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The Nations of Wintreath
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  • This is what I get for being gone for two months,darn. Is the map still able to have additions just wanted to know.
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    Leo the First
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  • Yup
    Leo I Potestas Fortis
    The First Overload and Protector of Leostine, Governor of Leonum, Commander of the Lion Riders and the Patriarch of the Proud House Fortis.
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    Leo the First
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  • Nation's Data:
    Name: Neon Towers
    Motto: Why preserve the real world if you have holograms?
    Brief History of the Nation: In 1997, a man known only as mr. Groezelgeel noticed a small group of islands unclaimed by any nation. He led a group of settlers and investors there. Together, they founded a glorious nation and everyone lived happily ever after.
    Capital (with picture if possible):

    Imagine if the Kowloon Walled City merged with Las Vegas, got stacked on top of itself forty times, and had holographic advertisements plastered all over it. Neon Towers is one large city, spread over several islands and connected by underwater tunnels. The government convenes in an independent part called Skyscraper Funland, the funnest capital on Earth! The world's only government-themed amusement park. Eat corndogs shaped like a CryptoCoin sign and watch Taxation! The Musical in Financeland. Step in the boat and watch silly caricatures of world and region leaders sing how much better Neon Towers is than their own nation in Foreign Affairs Land. Injured? Visit our facilities in Healthcareland.
    Population Est. (this can be not consistent with NS): 178.7 million people at the last census
    Currency: CryptoCoin. A cryptocurrency with a few tweaks to make it trackable and monopolized by the supercomputers of the government.
    National Animal: The rat. When the settlers arrived, the islands were only inhabited by rats. The native rats have since split into two distinct species. The Wild Rat changed little and is now nearly extinct. The Urban Rat is thriving in the cities and differs from the Wild Rat by being larger, meaner and spreading more diseases.
    Religion: Every religion in the world, including many unique cults, has adherents in Neon Towers.

    Ruler's Data:
    Name and Styles (Overlord, Lord, Prince, Duke, etc.): Mayor Mr. Groezelgeel
    House (With crest if possible): None
    Age: 37
    Weight: 70 kg
    Height: 164 cm
    Physical description: A short, portly man with dark hair and a drooping mustache.
    Home Castle (picture if possible if not then a brief description): The top level of a well maintained skyscraper with a nice garden on top of it.

    Geographical Data:
    Geographical characteristics: A group of small, rocky islands of about 80 km2.

    Political Data:
    Political Ideology: The ideal of Neon Towers is to keep the citizens fat, happy and stupid so they won't bother the mayor and his investors.
    Political position in accordance with Wintreath: I'm not sure what this means, sorry.
    « Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 03:33:26 PM by Groezelgeel »
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    Thê Bläck Heårted Røgué
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  • The Sarcastically Divine
  • Groezelgeel, im not even sure this topic is still open.
    Feliciana Anthousa Shadowhowl
    • The Sarcastically Divine
    Thê Bläck Heårted Røgué
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  • Nah it's a permanent topic XD
    Leo I Potestas Fortis
    The First Overload and Protector of Leostine, Governor of Leonum, Commander of the Lion Riders and the Patriarch of the Proud House Fortis.
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    Sachém Uióndánš
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  • Sachém
  • Nation's Data:

    Name: The Algonquian Nations


    Motto: Always Sovereign

    Brief History of the Nation:

    The Federation of Algonquian Nations is the result of several years of deliberate and serious discussions between a number of First Nations Peoples in the North Atlantic. The decision by three of the participating nations to enter into a Federation in August 2015 was sparked by the discovery of the Biological-Toxins-for-Guns plot undertaken by the nation of Qúpsóg. That incident convinced the nations that they must stand together in defense of the Earth and Waters.

    All three founding nations share a common heritage. Their earliest history was oral, passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, and as far back as their collective memory can reach, they have lived at the sea's edge. A common creation story holds that they were born on the back of the Great Turtle, as children of the Sky Goddess. They thrived on the bounty of the sea: whales, fish, and shellfish, which for thousands of years provided the bulk of their diet. Many were whalers, challenging the mighty sea from dugout canoes long before the arrival of the big ships, long before the arrival of Other Peoples, long before the establishment of the Continental Federation.

