

    2. Elected. I'd be fine with a few appointees who would remain apolitical and act as "challengers" and whatnot, though.

    3. Six month terms, unlimited reelection.

    4. All the things. Treaties, war, fiscal policy, laws, etc. Moot would hold veto power and could make decrees outside of the legislature that would have a smaller scope, though.

    5. Majority of the legislature agrees on it, Moot gives it either a yes or a no. Definitely should have a veto override clause, though.

    6. Impeachment by majority vote of members upon proposal from either a member or Moot.

    7. Majority vote of the legislature. Must remain apolitical. No John Boehner ass-hattery allowed.  :)
    - The Free Land of Arcticanavia
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  • 1) On this question of yours, i do believe that we must have at least 3-5 parties created, the bigger the number is, we have more ideas expressed, and different points of views, as ppl will be also able to vote more than one or two candidates.So in case they don't like both of them, why not choosing a third option?

    2)Well i do believe that a part of constition must be elected...For example, common rules and obligation that are, lets say ok expected to be...we don't really have why to vote for them (like, every country should respect its allies) thats a rule, that we expect to take place in our Gov. Well i do believe that, the only time we do need election is when serious problems, as wallfares and stuff affect each one of us, as individuals. Requirements can be, like being a respected member inside the region. Participating inside the forums, so his opinion and ideas being heard...Well reading the forums so we won't have why to explain the rules and stuff that are already inside the forums...

    3)Well about this one, well i think there should be permanal rules, until we think about a better one, or even better until we realise we need a better one. I do think that we need to have term limits, as towards the Gov, so we can go to elections and more than one person been i do believe that the Gov should remain in power for 10-12 months and go to elections, or re-elect the same Gov.

    4) Well the ones that do exist in the real one, to control each one. Like the President controling the flaw of the rules, and each authority.

    5) Well i think, that it would be a good idea, before we place in power a law, first of all to vote for it. Since that law will affect each one of us... Every head of each party, should council with his party-members for their interactions, and their plans on how to increase the power of Wintreath. The Executive authority, must stay tunned with the rules...and each one of us, must be equal with the we DO NEED a strong control on the rules and our interactions with each another!

    6)Depends i think each party Leader, has the right after he consults with his councilors, to remove a member off his team, in case that member harms his party point of view, or even better the interests of Withreath...i do also believe that we should put in vote, in case we want to remove a member-country from our region, after giving the right to answer before the court.

    7)Well i do believe that each party should be able to promote, or suggest a President of Legislature.Lets say if we have 5 parties.... Each party can suggest 2 people, and the rest of the party leaders will vote, for who they like...But a party has no right to vote, his own candidates!
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  • 1) Unicameral. In a bicameral system we're in danger that the two chambers are blocking each other (see U.S. House and Senate, Germany's legislative branch e.g.).

    2) The legislative has to be elected. That way we can make politics "by the people, for the people". The requirement should be citizenship of Wintreath. Point. We can't be a nation where we exclude any of our citizens!

    3) Term length: 2-4 weeks, that way somebody can set out a term for like vacation, business trips etc. Also no party would gain to much power by having a long term. No term limits, it just wouldn't be fun not being able to be elected at some point.

    4) Law making after proposals of the executive branch. Voting on army actions, internal security, etc.

    5) Executive introduces a proposal--> debates on the floor of the Legislative branch--> vote on the law--> Executive leader (I suppose Head of the Nation) signs it into law (or vetos it (can't veto a 2/3rd majority).

    6) Not reelect him. You can't kick somebody just out. BUT, if he/she acts against constitution or other laws, the Judicial Branch can make him unelectable for up to 3 terms.

    7) If there are parties, those elect their party leaders. Also, strongest party gives the President of the Legislative branch, who organizes discussions and is just the Leader of the legislative branch.
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  • I'd be willing to start a full constitution for signing at some point, using all that we've come up with.
    - The Free Land of Arcticanavia
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  • 1) Small bicameral legislature would work well with the lower house being elected and the upper house appointed by the executive.

    2) Lower house to be elected and for requirements, anyone within this region as every place would be contested so weak or unknown candidates wouldn't progress.

    3) 1 month terms, and no limit to re-elections.

    4) All the power would rest with the Legislature, with the President (King) having the power of veto which can be overridden with a 2/3 majority just like in the states.

    5) The executive can put bills to the Legislature, and can suggest any measure eg war, treaties but this has to be passed by the legislature.

    6) There will be a need for judiciary, as they would review decisions of the legislature against the constitution with the power to remove a member with authority of the executive.

