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Health Experts: Suddenly, Social Justice Matters More than Social Distance
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Full Politico Article here:

    An interesting article that I wanted to share...basically, a number of health experts who advised people to stay isolated to protect themselves from COVID-19 are now promoting the protests against racism, where presumably people are in close quarters with others, some of whom aren't wearing masks, and are more likely to catch COVID-19 from it. Supporters say that if we don't resolve systemic racism in America it will be harder to fight against COVID-19 and other viruses in the long run given that they disproportional impact communities of color. Opponents say that they're letting their political biases cloud their judgement, and in some cases are being hypocritical given that many of the same experts denounced earlier protests against lock-downs as a danger to public health.

    What say you?
    3 people like this post: Gerrick, taulover, Imaginative Kane

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  • Looking at the racial distribution of Covid deaths and cases provides a crystal-clear indication that systemic racism is a significant contributing factor to the death toll. It's the case in the US, UK, France, Germany, Singapore, probably more but I'm unaware of them.
    Critics of this hypothesis don't seems to have anything to say on the matter, apart from 'uh, well, you changed your mind so you're a hypocrite'.
    I think it's self-evident which group has the right of it.
    5 people like this post: Red Mones, Gerrick, taulover, Barnes, Imaginative Kane
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  • I think there's certainly a valid concern about the large number of people gathering in one place during these protests whilst there's a global pandemic in full swing, but much as Doc has mentioned there is also a valid reason for the gatherings to take place. I also think it's noteworthy that a lot of people who are suddenly talking about how hypocritical it is for people to gather in large groups had nothing to say about people gathering in large groups a few weeks ago to protest the lockdown.

    At the end of the day there's a cost-benefit judgement to be made here. The issues that are being highlighted by the protests in America (and globally) are important, and the response from large elements within the police departments trying to deal with the more violent aspects of the protests demonstrates that there is a clear and present reason to be concerned about policing tactics and training in America.

    Furthermore, sometimes with issues like systemic racism in American policing - issues that have been brought up multiple times in the past and never achieved any traction - you do just have to seize the moment you're most likely to secure gains and run with it. I cannot in good faith condemn people for breaching lockdown requirements when something as big as this is the reason behind it.

    I can in good faith say I think people breaching lockdown requirements because they're tired of lockdown should be condemned. The two are not even close to one and the same.
    6 people like this post: Red Mones, Gerrick, taulover, Barnes, Ogun of Valeria, Kolya
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
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  • This also happened to come across my Morning Brew email this morning:

    The main thing I wanted to relay is that the CDC Director is advising that anyone that has attended a protest get tested for COVID-19 three to seven days afterwards, in case anyone here has been to one.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Weissreich

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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