World University for Peace
Description: RECOGNIZING that the WA, as a body of nations, should stand for peace and maintain neutrality in all matters of international conflict;
REALIZING that, even in times of strife, it is necessary to implement peace as the endpoint of a war;
YET BELIEVING that worldwide educational resources in peace and conflict resolution are insufficient;
The World Assembly HEREBY ESTABLISHES the Peace Studies Trustee Board (hereafter "the Board"), which shall have the following duties:
I. Founding and administering the World University for Peace (hereafter WUP or "the University"), which shall offer Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in peace-related studies including but not limited to irenology (peace and conflict studies), conflict resolution, diplomacy, and related international law.
II. Hire faculty and teaching staff based on their academic qualifications with no due regard to their nationality, culture or gender. Faculty must include members of the academic community eminent in the fields of irenology, conflict resolution, diplomacy, and/or related international law.
III. Solicit supplemental funding for the University via private and public donations and voluntary governmental grants, including the land used for WUP campuses. The Board and the University shall not charge students tuition.
IV. Solicit and evaluate feasibility studies from all member nations and determine the location of campuses throughout the world.
V. Submit periodic reports to the WA on the University's progress.
Additionally, the World Assembly:
REQUESTS member nations to submit feasibility studies on the placement of a WUP campus within their borders;
ENCOURAGES those nations where such a campus is not feasible, to allow WUP students and faculty residing within their borders access to virtual WUP classrooms at no additional cost to students and faculty;
MANDATES that member nations allow WUP students residing within their borders the same rights, privileges and responsibilities accorded to other college and university students residing within their borders (including those in student exchanges or study abroad programs), in accordance with applicable national and international laws;
URGES member nations to employ WUP graduates in both public and private sectors, in an effort to promote peace as an alternative to war whenever and wherever feasible;
CALLS FOR member nations to promote peace by adding irenology and related studies to the curricula of their national and government-funded universities.