    The Federation encompasses three related people:

    The Šíníqoq Nation is a small, fiercely independent First Nations People located on a 1,250-acre peninsula and an adjacent barrier beach off of the eastern shore of the Continental Federation. They migrated here about 300 years ago, having previously lived on the barrier beaches further to the west.
    Their form of government - a community based on universal suffrage, decision by consensus, and a 7-member Tribal Council led by a Sachém – became the model that the Federation adopted. The Šíníqoqs resent the intrusion of the outside world, and have developed their own tribal community center, health center, family preservation and Native Peoples education center, museum, playgrounds for our children, and apprenticeships so that their children can learn the traditional seafaring ways of their ancestors. As a rule, they have historically kept to themselves and avoided entanglements with outside nations in order to preserve our cultural practices and values, including the inviolable sacredness of the Earth, the Waters, and their Living Beings that sustain our own lives. Their affirmative entry into the Federation represents a change – and an indication as to the seriousness of the threats they see to the earth.

    The Nášígánsét
    Nation is the largest of the three component nations, and live on the peninsula on which their people have lived for over 1,000 years. Located about 50 miles northeast of the Šíníqoqs, they have had more interaction with outside Peoples in the Continental Federation; they have also, historically, been open to allowing non-first-nation peoples to become part of their community. A recent Sachém remarked, “We are a Nation, not a Race.” The Nášígánséts are regionally known for holding the largest known Native Powwow, and event dating back to at least 1635.

    The Áquínóq Nation is the most remote of the three nations, being located on the Island of Noepe out n deeper ocean waters. Their oceanic location made the Áquínóqs masters of whaling, and their lore speaks of the Giant Mošup who created their homeland and battled whales. Like the Nášígánséts, the Áquínóqs have dwelled in their current homeland for over 10 centuries. They are master wampum craftsmen, operate a state-of-the art shellfish hatchery, and hold a festival each fall honoring the native wild cranberry crop and the colorful Clay Cliffs of their shores that serve as an iconic landmark for mariners.

    Each nation elects their own local leaders to handle internal matters according to their nation’s traditions. Together, the people of all three nations elect a 7-member Federation Council, and one Supreme Sachém overall. The current Sachém is Sachém Uióndánš from the Šíníqoq Nation.

    While generally taking a non-aligned and neutral stance towards most international affairs, the Šíníqoq Nation has a strong defensive alliance with the non-first-nation Kingdom of Scow Creek, with whom they share a common border.

    Capital: The Capital rotates, depending on the Sachém at the time.  Currently the Capital would be The Land of the Šíníqoqs.

    Population Est. 188,960

    Currency: Wampum

    National Animal: Turtle

    Religion: We continue to honor our Ancestors, the Sky Goddess, the Earth-Sustainer, and Life.

    Photos of the Three Nations:

    1. Bird's View of The Land of the Šíníqoqs

    2. Welcoming Gate to The Land of the Nášígánséts:

    3. Mighty Cliffs of the Áquínóq Nation:

    Ruler's Data:

    Name and Styles
    Elected Sachém

    Age: 54

    Weight: 210

    Height: 5' 10"

    Physical description:  Muscled Warrior-Male

    Home Castle: Very modest timbered building (Winter); Outdoor Fire Council on the Beach (Summer)

    Geographical Data:

    Geographical characteristics:

    Three different peninsulas, separated by 50 miles of open ocean.

