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Concerning Regional Cartography
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  • As evidenced on the RMB, there seems to be quite some interest in Nation-based RP. However I have not yet found any sort of official map for Wintreath while getting acquainted with the forums. If there is one simply point me in that direction and ignore the rest of this post. :D

    The rest of this post
    A major part of Nation-based RP hinges upon one nation’s geographical location as compared to another. This determines how easily citizens from each may travel to and from, what type of military would be required during a conflict (I can provide more information on making at least quasi-realistic militaries for IC RP at a later time should anyone request it) and numerous problems considering logistics of any endeavor.

    I will offer may skills as Cartographer should y’all desire them. Just let me know what y’all think.

    ORCA Bay
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  • Awesome! There are actually two maps in by Weissreich that shows Wintreath as a single nation, and one by Alterra that shows it as a group of nations. However, I would also encourage you to try your hand at it.

    Out of curiousity, are you experienced/knowledgeable in nation-based RP?

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  • I've done my share in a past NS life. Mostly from a sports angle, but enough of the other as well.

    as far as any cartography goes, it matters little if the map as a whole is considered one nation with separate states/provinces or one region with separate nations. The geographical structure can take any form and the results would remain the same. I shall put a sample together and see what people think of it. Thanks
    ORCA Bay
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  • Great...I know Govindia has been trying to start a nation-based RP, but has been having difficulties getting it ready, and there's been some kind of back and forth regarding the map in that project. He's travelling out of town right now, but I'll point him to this topic. :)

    Or if you wanted to do a RP we can have more than one. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • That's the beauty of nation-based RP. Many things can go on at once (just like in RL). Some may be active, some may be semi-active and all or none could bear any correlation to another.
    ORCA Bay
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  • Please keep in mind that this is simply a quick example. Layout and random placenames for landmasses and bodies of water are accompanied by random nations chosen from the forums.

    To create the actual map I would need info from current, active players such as general nation shape and preferences such as landlocked, coastal, or island as well as general location on the map. I prefer to leave topography open for each nation to add swamps, mountains, and such as they desire their nation to be. This keeps the basic map easy to update and edit as nations are added and removed. Let me know what you think.

    I will also create national maps as detailed as wanted upon request.

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    ORCA Bay
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  • I think it's impressive! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Impressive indeed!
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  • To be honest I don't think that there should be one map, but possibly several. The reasons are simple:
    • Techtonic Plates would shift around nations, and if one giant continent the region as a whole. therefor Roleplays that take place in the far future, and far past would be different. even in the past and the future it could be different.
    • People might want a different map for a different RP.
    Also with different maps, there is the possibility of alternate timelines, and what if scenarios. For example what if My nation didn't go through a coup, that could be explored in another map/universe. Also I'm not against having a few standard maps, two or three, and have each one of those have their own canon. Who says we can't have different canon's. (Also we would have to have a way to separate the canon's.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • There's nothing that would prevent multiple maps from being used. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • It's epic!*

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    • Altross
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  • I think my general statement, we shouldn't have an official map, however standard maps are okay(They aren't official and are updated by the creator/someone else.)
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

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    ORCA Bay
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  • I think my general statement, we shouldn't have an official map, however standard maps are okay(They aren't official and are updated by the creator/someone else.)

    While I would argue that an Official map creates stability for ongoing Nation-based RP, Provides easily defined IC history for the region, is more attractive to members (even those not usually active in most RP), develops such things as national alliances and rivalries, treaties to be made (and broken), among many other intra-regional activities, I have not been here long enough to make that decision.

    Maps concerning historical or futuristic RP can be altered accordingly and alternate maps for alternated history would be just that –alternate.

    Official history is something very appealing to many players.

    The decision ultimately belongs to the community as a whole and I will not push the issue at this time.
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    ORCA Bay
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  • I do want an official map... It's relatively standard to have one and given that we also have the Oh, The Places You'll Go thread the two can work together most beauteously... Speaking of which, Orca, have you taken a peek at that thread yet?
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  • I do want an official map... It's relatively standard to have one and given that we also have the Oh, The Places You'll Go thread the two can work together most beauteously... Speaking of which, Orca, have you taken a peek at that thread yet?
    missed it but headed there now - assuming I can find it   ;D
    ORCA Bay
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