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The Second Svipish Civil War
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  • Southern Hedeby, Svipjoth

    Ariah sat with her fellow officers on the Wuriengber. She poured out a bottle of wine, and passed it down. "Here us, Sol, god of the sun. As we march into battle, bless us. As we attempt to gain victory, bless us. Protect us, through this war. Il gahet ut et Sol, Luna, eji theu Threv Steriu, Akem." Ariah took a sip of her wine. Then, she stood up, and looked at her generals. "I will not lie to you. Most of you will die. The prayer was merely to save some of you." She grabbed a sword. She pulled it out of the sheath, revealing a beautiful blade. She then knighted all of the generals, accepting them into the bloodline. "Generals," she said grimly. "You may begin the attack."
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Diortym, Aesyria, The Stigyan Triumvirate.

    The sun had just started to set as Team KMSN Members Otto and Nellis had just arrived at the western port city of Diortym, where a communication from Alexander Windwalker of The Ursian Empire said a company of ostpunktian elites had raided Haithabu and rescued over a hundred and fifty Stigyans who survived the initial attack only to be forced to create weapons for the enemy. Stigyan troops were rushing around the military port setting up temporary shelters and medical stations to treat the rescued workers as the Ursian airships appeared in the sky and made their landing.

    Being the more social of the two Nellis took the lead in dealing with the Ursian military. They found the commander of the Ursians outside the largest ship. She had silver armor with gold adornments and a beetle insignia. She was holding a cracked and shattered helmet revealing her long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Nellis was taken aback by the sight and cleared his throat before speaking.

    “Excuse me miss, are you Commander Skarabe?” He asked politely.

    “Please, call me Jeanne.” She said as she extended a hand with a friendly smile. Her voice sounded gentle and kind, very unlike what he expected from a battle hardened commando.

    “I’m Nellis and that’s Otto” He replied and the young woman’s eyes lit up in recognition.

    “You mean Azimuth and Colossus right? I’ve heard stories about your exploits from one of my friends in the Bear Alphas. Although the friend in question likes to exaggerate.” She excitedly exclaimed.

    “Maybe later I can tell you some stories, what really happened.” He said with a slight smile. “But first we need an update on the workers.”

    Jeanne’s smile faded. “We rescued 168 and did significant damage to Svipish anti-air defenses in the city. The workers are lucky to be alive, but many of them lost everything. Lukas’ rebels murdered most of the worker’s families when they burned that cathedral, a few refused to work after that and were executed by some creature or machine I think they called a ‘Bloody Eagle’. The ones we’ve rescued have spent the last month being starved and worked to death.” Jeanne’s eyes started burning with anger. “I don’t know when we start taking the fight to Lukas, but I’m ready give that cringe monarchist what’s coming to him.”


    Sazai Grill, Downtown Solitas.

    KMSN Team leader Koza sat around a table with his father Malcolm, mother Josephine, and Claire at the most exclusive hibachi restaurant in the Stigyan capitol. Now that his relationship with Claire was out in the open he knew it was only a matter of time until the pair would have to do things like this. Still he was surprised Roxas gave two of his top Praetorians the night off, but with Errol recovered the investigation into the traitor had resumed.

    Currently Koza’s mother was asking rapid fire questions to both of them, mostly about how serious they are or why they kept it a secret for over two years.

    Because we’re both professionals with very important and high risk jobs. Claire explained using sign language. It’s not like we’ll be able to settle down anytime soon. Especially not with the current state of the region.

    “Okay that’s very fair, it’s just exciting is all.” Josephine said. “Our son has always been so focused on being the best soldier he can be, I was getting worried that he would never try to continue the family line. Hopefully I won’t have to wait too long to hear about a wedding date.”

    Both Koza and Claire blushed at his mother’s directness and koza didn’t take long to counter. “Mom, I’m the top commando in the entire legion and Claire’s the personal Praetorian of the Imperial Heiress, at any moment she runs the risk of death protecting the future Empress or I could get a call to go off and never return.” as if on cue Malcolms scroll beeped with a text. “See, what happened dad?”

    Malcolm rolled his eyes as he read the text on his scroll. “Nothing this time. Apparently I need to flag a waiter. Roxas just transferred over a hundred Lien and told me to bring back two steak and salmon meals.”

    The Citadel, Solitas.

    Later that night Roxas read over the report of the raid with a victorious smirk, an empty tray of takeout still on the edge of the table in his quarters. After the death of Pjotur he had ordered an increase in security across the city as well as orders to ramp up weapons production and troop rallying to retake Haithabu. Soon Lukas’ revolutionary goons would feel the full wrath of the most powerful military on the continent. All that’s in the way was whoever the traitor was, but he had a plan for that as well. He opened a blank page on the holo-screen in front of him and drafted a message to Lyons.

    Lyra woke up and got out of bed, coming over to see what he was doing still awake. “What’s this Rox?” She asked with a yawn.

    “Im telling Lyons that Ironwood is the suspected traitor and that the troops rallying in Diortym is just a diversion for our airships to attack Uppsala directly.”

    Lyra looked at him confused. “But I thought Ironwood was the first person Errol read the mind of?”

    “He was. And Lyons is one of the few that didn’t have his mind read. Errol’s semblance is still fuzzy as he recovers, but by the way Lyons has been acting the last month I may be able to catch him in the act.and then…” Roxas’ eye started to glow “Checkmate.”
    5 people like this post: TGN, Waggleton, Joslisonoria, Worgus, Holy Spire
    « Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 03:13:24 AM by Stigya2113 »
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  • In the next hour, 450,000 soldiers were dropped into the city of Melkorka. They were met in the streets with heavy resistance, Lukas' men. However, there was one last platoon, which consisted of Ariah herself. Shot by shot, they began to push back Lukas' troops. But eventually, they met a stalemate. The crowded streets were starting to fill with bodies. Many generals had been killed.

