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[PASSED][SC] Commend Luna Amore
Posts: 14 Views: 1612

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • A new resolution has entered the queue in the Security Council! Discuss and vote in this topic, and as Delegate I will vote according to the Citizen vote here when it comes up on the Security Council floor. :)

    Commend Luna Amore
    A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region

    Category: Commendation
    Nominee (region): Luna Amore
    Proposed by: Mahaj WA Seat

    Description: RECOGNIZING Luna Amore as a nation with incredible accomplishments;

    AWARE that Luna Amore controls many unique nations, such as:

    1. Luna Amore, the only benevolent dictatorship with an economic rating of 'imploded'.

    2. Stella Amore, the only Free Market Paradise with an economic rating of 'imploded'.

    3. Galassia, the only Conservative Democracy with an economic rating of 'imploded'.

    4. Hovertanks, the only Tyranny by Majority with an economic rating of 100.

    5. On Beyond Zebra and H-, two nations with economic, civil rights, and political freedom ratings of 100.

    DULY NOTING that while Luna Amore is not the first nation to register that last accomplishment (a title that instead goes to Tommy Bahama), the achievements are no less impressive;

    COGNIZANT that Luna Amore was the first nation that originally realized that the previous myth of population was incorrect and that population gain followed a different pattern, sparking further research on the issue by Ballotonia;

    APPLAUDING Luna Amore's efforts to free its region, Free Thought from invasion;

    ADMIRING the refounding of Free Thought by Luna Amore to ensure its continued seecurity;

    IMPRESSED at how Luna Amore finished off the job by repealing the Liberation resolution with another puppet nation, Revert;

    ACKNOWLEDGING Revert's contributions to Osiris since the first days of that region's history, serving as a major force in bringing the region to the heights it enjoys today;


    Monarch's Opinion: I'm not sure about this one. I personally think Luna Amore is commendable, but that this resolution doesn't do justice to it. I'm personally against commendations for having certain nation types or stats, because while it is unique and even neat, I don't think it's particularly outstanding or commendable. The clauses regarding the region Free Thought are nice, but it was their region, so there may have been some self-interest in conducting those operations. I'm also not sure what contributions Revert made in Osiris, and would have liked some examples of this.

    Personally, I'm leaning against this resolution but I'm not all the way there yet. I think Luna Amore is commendable, but I don't think this is a very good commendation resolution.

    Recorded Votes: 6 Against - 2 For - 2 Abstain
    Wintermoot: Against
    Libertarian Republics: Against
    N. Cetus (Brokkoli): Against
    Charax: For
    Chanku: Against
    uskok_blackprince: Against
    The Halibut Worshipers: Abstain
    Daylen Phoenix: For
    Altur: Abstain
    BlackTudorRose: Against

    Final Result: Commend Luna Amore was passed 7,937 votes to 3,671.
    « Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 05:15:46 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I agree with the opinion of the Monarch's. Against.
    Libetarian Republics
    N. Cetus (Brokkoli)
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  • Yep. Against.
    The Shark Punching Conglomeration
    N. Cetus (Brokkoli)
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  • Aye, Luna deserves it.
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • I'm on the fence about this one. I'm all for commending a nation if they deserve it, however there isn't enough information to actually make a decision, while I'm FOR the commendation, I'm against the resolution as it seems to not have enough information.
    See you later space cowboy.
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    what a big deal :)
    Peter Krujic,

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  • Eh, I'll be honest, I'm finding it hard to care about this one. Personally, I will either choose to abstain or just vote with the delegate.
    The Halibut Worshipers
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  • Against!


    what a big deal :)
    If you'd ever attempted to get a nation to 100/100/100, you'd know. Besides, that's a nation with a world class economy, universally equal and fair civil rights as well as total and unequivocal freedom of political expression. What's not commendable about that?
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • For.

