The Security Council;
Reminding the assembled members of this esteemed council of the purpose of a commendation resolution, namely "to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.";
Futher reminding this council, that it is our collective purposes as assembled members to recognize nations based on their contributions to our respective environments regardless of their alignments and creeds ie: raiderism, defenderism and so forth;
Believing the nation of
Hobbesistan despite their relatively short existence, has made considerable contributions to the NationStates universe, spanning culture, governance
and military aspects of the universe;
Highlighting the military organizations led by Hobbesistan, which, through their leadership, have seen a tremendous boost in activity, the modernization of tactics and strategies, and the creation of new technology, the military organizations that Hobbesistan has lead are: the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA) and the Lazarene Liberation Army (LLA);
Applauding the numerous defensive operations that Hobbesistan has either participated in or lead, including: Union Soviet Socialist Republic, Darwin Allied Republics, RORMS and Christmas – a region that is currently under the protection of this council;
Further Applauding Hobbesistan's role in stopping the purge of
Khora – a region that once boasted over 100 nations – and aware that through this act, the region of Khora was saved;
Acknowledging Hobbesistan's contributions to
The East Pacific, where they have been a tireless member for several months, contributing to the region's legislature as a Magister, interpreting laws as an Arbiter, and improving the region's forum as an Administrator;
Applauding Hobbesistan's contributions to
Lazarus, where they contributed to the revitalization of that region through their creation of Lazarus' forums, the revitalization and creation of the LLA, and assisting in the creation of the region's guiding documents;
Further Noting Hobbesistan's creation of both RadioNS and the Lazarene Stock Exchange, both of which providing a unique, enjoyable and unifying experience to nations and are arguably two significant and sizeable feats not likely to be repeated with ease, both of which have been done with the sole intention of furthering the experiences of nations across Lazarus and the NationStates universe as a whole;
Lastly highlighting the “approx” script, which was developed by the nation of Hobbesistan to aid military operations across the NationStates universe, and distributed widely and freely, further serving to enhance the experience of nations;
Believing, without a doubt, that the multitude of contributions made by
Hobbesistan to culture both on a regional and international scale, military ops, the respective governments to which they serve and ultimately, to the regions and nations which have the pleasure of encountering this nation are worthy of being given as much consideration in the annals of this esteemed council as any other member currently enshrined within;
Hereby Commends
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