    However, Ariah's platoon was stuck and surrounded near the entrance of Melkorka. A general rushed up to Ariah. "My Empress, we are surrounded!" Ariah smirked at the general. "Good. That means we'll be able to shoot them easier."
    OOC: I recommend you listen to this while reading the following.

    Ariah led a charge against the forces, and began to attack with no mercy. A relentless barrage of plasma began to unleash hell on the enemy, and Ariah believed Sol himself was shining on her. They began to regroup with the other forces, having cleared what seemed at least 2,000 soldiers. But as Ariah began to break into a sprint, a soldier on the roof of a home threw a Flotti-Oxi, and...

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    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

    • Wintreath's Official Non-Executive Dictator
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  • Nonnebakken Castle, 2:12 AM

    I'm about to pass out but stayed awake because I know my officer would be pissed. I drank way too much yesterday. The night was dark, I can barely even see the outlines of trees. All the sudden it seems to have gotten brighter. I look back up and what looks to be half a mile away is a great steel zeppelin. It looks like someone welded a bunch of pipes together then added steel plating. It was at least 3 times bigger then out fort, with 12 spotlights radiating blinding light from it. I reached for my walkie talkie.. "We're being invaded! Man your defenses!" I yelled. Soldiers rushed out of their tents in a panic and started manning AA turrets. "Attention terrorists, surrender and forfeit your weapons now or you will be repurposed." Speakers coming from the Blimp said, on the left side of the zeppelin was a arrow with two other arrows pointing out, in a blue circle. It's the Dashikin Military. AA turrets started firing at the zeppelin but to no use. The bullets were exploding mid-air beneath the zeppelin or just flat out changed direction. It retaliated back and shot the AA turrets out, viciously exploding them into heaps of shrapnel. It then shot down Gas bombs. I quickly put my gas mask on, but most of the fort was already caught off guard. "It's useless retaliating, sooner or later you all will be captured." The voice from the zeppelin kept saying. That is when ground forces started to attack the wall. The wall was already weak, being made out of spiked logs. It was not expected to be attacked on a large scale. The also acted as smoke, but I managed to still kill a couple of the Dashikins flooding in. It was not enough to stop the invasion. There was only a few of us left. They weren't shooting however, they were trying to get close to up with shields to block out bullets. One of them gotten close, I ran out of bullets so I grabbed my hatchet and waited for his attack. He grabbed a mace and swinged for the head, but went to far back. I easily dodged it to the left and with all my strength stuck the hatchet into his head, at least 3 inches deep. I thought he was dead but he then backhanded me with his shield and knocked me on the ground, my hatchet still in his head. "Impossible!" I yelled but it was far too late as I saw the mace quickly approach my head.

    Nonnebakken Castle, 4:01 AM

    I woke up handcuffed and dizzied, with my left eye bandaged. I see a man who looked different from the soldiers, not even human looking. I only see a blur however. "Commander Carrion, this one's awake." One of these soldiers says to him. My vision starts to clear up. "Finally, he has the strength to go through the procedure." I assume that's a fancier term for interrogation, but my head is not well in its current state. "The Hell are you talking about? What did you do with everyone else? Who are you?" I began spewing questions. "That doesn't matter, I know your name is Sven, you're 20 and wasting your life in a rebellion full of idiots, literally. It's disgusting how you could be given everything and all the knowledge opportunities to learn, and you decide to play viking hundreds of years after they died. But we're evil for wanting to help you?" My vision finally clears up and I get a good look at him and my surroundings.
    the world's longest description of a character's appearance
    The top half above his nose is just blank steel, with his left eye being just flat steel. His right however is what looks like a dark hole that seems bottomless, with nothing in it. On top of his head is what looks like 6 cylinders, each one placed symmetrically and Petrudes 3 inches out of his head. His left arm is a normal mechanical arm, but his right arm is human. But coming from the forearm is this strange, mutated creature that completely covers his elbow and down. It has 7 eyes, 3 on each side and on the middle and a tri-jaw mouth where his hand should be. It looks like flesh, but with wires and tubes coming in and out of it and a tablet screen on the left side of it. He's wearing a long, black leather duster coat with golden buttons on it.
    I looked up and saw the zeppelin, the name on it is visible. In print saying 'Iron Sky'.
    "You monster, you'll pay for what you've done!" I said, he simply looked at me and said "But I haven't even done anything yet, in fact most of your friends are alive, but that doesn't mean they'll get easier fates. Dashikin torture never fails on bottom feeders. How do you think we got your name? You can transport him up now, I need some sleep. We'll start out push to the mountain soon enough." I could do nothing but hopelessly watch the fort get taken and reinforced as I was taken to the zeppelin.

    Ooc: this rp took WAY too long to make
    2 people like this post: The Ursian Empire, TGN
    « Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 02:14:56 AM by Waggleton »
    Today's post is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the post description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
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  • In Jelling, 150,000 armoured troops arrive off of the transporting ships further away from the coast, flanked by 200 ‘Snow husky’ armoured vehicles. The troops form within hours and Gabriel Miller sits in his tent, meeting with the garrison leaders. He continues his conversation. “We’ve been told to meet with dashiki officers going north, now we’ve past ‘fashionably late’ so I recommend we hurry up.” He gets up, signalling the others to do the same and leave.

    By nightfall the army is moving north weary of the svippish landscape around them before. The snow huskies lead and some scout ahead to check the landscape. Gabriel carries his rifle wearily at hand as they start reaching the hostile border. 

    (O.O.C) very slightly late to the party eh?
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  • In transit, Stigyan Imperial Air Force VTOL #J457.

    Beinlaus opened his eyes after bring knocked out when he was forcibly taken away to save his life. He realized he was flying in what had to be a Stigyan ship long with the two royal guards who carried him out and some Stigyan elites.
    “Where are we going?” He asked one of his guards.

