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The Second Svipish Civil War
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    « Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 04:41:28 AM by TGN »
    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • Jelling, Svipjoth

    As soldiers reach the building after securing the southern border with Mozart, they start their search for the ruler of the province. After a hour of searching, they find them. They knock on the door. “Excuse me, Northern Greenlandic armed forces. We request access inside so we can have a word with you.

    OOC: I forgot so much about Jelling lmao
    Jelling, Kaupang, Svipjoth
    Before the guardsmen could even respond, the large oaken doors of the capital slammed open. A woman with a silver tiara and short brown hair strutted out of the building with a confident anger, her deathly glare catching the eyes of the Greenlandic soldiers accompanying Geiseric. She huffed, her breath near akin to smoke as her cheeks were flared with fiery rage.

    "I did not ask for foreign military presence in my kingdom! Who are you? And what is your purpose? Answer me this instant, or I shall jail you for unrightfully entering my lands!"

    Geiseric steps in front of the soldiers, his towering height lending them protection under his shadow, as he booms back,

    "These are men that are trying to protect your kingdom, our country! Are you not aware of the rebels that pace your borders?! They await the chance to violate your land! We need you, as our queen, to take the final, firm step against Lukas in loyalty to your ruler!"

    He met her gaze with a similar passion, his eyes bravely piercing into Queen Otkatla's. They stared silently against each other for what felt like hours until

    "...Fine. I should be disgusted by your insolence towards me, but I am impressed with you instead. Come, I will give you and your Greenlandic friends here refuge. For now. Go ahead, come in, and try to convince me why any side is worth taking."
    The soldiers walk inside. Gjolker lays out a map of the Svipish terrain, there are four main attack plans.The black line is the main force, they follow up the Nordmarr river and split up a few kilometers south of Melkorka. The tan line shows the mountain forces, put in charge of removing rebels in hidden caves and cliffs. The orange is the main attackers and besiegers of Melkorka, an incredibly hostile city, the light pink is places that will be heavily bombed, and the magenta is the marine forces, tasked with taking over the Asbyrgi Lake, Asbyrgi peninsula, and the area around it. The two months the soldiers spent in the city was used to send in soldiers in the make shift barracks. Now their forces were ready. 500 Chem-tanks, 400 stealth bombers. And 500,000 soldiers, 400 being Svipish and 100,000 being apart of the Democratic Forces. Kara Halima was sent to lead the Democratic Forces, it was there she met Geiseric. “Oh, hello. Are you with us or against us?” She asks to the giant man in front of her.
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    « Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 04:02:58 PM by TGN »
    I’m probably on NS lol
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    « Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 11:10:48 AM by Worgus »
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  • Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne.
    Uppsala, Halagoland, Svipjoth.

    Stigyan soldiers in the city knew what the next day would bring, but they had over 200 MK-130 Knight Mechs to take the first wave of the siege, it may just buy them time. Or at least if it would if one of the soldiers didn’t slip into the transmitter on the palace walls and rewrite the combat protocols on the mechs…
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The day of reckoning has finally arrived.

    Sooner than the sun rise from the eastern horizon did Lukas' rebel army abandon their camps and trenches to fully invade the city. Stigyans and loyalist Svips alike stood their ground bravely upon the walls of Uppsala, firing guns and arrows in brotherhood. At first, their defense was delaying the invasion, with many initial casualities taken from Lukas. However, when the proud soldiers of Pjotur thought that their luck was finally turning, the worst that could happen, happened.

    Barely a volley of gunfire had passed when the knight mechs began to malfunction, the best of them entrapping their operators and the worst self-combusting, killing many around them. These explosions helped to expedite the fall of Uppsala's walls, which came crumbing with only one volley of siege fire. If the men and women atop the wall did not die from the knight mechs or from the wall collapse, they were mercilessly executed by the stampeding rebels. The walls turned red in bloodshed as the city proper was now fully exposed to Lukas' command.