    Political Data:

    Political Ideology:
    Three Tribal Commonwealths in a Federated Alliance

    Sachém Uióndánš
    • Sachém
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  • Nation's Data:
    Name: The Regency of Point Breeze
    Flag: I'm very disappointed that I can't find the original flag I made for this nation.  It was REALLY good.  I guess I'll just describe it.  It was rectangular, divided diagonally, bottom left to top right.  The lower right half had seven vertical stripes, alternating blue and white.  The upper left portion was solid powder blue, with an orange star in the top left.  The seven stripes represented the seven Wards of the city.  The orange star represents the united city-state, and Unity in general.  Blue represents Hope, and white represents Peace. 
    Motto: Unity, Peace, Hope
    Brief History of the Nation: Point Breeze became an independent state after the collapse of its parent state, Mantoria, after a military coup d'etat.  The government negotiated peace with the rebels after voicing displeasure with the former regime and vowing to conduct its affairs in accordance with principles the government of Mantoria considered "divisive"
    Capital (with picture if possible): Point Breeze was formerly a city-state, and thus "Point Breeze" was technically the only city and capital of the territory.  Picture of the capital is spoiler'd below.
    Population Est. (this can be not consistent with NS): 2.5 billion at the last census
    Currency: PBP (Point Breeze Pont)
    National Animal: Golden Panther
    Religion: No national Religion
    Map (if possible):Spoiler'd.  Sorry for the other stuff, this is from a previous region's forum.
    Ruler's Data:
    Name and Styles (Overlord, Lord, Prince, Duke, etc.): President Jon Osborn
    House (With crest if possible): Nobility is not recognized in Point Breeze.
    Age: 46
    Weight: 185 lbs
    Height: 6'0
    Physical description: Tall, athletic build, former track star in college.  Black hair, brown eyes.  Usually unshaven.
    House members (including Heirs if present): Nobility is a no-no
    Home Castle (picture if possible if not then a brief description): Hmm, about the Presidential Domicile?  Image spoilered below.  Former residence of the regional governer of Mantoria.  Situated in the 3rd Ward, one of the most affluent areas of downtown Point Breeze.

    Geographical Data:
    Geographical characteristics: Point Breeze has a varied geographic profile.  Located centrally on the continent, the southern mountain ranges gradually slide into flat plains, ending in high cliffs on the northern shore.
    A.  The City of Point Breeze
    A hardworking populace, business-friendly policies, and other factors contributed to a rapid economic growth in Point Breeze.  Numerous rivers crisscross the city, and proximity to the regional capital make it an important spot for every industry, from manufacturing to white collar enterprises. Thus, the uncontrollable expansion of the city now shapes the landscape at the source of the Monaca River.  Directly south and to the west, high mountains flank the city, giving rise to the rivers that will run throughout the nation and providing many opportunities for recreation and escape from the urban sprawl for the residents of the city.
    B.  Central Point Breeze
    Communities and the occasional large city hug the Monaca River as it meanders hundreds of miles along the nation north towards its mouth at the City of Rochester.  To the west, low, sloping hills eventually cluster to form Oak Hill, which at 15,000 ft. passed "hill" status long ago.  Here, the Monaca makes a sharp westward turn, leaving Eastern Point Breeze without the geographic connections of the rest of the nation.  To compensate, a high-speed rail project linking the Capital to major eastern cities is currently underway, but funding has been intermittent.
    C. Southern Point Breeze
    Numerous rocky cliffs oppose the ocean to the north, broken only by the large mouth of the Monaca River, adjacent to which the city of Rochester sits.  Seeing itself as the city that could maintain self-control, the landscape surrounding Rochester has been well-preserved, including dense pine forests to the South and West.  Citizens of Rochester tend to view themselves as more sophisticated, and concentrate on the arts, education, and social welfare.  The County of Rochester regularly lobbies these interests in the Assembly.
    Small towns line the coast, especially where ports can be established, and low, rolling hills further west provide beautiful scenery in PB's least-densely populated county.  This is considered the Beautiful Country, and the nation focuses much of its conservation efforts in this area.
    Location in accordance with Wintreath: Gonna answer with a simple N/A for now

