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Werewolf 32 - Caitlin's Werewolf - Town Wins
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Werewolf Information
Game Over on Round 5 Day
Root Host: Caitlinuwu

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  • Exalted Guest
  • Also sorry for being aggressive Ex, I'm just annoyed you instantly shot down my world which I am actually really confident in 
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  • Maid
  • turns out i was also correct in not believing Rondo was seer

    and the seer was a potato sack that didn't listen to my initial warning OF NOT BEING A FUCKING POTATO SACK
    • Maid
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  • Human Meltdown
  • Rem, you know I am not doo doo at this game

    Abbi, you know I am not doo doo at this game

    You give me this day to eliminate a wolf or perish
    who are you?
    Are you not the person who plays on Mafia Universe

    I am the guy with the corgi avatar
    yeah it is I

    oh well if I lose to you as a rep with how annoyingly uncooperative this town has been idm, do as you please

    if you are sure rondo is clear, then is wintermoot/oricorio/ex

    I won't bother reading luka for the same reason and just assume bellepi was town, luka also seems towny at a glance

    i don't think it's abigail either
    ok yeah i can work with this
    I am 100% confident rondo is town, please help me eliminate oricorio - I'm going to compromise with Ex today but tomorrow will be drastic situation

    Vote: Wintermoot
    can you make a list from scummier to townier and tell which top 3~5 worlds you find more likely

    Worlds (Top is likely, bottom is no)
    Winter / Oricorio
    You / Oricorio
    Winter / RDB
    Winter / You
    Oricorio / RDB
    You / RDB
    the fact you say you're townreading me and yet is setting me up for a mislynch by putting me in half of these worlds is

    not great

    why so confident about luka? is it meta?
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Speaking of, is there any way to ISO someone for a specific thread or is this doomed
    Hello, and welcome back to Wintreath! I'm your forum host/administrator (though I see you already know that), and it's interesting how this question keeps coming up xD

    I figure from other answers it's some kind of search thing, but what exactly is ISO?

    It's player difference. There are a few players who make a bunch of walls, there are a few players who don't.
    I know it's outside the Werewolf game, but I'd be interested in knowing why that seems to be referred to as a bad thing in here. As I mentioned in Wintreath's Discord, it makes me wonder if my posts are a slog to read outside the game too. =/

    Thank you for making so much content, but I do have a question. Reading through your ISO I didn't get very much thoughts on players. You FOSd(Finger of Suspicion, basically a way of saying Suspected but didn't vote!) Oriocirio I believe, but didn't come to to much?
    TWTBAW is to wolfy to be a wolf. It's basically wolves try to seem townie, so somebody very blatently wolfy might be town! Hope that makes sense ^^.
    I loved reading your posts by the way! As a starting point, may you give me your thoughts on Abigail? Ignoring all other posts, just your own? Thank you!

    Hi you said a  bunch during your ISO you don't like voting D1 can I know why you vote here, especially when it's your entrance of the thread?
    While I do understand pressure of wanting to vote correctly, wanting to get it rgiht! i think that something to keep in mind is that votes are jst votes and they don't exactly mean much.
    This doesn't look very paired with Sugar Moon at the very least so it's solid, but can I know why you call out exactly them?
    Thank you! You might well be the only person who enjoyed reading my posts. :P Welcome back to Wintreath and to the game, btw, and thanks for the definitions. The jargon can be crazy sometimes lol.

    I had already answered this on Day 2, but to recap I believed that all players absolutely had to make 10 posts each round or be eliminated, and by the time I actually got around to it there were maybe 20 minutes left in the day. By that time there were two people who could plausibly be voted out: Sugar Moon and Projeckt Red. I felt like it'd be weird to vote for someone who had no chance of being voted out, and it'd be weird to post and not vote at all, especially after being told by a number of people that not voting benefitted wolves (in traditional Wintreath games nobody was usually voted off the first day which is why the topic game up). I felt like I'd be accused of trying to fly under the radar at the last minute, so I felt like my only options was to vote between those two and there wasn't much to go on.

    I made the wrong choice, and I've been paying for it can't stay they don't always mean much.

    I thought Oriocirio was very aggressive at the start of day one, and I thought the whole judging how people made their first post was weird and off-putting. That's not much to go on, for all I know this is how they typically act at the start of a game...his point about applying pressure to push the game forward reminded me of what someone else who played MU-style Mafia said once, so I thought it was plausible. The whole wolves plotting exact conversations with each other on Day 1 thing was weird too, and several people confirmed to me that it's not really a thing. Since the first half of Day 1 he hasn't been as aggressive and I'd say he's been in the middle of the pack, and with so much going on after that I'd forgotten about that first bit.

