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Pirates vs Ninjas
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  • Because why not? :P

    I don't know how this even got started, but it's a thing, and now it's here, so which do you like best? :D

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  • I honestly gotta go ninjas. I do not have a good reason for it, but I might have a halfway interesting story about pirates and ninjas.

    So my high school physics teacher used stick figures for every diagram, and instead of giving them names like a normal person, as he didn't want them to have a specific gender, they were simply known as pirate and ninja. Pirate and ninja had all sorts of adventures from this, and changed pronouns on a daily basis. There were also two other recurring characters, but I've forgotten who they were since departing. Anyway, pirate always got a little hook hand and a blob of a pirate hat on his stick figure, while Ninja looked like a stick figure with a line across their face and bunny ears.
    Of course, the class itself soon became pirate and ninja character themed, what with pirate and ninja art on the windows, pirate and ninja themed hall passes (I kid you not, they were literal banners you carried down the hall because the school had stupid rules about hall passes being things that couldn't be easily lost, and who doesn't want to walk down the hall whilst holding a five foot banner?), pirate and ninja fanart on almost all non-pirate and ninja assignments, it was a whole thing.
    I miss that physics teacher.
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  • I don't have much of a good reason either, but I'd go with pirates for two different reasons.
    1) Because I absolutely adored the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
    2) Because Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, a video game themed around pirates, is one of my favorite games of all time.
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  • Ninjas, because they kick ass! Seriously, every movie should have ninjas. Could u imagine the flick titanic with them? That movie would've actually been watchable. Imagine the girl and guy running around and shes like "jack, jack, this idiotically designed death trap is sinking and nobody bothered to put a life boat or two on board and I have a depressingly large diamond and ...EEEK!!!"...BOOOM!, sword bursts through her chest from the ninja that snuck up behind her and threw a smoke bomb at leonardo DiCaprio, thwarting his pursuit.... ninja returns to his master having completed his mission of stealing the super sacred diamond of ninja stuff... aaaaaaand credits...

    Best movie ever right there.

    Ninjas are COOL
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  • Probably ninjas. Can’t say I’d like spending so much time of my life on ships at sea.
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  • Unlike the other poll, I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but I ultimately picked ninja because I don't think I'd like spending much time out at sea either. Maybe if there was a pirate position that involved tending to the base while everyone else went out on the sea?

    Ninjas, because they kick ass! Seriously, every movie should have ninjas. Could u imagine the flick titanic with them? That movie would've actually been watchable. Imagine the girl and guy running around and shes like "jack, jack, this idiotically designed death trap is sinking and nobody bothered to put a life boat or two on board and I have a depressingly large diamond and ...EEEK!!!"...BOOOM!, sword bursts through her chest from the ninja that snuck up behind her and threw a smoke bomb at leonardo DiCaprio, thwarting his pursuit.... ninja returns to his master having completed his mission of stealing the super sacred diamond of ninja stuff... aaaaaaand credits...

    Best movie ever right there.

    Ninjas are COOL
    It sounds like you're ready for your screenwriting debut. :P

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  • Pirates.

    Now, on that note I should mention that I'm pretty meh about the traditional sea pirates despite them getting some good movies like Pirates of the Caribbean.  But imagine being a pirate of the sky, or in space.  Having all of that open area compared to just the flat open water.  Imagine not having to be just the stereotypical POTC pirate that robs from anyone, but being a Robin Hood type pirate like the Blue Rogues in Skies of Arcadia that steals specficially from the big armored ships of the oppressive government of a region in order to share that wealth with those that need it and goes on adventures for fun and not always for profit.

    Sure, you'd have to deal with possible mutinies because people are greedy, but ninjas aren't perfect either, and there's always the possibility yhat you'd be sent your own assassin for unknown reasons since it's hardly uncommon for ninjas to even turn on each other.
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    « Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 12:48:34 AM by Pengu »
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  • Imagine not having to be just the stereotypical POTC pirate that robs from anyone, but being a Robin Hood type pirate like the Blue Rogues in Skies of Arcadia that steals specficially from the big armored ships of the oppressive government of a region in order to share that wealth with those that need it and goes on adventures for fun and not always for profit.
    Ocean-going vessels aren't cheap. Pirates have always exclusively raided the already-rich, because that's just what the merchant class was at the time.
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Imagine not having to be just the stereotypical POTC pirate that robs from anyone, but being a Robin Hood type pirate like the Blue Rogues in Skies of Arcadia that steals specficially from the big armored ships of the oppressive government of a region in order to share that wealth with those that need it and goes on adventures for fun and not always for profit.
    Ocean-going vessels aren't cheap. Pirates have always exclusively raided the already-rich, because that's just what the merchant class was at the time.

    I don't mean just the already-rich, I mean they raid specifically just ships that are ran by the Imperial Armada and nobody else when it comes to the Blue Rogues.  Again, mainly because the Imperial forces of Valua are extremely oppressive and only want to take over and conquer all of Arcadia, so the Blue Rogues are basically like the Robin Hood Pirates that take only from them specifically to give back and help those who need it.  Whereas the other faction known as the Black Pirates attack only unarmed ships and merchant vessels.

    Also, we're talking sky vessels here.  The only ocean in the world of Arcadia is the literal sky.
    « Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 11:59:47 AM by Pengu »
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  • I've never played the game so I have no context, but I emphasized the word I was focusing on to be clear about what I meant.
    Imagine not having to be just the stereotypical POTC pirate that robs from anyone
    If your point was that, idk, British pirates were robbing their fellow British merchantmen and that was somehow awful, what you'll probably be thrilled to learn about are privateers, who are a bunch of rich nonces who get given a letter of marque that basically says 'be a pirate, but in a legal fashion, in the context of this war we're fighting with (other nation)'.
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  • But imagine being a pirate of the sky, or in space.  Having all of that open area compared to just the flat open water.  Imagine not having to be just the stereotypical POTC pirate that robs from anyone, but being a Robin Hood type pirate like the Blue Rogues in Skies of Arcadia that steals specficially from the big armored ships of the oppressive government of a region in order to share that wealth with those that need it and goes on adventures for fun and not always for profit.
    Imagine that, but they're also ninjas...ninja-pirates. :o

    I really like your take on what kind of pirates you're into...tbh, I had never thought of Robin Hood as the pirate type, but I guess pirates are just highwaymen with ships.
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  • Ninjas... always ninjas
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  • Ok time for a revival of a dead topic

    I chose Pirates because ninjas have stealth and melee, but pirates have Canons, big battleships, and has better melee weapons (reasoning: a ninja has a Ninjatō, this has a mostly straight but kinda curved [barley] sword, meaning it is better at stabbing through the heart rather than a slice, I'm not saying you can't slice or slit whit a Ninjatō but I am saying it is more inconvenient, but a Cutlass is much more curved meaning with sword combat a slice to the neck or one good arm shot then you will win a battle)

    I'm most likely wrong tho :P
    I’m probably on NS lol
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