    “To the Triumvirate. Word is WARPP is massing a huge force to counterstrike and retake our nation, with you as the true Fylkir.”

    Solitas Air Base, Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Soon after this dialogue did the VTOL arrive at the Solitas Air Base without incident. Waiting for the true Fylkir's arrival included Emperor Roxas, Team KMSN, and Beinlaus' holy order team, HOH Jakob.

    During this transit, each nation's specialty team made acquaintanceship with one another, the four conversing with the seven minus one. Unlike Team KMSN, HOH Jakob was clearly governed by a form of hierarchy, the top of which mantled by Mavrekkr Saemiksson, their "stormeistari" or grandmaster. After basic introductions from each member, Mavrekkr led the conversation with Team KMSN, discussing team specialties and tactical approaches concerning Haithabu.

    "For the success of both of our nations and their warfighters, I believe it would be most beneficial for us to work in conjunction with one another. Our speciality is in raids and ambushes; small scale, sudden attacks purposed to overwhelm a small force of enemies at a time. Depending on your team's specialties, we can work together to clear out the Stahl Industries HQ in Haithabu."
    (OOC, Svipjoth gave me approval to revamp the meeting of the teams a bit so here it goes.)

    Obsidian Legion Headquarters, Solitas.

    Beinlaus' VTOL landed at the HQ and as he exited he quickly realized there were several people waiting for them, including Roxas, The remainder of HOH Jakob, and four commandos that looked vaguely familiar.

    "Beinlaus, I'm sorry to hear about your father." Roxas said sadly. "But we're on a strict timeline. The four behind me are team KMSN, my top team of handpicked warriors. KMSN, this is HOH Jakob, holy order of the true Fylkir. If you'll all follow me we have a lot of work to do." 

    The group walked to the war room. The KMSN team leader approached Beinlaus to break the ice. "It's an honor to meet you again, although I wish it was under better circumstances."

    Beinlaus nodded in agreement. "I thought you looked familiar, we met at the party here at the citadel after my father crushed the rogues in UUE right?"

    "That we did, although im not injured this time." KMSN 1st officer and "interrogation specialist" Chase added as she played with a switchblade."

    Roxas opened the door to the war room and everyone gathered around as a holographic map of the city appeared. "For weeks forces have been building to retake Haithabu. However our chances just got much better. An Ursian raiding team sabotaged key anti-air and outer city defenses while rescuing captured Stahl workers. The main force will attack hard and fast, led by WARPP Co-director Mattlock Deftinwolf on the ground and 3 airships including the Gail Arbor. Maverkkr has described the holy orders tactics and we can work with it. KMSN and HOH will work together and assault the Stahl Headquarters directly. HOH Jacob will go in with the ground troops and KMSN will be inserted by stealth dropship to roof the building to attack from the bottom up. KMSN will be dropped off by Stealth Vtol on the roof and go down."

    Everyone nodded in agreement as he continued. "KMSN, HOH Jacob. Your team is now one. Going forward you'll be the tip of the spear on all major operations. As of this moment you are brothers and sisters, watch each others backs and get this done!" Team KMSN Saluted and everyone started to head out Roxas stopped Chase. "The Ursian raiders showed weakness and spared a high ranking rebel officer named Halfdan at Stahl HQ, should the opportunity arrive I want you correct that weakness."

    Chase gave him a wicked smile. "It will be a genuine pleasure Your Grace."
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Hvithaar Hall, Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    An impatient rhythm of tapping fingers echo throughout the spacious war room, Lukas' furrowed brows and death glare sending his attending generals into a silent panic. He let out a long, controlled exhale, before straightening out his posture. The tapping stopped.

    "Two sudden sieges at the same time, how inconvenient. Though the Spireans have Aldeigjuborg, that is worthless compared to this event."

    Lukas looks again at the map, glancing between Helsing and Melkorka.

    "I will tolerate neither of these attempts at sieges. Have the long distance missiles in Uppsala and Birka targeted towards those Naragian racial supremacists. As for the Joslisonorians and the Greenlanders... send the majority of our men there. Flank the Joslisonorians from the West, launch anti-air projectiles from the mountains of Jarnkjoptur. I want all of their bullshit floating ducks sunken. Let them crush the foot soldiers below. And you, call Lyons. Let him know to launch the operation."

    The generals excused themselves promptly following the commands of their Fylkir, making a swift exit. Making a stomp-ridden stride back towards the throne room, he sat on the throne and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and huffing. He collected his breath in his darkness, with only the the softness of a damp towelette above his brow breaking his meditation. 

    Princess Kjolvor Thorgilssdottir gently wiped the exasperated brow of Lukas. She had been with him since the liberation of Melkorka, her father assigning her to travel with him as his companion as a gratuity. While of nobility herself, she humbled herself to the role of a personal maid, finding the care of her Fylkir satisfactory to keep her father in good standing. 

    "My Fylkir, the days have begun to lengthen and the new year comes during your reign. The heavens attest to your victory, so need you not worry. May I run you a bath?"

    Lukas remained stoic as she spoke, not breaking contact as she withdrew the towelette. He kept his response from her, instead lifting his hand to cup her cheek and pulling her down to kiss her. As they parted lips, he whispered,

    "If the sun conquers the night and if the new year comes, then the heavens must also attest to a new baby, an heir to this new lineage. Will you be my queen?"

    Kjolvor could only nod as her eyes became overwhelmed with tears and fell into Lukas' seated embrace.

    Solitas Air Base, Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Hundreds of airships sat dormant, condensed together in their preparation for invading Svipjoth. Stigyan foot soldiers rub shoulders as many men and women rushed to load them with their necessary rations and ammunitions.

    As this organized chaos took place, Team KMSN and HOH Jakob sat together in a circle, playing cards as their last forseeable reprieve. Sjo slammed her card into the pile, cheering loudly as she won her second round in a row. As she hollered in delight, Agni rolled his eyes and gestured towards Koza,

    "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to start taking back my country already. I'm tired of just sitting here."