    Same with Abbi in terms of being in the middle of the pack...I would have thought she would've been more of a game driver. It's interesting to see how she seems to still be on people's minds even when she isn't around, but you guys like her enough to play Werewolf on an archaic forum she's trying to revive, so I guess that'd be expected lol. It's been years since I've played a game with her, but besides some joke posts most of her gameplay has been rather...bland. Odd for someone who's such a colourful, stand-out person in general, but you guys would know more about whether this is normal or not...playstyles do change.

    Winter voted Grace, likely for self-pres reasons but it's a bit interesting that they voted Grace over any of the options that already had a vote. Loona (who flipped town) and RDB followed them, but the latter tried to drop out at the last minute which was strange. If I had voted Winter when I was still around, it would have been tied 3-3 but I stayed on MR because I didn't want an early hammer. Overall, I feel RDB should probably be pressured here, as well as the people who weren't around (Bellepi for instance)
    I voted Grace for the specific reason that I thought it was weird that they weren't involved in the first two days, then showed up at the end of the day practically asking other people to catch up on the game for them and promising that they'd finally be ready to play the game on day 3. There's flying under the radar, but this seemed blatant to me and I'm not sure why they weren't challenged stronger when they posted that. That said, I never expected to other people to switch their vote afterwards, especially after Loona said my reasoning wasn't very good.

    Just wanted to clarify that besides not voting for myself, I try to have a reason for voting besides self-preservation.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Exalted Guest
  • I think you're too caught up on Oricorio's vote which while at a glance definitely looks towny, it's hard to deny the fact that not only does bussing exist, but also there was a very real chance that Sugar didn't go over that day - and even while they did, if they didn't the game was practically 100% won.

    They haven't been towny after that and their entrance to today was really awkward, and with a wolf limmed D1 - the chance of a deepwolf skyrockets, which is what I'm pretty sure happened here
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  • Exalted Guest
  • ok how about we make a deal ExLight

    We eliminate Winter

    if I die that night, Oricorio will be flipped and you can decide the next 2 eliminations - Luka and Abigail will help enforce that

    if I do not die that night, we eliminate Oricorio the next day. If they are town, you have free will to decide the final elimination.


    Vote: Wintermoot
    no because I think me and ori are the only ones that should be out of PoE and shooting him would be kinda ass
    Abigail is literally greenchecked, how are you this far into the pocket

    Vote: Oricorio
    what does this even have to do with anything
    How in the lord's name do you have Oricorio over the green check
    I suck at reading abigail and her vote flipflopping with less than 5 minutes remaining wasn't good

    and Rondo seems to be screaming that Rem was the green check do u think it was abbi too then?
    Wtf I am screaming that neon was and rem was going to be checked if I wasn't a moron and killed the seer with Winter and loona 
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  • Human Meltdown
  • @Caitlinuwu

    can you increase the post cap for Golden and Luka considering they subbed in and have more stuff to catch up for considering the previous users activity?
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Exalted Guest
  • Rem, you know I am not doo doo at this game

    Abbi, you know I am not doo doo at this game

    You give me this day to eliminate a wolf or perish
    who are you?
    Are you not the person who plays on Mafia Universe

    I am the guy with the corgi avatar
    yeah it is I

    oh well if I lose to you as a rep with how annoyingly uncooperative this town has been idm, do as you please

    if you are sure rondo is clear, then is wintermoot/oricorio/ex

    I won't bother reading luka for the same reason and just assume bellepi was town, luka also seems towny at a glance

    i don't think it's abigail either
    ok yeah i can work with this
    I am 100% confident rondo is town, please help me eliminate oricorio - I'm going to compromise with Ex today but tomorrow will be drastic situation

    Vote: Wintermoot
    can you make a list from scummier to townier and tell which top 3~5 worlds you find more likely

    Worlds (Top is likely, bottom is no)
    Winter / Oricorio
    You / Oricorio
    Winter / RDB
    Winter / You
    Oricorio / RDB
    You / RDB
    the fact you say you're townreading me and yet is setting me up for a mislynch by putting me in half of these worlds is

    not great

    why so confident about luka? is it meta?
    I put the bottom 4 people in 3 worlds each for me, you asked for worlds so I gave my thoughts lol - I still do townread you and I still do just have Winter/Oricorio, that's just thread states

    and yes, it is 100% meta but I can link you like 18 and a half games where I've just been spot on every time so i'm pretty confident in the read
    1 person likes this post: ExLight
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  • Human Meltdown
  • ok how about we make a deal ExLight

    We eliminate Winter

    if I die that night, Oricorio will be flipped and you can decide the next 2 eliminations - Luka and Abigail will help enforce that

    if I do not die that night, we eliminate Oricorio the next day. If they are town, you have free will to decide the final elimination.