    I've decided not to post in the WAP often as I've found myself disagreeing with almost everyone on everything so far, which seems to make me doing so pointless. I realise I'm probably too 'new' (in regards to the WA) to have what most might consider to be a valid opinion on this and I respect that. And I'd be lying if I said I'd read all the rules of the WA or whatever just yet. But I feel too strongly on this one not to make it public. I find the whole idea of a person (regardless of whether someone thinks they deserve it or not) NOT receiving a Commendation JUST for the simple reason that their Commendation proposal is 'not written well enough' or 'doesn't explain enough', nothing short of terrible. I get that people on here get overly hung up on the words and minutiae of things (at least in my opinion) and I've grown to reluctantly accept that. But to deny an actual person a GOOD, POSITIVE thing for such trivial reasons? Dismays me. Oh and for the record, I completely agree with Charax on this one. Getting 100/100/100 (not to mention nation stats in general AND the population theory discovery) IS an achievement worth recognising.
    "Steel yourself! Though the agony be great, my cleansing flames will burn away the darkness within, and reforge your very soul."

    The Federation of Daxev - #1 in Wintreath for Highest Average Tax Rates, Highest Workforce Participation Rate, Nicest Citizens, Most Inclusive, Smartest Citizens, Most Cultured, Most Rebellious Youth, Most Pacifist, Highest Foreign Aid Spending, Largest Welfare Programs, Most Advanced Law Enforcement, Largest Governments, Most Compassionate Citizens, Most Influential, Most Extensive Public Healthcare, Most Advanced Public Transport, Most Advanced Public Education, Least Corrupt Governments, Most Popular Tourist Destinations and Healthiest Citizens.
    Daylen Phoenix
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  • I'm not saying that Luna shouldn't be commended...I'm saying that someone who isn't Mahaj (who has a record of swifly writing crappy WA resolutions) write a better resolution that Luna is more deserving of. It would do us well to vote for the best possible commendation resolution, since there's always a chance that a poor one will come up for repeal. I'm sure there's much better things Luna could and should be commended my nine months here I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about Luna, and that's a true accomplishment on a game like this.

    There's a saying I saw in someone's office that comes to mind: If you don't have time to do it right, you better have time to do it over. I'm just saying that it should be done right the first time.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Okay, I admit that if it would for certain mean that this person would get an even better proposal written for them, then I can understand the logic of voting against it. But still, the minor technicalities of how a commendation is worded (again, something trivial to me) just seems like dancing round the head of a pin. For me, it's always about the INTENTION of something; the big picture. Not technical detail. It's probably one of the key reasons I disagree with most people regarding the WA. I find it incredibly sad that someone would try and REPEAL a commendation for someone. Even if their intention is to try and get them a better one. Don't get me wrong, I can agree with you that things should be done PROPERLY the first time. I'm all for not doing things at all unless they're done right. But again, I just find it really hard to care about the subtleties of wording. Even if this person HAS done more noteworthy stuff for NS, I'm still of the opinion that what is listed here alone is enough for them to qualify for one.
    "Steel yourself! Though the agony be great, my cleansing flames will burn away the darkness within, and reforge your very soul."

    The Federation of Daxev - #1 in Wintreath for Highest Average Tax Rates, Highest Workforce Participation Rate, Nicest Citizens, Most Inclusive, Smartest Citizens, Most Cultured, Most Rebellious Youth, Most Pacifist, Highest Foreign Aid Spending, Largest Welfare Programs, Most Advanced Law Enforcement, Largest Governments, Most Compassionate Citizens, Most Influential, Most Extensive Public Healthcare, Most Advanced Public Transport, Most Advanced Public Education, Least Corrupt Governments, Most Popular Tourist Destinations and Healthiest Citizens.
    Daylen Phoenix
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  • No opinion in this one, either abstain or vote with the delegate.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • This resolution has come up for a vote in the Security Council, and according tot he results of this vote thus far I have placed an initial vote against it. However, our vote will continue until the resolution has passed or failed, so feel free to continue discussing or voting on it! :)

    Votes thus Far: 5 Against - 2 For - 2 Abstain
    Wintermoot: Against
    Libertarian Republics: Against
    N. Cetus (Brokkoli): Against
    Charax: For
    Chanku: Against
    uskok_blackprince: Against
    The Halibut Worshipers: Abstain
    Daylen Phoenix: For
    Altur: Abstain

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • I agree with chanku, against.
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