    Agni would have continued to grumble, were it not for the shoulder grip Kormak gave him. He only needed to give one grunt before Agni went quiet.

    As Benedikt shuffled the cards for another round, Marjetta talked with Chase, sharing a small bottle of Eldvatn with her,

    "Y'know Chase, I think you're gonna like Haithabu. The weather is just right and there'll be many a rebel to slaughter. Their blood will match nicely with Lukas' stupid flag."

    Finally, in yet another side conversation, Beinlaus looked up to Mavrekkr as he stood from the circle,

    "Excuse me for a moment, I need to use one of the Stigyan's fangled phones to confirm our invasion with the Gausians."


    The old, battle-hardened grandmaster heard the numbness in Beinlaus' voice, bending back down,

    "Listen to me, Beinlaus. I know this is an engagement like no other that you've had before. Everything was against others and now, you're against your own people. Your father had to go through that same pain. Beinlaus, you are truly, literally, following in his footsteps. He smiles upon you, reunited with our creator. You'll be able to show him and Hvitakristr how strong you are."

    Smiling, Mavrekkr stood back up and walked away, leaving Beinlaus. Taking a short breath, Beinlaus put his hand out towards Benedikt,

    "I'm in for another round. We only got an hour left anyway."
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  • Hvithaar Hall, Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    An impatient rhythm of tapping fingers echo throughout the spacious war room, Lukas' furrowed brows and death glare sending his attending generals into a silent panic. He let out a long, controlled exhale, before straightening out his posture. The tapping stopped.

    "Two sudden sieges at the same time, how inconvenient. Though the Spireans have Aldeigjuborg, that is worthless compared to this event."

    Lukas looks again at the map, glancing between Helsing and Melkorka.

    "I will tolerate neither of these attempts at sieges. Have the long distance missiles in Uppsala and Birka targeted towards those Naragian racial supremacists. As for the Joslisonorians and the Greenlanders... send the majority of our men there. Flank the Joslisonorians from the West, launch anti-air projectiles from the mountains of Jarnkjoptur. I want all of their bullshit floating ducks sunken. Let them crush the foot soldiers below. And you, call Lyons. Let him know to launch the operation."

    The generals excused themselves promptly following the commands of their Fylkir, making a swift exit. Making a stomp-ridden stride back towards the throne room, he sat on the throne and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and huffing. He collected his breath in his darkness, with only the the softness of a damp towelette above his brow breaking his meditation.

    Princess Kjolvor Thorgilssdottir gently wiped the exasperated brow of Lukas. She had been with him since the liberation of Melkorka, her father assigning her to travel with him as his companion as a gratuity. While of nobility herself, she humbled herself to the role of a personal maid, finding the care of her Fylkir satisfactory to keep her father in good standing.

    "My Fylkir, the days have begun to lengthen and the new year comes during your reign. The heavens attest to your victory, so need you not worry. May I run you a bath?"

    Lukas remained stoic as she spoke, not breaking contact as she withdrew the towelette. He kept his response from her, instead lifting his hand to cup her cheek and pulling her down to kiss her. As they parted lips, he whispered,

    "If the sun conquers the night and if the new year comes, then the heavens must also attest to a new baby, an heir to this new lineage. Will you be my queen?"

    Kjolvor could only nod as her eyes became overwhelmed with tears and fell into Lukas' seated embrace.

    Solitas Air Base, Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Hundreds of airships sat dormant, condensed together in their preparation for invading Svipjoth. Stigyan foot soldiers rub shoulders as many men and women rushed to load them with their necessary rations and ammunitions.

    As this organized chaos took place, Team KMSN and HOH Jakob sat together in a circle, playing cards as their last forseeable reprieve. Sjo slammed her card into the pile, cheering loudly as she won her second round in a row. As she hollered in delight, Agni rolled his eyes and gestured towards Koza,

    "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to start taking back my country already. I'm tired of just sitting here."

    Agni would have continued to grumble, were it not for the shoulder grip Kormak gave him. He only needed to give one grunt before Agni went quiet.

    As Benedikt shuffled the cards for another round, Marjetta talked with Chase, sharing a small bottle of Eldvatn with her,

    "Y'know Chase, I think you're gonna like Haithabu. The weather is just right and there'll be many a rebel to slaughter. Their blood will match nicely with Lukas' stupid flag."

    Finally, in yet another side conversation, Beinlaus looked up to Mavrekkr as he stood from the circle,

    "Excuse me for a moment, I need to use one of the Stigyan's fangled phones to confirm our invasion with the Gausians."


    The old, battle-hardened grandmaster heard the numbness in Beinlaus' voice, bending back down,

    "Listen to me, Beinlaus. I know this is an engagement like no other that you've had before. Everything was against others and now, you're against your own people. Your father had to go through that same pain. Beinlaus, you are truly, literally, following in his footsteps. He smiles upon you, reunited with our creator. You'll be able to show him and Hvitakristr how strong you are."

    Smiling, Mavrekkr stood back up and walked away, leaving Beinlaus. Taking a short breath, Beinlaus put his hand out towards Benedikt,

    "I'm in for another round. We only got an hour left anyway."

    Helsing Naragian Base camp.

    The Narag Army knew long before hand The Missiles Were Coming Thanks to Elysia Silvia's information Network. Astril grins From his Flagship. "Prepare to Shoot Down hostile Projectiles.... Let us give Lukas a Taste of true Despair.... Tell Fortress Narag To Activate The Wraith Cannon and Fire Close enough To Uppsala To Cause fear and panic.... I know just where to hit... The Domstool Glacier and the Surrounding mountains. Level them." As The missles come 78.3241% Are shot down miles away from their target And one of the Ones to hit hits the Cruiser Yami Blowing her in half. The Narag Resume the Siege as if nothing happened But this time They start targeting Cultural Sites As They have leveled most of the military Industry already.