    While many a regiments made their way down large streets and small corridors to find any remaining resistance, Lukas and his elites marched straight for Hvithaar Hall.

    Inside Hvithaar Hall
    The royal guard, upon hearing the walls fall, immediately began working to protect the remaining royalty, primarily Pjotur and his heir, Beinlaus. Sweat and tears fell upon the war room map as the stamping of boots and hollers of panic voices filled the palace. Beinlaus could only stand frozen, staring at his weeping father with fear and despair. In his wavering voice, Pjotur rose his head,

    "Beinlaus, my son, come close to me."

    He obediently obeyed his father, leaning down slightly to meet his eye level as his hands were interlocked, unconsciously rubbing one another in an effort to find comfort. Lifting his hands, Pjotur rested them on Beinlaus' broad shoulders, giving them a tender, but tight squeeze.

    "I love you so much, son. You mean the world to me. Alas, you cannot stay here. They will find you, your cousin and his men. They will kill you and I cannot have that. As your father, I must secure your future. I love you."

    Beinlaus' facial expression could not decide between fright and anger as two royal guards suddenly grabbed Beinlaus from either side, restraining him with their strength alone as he was dragged away.

    No words could emerge from Beinlaus' lips. He thrashed, kicked, screamed, and sobbed as the figure of his father eventually disappeared behind the turn of a hallway.

    As Beinlaus was forcibly evacuated from Uppsala, Pjotur stayed amidst the chaos, gathering his panic into stoicism, and walked to his throne, sitting upon it with his hands resting on the sabre his dear friend gifted him so long ago.


    "Uncle. A pleasure to meet you."

    Shortly after the audible fall of a royal guard's limp body, Lukas and his entourage of elite men entered the throne room. As Lukas stood in front of the door way, the elite men stood between the two family members, forming a circle between where their leader stood and where his uncle sat.

    "Despite the circumstances, I want to stay to tradition. Pjotur II Arngrimsson, killer of my father, I challenge you to a duel for the crown!"

    Pjotur listened to his words carefully, cognitively taking every portion with deliberate consideration. Slowly standing and stepping down from his throne, he made a distant approach to Lukas.

    "I accept."

    The two men lunged at one another, swiftly striking each others sabres. The elite men held their Stigyan tech guns with patience, watching the fight unfold before them. It was quickly gathered by both men that they were of equal strength to one another, Pjotur's experience and Lukas' youth. In this equality, the duel was long, each man gaining cuts, bruises, and shallow stab wounds that proved no definitive tide.

    Pjotur's age began to catch with him, his prowess victim to his aging body. With increasingly stunted attacks and slowed responses, Pjotur was continuously hit with Lukas' relentless fighting style.

    At last with a slash across the chest, Pjotur fell onto the floor, the sabre dropped and rolled away from his hand. He labored in breathing as Lukas slowly approached the infirmed Fylkir. His pace was almost a saunter as he then stood above Pjotur's head, pointing his sabre down, the edge lightly touching his neck.

    "Any last words?"

    "...I'm sorry, Grankjell."

    With a sharp downward slice, Lukas' sabre easily cut through Pjotur's neck. His spewing arteries spat blood across the room, droplets accumulating on Lukas' forehead and cheeks as Pjotur went still. Lukas watched as the arteries became lulled in their blood loss, then finally emptied. Kneeling down, Lukas used his index and middle fingers to shut Pjotur's eyes before moving upward to retrieve the Iron Crown. Holding the simplistic, yet ancient symbol of power in his hands, Lukas stood up. Controlling the subtle excited shake in his hands, he gently lifted the crown and placed it on his head, lowering and staring at his hands in disbelief and amazement. Looking to his side, his elite men could only muster a polite clap as he slowly approached the throne, gently climbing the stairs before seating himself. Each of the elite men kneeled to him, his destiny fulfilled and his claim seized.
    Unclaimed Territories, Frigus Cordus
    200 hovercraft began to slowly crawl north, all the way to Hedeby. Following the death of Pjotur, Ariah was enraged. She herself was on the Wuriengber, flagship of Joslisonoria's fleet. Hedeby was the target. And with Hedeby, Melkorka. A heavy assault force would attack, and Ariah would be on the frontline herself. She didn't care if she'd die or not. She was ready. She wore a cyber-battle uniform, with a cape ominously cloaking her. Over 700,000 forces were ready, with 5 Ultraakan Tanks ready as well.

