Salutations once more fellow Wintreathers! I come once more bearing news from those helping me coordinate events at 10KI
While it's encouraged that citizens sign up by the 28th, I will have until November 1st to give them the list of those participating here. But the earlier you can sign up, the better.
You can choose to sign up in this thread, over in 10KI, or PM me with the appropriate info, and I will make sure that it gets to the team over at 10KI in time. What they'll need from you is your nation name, and the name of your "atheletes" for the different events:
Beach Fashion Show
Taco Island Sand Sculpting
”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
Silly Hat Limbo Competition
Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
"Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
"Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast
With the link that Wintermoot provided at the beginning, you can check out the thread and get an idea of what those events are going to be like.
If you would like to be a part of the games but not necessarily participate, 10KI will have two different threads to keep you entertained.
The first is the event thread which I mentioned a little earlier. It's where you'll see both the scores and commentary for the games, which is where two of the members, Ater Nox and Barry, will be posting events from each game (so in other words, especially with Barry, be prepared for a laugh-fest).
The second is the Observers seats, which is where those who are watching the games can chat and mingle with each other. So this would be a GREAT way for citizens from each region to talk to each other and get to know each other. I'd strongly recommend you be a part of this thread if you're not taking part in the games.
At the moment, the expected regions participating are:
Renegade Islands Alliance
and Wintreath. So it should prove to be a pretty awesome event.
We also plan on having an opening ceremony on the 10ki RMB 7-8 november, where you're all invited to move a puppet to 10ki and participate in the chatter. If you want to, Wintreath can also send a judge to the games. But that's not required.
So again, if you'd like to take part in the games, please feel free to post in this thread, head over to the thread that Wintermoot linked to and sign in over there (be sure to mention that you're from Wintreath if you choose to do that), or simply PM me with your nation name and athelete names for the events to take part, and I'll be providing them with the list of everyone participating here on the 29th or 30th.
And again, those events are:
Beach Fashion Show
Taco Island Sand Sculpting
”Wipe-Me-Out-Not!” Surfing
Silly Hat Limbo Competition
Individual Sailing-Boat Orienteering
"Under The Sea” Spear Gunning
Rock Pool Forage and Cook Off
"Spice My World” Cocktail Making and Judges’ Toast
I hope you guys choose to take part! It'd be a really awesome way for some multi-region mingling and establishing relations with regions we may not even be allies with yet.