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Reflecting on Dystopia's Delegacy
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • With the delegate transition almost complete, I wanted to give some thoughts about our outgoing delegate, The Age of Dystopia. At this point Wintreath has had nearly a dozen delegates, including some renowned people who have made names for themselves in their own ways. Some served as delegate for years. But when it comes to the World Assembly itself, I believe that we can count Dystopia's delegacy as one of the most successful in our history.

    His success is all the more amazing given our recent history. Dystopia was the community's first selected delegate in almost two years...prior to that, our presence in the World Assembly had languished in a post-Split interim delegacy under me, someone with little personal interest in the WA and who had more pressing matters in Wintreath to focus on. Between the Split itself and the Frontiers update making recruitment more challenging, our nation and WA nation numbered steadily dwindled.

    Suffice to say, Dystopia had to basically start from scratch. But now, almost seven months later, we can say a new WA foundation has been laid.

    We have more nations in the World Assembly. Prior to becoming delegate we hovered around 90 nations in the WA, but as of today we have 113 WA nations, the most since April 2022. This is all the more fascinating considering we have around 120 fewer total nations in Wintreath than that time, meaning that this rise has come because a larger portion of nations are joining the WA.

    This is also reflected in the average endorsement stat. When Dystopia became delegate, the average number of endorsements per nation was 2.85, but is now 6.8. In March 2020, the delegate at the time mentioned that one of their measures of success would be an average endorsement rate of 6, so we have exceeded those old ambitions. This means that not only are more nations joining the WA, they're also endorsing each other more.

    As a result, Dystopia's endorsement count recently reached 82 nations, a post-Split high, and I believe it would now be higher if he weren't taking steps to transition out of the delegacy. Between the delegate's vote and the votes of our nations, we usually bring over 110 votes to any vote. That might not be a lot compared to the Pacifics, but it's impressive for a medium-sized user-created region.

    But it's not just his work in building a WA foundation that's commendable. Dystopia has taken the initiative in other roles in our community beyond the minimum responsibilities of being delegate. He joined the Discords of all regions we have relations with, he's hosted Jackbox games, he's been a big part of our N-Day and Z-Day events, and most recently he took over updating our regional map.

    Communities exist because of the special bond its members hold with each other, but they grow because of those who have the time, energy, and interest in building it up. Dystopia is one of those people, and our NS region and community are better because of him. As we get hyped for a new delegacy under Mania Sims, let's also take time to celebrate Dystopia's work and accomplishments in Wintreath.

    Dystopia, thank you for being part of our community and for helping to make it what it is today. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Dystopia, god I don't know where to start. You are one of the greatest people in wintreath, your passion to use the delegacy as a force of good and using it to support the community is amazing. You are always an amazing person to talk to, you took a damaged region and mended it back, you engaged with the community, on Discord and on the RMB. You are not just "another delegate" to be lost to time, you are probably the best delegate in wintreath, you inherited a rotting structure, you tore it down and built the foundations. Now I must build up the walls and pass on the on the torch when I decide to. You always found the light in the world, no matter how dark or oppressive it was. From time to time, there arise among human beings, people who seem to exude kindness and optimism, as naturally as the sun exudes heat. You are one of those people, Dystopia.

    Utcumque obscurus mundus sentiat, semper possumus in hominibus similibus confidere, ut per illum nos recipiamus.

    May you have a good year, and I hope map making treats you well.
    Mania Sims
    Mania Sims
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    Red Mones
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  • Wintreath's Official Money Launderer
  • I think I've been gone for the whole delegacy, but sounds you've done a lot of good Dystopia! Wintreath needs more people like you for sure. Here's to another delegate.
    2 people like this post: Wintermoot, The Age of Utopia
    Red Mones
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