    Castle Orkeitov, St. Ariah, Joslisonoria Heartland
    Telion stood with his hands behind his back, staring at a portrait of his sister. "Please come home," he murmured. Just then Soras walked into the hall Telion was. "Well, brother-in-law," Soras said with a solemn smile. "Shall we?" Telion looked at his sister's husband. "We shall."

    The two of them walked out on a large balcony overseeing the entire city. All over the grand capital a hologram of them was played. "Citizens of Joslisonoria, the war effort in Svipjoth is grim, with the death of Pjotur," began Soras. "But your empress, Ariah III herself, is going to retake Hedeby!", finished Telion. Cheers throughout the city roared, as the two men smiled at each other.
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    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Military base of Aldeigjuburg

    The wizard Salman, the leader of the Nine took personal control of the invasion force, The plan was the following: (Blue lines)

    As spirean troops landed in Aldeigjuburg, they noticed the city was empty, and so decided to rebuild it and fortify it. They ordered that around a million spireans from the homeland came to settle the empty city, for now the city was given the status The City State of Aldeigjuburg lead by an elected mayor. The ministry of magic took controll of one of the building and used it as an HQ starting to train the local population in magic. 

    The rest of the troops moved to controll the many islands and Landed on the mainland, near the delta of the river Herdr and started moving along the river towards helsing. These troops consisted of the elite soldiers of Holy Spire, around 200k wizards, 13k ice golems and 2k Living tanks. While Advancing, they usually sent scouting wizards who flew faster infront of the moving army to try locate hostiles.
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  • Dawn and Breeze

    Stahl Industries HQ, Haithabu, Svipjoth

    The guards amongst the HQ were in a joyful and cheerful mood. In fact the entire city other than the poor workers who survived the initial strike of rebellion were celebrating. Their king, their hero, their savior had just usurped the crown from Pjotur after all. Even in the midst of a WARPP counterattack, it would take months, even years for them to successfully strike back. Traitors in one superpower, advanced technology, the will to fight, and numbers, they even had magic on their side thanks to the Philosopher's Stone. The workers as well helped paved the way for more Stigyan tech to be produced, some new personally decreed tech even ordered by Lukas himself to distance themselves away from the originals for native designs. It was a sight to behold. That certainly was to Halfdan, drinking away with his buddies, toasting to the victory of Uppsala. It was midnight, 12am, and he was by far the happiest drunk in Haithabu. "ONE MORE GOOD SIR, FOR LUKAS HIMSELF," he yelled at the bartender. Hours passed, and all was well.

    Arc Gun Platform 40, Shore Defense Wall, Haithabu, Svipjoth, 3am

    "So how was the party Halfdan," one of Halfdan's subordinates asked as they loaded the electrocyte into the gun. Powerful weapons that could punch through anything, they would destroy any WARPP fleet foolish enough to attempt a landing. While a serious endeavor, the whole crew was laughing, singing songs the entire time they were there. Some shared stories from the frontlines, others of rumors of plans for Svipjoth, even rarer the occasional story of the new technology in the HQ. "Hey Halfdan, do you see that?" one of the soldiers pointed out to the sea. Halfdan looked everywhere but it looked empty. "Ulfr, how drunk are you? I don't see s**t anywhere there," said Halfdan. "Look at the stars," the spotter replied. Halfdan looked as far as he could and noticed that starlight is getting blocked by, something. "Check the radar," Halfdan asked the radar maintenance engineer. Nothing beeped and yet the lack of starlight bothered him. Then, green light erupted from the dark place. "TAKE CO-," Halfdan screamed but it was too late.

