Post #96445
April 30, 2017, 07:52:17 PM
I've just started, but I'm loving it so far. It's a very different approach to the franchise, and I'm very happy with it, to be honest. There is a lot to do in the world, and just like Skyrim, I find myself getting sidetracked just to explore and do sidequests.
There is a lot to explore, and a lot of rewards for doing so.
Minibosses are also very interesting, considering the open environment. You can actually run away from them if they're too much for you to handle, and you can also use the terrain to you advantage.
Combat is a lot more action-oriented as a result, which makes every battle just a bit more interesting.
The one thing I hate though is the weapon durability. Things just don't last, and there's no way to see how much durability you have left unless you get the notification that your weapon is just about to break.