    Vote: Wintermoot
    no because I think me and ori are the only ones that should be out of PoE and shooting him would be kinda ass
    Abigail is literally greenchecked, how are you this far into the pocket

    Vote: Oricorio
    what does this even have to do with anything
    How in the lord's name do you have Oricorio over the green check
    I suck at reading abigail and her vote flipflopping with less than 5 minutes remaining wasn't good

    and Rondo seems to be screaming that Rem was the green check do u think it was abbi too then?
    Wtf I am screaming that neon was and rem was going to be checked if I wasn't a moron and killed the seer with Winter and loona
    my bad??
    I even asked if it was weird I had understood Neon was the one checked and you said yes??
    • Human Meltdown
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • @Luka: Sorry, I cut off the last bit of my reply to you:

    Like I said yesterday, it'd be logical if a wolf was hiding in the middle of the pack...not standing out for either inactivity or for driving the game. But there's a few people in that category, including myself. Not sure that alone means anything individually.

    I type my replies in a separate custom-made textbox cause it greatly bothers me when I'm typing and the text isn't justified and a certain font size, and I missed this when copying my reply over.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Maid
  • ok how about we make a deal ExLight

    We eliminate Winter

    if I die that night, Oricorio will be flipped and you can decide the next 2 eliminations - Luka and Abigail will help enforce that

    if I do not die that night, we eliminate Oricorio the next day. If they are town, you have free will to decide the final elimination.


    Vote: Wintermoot
    no because I think me and ori are the only ones that should be out of PoE and shooting him would be kinda ass
    Abigail is literally greenchecked, how are you this far into the pocket

    Vote: Oricorio
    what does this even have to do with anything
    How in the lord's name do you have Oricorio over the green check
    I suck at reading abigail and her vote flipflopping with less than 5 minutes remaining wasn't good

    and Rondo seems to be screaming that Rem was the green check do u think it was abbi too then?
    Wtf I am screaming that neon was and rem was going to be checked if I wasn't a moron and killed the seer with Winter and loona
    my bad??
    I even asked if it was weird I had understood Neon was the one checked and you said yes??
    see how easy it is to gaslight?

    1 person likes this post: ExLight
    • Maid
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  • its a cold day in hell before sam gets 97 posts as mafia in this threadstate fwiw
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  • Human Meltdown
  • Speaking of, is there any way to ISO someone for a specific thread or is this doomed
    Hello, and welcome back to Wintreath! I'm your forum host/administrator (though I see you already know that), and it's interesting how this question keeps coming up xD

    I figure from other answers it's some kind of search thing, but what exactly is ISO?

    It's player difference. There are a few players who make a bunch of walls, there are a few players who don't.
    I know it's outside the Werewolf game, but I'd be interested in knowing why that seems to be referred to as a bad thing in here. As I mentioned in Wintreath's Discord, it makes me wonder if my posts are a slog to read outside the game too. =/

    Thank you for making so much content, but I do have a question. Reading through your ISO I didn't get very much thoughts on players. You FOSd(Finger of Suspicion, basically a way of saying Suspected but didn't vote!) Oriocirio I believe, but didn't come to to much?
    TWTBAW is to wolfy to be a wolf. It's basically wolves try to seem townie, so somebody very blatently wolfy might be town! Hope that makes sense ^^.
    I loved reading your posts by the way! As a starting point, may you give me your thoughts on Abigail? Ignoring all other posts, just your own? Thank you!

    Hi you said a  bunch during your ISO you don't like voting D1 can I know why you vote here, especially when it's your entrance of the thread?
    While I do understand pressure of wanting to vote correctly, wanting to get it rgiht! i think that something to keep in mind is that votes are jst votes and they don't exactly mean much.
    This doesn't look very paired with Sugar Moon at the very least so it's solid, but can I know why you call out exactly them?
    Thank you! You might well be the only person who enjoyed reading my posts. :P Welcome back to Wintreath and to the game, btw, and thanks for the definitions. The jargon can be crazy sometimes lol.