    The green light projectile hit the water just before the platform defenses. Even with the apparent "miss" the sheer force of the shell shook the foundations of the shore defenses as it began to rumble. "GET OUT YOU FOOLS," Halfdan yelled as his comrades evacuated as quickly as possible. The walls collapsed as the Svip defense forces looked worriedly at the collapsed section of the defense. One shell had taken out a significant portion of wall, around 20 defense platforms with indirect fire. Halfdan looked at the other soldiers of the other platforms, happy that most of them came out fine with some with minor injuries. He looked up at the areas with no starlight with dread, the place with no starlight was moving, extremely quickly. It passed over the destroyed defenses as Halfdan could only watch with terror. What's worse, he noticed more dark shadows erupting from the large one.

    Makeshift Defense, Outskirts of Stahl Industries HQ, Haithabu, 5am

    Halfdan sweat his head out as he looked from the scope of his Stigyan rifle, procured as an emergency measure from the HQ itself. The workers were ordered to create more defensive weaponry and systems in order to protect the HQ, but even that order did not seem to match what they currently needed. It had been 2 hours since the attack on the shore wall, Halfdan recollecting him being relocated with his squad to the HQ. The reports of the dark shadows were disturbing but gave illumination to them, and information was necessary. Still they were like ghosts. He tried to recall some of the reports he read as the ghosts attacked supply lines and roads to the city. They were sabotaging any form of relief into the city, preparing to break open their defenses like a battering ram. Off the top of his head, he started remembering each individual report.

    A common report were apparently figures wearing circle hats. Even as bullets were fired at them, the figures calmly responded with gazes of heat, so hot like touching a boiling bowl of soup. Others spoke of 4 legged spiders accompanying these figures, creeping around doing who knows what. Even worse were stories of bigger flying 4 legged spiders, armed with the same gaze as the hat wearing figures, as well as a wand that shot green bolts from before. The most horrifying report were giants, apparently smaller than the Stigyan Knight mech, yet far more deadly to face. Some smaller ones flew, others wielded swords and shields. All of them shared the same thing, that gaze and the green bolt. Strangest of all, it seemed there were wraithlike knights walking around them. Fast, strong, and unbeatable even facing 30 Svip men. Yet in all of these, it was noted, no one was killed. Halfdan puzzled all over this. What monsters don't kill? He heard a sound as he looked into the scope again.

    Hat figures in the mist. Halfdan and his squad sighed, this mist also appeared from no where, and too many of the defense forces have gone missing in the fog, probably claimed by these monsters. The hat figures gazed at his squad and beams of red headed their way. Their cover heated up as it began to melt. "FALL BACK TO THE NEXT POSITION," he shouted as he saw three of his squad get struck down by the gaze. He cried as he left them, their bodies unconscious and claimed by the mist. Giants, knights, and the spiders appeared, flying around and swarming the abandoned positions. Anti-armor Arc cannons were positioned on the streets, but to no avail. The giants did not seem to care, and responded in kind with roars that whistled into the air, exploding onto the Arc cannons. Halfdan told his mother years ago he was not scared of anything, and he was right until now.

    He clenched his jaw and attempted to not scream in terror, firing blindly into the fog. One figure in particularly was very eye-catching. A female-like figure, wielding a spear that shot out rays of that green projectile. It destroyed entire streets as the figure turned into the general direction of what it wanted to destroy. Halfdan calmed himself and shot precisely as possible. Yet when he did, he saw his bullets stop, as if the ghost was protected by supernatural forces. He tried to move but he couldn't, as if gravity itself as forced him to stop. He looked around with his eyeballs, looking at another figure, this one hooded and grasping his hands together as if choking somebody towards him. Beside the figure, ring like objects orbited him and a great sword nearly as tall as the figure. Halfdan felt his body go up and was flung closer to his side's forces. He was knocked out cold by the sheer fear.

