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Welcome to the Constitutional Convention
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • As Founder and Monarch of Wintreath, I do declare this Convention to adopt a more permanent government to be open! :D

    We've had some discussions on how things will go, but I feel that we need to make the adoption of a permanent government a priority, with a goal of having a Constitution in place by the end of the month, and holding our first elections for any elected positions on the 1st of December. This is actually a very involved process that involves getting our ideas together, putting them down, writing up an official Constitution, and then approving it. For the Constitution to be approved, I will have to sign off on it (thus initiating the social contract with the Citizens of Wintreath) and it will have to be approved by a majority vote of Citizens.

    A number of topics will be up for discussion during this time...please feel free to post and make your ideas known. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • In my own strong beliefs...I believe the top priority of our Gov, will be to power up our Army!
    Since we are a small region...we are vulnerable so we need first of all, to rank up our strength in arms and our security system. I do still believe that the constitution will play a major role, on deciding whose in and whose out!

    Also the rules must be followed and respected by everyone...this means we have to be extremelly picky, especially now...on who we allow to be part of Wintreath
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  • Power up the army? You can''t avoid war when you are preparing for one, we should install a diplomatic team instead. They can help us avoid war and control the region.

    Speaking of controlling the region, we need do set up an espionage, infiltrating other regions' governments should give us a nice edge.

    Also, I call for the declaration of total equality on base of race, gender and sexual orientation so that no one will be denied their rights.

    Oh and let us not forget a strong scientific focus, knowledge is power after all.
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  • Power up the army? You can''t avoid war when you are preparing for one, we should install a diplomatic team instead. They can help us avoid war and control the region.
    Hello, I'm Charax, your co-Jarl of Foreign Affairs. A diplomatic Civil Service is being established, feel free to contact me for details.
    Speaking of controlling the region, we need do set up an espionage, infiltrating other regions' governments should give us a nice edge.
    That falls under the purview of the Ministry of Defence, and in turn Jarl Denth Rowan. I imagine he'll have something going in that department fairly soon, but don't expect to hear anything about it. It's like, secret.
    Also, I call for the declaration of total equality on base of race, gender and sexual orientation so that no one will be denied their rights.

    Oh and let us not forget a strong scientific focus, knowledge is power after all.
    This seems like more of a roleplay thing, this ConCon is for establishing the framework of the regional Government from an out-of-character perspective.
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Harry TS and Strix both use some great points. Although Harry does say that a military isn't needed, we do need to prepare ourselves for war. A good amount of money does need to go into our regions defense systems. Granted we shouldn't abuse the power of a large military, which is why we need a cap limit on money spent which would be decided through legislature each term, and why we would have diplomatic branches also overseeing any unnecessary expenditures on the military. And yes, a national spy agency would be of benefit, but I would not recommend this to be in the top of our priority list, as our citizens and economy should come before perks like this.
    Tyler Putney

    Chancellor of The United States of Puttaria
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  • Speaking of controlling the region, we need do set up an espionage, infiltrating other regions' governments should give us a nice edge.
    That falls under the purview of the Ministry of Defence, and in turn Jarl Denth Rowan. I imagine he'll have something going in that department fairly soon, but don't expect to hear anything about it. It's like, secret.
    Hi, Denth Rowan here. For all you know, we could already have one... or maybe not... it's a secret.
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  • Speaking of controlling the region, we need do set up an espionage, infiltrating other regions' governments should give us a nice edge.
    That falls under the purview of the Ministry of Defence, and in turn Jarl Denth Rowan. I imagine he'll have something going in that department fairly soon, but don't expect to hear anything about it. It's like, secret.
    Hi, Denth Rowan here. For all you know, we could already have one... or maybe not... it's a secret.
    Paragon of the Realm
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  • Duke of Wintreath
  • It's lovely to see our government coalescing, however uhm... sporadically. ;)

    It's of utmost import that our government does not become one of oppression - we've all seen where that leads, regardless of how long the road takes to walk. Our citizens should be free to do as they please, with my only suggested limitation (and here I cite John Stuart Mill) being the Harm Principle, taken to the extent of physicality as outlined by Mill (physical violence) and of mentality (racism et cetera, outlined by a Bill I would suggest be debated at a later date once the day-to-day affairs are established and running).

    Please, contact me further for more information. I shall now retreat to my meditation rooms.
    Duke Klause Edíl-Astos Meindhert
    Archivist Academic

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  • Quote
    Harry does say that a military isn't needed

    I actually say that we really need an army :P
    And a Secret Espionage Service! :P
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  • Where would the regional elections take place? How many people could be in the lower house??? This is all very exciting!
    Rustov Globensheik,

    Chairman of the United Socialist States of Crya
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Where would the regional elections take place? How many people could be in the lower house??? This is all very exciting!

    The elections would take place in a new forum dedicated to campaigns and regional elections, and as proposed there would be five seats in the first session. And is exciting! :D

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Village Drifter
  • Hi guys I just joined nation states again after awhile off and decided to join this region and I would just like to say hi quick also that I will admit I may not be super active but hope to help out. One thing I'm curious about in this regions government is how much control does the regional (federal) government control? Is this region ruled by one central government or is it more of a Holy Roman Empire type thing were the individual countries control themselves with little ties to the main ruling body? I think we should take an approach of either having one central government subdivided into separate countries that then control themselves therefore really decreasing the chances of a dictator of anything like that. Or if not that we should turn to almost the other extreme and make this an almost absolute monarchy but under an elective succession so all the country leaders have to vote in the next king. Just spit balling and if we have already figured this out then sorry for wasting your time have a good day/nice night
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  • Hi, Jarl of Integration.
    The only thing we control is foreign policy, who rules the region, who runs the military, stuff like that.

    I think we should take an approach of either having one central government subdivided into separate countries that then control themselves

    Wat. Er, this will NOT happen. I'd rather people like, say, Charax, represent us then someone like Cormac. Those two people are ENTIRELY different, personality and work wise. This is why we APPOINT people, so that people we know will make us look good in the foreign community, AND can lead well.

    really decreasing the chances of a dictator of anything like that.
    *looks at who we have in the region*
    I SERIOUSLY doubt Wintermoot or who ever leads the region (if something ever happens to Moot) will be ever get THAT far.
    You have one of the best government officials in NS, one of the best foreign affairs ministers, The best lawmaker in NS, a UDL lieutenant, and a guy who couped a region/wrote a Constitution in the region. I DOUBT someone who tried to install a dictatorship would last a day, or even a week, before they were kicked out. 

    Or if not that we should turn to almost the other extreme and make this an almost absolute monarchy but under an elective succession so all the country leaders have to vote in the next king

    Er, no. Speaking from experience, electing someone who holds all of the power ends up blowing back in your face.
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  • one of the best foreign affairs ministers
    Just seen this. Flattered as I am, I'm not altogether sure that's an accolade I've managed to earn yet. :P

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    Paragon of the Realm
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