Post #80765
September 01, 2016, 08:18:27 PM
(will be expanded later)
Name: Senator David Rochester
Age and Gender: 37, Male
Personality: A bombastic and proud man with a quick temper, Senator Rochester has risen through the political ranks to become a prominent member of the US congress through hardline stances and a fiery personality. Firmly believing that the current systems for regulating supers are inadequate, Rochester has advocated an outright death sentence for criminal supers with powers "too dangerous for a normal life". He suggests that any attempts to rehabilitate such people are stupid and dangerous.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Powers: Super strength and an extraordinary ability to emotionally manipulate others through mutated pheremone glands in his skin.
I'm a sucker for politics. Tentatively approved, even though you posted in the wrong thread, n00b. 
How strong are we talking? Usually chemical manipulation and super strength are separate. And by just how much can he manipulate emotions? You might be running into trouble with my ordinance on mind control with that one.
His super strength is actually a little deceptive because his physical frame is quite average. His pheremones are hardly mind control, it's more like, in RPG terms, giving a permanent boost to charisma when speaking to someone in person.