    Stahl Industries HQ, Haithabu, Svipjoth, 5:50 am

    The more and more Svips who fought this ghostly enemy, the more they realized that this enemy was not truly supernatural at all. The mist had largely subsided and the morning was finally banishing the night away. The hat figures were soldiers, armed with laser rifles of high intensity. The spiders were drones, robots helping soldiers, while the bigger ones carried heavier ordinance. The giants were mechs which could deal with any problem at a given moment, even taking out entrenched tanks with extreme proficiency, or just calling down their own tanks. Even the gifted supernatural knights were merely people in machine like armored suits. The giant dark shadow that caused all this was still hidden amongst the clouds, but even the giant guns had started to appear. All these terrified the defenders more, for what more can this adversary do with what they've displayed so far.

    Halfdan trained his sights on a window inside the building, only knowing of these things 20 minutes ago after being knocked out. Laying down fire on the soldiers armed with laser rifles, he hoped his men were preparing a counterattack somehow. What's worse is that several of the workers have been reported gone or missing, and no one in the entire defense force has known what the invaders have done to them. Halfdan turned around to see one of the knights, but this time different. While all the knights were different, this was adorned in emerald and gold patterns on the silver like armor. The most unique feature, a beetle in the eye of a typhoon, emanating rays of the sun. He took fire with his laser rifle as the knight took its arms up and a green and yellow petal like shield formed, the attack dissapated like nothing.

    Halfdan sighed as he quickly looked around, finding his eyes looking upon an experimental handheld railgun. The knight also looked as his eyes and traced them. Before the knight could figure it out, he quickly took another shot while reaching for the railgun as the knight put up its shield. After a couple of exchanges, the knight dashed forward, but not before Halfdan brought out the railgun and shot the knight square in the face. Bits and pieces cracked as the helmet was blown off but not the knight's head. The bits that were shot off spun into action and flew back behind the knight's back as the knight helmet folded away to display the knight's face. Halfdan was beheld with the sight of quite a beautiful girl, blonde hair and eyes that sparkled like the green plains. It's as if she was a saint personally sent from the heavens. The girl took out her blade as a plasma longsword destroyed the railgun and was put to Halfdan's throat, the girl's eyes sparkled with stoicism. Behind her, a Stigyan worker who was scared with the situation. Halfdan sighed, waiting for death, closing his eyes.

    Yet it did not come. He felt the wind blow against him as both the worker and the girl was gone. He ran outside of the HQ, to the roof to see the clouds parted and truly see what the great shadow was. 6am. A flying battleship, a Vanguard-class specifically, floated above the orange and blue sky of the first light. Its drones and AA missile systems and guns shot down any interceptors in the sky, while hundreds of Ostpuktian mechs as well as planes carried troops to be evacuated out. As the battleship activated its thrusters, speeding across faster than nearly any airship in the sky, Halfdan felt 2 feelings. He felt of course, fear of what is to come from this ordeal. He felt that Ostpunkt has just gotten started. Like the breeze before the typhoon, or the dawn before the rest of the day.

    TLDR: Lukas gets absolutely wrecked in his first defeat. Also yes, all Stigyan workers have been rescued.
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    « Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 04:17:50 PM by The Ursian Empire »
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  • @The Ursian Empire I assume Svip gave you permission to just go in and out, right?
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    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • @The Ursian Empire I assume Svip gave you permission to just go in and out, right?
    Stigya said to me that it could all be one post if the raid happened in less than 24 hours. It was a small rescue operation, so it only took 3.
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  • Kiddia National Military Command Center, Kiddia

    Secretary of War, Maddox Southgate, faced the filled conference room and pushed her graying hair behind her shoulder.
    “We need to get involved once more in the Svipish Civil War. We never officially declared peace on Lukas’s rebels, so we don’t need Congress’s approval. I say we launch a naval invasion from the Skjlos Bay from ports here, here, and here. Then, we’ll land in the Gjorbjod Lowlands, assisting WARPP forces in Jelling, and attacking along the Marrick River.”
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  • The Coast of Helsing, Midnight.

