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Game Thread
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Rossadan Citizen 01234
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  • The gremlin turns away, visibly saddened by the actions that were destined to come, "Well then, if I might suggest that we make a good meal of these bears afterwards, it would be a damnable shame if such a feast were to go to waste." the gremlin returns to his post outside.
    Rossadan Citizen 01234
    Rossadan Citizen 01234
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    • space, space, space, spaaaaaaaaaaaaace
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    Drexyl Nox
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  • One of the bears rears up on it's hind legs and roars. The other one charges the party.
    Drexyl Nox
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  • With no opportunity to plan a better strategy, Carduenglin reacts! He tosses his glowing ball of energy at the bear charging the party and then quickly tries to find cover, hoping that someone else will back him up and draw the bear's attention away while he prepares another spell.

    His mind begins racing as he goes through the long list of spells that might be useful here.

    Do I try to calm the bear? No, it's too late for that. I'll just have to kill it. What do you use against a giant bear? Fire? That runs the risk of burning down the whole damned forest. I could summon something to fight the bear... yes... that could work...
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  • The bear slows for a moment at Carduneglin's attack and Theroc takes the opportunity to slam his shield into its head. Uncertain about how effective his attack would be, he then spins and brings his shield up, expecting a blow.
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  • As Theroc span around to bring his shield to face an attack, Selena moved. The sword across her back was unsheathed in a smooth motion as she seemed to glide forward. One foot dug into the ground, leaving a trail of torn earth as she brought the sword down in a motion intended to cut the bear in two shoulder to groin. The hefty sword gained a faint shimmer and it positively flew through the air.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

    "Not all those who wander are lost."
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    Drexyl Nox
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  • Selena's sword cut bisects the bear. The other bear roars but holds its position.
    Drexyl Nox
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    The Golden Persian
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  • Nova sensed Maters presence, and quickly made the way behind the brush, spotting the lich, feeling the dark, corrupt energy spilling out of him. Nova went up to the lich, and went down on one knee, spaded tail wrapping around the arm. "Greetings Master," Nova said with a grin, laying the shield and dagger before the liche. "I have return from the siege of Cormalla in success, here to serve you once more, ask if you wish to change the pact, and serve your "every" command," said Nova with a hunger in the voice...
      Nova awaited for Master, the Lich Moria, to give the orders, Nova looked over at the mark on the body, the signature where the Lich had signed the pact with Nova. Already Nova had done much for the Lich, from leading the helm of his minions to Cormalla to get him the proper bodies, ingredients, and souls. Nova wondered what would be next in destiny...
    Age-old Extra-Terrestrial Being of Wintreath.

      Has the sworn loyalty of the Extra-Terrestrial Azure, the Demonic Mercenary Nova Arrakis Polaris, and the fiery Italian Ignazio Prospero.

      In a complicated relationship with Jonewest, Eternal Queen of the Hill.
    The Golden Persian
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    • Across the Cosmos lay the Imagination of Humanity
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