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How the Internet will destroy Capitalism
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    I don't know enough about economics to judge this, but it sounds exciting. What do you guys think?
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • With things like eBay, Scribd and other self-publishing, iTunes publishing of music, etc. I'm not surprised.
    Rifkin uses a term in there, prosumers. Producer consumers. It's quite correct. People have easier access to production methods, e.g. solar panels, wind turbines, for energy; 3D printing for manufacturing; if you have a large garden you could easily keep a few chickens and a small vegetable garden, produce.
    Things are changing, and capitalism would end anyways, just like everything else does.
    Vidarr Braighart Kasten
    Alterra - Vidarr - Delta
    President of Wintreath and Spiritus (disputed, aka Government in Exile)

    <+IH> There needs to be some constant to life that we can hold onto, something extremely difficult to find if we are constantly on the move.
    <@Vidarr> I hold onto the constant of change
    <+IH> How delightfully paradoxical.

    <@IH> Omega also suits you, it’s the symbol for electrical resistance.
    <@Delta> Are you saying I'm slow? :P
    <@IH> You were a component (see what I did there?) of the resistance in Wintreath, were you not?

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  • Quote from: Alterra
    Things are changing, and capitalism would end anyways, just like everything else does.

    True... nothing lasts forever.

    Life, your love, and everything else will cease to exist someday...

    Capitalism... Farewell in the near future.

    The Internet will become the new Walmart. :P
    • Altross
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  • I'm skeptical.

    With the advance of technology over the ages, industries have had to evolve, revolutionize, and adapt to the times continuously...the Internet is no different. Some industries become outdated and are swept under, and new ones take shape, but it's never produced the end of capitalism, because one fundamental thing doesn't change...people have needs that they can't take care of themselves. Items like solar panels and wind turbines need to be manufactured, something I don't think anyone can do efficiently small-scale. The Internet itself doesn't maintain itself, and particularly in the US ISPs are lobbying hard to gain a foothold over controlling the internet for their own needs. And the idea of Americans or most developed societies actually wanting to farm notwithstanding, home farms or even communal farms can't compete with the efficiency of large company farms, which is why most developed countries are no longer agrarian.

    Blizzard has made untold billions on World of Warcraft probably, while Second Life, an online world where prosumers should be able to thrive, has barely made a dent. Why is that?

    The article states that the internet of things will lead either to the monopolisation of everything or the democratisation of everything, and I think we're already seeing the former. This isn't the first I've heard of the idea behind the Internet of Things, and everyone and every company wants to get their foot in the door do they have the advantage in the space. I recently read an article about Microsoft making a push toward cloud services for that reason, a very specific space that Google, Amazon, and IBM are already in. I see neither them or capitalism being dethroned anytime in the near future.
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  • I wouldn't be too sure. The Internet is like nothing else ever invented by mankind. Think the printing press--although exponentially larger. Think about what the invention of the printing press catalysed. The Reformation, then the Scientific, and following, Industrial Revolution. That's a massive, society-altering invention from hundreds of years ago that's responsible for industrialised and modern civilisation today--and the internet is far larger, far more global, and far more common.

    I'm not one to predict the future, but I think now that society's at a point where the internet is no longer a "new" thing, and fully infused into humanity, something is about to really change...

    I remember seeing this around the internet

    Pretty funny, right? Well, who knows, it might actually have some merit to it...

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