    The Svipish Rebels Are Busy Preparing For a Land Invasion From the East having Left Far less Defenders on the Coast To Prepare For The Spirean's Advance. Suddenly The Shore Defenses are lit up becoming massive balls of Fire. 
    A Soldier Looks out at the sea unable to see anything in the dense Fog But the Shots Are not just coming from the sea But Also the clouds. 
    "Tell The Commander! We are under Atta...." Says the Soldier Before His Entire Group has their Necks slit By Black Clad Naragians. "Nightwraiths Retreat. The Narag Empire must not see Us." 

    Commadore Jackson lands with the first of the million Soldiers.... Unopposed For a ten minutes. Commadore Jackson Calls The Commander of the Air Fleet. "Lord Astril. The Shore is Clear however Someone Assassinated The initial Defenders Left from the attack. it is the Blessing of Yue Herself."

    Astril looks across The Bridge of the Karling. "Who Could have done this.... The Invasion plans Were a secret of the Palace..... The Nightwraiths...." 
    He responds To The Commadore, "Do not worry. Find a defensive position and Fortify. The rest will be landing shortly."

    The Airships Move To Cover The landing Below Them. 
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  • South Storrmork Taiga, Svipjoth
    It was a lazy morning on the Svart Bay. As the port town of Hamnstad—what was formerly a fishing village, but converted into a naval base when Lukas’s rebels took over—was sleeping, a rebel guardsman watched the radar, cradling his head in his hands. He had a killer hangover after staying at the bar a little too late the last night. The radar started beeping. The guard groaned. It beeped louder and louder until the guard screamed, holding his head. He covered his ears and left the room. A few moments later, a squadron of Kiddian jets screamed by, firing torpedoes at AA cannons, command centers, and other buildings of defensive significance. The once formidable structures around the bay were reduced to rubble. Around an hour later, the second group of Kiddian ships pulled into the harbor. The town was taken by the end of the day, the Kiddian flag flying at dusk.
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  • In transit, Stigyan Imperial Air Force VTOL #J457.

    Beinlaus opened his eyes after bring knocked out when he was forcibly taken away to save his life. He realized he was flying in what had to be a Stigyan ship long with the two royal guards who carried him out and some Stigyan elites.
    “Where are we going?” He asked one of his guards.

    “To the Triumvirate. Word is WARPP is massing a huge force to counterstrike and retake our nation, with you as the true Fylkir.”

    Solitas Air Base, Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Soon after this dialogue did the VTOL arrive at the Solitas Air Base without incident. Waiting for the true Fylkir's arrival included Emperor Roxas, Team KMSN, and Beinlaus' holy order team, HOH Jakob.

    During this transit, each nation's specialty team made acquaintanceship with one another, the four conversing with the seven minus one. Unlike Team KMSN, HOH Jakob was clearly governed by a form of hierarchy, the top of which mantled by Mavrekkr Saemiksson, their "stormeistari" or grandmaster. After basic introductions from each member, Mavrekkr led the conversation with Team KMSN, discussing team specialties and tactical approaches concerning Haithabu.

    "For the success of both of our nations and their warfighters, I believe it would be most beneficial for us to work in conjunction with one another. Our speciality is in raids and ambushes; small scale, sudden attacks purposed to overwhelm a small force of enemies at a time. Depending on your team's specialties, we can work together to clear out the Stahl Industries HQ in Haithabu."