    Astril looks to his Personal Comms. “Elysia please leave Svipjoth… even if it is temporary. If Our Allies find out what you did I would have a Hard time getting the Kristan To protect you.”

    Elysia sighs on the other end of the Comms. “I am not helpless Astril. The Queen of the Underworld could not have become that if she was helpless. Don’t worry I will keep the information flowing through intermediaries.”

    Fortress Narag Strategic Command District.

    "Plan Alpha is a Go. Cannon is primed and ready to Fire. Imputing Coordinates. Fire in the Hole." The Cannon Fires causing a Shockwave to Fly out. The Projectile Flies at high speed North West.

    Uppsala, Uppsala.

    In the Sky above Uppsala beautiful Star of raw mana Flys by the People would be amazed but its radiance. As if fell over the Horizon The Realized in horror That it was not a star But a Weapon... The mountain And Domstool Glacier Erupt in Hell Fire. The Night sky is as bright as day For almost ten whole minutes as The Energy Dissipates. A Horrible Violet Glow Covers all of Uppsala. A Message is sent from an Unknown Location. "Sorry Lukas. But It seems My people are not playing around. Don't worry Astril Agreed To protect our Children. PS The Narag Can not Fire The Cannon Again For a few weeks. Give it your best to Repel Them From Helsing. Not that you have a chance with my brother leading. Love Elysia Silvia." The Message is left on his desk While he is in the throne room. It is in perfect Svipish.

    Helsing south Entrance.
    Elysia is helping Evacuate Civilians from Helsing. “Quickly My transports will get you To Uppsala.” 
    A group of farmers walk up to her. “Bless you Elysia. You better escape too. We would feel horrible if you did not.”

    Elysia smiles. “Helsing has always treated me well since I moved here. Please be safe Mr. Erik. I will have the cultural relics protected.”

    The old man smiles before departing. “Do not worry there is enough space for everyone.” She says as the evacuation continues.
    « Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 05:19:28 PM by Worgus »
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • The small group of rebels found earlier had been decimated, roughly 10 kilometers away from the Melkorka a base had been set up and a small group of soldiers made their way into the mountains. As the advance towards the city, they set up their camp. As they take a small rest the army gets their armies ready and splits up. Kara was ordered to take Melkorka with Joslisornia. The soldiers leave and an attack helicopter moves towards the city, it flys into the heart of the city, searching for any signs of movement. “All clear, advance.” The rest of the army and Chem tanks advance on the city and find the Jos soldiers. Gjolker searchers for the commander.
    I’m probably on NS lol
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    Hvithaar Hall, Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    An impatient rhythm of tapping fingers echo throughout the spacious war room, Lukas' furrowed brows and death glare sending his attending generals into a silent panic. He let out a long, controlled exhale, before straightening out his posture. The tapping stopped.

    "Two sudden sieges at the same time, how inconvenient. Though the Spireans have Aldeigjuborg, that is worthless compared to this event."

    Lukas looks again at the map, glancing between Helsing and Melkorka.

    "I will tolerate neither of these attempts at sieges. Have the long distance missiles in Uppsala and Birka targeted towards those Naragian racial supremacists. As for the Joslisonorians and the Greenlanders... send the majority of our men there. Flank the Joslisonorians from the West, launch anti-air projectiles from the mountains of Jarnkjoptur. I want all of their bullshit floating ducks sunken. Let them crush the foot soldiers below. And you, call Lyons. Let him know to launch the operation."

    The generals excused themselves promptly following the commands of their Fylkir, making a swift exit. Making a stomp-ridden stride back towards the throne room, he sat on the throne and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and huffing. He collected his breath in his darkness, with only the the softness of a damp towelette above his brow breaking his meditation.

    Princess Kjolvor Thorgilssdottir gently wiped the exasperated brow of Lukas. She had been with him since the liberation of Melkorka, her father assigning her to travel with him as his companion as a gratuity. While of nobility herself, she humbled herself to the role of a personal maid, finding the care of her Fylkir satisfactory to keep her father in good standing.

    "My Fylkir, the days have begun to lengthen and the new year comes during your reign. The heavens attest to your victory, so need you not worry. May I run you a bath?"

    Lukas remained stoic as she spoke, not breaking contact as she withdrew the towelette. He kept his response from her, instead lifting his hand to cup her cheek and pulling her down to kiss her. As they parted lips, he whispered,

    "If the sun conquers the night and if the new year comes, then the heavens must also attest to a new baby, an heir to this new lineage. Will you be my queen?"

    Kjolvor could only nod as her eyes became overwhelmed with tears and fell into Lukas' seated embrace.
    (OOC: I hate everything about this woman and am willing to do anything to stop her.)

    Near Melkorka, 10 KM's Away
    Ariah had spent the 2 days recovering, but she recovered fast. She had also been taught by Dashikins on how to use her new high-tech robotic arm, equipped with a plasma blade and light wrist mini-gun. Now she was ready to go back to Melkorka, and finish it off. She had 25 juggernauts, and now, a minor air support team, for launching 10,000 paratroopers and gunning down soldiers. But Ariah was the man asset. She, Empress of Joslisonoria, direct descendent of Virum Waeim, was about to shred some Svipish rebels.
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Helsing, svipjoth

    The spirean army had finally arrived near Helsing, they first build a temporary HQ where they set up a forcefield against aerial attacks, secondly Salman now in command of the forces ordered that the city would be spared from bombardment due to the high industrial potential, secondly salman ordered that the city be surrounded and that every citizen escaping from the city would be kept in a newly built refugee camp with free access to food and medical assistance. The third and final order was to storm the city with everything at the same time. 

