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Debate 2: Internal Affairs
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • For Your Information Asks the Candidates
    Debate 2: Internal Affairs

    Again, I apologize for the delay...I have been unfortunately very busy the last few days and wasn't able to get the second debate up before the election started. However, I still hope there is a vigorous debate, and of course if the answers given here change your mind about what candidates you want to vote for, you can change your vote according to the directions in the voting topic. :)

    In any case, welcome to the second debate concerning regional internal affairs. I have tried to include questions that are relevant to everyone running, regardless of position, that I feel might be helpful for people voting in this election. Hopefully we can have a debate is vigorous as the foreign affairs debate. :)

    1) How do you feel about your own activity in the region? Forum stats are listed here, but the question can pertain to RMB or IRC activity as well. Do you feel your previous activity in the region makes you deserving of government office in this region? How do you believe your activity in the region will change if elected?

    2) What do you believe our Wintreath's strengths and weaknesses as a region, and how will you both utilize those strengths and address those weaknesses in the role for which you are running for if you win election?

    3) What do you feel should be the absolute number one priority for Wintreath as a region at this time? What is your plan for helping to accomplish that priority or advance in that area if elected?

    4a) Specifically to those running for Jarlships: Unlike some other regions in which elected Cabinet officials can pursue their own agends, the Riksråd (Cabinet) is in place to assist me in carrying out the duties of the Executive for the region and to forward my agenda as Monarch. For the Jarlships for which you are running, where do you see us clashing in policy and agenda matters, and how will you help resolve those disagreements with me?

    4b) Specifically to those running for Underhusen: If elected, you will be part of the third session of the Underhusen. Where do you feel some of the failures of previous Underhusen sessions are, and what will you propose to correct them? If you're an incumbent from one of the first two sessions, what have you done to attempt to correct these failures? If nothing, why haven't you previously? Also, this is the first session of the Underhusen for which it will select its own you intend to run for that position?

    5) Since its inception, Wintreath has been a defender region, and has leaned heavily toward regionalism. Do you support these positions or would you be in favour of making changes to either, and why do you feel that way? How do you feel about the current state of NationStates gameplay in general?

    6) Lastly for now, how do you feel about Wintreath's regional culture? What are its strengths and weaknesses, and what would you do within the scope of the position you are running for to improve it?
    2 people like this post: Pope Righteousness III, Stacky

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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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