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Say What's On Your Mind
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  • Congrats, Gov...I'm sure you're pleased. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • There's no cold stones in Seattle so I didn't have it for many years... But there's one in Federal Way so I've been having it pretty regularly...

    Come down to Tacoma.  We have a few in between there and other parts of Pierce County.
    Well I live in federal way so like... It's now convenient... But I can come and visit you! :D

    Ah, good old Federal Way.  And I actually live in one of the other areas of Pierce County, up near Lakewood/Spanaway.

    Also, congrats Gov!  I'm sure you're ecstatic to have internet again.
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  • Bought myself a new bike. I missed having money.

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  • Have 2 diapers left, thank goddess for weekend
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  • I'll be in NYC in August for about a week to meet up with some friends.

    Any of you beautiful douches in the area?
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  • Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy
    R.I.P. Jon Snow. Though you knew nothing, we will never see your like again.

    And now his watch is ended.
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  • Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy
    R.I.P. Jon Snow. Though you knew nothing, we will never see your like again.

    And now his watch is ended.

    They're setting it up for Daenerys to win, as the surprise boy doesn't exist in the show.

    Daenerys is such a dumb fucking bitch. She doesn't deserve the throne. All she does is fail at ruling and say "m-muh dragons" to get her way. Even with advisers she fails as she listens to them exactly 0% of the time. I hope she dies an extra painful death in the books. The girl who plays her looks weird too. Peroxyde blonde and caterpillar black eyebrows is a derpy look. Looks kinda inbred, which I suppose means that she looks the part.

    Stannis was by far the only one who deserved the Iron Throne and the most competent and they raped his character in the show. Westeros needs a hard but fair ruler, not an inbred attention whore or an inbred mommy's boy, and that was 100% Stannis. Instead they ruined him because he is "unlikable" which is the fucking point. ASoIaF Stannis would never sacrifice Shireen in a thousand years.
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  • Um, like, spoiler alert!

    Game of Thrones
    It absolutely was in Stannis's character to sacrifice Shireen. Need I remind you what happened to Renly, and what would have happened to Edric Storm?

    He was completely without mercy when it comes to his duty and destiny. That's not to say it's a selfish whim that drove him to sacrifice Shireen. He really didn't have a lot of options. But still. You just don't sacrifice your family members! It did fit perfectly with his character, however.

    It has also been revealed that this is something that will happen in the books too at some point, though how and when has not been revealed.

    The claim that he was killed off because he was unlikable is without merit too. He was almost everyone's favourite character before he sacrificed Shireen.

    But I definitely agree with the Daenerys part. I truly hate her. I don't wish a terrible death on her, however. That's a fairly Daenerys-ish thing to do. :P
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  • I finally got help for my depression after a year. It feels nice actually having energy again.
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  • I have rediscovered my love of Bee Girls
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  • I finally got help for my depression after a year. It feels nice actually having energy again.

    Welcome back to the forums. :) I'm glad that you're feeling better and have more energy now.

    In any case, I suppose I've been feeling a bit down and lonely lately. It's occurred to me that there aren't very many people I'm close to on an emotional level...that I can open up to about how I feel about things and sensitive stuff like that. Most of the people I used to talk to just...aren't around much anymore. =/

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Yeah, I'm fairly terrible at emotional support. I told my sister to do her homework when her rabbit died 5 years ago, the reasoning being that sitting there and crying in grief wouldn't do wonders for her schoolwork. While I'm not nearly as terrible anymore, I still get a stony face and don't know quite what I'm supposed to do when someone starts crying, for example, apart from giving advice on dealing with the problem.

    That said, I'm fairly good at listening, if you want to talk sometime.
    « Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 04:21:35 AM by Laurentus »
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  • I can imagine how that advice didn't go well. :P

    I guess I've just realized that I'm not close to many people...I mean, I talk to plenty of people, but not many on a deep level anymore. There just aren't many people that I click with on that level, and it makes me feel...isolated I suppose. A bit of an alone with everyone feeling. I fear becoming aloof and out of touch for it...

    I dunno, maybe I just need to go suck a cock or something.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Define "connecting with people on a deep level."
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • Being able to open up and talk about feelings and shared experiences on a deep level...having friendships where you feel comfortable doing that...that sorta thing.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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