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Underhusen Election Results and Overhusen Changes
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Underhusen Election Results
    The Underhusen election has concluded...while I can't say it was the most active or most eventful election, we had a number of people run, and I appreciate everyone that did and everyone that cast a ballot. Overall, there were 16 ballots cast, the results of which are below:

    13 - Barnes
    11 - Reux
    10 - Laurentus
    10 - tatte

    09 - BraveSirRobin
    09 - Chanku
    09 - xXTheHydraXx

    06 - EVERYONE

    We can immediately declare Barnes, Reux, Laurentus, and tatte winners, so congrats to them! However, the final seat was tied between three people, and there will need to be a runoff election to choose which of them fills that seat. I've already created the election topic here. Best of luck to those still running, and my condolences to EVERYONE...I hope that you will remain a part of the region and become involved in other ways. :)

    Overhusen Changes
    There will also be a change in the Overhusen this session. While I am very appreciative of Colberius X's service, it's become apparent that he has become busy outside of the region and NationStates. I understand that obviously real life has to come first, and I hope that he can return as an active member of the region soon. However, the business of the region must continue, and to that end I have appointed Aragonn to fill that seat. Aragonn has been a consistently active member of the region for some time now, and has shown himself to be both level-headed in discussion of issues that he has taken part in and supportive of the Monarchy as an institution. I have full faith that he will represent the Monarchy well. :)

    Oh yeah, and his voice makes me melt. <3 :P

    I will be retaining Wuufu, Joshua Bluteisen, and myself in the Overhusen as always, I appreciate their service and look forward to working with them and with Aragonn during this session. :)
    5 people like this post: Wuufu, Barnes, taulover, BraveSirRobin, Laurentus

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  •  :o This was close one!

    Congratulations to Barnes, Reux and Laurentus! I look forward to working with you.

    Huge thanks to all my supporters! ^-^ You're the best! (*)

    Good luck to BraveSirRobin, Chanku and xXTheHydraXx in the runoff election. EVERYONE, I'll send a polar bear to bring you a bottle of the finest potato vodka, better luck next time. (HAIL POTATO!)

    Also congrats to Aragonn!
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  • Congratulations to Barnes, nice to see the Meindhert family continuing our tradition of political activism in the region even if I myself am unable to do so. Grats also in order to Reux, Lau and Tatte - a great team, and I can't wait to see what the final UH member will bring to the table once elected :)

    Also congratulations Aragonn! A worthy appointee for sure, wise where it matters most ;)
    1 person likes this post: Barnes
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    My condolences on winning, tatte, Reux and Barnes. My privisional condolences to whoever wins the run-off election. And congratulations on losing, @EVERYONE! You lucked out.
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  • I offer my sincerest congratulations to those elected and everyone else who ran. I very much look forward to seeing faces both fresh and experienced in the Underhusen this term. I'm not sure how serious exactly a condolence for winning is, Laurentus :P

    I'm also sure Aragonn will do a fine job in the Overhusen as well :)
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  • Congratulations to Barnes, Reux, Laurentus, and tatte! Good job to everyone who ran and best of luck to all my opponents in the runoff!

    Congratulations to Aragonn as well! I'm sure you'll be the perfect addition to the Overhusen!
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  • The run-off election is complete, and here are the results:

    06 - BraveSirRobin
    05 - Chanku
    03 - xXHydraXx

    In a very tight election, BraveSirRobin has won by one vote. Congrats! My condolances to Chanku and Hydra as well. I hope that you will remain active and contribute to the more than ever, we need people with the ideas and the initiative to work toward them to restore the region to activity. Thank you to everyone that voted as well. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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