    I had already answered this on Day 2, but to recap I believed that all players absolutely had to make 10 posts each round or be eliminated, and by the time I actually got around to it there were maybe 20 minutes left in the day. By that time there were two people who could plausibly be voted out: Sugar Moon and Projeckt Red. I felt like it'd be weird to vote for someone who had no chance of being voted out, and it'd be weird to post and not vote at all, especially after being told by a number of people that not voting benefitted wolves (in traditional Wintreath games nobody was usually voted off the first day which is why the topic game up). I felt like I'd be accused of trying to fly under the radar at the last minute, so I felt like my only options was to vote between those two and there wasn't much to go on.

    I made the wrong choice, and I've been paying for it can't stay they don't always mean much.

    I thought Oriocirio was very aggressive at the start of day one, and I thought the whole judging how people made their first post was weird and off-putting. That's not much to go on, for all I know this is how they typically act at the start of a game...his point about applying pressure to push the game forward reminded me of what someone else who played MU-style Mafia said once, so I thought it was plausible. The whole wolves plotting exact conversations with each other on Day 1 thing was weird too, and several people confirmed to me that it's not really a thing. Since the first half of Day 1 he hasn't been as aggressive and I'd say he's been in the middle of the pack, and with so much going on after that I'd forgotten about that first bit.

    Same with Abbi in terms of being in the middle of the pack...I would have thought she would've been more of a game driver. It's interesting to see how she seems to still be on people's minds even when she isn't around, but you guys like her enough to play Werewolf on an archaic forum she's trying to revive, so I guess that'd be expected lol. It's been years since I've played a game with her, but besides some joke posts most of her gameplay has been rather...bland. Odd for someone who's such a colourful, stand-out person in general, but you guys would know more about whether this is normal or not...playstyles do change.

    Winter voted Grace, likely for self-pres reasons but it's a bit interesting that they voted Grace over any of the options that already had a vote. Loona (who flipped town) and RDB followed them, but the latter tried to drop out at the last minute which was strange. If I had voted Winter when I was still around, it would have been tied 3-3 but I stayed on MR because I didn't want an early hammer. Overall, I feel RDB should probably be pressured here, as well as the people who weren't around (Bellepi for instance)
    I voted Grace for the specific reason that I thought it was weird that they weren't involved in the first two days, then showed up at the end of the day practically asking other people to catch up on the game for them and promising that they'd finally be ready to play the game on day 3. There's flying under the radar, but this seemed blatant to me and I'm not sure why they weren't challenged stronger when they posted that. That said, I never expected to other people to switch their vote afterwards, especially after Loona said my reasoning wasn't very good.

    Just wanted to clarify that besides not voting for myself, I try to have a reason for voting besides self-preservation.
    ISO is filtering the posts in a thread by user
    it's done so people can focus on analyzing a specific player at a time

    also Grace was around for D2 since it started, no?
    • Human Meltdown
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  • For Winter, ISO'ing is the ability to read only a single player's posts (or multiple players) in "isolation" - meaning that you just see what they've written and nobody else in that thread. It's really helpful for people like me who love to make townreads and generally focus on people first, gamestates second. 

    And also, great to meet you! I apologize about your rand, but I'm happy I get to play with ya :D
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  • Human Meltdown
  • ok how about we make a deal ExLight

    We eliminate Winter

    if I die that night, Oricorio will be flipped and you can decide the next 2 eliminations - Luka and Abigail will help enforce that

    if I do not die that night, we eliminate Oricorio the next day. If they are town, you have free will to decide the final elimination.


    Vote: Wintermoot
    no because I think me and ori are the only ones that should be out of PoE and shooting him would be kinda ass
    Abigail is literally greenchecked, how are you this far into the pocket

    Vote: Oricorio
    what does this even have to do with anything
    How in the lord's name do you have Oricorio over the green check
    I suck at reading abigail and her vote flipflopping with less than 5 minutes remaining wasn't good

    and Rondo seems to be screaming that Rem was the green check do u think it was abbi too then?
    Wtf I am screaming that neon was and rem was going to be checked if I wasn't a moron and killed the seer with Winter and loona
    my bad??
    I even asked if it was weird I had understood Neon was the one checked and you said yes??
    see how easy it is to gaslight?

    gaslight? me?
    nah you're crazy, I have never been gaslit
    • Human Meltdown
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