    Political Data:
    Political Ideology: Generally liberal, in both social and economic matters.  Growing libertarian party capturing many Regencies.  Oh, speaking of...
    I. What Is a Regency?
    Simply put, a Regency is a nation or organization governed by Regents.  We use the title Regent to refer to democratically-elected leaders of Counties, who meet as the legislative branch of our government in the Assembly of Regents.  These important public servants voluntarily take up a massive responsibility at both the local and national levels, and their title seeks to honor them for that distinction.
    A. Regency at the Local Level
    Regents represent a geographical area called a County in the national Assembly.  They also serve as general administrator of these regions.  Their role is to "run" their county as mandated by the Assembly.  The Virtue of Unity dictates the nation act as one, so mandates adopted by the Assembly are passed on to the Counties by their respective Regent.  The people serve as their eyes and ears, dictating how national programs should be adopted, where funds will be spent, and coordinating the local justice system.
    B. Regency at the National Level
    In the Assembly, Regents' focus shifts from their local constituencies to national concerns.  This dual-role ensures Regents always have the best intentions for their people in mind, and encourages the Regents to interact with their citizens on a personal level.  They carry these concerns into the Assembly.  One of the more important aspects of the Regency is to elect the Chancellor from within their own ranks.  The founders of Point Breeze recognized the need for unified leadership, for a variety of reasons both foreign and domestic.  Thus, the Chancellor acts as the Chief Executive of Point Breeze, setting national policy goals, leading the Assembly, and representing Point Breeze abroad.
    Political position in accordance with Wintreath:  N/A (?)

    Any Additional data or Images:
    "It is firmly the duty of this Government to recognize and defend these Undying Virtues, and to make all its acts, enact all its powers, and command all its authority by these Undying Virtues of Peace, Unity, and Hope. In order to forever preserve these Virtues from the tyranny of the future, this Resolution shall remain inviolate..."
    A. The Virtue Clause
    The above is the central statement of Point Breeze's Constitution.  Much of the political landscape of Point Breeze follows interpretations of this passage.  The last sentence excludes the clause from any amendments, underscoring the importance of the three Virtues.  Two interpretations now dominate PB politics:
        The Infallibility Doctrine, at its most extreme, states that all government actions taken under one of the three virtues are infallible, and all other actions should be subject to close scrutiny.
        The Stewardship Theory states the government of Point Breeze has an obligation to protect and advance these Virtues in the lives of its citizens. Legislation does not necessarily need to invoke a Virtue in order to be valid.
    Most politicians and citizens in Point Breeze follow these two perspectives.  The political structure of Point Breeze follows the Virtues closely, with at least one of the three systemically ingrained into the workings of the national government.
    « Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 02:29:05 AM by Point Breeze »
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  • Nation's Data:

    Name:Empire of Iceodine

    Flag: Like the Russian flag; It replaces with, Blue on top, light blue in the middle, then white on the bottom.

    Motto: “Cultural & Religious, we are the Icedonians”

    Brief History of the Nation: Very religious and cultural, and started a world peace agreement in the First Era

    Capital (with picture if possible):/Users/userone/Desktop/images.jpeg

    Population Est. (this can be not consistent with NS): 15.9 trillion

    Currency: Piece

    National Animal: Frost-Bite Golem

    Religion: Iceolic (the followers of Chillius)

    Map (if possible): Looks like china and australia had a baby with a massive mountain on the South-west past of the oceans very close to Iceodine. From birds-eye view the northern part is City of Iceodine, the middle of the country is Fort Steelhold, to the East is Ice Peak City, then to the South-West it's Brieser. With liquid nitrogen oceans around the country-island.

    Ruler's Data:

    Name and Styles (Overlord, Lord, Prince, Duke, etc.): High Duke

    House (With crest if possible): N/A



    Physical description:tall & slim

    House members (including Heirs if present): N/A

    Home Castle (picture if possible if not then a brief description):/Users/userone/Desktop/wonderful-castle-in-the-mountains-30292-400x250.jpg

    Geographical Data:Huge Mt between the Ocean of Chillius and Brieser Strait (Mt Chillius) There is one river that is call: River of Stillness its made out of liquid nitrogen, to the west of it is the Forest of time it covers 1/4 of Iceodine, to the south and south-wet is the Plains of Freeze and The Plains of Snow, to the east of the Plains of Freeze is The Wispy Forest, to the south of that is Sun Pedestal Peak. To the north east of The Wispy Forest is Ice Peak and next to it is Hightude Peak. The surrounding oceans and seas are called: Vodka Sea, Ocean of Chillius, Arctic Sea, & Sea of the East, North West of The Wispy Forest is the Lake of Time.

