@☆ Neon ☆: This has been a long evolution for me that's taken place over days and weeks. You're not the first person to say that things were simple or obvious, and I know they were to most everyone else, but they weren't to me. It seemed obvious to me that Michi didn't intend how it was being taken, so I couldn't understand why people were so angry over it...and
as I said later on, I didn't even see the fact that people had been hurt over it. Had it not been for the pain of losing so many of my closest friends in the manner that they left driving me to try to understand why they had done so, and if it hadn't been for Lau's skilled and patient teaching, I doubt that would have ever came to understand.
I'm not trying to make excuses...there is no excuse for my dismissiveness, my failure to understand how people including my closest friends were hurting because of it, or the fact that it had to get that far before I could understand. I'm saying this to explain where I was at the time...I was never going to be able to handle that situation or those that came before it appropriately because I was really that oblivious, which is why it ultimately fell to trader to handle them in the past even though it wasn't his burden to begin with. And you're right, the initial situations before I made them worse could have been resolved simply...but I really was that oblivious, and that's why I made them worse instead.
When I posted the first thing you replied to about who brought Michi back in the ops team, I still had no idea what I had done wrong...I was hurt, and confused, and honestly a little angry about some specific things. I felt like I was being blamed for bringing Michi back on the ops team to start with, and that's the place that I posted from at the time. Any sort of realization would not come until later on in the topic, and I know it's the same for Michi because he went through this process with me...Lau went through things with him at the same time he did with me, and it's something he struggled with as well, and then we dealt with them all over again in the recent
events involving Alien Zombie. It's not something that I would have posted a week later, but I'm not one to delete things to cover up the fact that I was stupid.
has apologized and committed to stepping down as an op. The only reason he hasn't already done so is because it would leave me and Wuufu as the only two ops left on Discord. Understandably with things as they are, it's a struggle to find people who are able, willing, and have the time to serve in that capacity, although hopefully that will change in the future.
I appreciate your kind words about the pain of losing friends...it's not something I've brought up in public before, because our focus needs to be on fixing the things that have gone horribly wrong and rebuilding our community back better, not on my mental health struggles. But I felt it was important for you to know that I understand what you're going through and how you're feeling there. It's not ridiculous at all...just because the friendships were online doesn't make them mean any less...we've always been super close-knit in Wintreath, and when you lose a close friend it's agonizing...it's like the foundation that helped hold you together has been ripped apart. And unlike me, you did nothing to deserve losing those friendships. And for what it's worth, I don't think it's dumb.
But in my case, it's not so much a matter of being treated poorly as much as it being one of the consequences of my actions, inactions, and general dismissiveness over the course of years. I personally hurt them, both directly at times and through my dismissiveness on matters involving issues we deeply care about...after so many years, and so much disillusionment, and so little hope that I would ever get it, who can blame them for finally having enough of it?
And maybe it's what I needed. The other day I was listening the commencement speech that Steve Jobs gave at Stanford in 2005, and something he said about being forced out of Apple in the 80s struck me: "It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it." As I've already said, I doubt that I would have ever came to understand what I was doing wrong if it weren't for the pain of losing them driving me to do so. Beyond that, I now know first-hand the pain and misery we inflict on our community when we fail the trust placed in us. What made Wintreath special was that we were entrusted with people's feelings and vulnerabilities...we could have never been that super close-knit community of friends without that. But it's also what makes things so crushing when we fail that trust, and I now know that feeling intimately.
I can't imagine how much it hurts for you to be here talking about what you've been through because of what happened. You could have easily ignored the whole thing and been on your way, but I'm glad and grateful that you didn't. I needed to hear what you're going through, and I don't know, maybe I needed to make that connection with what I'm feeling. Now I know how I've made or helped to make people like you feel in our community, and if there's a silver lining at all, it's that knowing this feeling will drive me to make sure nobody has to feel this way in our community again.
As for changing from this for the future, I've posted a lot of stuff on behalf of the RSS is the Compendium forum, and some more stuff on a personal level in the Say What's On Your Mind topic...I don't know how interested in the details of everything we're talking about and considering you are, but if it's something you're interested in I would welcome your thoughts on any of it. But if it hurts too much to be more involved with what we're doing, that's ok, I understand that too. I'm grateful for what you shared with me already...know that I did get something important out of it.