    The soldiers walk inside. Gjolker lays out a map of the Svipish terrain, there are four main attack plans. The black line is the main force, they follow up the Nordmarr river and split up a few kilometers south of Melkorka. The tan line shows the mountain forces, put in charge of removing rebels in hidden caves and cliffs. The orange is the main attackers and besiegers of Melkorka, an incredibly hostile city, the light pink is places that will be heavily bombed, and the magenta is the marine forces, tasked with taking over the Asbyrgi Lake, Asbyrgi peninsula, and the area around it. The two months the soldiers spent in the city was used to send in soldiers in the make shift barracks. Now their forces were ready. 500 Chem-tanks, 400 stealth bombers. And 500,000 soldiers, 400 being Svipish and 100,000 being apart of the Democratic Forces. Kara Halima was sent to lead the Democratic Forces, it was there she met Geiseric. “Oh, hello. Are you with us or against us?” She asks to the giant man in front of her.
    Jelling, Kaupang, Svipjoth
    Queen Otkatla silently nodded in approval, recurrently studying over the Greenlandish war map.

    "Needless to say, your presence here in helping my people and protecting them from the few rebel trespassers... it has been appreciated. You have earned my respect, as well as the people's respect of Kaupang. Let it be known that your soldiers are welcome here, as well as any others that wish to encamp themselves here to fight against Lukas. His insistencies of fully taking control over my kingdom has gotten particularly bothersome. Tell your allies that they may stay here."

    As Otkatla and Gjolker talked, Geiseric gazed at Kara Halima before speaking deep and low,

    "With. I fight against Lukas. I used to think I want to fight for him. But then I learned that he discriminates against any non-Svenish Svips. I am Baotharish, but a Svip. That is how I know of his ignorance. And that is why I fight." 
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  • The second Kiddian forces arrive in Jelling, after being delayed at sea then arriving and traveling overland into the city. There, a meeting is requested with the Northern Greenlandic forces in the area
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  • Queen Otkatla silently nodded in approval, recurrently studying over the Greenlandish war map.

    "Needless to say, your presence here in helping my people and protecting them from the few rebel trespassers... it has been appreciated. You have earned my respect, as well as the people's respect of Kaupang. Let it be known that your soldiers are welcome here, as well as any others that wish to encamp themselves here to fight against Lukas. His insistencies of fully taking control over my kingdom has gotten particularly bothersome. Tell your allies that they may stay here."

    As Otkatla and Gjolker talked, Geiseric gazed at Kara Halima before speaking deep and low,

    "With. I fight against Lukas. I used to think I want to fight for him. But then I learned that he discriminates against any non-Svenish Svips. I am Baotharish, but a Svip. That is how I know of his ignorance. And that is why I fight."
    “It’s comforting to know someone of you… caliber would be willing to help. If you’d like you can have an AR.” Kara blows a whistle and thousands of soldiers begin the march to Melkorka, about 2 kilometers deep into enemy territory they spot a small clump of soldier, a tank fires a shell on them.
    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • Over Night a Massive Naragian Military Base Sprung up On a Hill At the Beach With a Full Floating Harbor on the Coast. The Airships Rain Terror on any Who Dare Approach. Even Worse The City of Helsing itself is under Naval Bombardment From the Union Class battleships And The Strategic Bombers Launched off the Legendary Sistina Class Super Carriers, The World Largest And Most Armed Aircraft Carriers. Fires Burn upon The Horizon As The Shelling Has Been Continuing For Days stopping solely to cool the Guns.

    Astril Watches from the Karling. He Announces To His Forces. "Kill any Svip Who dares not to surrender. Vengeance For Vlad! Do this Not for The Monarchy, The Kristan, But To Punish Fool who invoked The Ancient Laws That have brought Ruin to so many. Imperius Naragis Victorus! Let Lukas Tremble Before our War cry. We are the Narag! We will slaughter anyone Who opposes Us!"

    The Rain of Fire shall Continue For many more days.
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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