    Geographical characteristics:The Wispy Forest is a frozen weeping willow forest, the forest of time are filled with massive tall trees that have an illusion of a maze feel, Mt Chillius is the tallest that reaches up to the atmosphere of the planet (final layer) Sun Pedestal Peak holds an ancient Snow-Dwarven race that is now dead. Ice Peak is all entirely made out of ice that is hard as steel. the surrounding oceans are covered in 3 mile thick Ice.

    Location in accordance with Wintreath: probably the most north island-country (the north pole area, but very very close)

    Political Data:There are 4 major political parties in Iceodine, they are; Iceruptures, Snowcloaks, Freezewalls, & Blizzardkins.
    I will tell you what they do and there origins.

    Iceruptures: They are the physical and mental health, they care if your sick, injured, and going "mental". They're the party that funds and protects that branch.

    Snowcloaks: They are the economy and conserve party, there the ones who protects the treasury from invaders and over priced sells or buys, They also protect the welfare of every Iceodine citizen.

    Freezewalls: They are the party of defense and offense of the country and helping allies. They fund the weapons and armor for teams, and armies. They specialize in Navy and Air Force backgrounds... if it deals with the Army (ground warfare) it's usually heavy duty gear and weapons. This includes enforcement within the cities.

    Blizzardkins: They are the party of knowledge. This goes into the background of schooling,religion, money, etc... They keep things together between the parties so it doesn't call upon civil war or split-up.

    They all depend on each other so there native country doesn't fall apart under there noses intel it hits them across the face with an artillery shell.

    Political Ideology: Cultural, Religious, and Industrial

    Political position in accordance with Wintreath: Homeland Defender
    « Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 04:30:47 AM by Admiral_Nonagon »
    Home SS: Grand Duke Nonagon N. Stocksholm XXX

    Colony II: Duke Fireside
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  • Nation's Data:
    Name: The Serene Empire of Awyyn
    Flag: Reference Here
    Motto: “He who wears the crown must bear its weight”
    Brief History of the Nation: The Empire is thousands of years old by this point. Founded at the end of the "Unification Wars" were in the Awn Continent became one consolidated Empire. From there it spread out but ultimately went into decline after hundreds of years of extended wars. The Empire entered a period of isolation, and today is once again open to the world. In five years it has rapidly expanded regaining its lost territory and bringing a nation under its reign as a member state.
    Capital (with picture if possible): Iris A view of the central river canal that cuts through the city.
    Population Est. (this can be not consistent with NS): 700 Million +
    Currency: Sovereign
    National Animal: Ethereal Tiger
    Religion: Glenfinnan
    Map (if possible): Im currently redoing my map

    Ruler's Data:
    Name and Styles (Overlord, Lord, Prince, Duke, etc.): His Most Serene Imperial Majesty, Emperor Sebastian Taliesin Aidan Vi' Royeaux, By The Grace Of The Gods, Emperor Of Awyyn, Archduke Of The Kieran Archipelago, Defender Of The Faith, Viceroy of the Veil, Protector of Aurelia
    House (With crest if possible): Royeaux (Reference the Flag link for Crest
    Age: 26
    House members (including Heirs if present): Prince Consort Sueng Ki La' Royeaux, Crown Princess Anna Shalia Vas' Royeaux, Declan Athenril Vas' Royeaux, Princess Elizabeth Cordi Vas' Royeaux The remainder of the house was killed in a tragic accident roughly 5 years ago
    Home Castle (picture if possible if not then a brief description): The Palace District of Iris is the primary residence of the Imperial House. It has multiple Palaces within it. A Formal Palace (which hosts the throne room), the Emperor and Consort's Palace, the Palace of the Heir, the Memorial Palace, and three additional palaces that are rarely used.

