Post #174336
January 03, 2024, 12:43:42 PM
Section I: Basic Information
1) Please introduce yourself to us! What led you here, what are your interests, and what are your hopes as a Citizen of our community? Feel free to include anything else you'd like us to know.
I'm Greater Balticia, A name that lives in infamy among some old guard. I used to run the rp's back in 2017 but left due to... certain people who are no longer in Wintreath. I wish to make a return to Wintreath if possible.
2) What timezone are you in?
3) How did you discover Wintreath?
Originally from a ns recruitment telegram in like... 2016
4) If you're in our NationStates region, what's your nation on there?
Greater Balticia
5) If you're on our Discord server, what's your name on there? (This is required for Citizen masking on Discord).
TurnipianFlux (Display name Greater Balticia)