    7) Internal vote within the legislature most likely
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  • 1) Small bicameral legislature would work well with the lower house being elected and the upper house appointed by the executive.

    2) Lower house to be elected and for requirements, anyone within this region as every place would be contested so weak or unknown candidates wouldn't progress.

    3) 1 month terms, and no limit to re-elections.

    4) All the power would rest with the Legislature, with the President (King) having the power of veto which can be overridden with a 2/3 majority just like in the states.

    5) The executive can put bills to the Legislature, and can suggest any measure eg war, treaties but this has to be passed by the legislature.

    6) There will be a need for judiciary, as they would review decisions of the legislature against the constitution with the power to remove a member with authority of the executive.

    7) Internal vote within the legislature most likely
    I like this gentleman's ideas. My own forthcoming.
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Thanks Charax, much appreciated.
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    • Bicameral, with appointed officials as opposed to the Riksrad. As we get bigger, the Cabinet's job might get too cumbersome.
    • Prepare your anuses. This is going to be magic. The Underhusen should be comprised initially of three appointed members. From that point on, any citizen should be allowed to apply for a place. They'd need to be voted in by the existing Underhusen.
    • Not if we're using this standard. If we go for regular elections however, go for 3 month terms. They're quirky.
    • Write laws. That's what the legislative branch should be about - the production of legislation.
    • The Overhusen would act as a proxy for the monarch in the Storting, so Royal Assent would probably not need to be given. The legislature wouldn't need to interact with the executive, generally speaking.
    • The Monarch should be able to appoint and remove Lords in the Overhusen at their discretion. The Skrifa should be able to anathematise one of their own by majority vote. Forget that whole petition phase, it's time consuming and much more trouble than its actually worth.
    • Let the Skrifa choose among themselves. If it's an application based assembly then the leader should serve for 6 months, if its elected they should serve a single term.
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I'm still just looking at everyone's opinions for now before attempting to draft a consensus piece, but the recent posts brings up some other questions.

    8) Would it be preferred that the legislature be chosen by popular election, or be election of the existing members of the legislature?

    9) How large should the legislature be?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I think discrimination on height basis is bad, and that people of all sizes should be allowed to serve in the Storting.
    1 person likes this post: Kanzler95
    « Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 06:10:31 PM by Charax »
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Popular election. Point blank.

    How large.. More than 10% of Wintreath's population wouldn't make any sense
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  • Definitely a popular vote, and for the size, I'd say 10 in the lower, 5 in the upper?
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  • 1) Lets go with Charax's Bicameral Government

    2) The lower house, or Underhusen should be elected by the people. They must be a citizen, and must have been a citizen for 1 week.

    3) With the public elections 3-4 months.

    4) Writing Laws.

    5) Well the process would be that someone in the Underhusen would propose a law, bill, ect. and then it would be voted on, a re-vote can be called once, which would cause both sides to be able to explain their reasoning more so, and try to do it better, after which the action that is decided occurs. The bill then goes to the Overhusen which it is voted upon, the bill goes through the same process as the Underhusen, however it is fails to pass, it goes back to the Underhusen who can decide to re-write the bill or override the Overhusen by getting a certain amount of votes which are higher than the usual amount to pass it. If it is over-ridden or if the Overhusen passes it, it goes to the Executive, whom can sign it or veto it causing it to go back to the both houses in which they both have to get a certain number of combined votes to override the king. However the Overhusen might just need to vote on it, if you don't want to have both houses have a combined vote.

    6) If the King feels like a member is doing wrong then he can dissmiss them, however the house in which the person is in can vote on stopping it, which would stop the dismissal. However, if it is needed(and there is a judicial branch), then a judge could be the one to stop it.

    8.) I would prefer it is done by citizens. However it could also be done half and half for the lower house, Underhusen members could vote on half of the people running, and the citizens could vote on the other half. Or the Underhusen could be made up of all citizens, however no member of the Underhusen could be removed, BUT there would be no need for terms or elections.

    9) Overhusen should be the Riksgrad, so however many there are should be there.
    Underhusen should be half, or the same amount, of the Overhusen, unless the Underhusen is made up of citizens. Also Members of the Overhusen and the executive are not part of the Underhusen if it is made up of all citizens.
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
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    2nd Underhusen
    3rd Underhusen
    6th Underhusen
    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
    Families I've been a part of
    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I'm going to look at everything later and try to come up with a consensus idea...but in the meantime, which would be preferable? A bicameral legislature with one branch elected and one appointed, or an unicameral legislature with both elected and appointed members?

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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