Post #73460
April 30, 2016, 04:45:20 PM
Long story short, there was this huge vanilla World of Warcraft private server named Nostalrius, which ran the game as it was before the first expansion was released in January 2007. Being so huge, Blizzard eventually caught wind of this and forced them to shut down earlier this month, spawning a petition calling for Blizzard to support legacy servers in some forum which to date has garnered nearly 250,000 signatures. Blizzard's response is that they had no choice but to shut down the server and others like it, because ignoring them would harm their ability to defend their intellectual property in the future.
However, things would appear to not be so clear-cut, because Blizzard has now invited the Nostralrius team to their campus for discussions in a few weeks. The speculation (and perhaps hope of some) is that Blizzard will either grant the team a license to continue their private server, or that they will change their previous stance against hosting retail legacy servers of their own.
So what's your take? All games, especially MMOs, change over time as companies add new content and features to keep people from getting bored and dropping out of the game. Especially for older games, should companies give their players the ability to play older versions of their games for those wanting the nostalgia? Would players actually pay to play on such a server (remember, private servers are usually free to play, and companies like Blizzard are out to make money)? What would be the best way to make something like this work assuming that was what everyone wanted?