Post #142888
November 13, 2019, 02:31:30 AM
Assuming you are talking about our regular elections, then here is the information regarding them:
Voting for Underhusen occurs on the first of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Nominations open one week before that (albeit, this is custom and is not required by law, but it has not changed in 6 years). Special Elections due to resignation and recall are a bit different but can't be announced ahead of time, nor do they really occur that often. Regular Election time is laid out in Article I, Section 3 of the Fundamental Laws.
Thanes Elections are organized entirely by the Monarch, and as such they occur -- generally -- at the will of the Monarch. However, the procedure governing elections and the like are the same as elections, nominations usually open about a week before the election, and elections begin on the first of the months of December, March, June, and September. This can be found in Decree 012 (Regarding the Structure of the Cabinet), Section 5.
These are the only elections we have, that are open to the citizenry, the only other election we have is for UH Speakership, which is a bit different.
Given the relatively static nature of each regular election, aside from including this in a guide to elections or something of the sort, there wouldn't be much use in posting it a week or any time before elections, especially as elections are relatively regular (3 months for Underhusen, 4 months for Thanes) for each election.
If your question involves Special Elections, these are a bit trickier and can't be announced in advance, due to their nature, and they only occur for the Underhusen.