    200 thousand wizards, 150k by land and 50k in the air, along with 13k ice golems capable of throwing gigantic javelins, and 2k living tanks. This is the size of the force who started sorrounding the city and moving to encircle it. 10k wizards stayed in the rear, ready for any ambush or aerial attack.
    Holy Spire
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  • The Kiddian forces in the Storrmork Taiga were having moderate success. They had taken several towns north and west of the Svart Bay, but their efforts to go east had been stopped again and again. Interestingly enough, though, while traveling along the eastern front, troops had reportedly discovered markings left on walls and destroyed convoys. Pictures taken of the scenes showed drawings of a shield with the Svipish cross rotated 90 degrees clockwise within it. Kiddian leadership dismissed it, until one day, when a scouting party was watching a convoy traveling a road leading to Haithabu, when the lead truck exploded. The next few vehicles were either caught by the explosion or crashed into. The convoy stopped, and Lukas’s soldiers ran out, panicking, only to be picked off by snipers. Strange troops, outfitted with an assortment of different clothing ran out and finished off the convoy.
    “Guerilla forces…” One of the scouts muttered. The party immediately reported the incident, where it was decided that the Ghost Corpsman traveling with this front would follow this resistance force and attempt to meet with them. 
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  • In Jelling, 150,000 armoured troops arrive off of the transporting ships further away from the coast, flanked by 200 ‘Snow husky’ armoured vehicles. The troops form within hours and Gabriel Miller sits in his tent, meeting with the garrison leaders. He continues his conversation. “We’ve been told to meet with dashiki officers going north, now we’ve past ‘fashionably late’ so I recommend we hurry up.” He gets up, signalling the others to do the same and leave.

    By nightfall the army is moving north weary of the svippish landscape around them before. The snow huskies lead and some scout ahead to check the landscape. Gabriel carries his rifle wearily at hand as they start reaching the hostile border.

    (O.O.C) very slightly late to the party eh?
    As they approach the now ruined fort with the Iron Sky above, a deafening horn is played as disorienting spotlights are shined on the Heartlanders. A booming voice plays from the zeppelin. "Took you long enough, whoever the commanding role in your squad here, I'd like to request you report to me. I'll be arroving shortly." 
    As Gabriel arrives in the fort, they see a commander walk out of the helicopter. His duster being blown by the propeller. "I assume you're the esteemed guest. I'm Tyrak Carrion, captain and commander of the Iron Sky. And you are?" He starts walking him into a tent with a flimsy desk and lawn chairs in it, as well as a TV. Outside the Gausburgian soldiers are greeted by the Dashikins.
    Today's post is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the post description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
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  • Helsing Naragian Base camp.

    The Narag Army knew long before hand The Missiles Were Coming Thanks to Elysia Silvia's information Network. Astril grins From his Flagship. "Prepare to Shoot Down hostile Projectiles.... Let us give Lukas a Taste of true Despair.... Tell Fortress Narag To Activate The Wraith Cannon and Fire Close enough To Uppsala To Cause fear and panic.... I know just where to hit... The Domstool Glacier and the Surrounding mountains. Level them." As The missles come 78.3241% Are shot down miles away from their target And one of the Ones to hit hits the Cruiser Yami Blowing her in half. The Narag Resume the Siege as if nothing happened But this time They start targeting Cultural Sites As They have leveled most of the military Industry already.

    Astril looks to his Personal Comms. “Elysia please leave Svipjoth… even if it is temporary. If Our Allies find out what you did I would have a Hard time getting the Kristan To protect you.”

    Elysia sighs on the other end of the Comms. “I am not helpless Astril. The Queen of the Underworld could not have become that if she was helpless. Don’t worry I will keep the information flowing through intermediaries.”

    Fortress Narag Strategic Command District.

    "Plan Alpha is a Go. Cannon is primed and ready to Fire. Imputing Coordinates. Fire in the Hole." The Cannon Fires causing a Shockwave to Fly out. The Projectile Flies at high speed North West.

    Uppsala, Uppsala.

    In the Sky above Uppsala beautiful Star of raw mana Flys by the People would be amazed but its radiance. As if fell over the Horizon The Realized in horror That it was not a star But a Weapon... The mountain And Domstool Glacier Erupt in Hell Fire. The Night sky is as bright as day For almost ten whole minutes as The Energy Dissipates. A Horrible Violet Glow Covers all of Uppsala. A Message is sent from an Unknown Location. "Sorry Lukas. But It seems My people are not playing around. Don't worry Astril Agreed To protect our Children. PS The Narag Can not Fire The Cannon Again For a few weeks. Give it your best to Repel Them From Helsing. Not that you have a chance with my brother leading. Love Elysia Silvia." The Message is left on his desk While he is in the throne room. It is in perfect Svipish.
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    Lukas could only stare in frozen shock, eyes widened and jaw slightly agape as the Domstoll Mountains, a place of the utmost religious and cultural heritage of Svipjoth, was eviscerated in its entirely, the only sign of its removal being the apocalyptic violet sky.

    His generals and assistants stood behind him, trying but failing to come up with any words. This silence was soon interrupted by the hoarse, enraged screaming of Lukas. Turning around, his face red and his tears unrestrained in their flow from his eyes, Lukas shoved everything off his war room desk in unadulterated anger. Lifting his arms and slamming them on the desk, breaking it in half, he yelled,


    Within minutes, the philosopher's stone was set up and a broadcast was made, televised across Svipjoth with special attention made to Helsing and to all the WARPP leaders involved in the civil war. The broadcast showed the full destruction of the Domstoll Mountains, and unlike before, Lukas made no effort to hide his tears nor anger,

    "Just now, an ultra destructive beam, believed to have been from Fort Narag and therefore of Naragian technology, destroyed the Domstoll Mountains. In case you aren't aware or never bothered to research our history before becoming involved in this civil war, those mountains were of the greatest religious and cultural value of our nation. Across the mountain span, it held our ancient rune caves, carvings that each Fylkir has traditionally continued, illustrating the legacy of Svipjoth and the miracles of Grjotgardism. In your reckless pursuit to involve yourselves in something that was not yours to own in the beginning, you have destroyed something not only sacred to me, but sacred to the people you claim to help.