    Geographical Data:
    Geographical characteristics: This varies greatly depending upon the province of the Empire. The Awn Continent has a variety of geographical and environmental characteristics and would need to be broken down by the individual Duchies. Tovgorod is primarily rocky and cold with a great mountain range in its northern regions. The temperature is below freezing for most of the year with the average highs reaching only 20F for a two week "Warming Period". The Kieran Archipelago is a relatively tropical environment. Aurelian is a temperate and hilly state.

    Location in accordance with Wintreath: Part of why Im redoing my map is to allow the predetermined setting of Awyyn fit in with its new Region. Tovgorod would be to the furthest south of the frozen proper of Wintreath with the great mountain range separating it. Across the ocean to the south west of Tovgorod would be the Awn Continent hidden behind the Veil (Which is an abnormality in the planets tectonic plates and magnetic pulse that forced a large sea mountain range to emerge from the ocean and create a great mountain range above the oceans surface. Due to the rampancy of the planet in this area a great storm ranges for a large portion of the year. This is what has kept Awyyn hidden for hundreds of years), Even further south from the Awn Continent would be the remaining provinces of the Empire.

    Political Data:
    Political Ideology: Traditionalist Monarchist State

    Any Additional data or Images:
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  • I'm going to start mine over... pretty soon
    Home SS: Grand Duke Nonagon N. Stocksholm XXX

    Colony II: Duke Fireside
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  • I added a map to my post. One pixel should be about 40x40 meters.
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  • Nation's Data
    Name: The Matriarchy of Arsenioh
    Motto: "Reach For The Stars or Settle With The Clouds!"
    Brief History of the Nation: Arsenioh was is a relatively new nation that was born as early as 750 years ago. The founders of the nation were educated people who were forced into slavery by the rich but eventually escaped. Knowing that they couldn't stay in the slave filled land, and they couldn't trust any of the neighboring countries not to turn them in, they were overjoyed when they miraculously came upon a vast forest. Of course, it consisted of dangers that were unknown, but they were manageable. So, the women and men began to build their homes from whatever they could find, and as the word traveled about the small village that was built upon the idea that everyone could be free and equal, a nation grew.
    Capital (with picture if possible): Aliyah City

    Population Est. (this can be not consistent with NS): 500 million+
    Currency: Reag
    National Animal: Asian Elephant
    Religion: No national religion
    Map (if possible):

    Ruler's Data
    Name and Styles (Overlord, Lord, Prince, Duke, etc.): Queen Fenejah Gautheir, Beautiful Goddess, My Humblest Ruler
    House (With crest if possible): N/A
    Age: 24
    Weight: 125 pounds
    Height: 5'4
    Physical description:
    House members (including Heirs if present): Princess Jatari (The Queen's Sister)
    Home Castle (picture if possible if not then a brief description):

    Geographical Data:
    Geographical Characteristics: Cronfen River, Arfen River, and the Lime ocean are the primary water sources for Arsenioh. Jungles include the Nightfall Jungle and the Jungle of Shadows. Arsenioh is home to the Thunder Mountains, Rampart Hills, Pontydf forest, Shaney Forest, Llanfech Woods, and the most feared Whispering Woods.
    Location in accordance with Wintreath: Southwest area of the region, being one of the least cold part of Wintreath.

    Political Data: (?)
    Political Ideology: Arsenioh stands for (reasonable) freedom, equality, peace, and love. It believes strong, humble, well-mannered, intelligent, loving people will make a beautiful nation that can impact the world for the greater.
    Political position in accordance with Wintreath: (?)

    Any Additional data or Images:
    Whispering Forest (may or not write about it in 'Oh the places you'll go in Wintreath')
    « Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 01:43:34 AM by Arsenioh »

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