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Werewolf Ratings System
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  • Some Random Guy
  • Welcome to the Werewolf Ratings System, prospective host! Below you will find the level ratings, term definitions and suggestions for prospective or first time hosts. If you have any questions, feel free to post them below in the thread. Good luck with your game, hosts!

    Level 1- Traditional setup, vanilla game, no surprise mechanics, suitable for first time players.
    Specs: Open game (role list public and explained), Some version of a civility pledge (no hostile environments), No unorthodox roles or unorthodox mechanics

    Level 2 - Mostly traditional setup, some surprise mechanics may be present but limited, suitable for newer players.
    Specs: Possible open game (not always required but advised), Some version of a civility pledge (no hostile environments), Limited unorthodox roles, no unorthodox mechanics

    Level 3 - A good mix of traditional and unorthodox systems, some surprise mechanics may be present, suitable for experienced and newer players with a few games under their belt.
    Specs: Possible closed game setup (role list hidden, not strictly required), Possible civility pledge (not required but advised), unorthodox roles present, limited unorthodox mechanics

    Level 4 - More unorthodox systems present, surprise mechanics present, some mechanics may not be known to most players, suitable for players looking for a challenge.
    Specs: Closed game setup, no civility pledge, unorthodox roles prevalent, limited unorthodox mechanics

    Level 5 - A truly unorthodox game. Unorthodox systems and surprise mechanics present and prevalent. Some mechanics may not be known to any players. Overall, this ain't your Grandma's WW. Suitable for experienced players only.
    Specs: Closed game setup, no civility pledge, unorthodox roles prevalent, unorthodox mechanics prevalent, some mechanics unknown to all players

    This should not be seen as an exhaustive list of requirements for levels but as guidelines for how rankings should work. Hosts should take the totality of their vision for the game and the vibe they intend for it into account when ranking their games. Hosts may also ask the Thane for assistance in rating their games if they so desire. Ratings are entirely voluntary and not required to host a game.

    Upon deciding for a rank to their game, prospective hosts are requested to put the ranking somewhere prominent during Signups for their game using this format:

    Game Rating: Level (blank)/5.

    Civility Pledge - An extra rule, pledge or clause for players asking them to maintain a polite and courteous demeanor during the game. This is on top of, not instead of, the Werewolf Code of Conduct and Wintreath Moderation.

    Surprise/unorthodox Mechanics - Mechanics, rules, roles or functions that are unknown to all or most players that activate upon certain conditions being met that change certain aspects of the game, either subtle or fundamental.

    Unorthodox Roles - Roles that are either uncommon or not present in either Mafia Universe games, Town Of Salem or other Werewolf/Mafia games or derivatives thereof. This includes entirely custom or fundamentally reworked roles.

    Open/Closed Game - A game where the role list and number of wolf/hostile to town players are public or hidden. An open game would have the role list and number of hostile players would be publicly known, a partially open game would have either one or the other known publicly or have some information obscured and a closed game would have no or little information about the role list or number of hostile players be publicly known.

    Suggestions for new hosts
    1. Game balance is important.
    When designing a game, balancing it between the town, wolf and 3P factions is one of the most important aspects to making your game fun and engaging for all players. A poorly balanced game can be the difference between a fun game and a frustrating one. A good rule of thumb is that for every 5 players, one should be a hostile role, and for every 2 wolves, there should be 1 killing neutral role (if you intend for there to be neutral killing roles).

    It is also important to balance town power roles as well. Too many town roles with investigative or killing powers may make the game frustratingly difficult for the wolf faction to win. A good rule of thumb is that there should generally be no more than 2 investigative and 1 killing power role for the town faction.

    These should not be seen as hard limits but as a base to build off of, let your creativity flow when you create your game, just be sure to ensure balance in your game for an entertaining time for all players.

    2. It's ok to start small.
    It might be tempting to design an intricate game with several complex roles and mechanics. It is ok, however, to start with a less complex and more down to earth style if this is your first time hosting. This is not to discourage prospective hosts from attempting to design more complex games, however, I just want to stress that it is ok to try and build your confidence in the game, especially if this is your first time hosting.

    3. Have fun!
    And finally, just try and have fun! Hosts can have fun too and hosting should not feel like a chore. It's ok to be nervous, especially if it's your first time, but just try to remember that it's just a game and we’re all friends here! There are many players who would be more than happy to give you advice or assistance if you need it. Don’t sweat it too much and just have fun with it!

    I hope everyone has fun designing their games! Happy hunting, Wolves, good luck, Townies, and may RNGesus be in your favour!
    4 people like this post: Wintermoot, taulover, Laurentus, Gerrick
    « Last Edit: July 20, 2022, 08:12:57 AM by Arenado »
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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