    Each one of you that continue to interfere have continued to prove your repulsive interests and lust for utter destruction, and this travesty is the pinnacle of this greed. Astril Narag, I pray to all that is holy that you are punished for what you have done."


    Helsing, Finnbygdir, Svipjoth
    Within hours of that broadcast, Helsing began to riot. Supporters and opponents of Lukas alike began to violently protest the Naragian presence in the city. Fueled already by the destruction of their jobs and homes, Naragian flags were ripped from their poles and burned, Naragian weapon supplies sabotaged, Naragian buildings and vehicles vandalized, and Naragian soldiers lynched indiscriminately. Even the Holy Spireans were treated with disdain and reluctance, knowing their intimate ties to the New Naragian Empire.

    Outside of the city, commanded by the passionate voice of Lukas himself, more frequent and heavier attacks were relayed against the Naragian forces. Targeting their wraith gun and the ships, each bullet shell was powered by the burning hatred of the Svipish people.

    Within the Naragian base camp, as Astril's deadly decision was catching up to him, he received a telegram from Beinlaus himself, addressed from The Stigyan Triumvirate and containing only one sentence in perfect Naragian:

    "Get the fuck out of my country."

    The small group of rebels found earlier had been decimated, roughly 10 kilometers away from the Melkorka a base had been set up and a small group of soldiers made their way into the mountains. As the advance towards the city, they set up their camp. As they take a small rest the army gets their armies ready and splits up. Kara was ordered to take Melkorka with Joslisornia. The soldiers leave and an attack helicopter moves towards the city, it flys into the heart of the city, searching for any signs of movement. “All clear, advance.” The rest of the army and Chem tanks advance on the city and find the Jos soldiers. Gjolker searchers for the commander.
    Near Melkorka, 10 KM's Away
    Ariah had spent the 2 days recovering, but she recovered fast. She had also been taught by Dashikins on how to use her new high-tech robotic arm, equipped with a plasma blade and light wrist mini-gun. Now she was ready to go back to Melkorka, and finish it off. She had 25 juggernauts, and now, a minor air support team, for launching 10,000 paratroopers and gunning down soldiers. But Ariah was the man asset. She, Empress of Joslisonoria, direct descendent of Virum Waeim, was about to shred some Svipish rebels.
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    The siege remained unmoving, neither side favored as carnage and chaos engulfed the city and its surrounding landscape. Though outnumbered currently, the 350k soldiers stationed in Melkorka fought with calculated resolved, emboldened by the news of the Domstoll Mountains to fight smarter and harder against the enemy. They know that another 1.5 million would be arriving soon, and that will be enough to push the tide.

    Meanwhile, accomanying Kara, Gjolker, and their entourage is Geiseric, stoic and quiet as always. They slowly made their way through Melkorka's downtown district when they were ambushed by a group of Lukas' soldiers, outnumbering them four to one. Finding cover amidst the rubble, the Greenlanders fought back with equal if not greater velocity. As they fought, Gjolker was flanked by an enemy soldier. A gunshot fired, but it was the soldier that was staggered, his torso viscerally bleeding from what seemed to be a gunshot wound. Gjolker looked to his right; he saw Geiseric there, the smoke rising from his lifted shotgun as Geiseric then charged the soldier, slamming his war axe through the soldier's skull.
    1 person likes this post: TGN
    « Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 02:40:23 AM by Svipjoth »
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Helsing Naragian Base camp.

    The Narag Army knew long before hand The Missiles Were Coming Thanks to Elysia Silvia's information Network. Astril grins From his Flagship. "Prepare to Shoot Down hostile Projectiles.... Let us give Lukas a Taste of true Despair.... Tell Fortress Narag To Activate The Wraith Cannon and Fire Close enough To Uppsala To Cause fear and panic.... I know just where to hit... The Domstool Glacier and the Surrounding mountains. Level them." As The missles come 78.3241% Are shot down miles away from their target And one of the Ones to hit hits the Cruiser Yami Blowing her in half. The Narag Resume the Siege as if nothing happened But this time They start targeting Cultural Sites As They have leveled most of the military Industry already.

    Astril looks to his Personal Comms. “Elysia please leave Svipjoth… even if it is temporary. If Our Allies find out what you did I would have a Hard time getting the Kristan To protect you.”

    Elysia sighs on the other end of the Comms. “I am not helpless Astril. The Queen of the Underworld could not have become that if she was helpless. Don’t worry I will keep the information flowing through intermediaries.”

    Fortress Narag Strategic Command District.

    "Plan Alpha is a Go. Cannon is primed and ready to Fire. Imputing Coordinates. Fire in the Hole." The Cannon Fires causing a Shockwave to Fly out. The Projectile Flies at high speed North West.

    Uppsala, Uppsala.

    In the Sky above Uppsala beautiful Star of raw mana Flys by the People would be amazed but its radiance. As if fell over the Horizon The Realized in horror That it was not a star But a Weapon... The mountain And Domstool Glacier Erupt in Hell Fire. The Night sky is as bright as day For almost ten whole minutes as The Energy Dissipates. A Horrible Violet Glow Covers all of Uppsala. A Message is sent from an Unknown Location. "Sorry Lukas. But It seems My people are not playing around. Don't worry Astril Agreed To protect our Children. PS The Narag Can not Fire The Cannon Again For a few weeks. Give it your best to Repel Them From Helsing. Not that you have a chance with my brother leading. Love Elysia Silvia." The Message is left on his desk While he is in the throne room. It is in perfect Svipish.
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    Lukas could only stare in frozen shock, eyes widened and jaw slightly agape as the Domstoll Mountains, a place of the utmost religious and cultural heritage of Svipjoth, was eviscerated in its entirely, the only sign of its removal being the apocalyptic violet sky.

    His generals and assistants stood behind him, trying but failing to come up with any words. This silence was soon interrupted by the hoarse, enraged screaming of Lukas. Turning around, his face red and his tears unrestrained in their flow from his eyes, Lukas shoved everything off his war room desk in unadulterated anger. Lifting his arms and slamming them on the desk, breaking it in half, he yelled,


    Within minutes, the philosopher's stone was set up and a broadcast was made, televised across Svipjoth with special attention made to Helsing and to all the WARPP leaders involved in the civil war. The broadcast showed the full destruction of the Domstoll Mountains, and unlike before, Lukas made no effort to hide his tears nor anger,

    "Just now, an ultra destructive beam, believed to have been from Helsing and therefore of Naragian technology, destroyed the Domstoll Mountains. In case you aren't aware or never bothered to research our history before becoming involved in this civil war, those mountains were of the greatest religious and cultural value of our nation. Across the mountain span, it held our ancient rune caves, carvings that each Fylkir has traditionally continued, illustrating the legacy of Svipjoth and the miracles of Grjotgardism. In your reckless pursuit to involve yourselves in something that was not yours to own in the beginning, you have destroyed something not only sacred to me, but sacred to the people you claim to help.

    Each one of you that continue to interfere have continued to prove your repulsive interests and lust for utter destruction, and this travesty is the pinnacle of this greed. Astril Narag, I pray to all that is holy that you are punished for what you have done."


    Helsing, Finnbygdir, Svipjoth
    Within hours of that broadcast, Helsing began to riot. Supporters and opponents of Lukas alike began to violently protest the Naragian presence in the city. Fueled already by the destruction of their jobs and homes, Naragian flags were ripped from their poles and burned, Naragian weapon supplies sabotaged, Naragian buildings and vehicles vandalized, and Naragian soldiers lynched indiscriminately. Even the Holy Spireans were treated with disdain and reluctance, knowing their intimate ties to the New Naragian Empire.

    Outside of the city, commanded by the passionate voice of Lukas himself, more frequent and heavier attacks were relayed against the Naragian forces. Targeting their wraith gun and the ships, each bullet shell was powered by the burning hatred of the Svipish people.

    Within the Naragian base camp, as Astril's deadly decision was catching up to him, he received a telegram from Beinlaus himself, addressed from The Stigyan Triumvirate and containing only one sentence in perfect Naragian:

    "Get the fuck out of my country."

    The small group of rebels found earlier had been decimated, roughly 10 kilometers away from the Melkorka a base had been set up and a small group of soldiers made their way into the mountains. As the advance towards the city, they set up their camp. As they take a small rest the army gets their armies ready and splits up. Kara was ordered to take Melkorka with Joslisornia. The soldiers leave and an attack helicopter moves towards the city, it flys into the heart of the city, searching for any signs of movement. “All clear, advance.” The rest of the army and Chem tanks advance on the city and find the Jos soldiers. Gjolker searchers for the commander.
    Near Melkorka, 10 KM's Away
    Ariah had spent the 2 days recovering, but she recovered fast. She had also been taught by Dashikins on how to use her new high-tech robotic arm, equipped with a plasma blade and light wrist mini-gun. Now she was ready to go back to Melkorka, and finish it off. She had 25 juggernauts, and now, a minor air support team, for launching 10,000 paratroopers and gunning down soldiers. But Ariah was the man asset. She, Empress of Joslisonoria, direct descendent of Virum Waeim, was about to shred some Svipish rebels.
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    The siege remained unmoving, neither side favored as carnage and chaos engulfed the city and its surrounding landscape. Though outnumbered currently, the 350k soldiers stationed in Melkorka fought with calculated resolved, emboldened by the news of the Domstoll Mountains to fight smarter and harder against the enemy. They know that another 1.5 million would be arriving soon, and that will be enough to push the tide.

    Meanwhile, accomanying Kara, Gjolker, and their entourage is Geiseric, stoic and quiet as always. They slowly made their way through Melkorka's downtown district when they were ambushed by a group of Lukas' soldiers, outnumbering them four to one. Finding cover amidst the rubble, the Greenlanders fought back with equal if not greater velocity. As they fought, Gjolker was flanked by an enemy soldier. A gunshot fired, but it was the soldier that was staggered, his torso viscerally bleeding from what seemed to be a gunshot wound. Gjolker looked to his right; he saw Geiseric there, the smoke rising from his lifted shotgun as Geiseric then charged the soldier, slamming his war axe through the soldier's skull.
    Kaguya after seeing the speech from lukas immediately sent a letter to astril “Father, do not feel discouraged from the war effort, ignore all negative comments, the site in question wasnt known by us as a cultural site, we had no warning and as so you are not at fault. Keep your fighting spirit for its only going to get harder from now on”, she also sent a small holographic recording to her commanders near hellsing “execute order 221”, from now on all soldiers are permitted to use instant death spells.

    Kaguya sends a letter to beinlaus saying

    “Dear beinlaus, i present my simpathies for the lost of one of your nations cultural sites, this failure however is not fully blameable on the naragians, i donot wish to play the blame game and as so i ask of you to send a map to every warpp nation where locations on such relevant sites are clearly and visibly marked. I claim this is why the naragians accidentally destroyed one, if they had known they wouldnt had attacked it, and as so i present myself to fully pay and assist in its reconstruction and possibly the use of reversal magic if such accusations on naragians were lifted. I await the receival of the map with the relevant locations on which the military shall not cause damage.

    Empress kaguya.”

    Hellsing, svipjoth
    Salman was watching the svipish focusing on the naragian troops out of anger and he decided to take advantage, he ordered the army to attack the city with everything, wizards jumping from rooftop to rooftops avoiding moving in the streets due to the anger of the civilians, their focus is to take the industrial zone and the town hall.
    « Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 01:30:23 AM by Holy Spire »
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