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The Second Svipish Civil War
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  • Former Citizen
  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Stridor looks at the chief and says "Wise are those who sacrifice everything for their dream", he then looks at his soldiers and orders a general retreat back to the newly base built on one of the islands off the coast. In the HQ of the new built base stridor gets near to a small  sphere object on trop of a marble stand, its appearance is similar to obsidian but it emits a small amount of light. He slowly puts his right hand above the sphere and closes his eyes.

    He has visions of the fate of the chieftain, and of its troops. He also sees the integrity knights leaving Holy spire, He decides to warn them of what happened. He sends a letter to the knights commander warning of the lost battle and of the base location, he also uses the obsidian stone, nicknamed palantir, to message the strongest mage in HS, the leader of the nine, salman the white wizard. He informs salman of the occuring and invited him to come to the base, to which salman agreed.

    Now everything is in motion for the counter attack, while still far from happening, the pieces are starting to fall in place.
    Vlad looks at the chief knowing the situation well. “The Holy Narag Empire Shall shelter your tribe as long as they wish. But you need to hold long enough for your people to safely evacuate. So I will also stay behind. I am old. Over two thousand years old… let us save the  ones who still have a future to look forward to.”

    With that he unleashed a flurry of ice down upon the foes. He intended to die here. Something The Kristan would never like. He was their strongest Ally. “Come then Warriors! Claim the Head of the Man Who served Jamie Narag Himself… If you can that is. Claim The Head of the First Born of Alanor, Godslayer of Jupiter, The Eldest Neo-Naragian.”
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Shortly after the Naragians and Holy Spireans fled with their equal share of Hircinaean refugees, Aldeigjuborg was fully taken by Lukas' soldiers. With the elimination of the Hircinaean anarchy, Queen Skjalddis submitted to the claim and authority of Lukas, thus merging her kingdom into his rebellion. Thus, everything of Asbyrgi Lake (with exception to Kaupang, which its ruler, Queen Otkatla, had an uneasy neutrality with Lukas' rebellion) was under his rule, leaving only the kingdoms of Norvegr and Halogaland left.

    Haithabu, Danmark, Svipjoth
    Leaning into the soft cushioning of his chair, Lukas held the rotary phone to his ear, listening contently as his field general reporting the victory in Aldeigjuborg. As he listened, a messenger quietly crept through his front door and silently approached Lukas' desk. With a small tap from Lukas' index finger, the messenger was granted their permission to make his delivery. In quick succession, the messenger placed an envelope on the desk before exiting the office.

    Hanging up the telephone call, Lukas glanced towards the letter and took it into his hands. His normal stoic expression turned into a smile; the wax seal on the envelope had the coat of arms of Queen Thjodhildr of Norvegr. Swiftly slicing the envelope open with his personal knife, he retrieved the parchment and read it. Since Lukas' victory in Melkorka, he has been negotiating with Thjodhildr concerning his claim to the throne. Both her and Lukas knew the futility of fighting against him; Most of Norvegr's landscape was unhospitable mountains and glaciers, and what was hospitable was populated by farms, villages, ports, and a capital not equipped to be besieged. Norvegr neither had the population, nor the military infrastructure to fight. Recognizing this weakness, Lukas had offered Queen Thjodhildr a deal: in exchange for monetary compensation and the guaranteed safety of her daughter, the first wife of Beinlaus, she would honor his claim to the throne. And in this letter that Lukas read, she accepted his deal.

    Gently lifting the pawn piece off of Akershus, he gazes intently at the last piece on the map of Svipjoth: that which sat atop Uppsala. He stood up slowly, lifting his rotary phone and dialing his generals.


    Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne. 
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Stridor looks at the chief and says "Wise are those who sacrifice everything for their dream", he then looks at his soldiers and orders a general retreat back to the newly base built on one of the islands off the coast. In the HQ of the new built base stridor gets near to a small  sphere object on trop of a marble stand, its appearance is similar to obsidian but it emits a small amount of light. He slowly puts his right hand above the sphere and closes his eyes.

    He has visions of the fate of the chieftain, and of its troops. He also sees the integrity knights leaving Holy spire, He decides to warn them of what happened. He sends a letter to the knights commander warning of the lost battle and of the base location, he also uses the obsidian stone, nicknamed palantir, to message the strongest mage in HS, the leader of the nine, salman the white wizard. He informs salman of the occuring and invited him to come to the base, to which salman agreed.

    Now everything is in motion for the counter attack, while still far from happening, the pieces are starting to fall in place.
    Vlad looks at the chief knowing the situation well. “The Holy Narag Empire Shall shelter your tribe as long as they wish. But you need to hold long enough for your people to safely evacuate. So I will also stay behind. I am old. Over two thousand years old… let us save the  ones who still have a future to look forward to.”

    With that he unleashed a flurry of ice down upon the foes. He intended to die here. Something The Kristan would never like. He was their strongest Ally. “Come then Warriors! Claim the Head of the Man Who served Jamie Narag Himself… If you can that is. Claim The Head of the First Born of Alanor, Godslayer of Jupiter, The Eldest Neo-Naragian.”
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Shortly after the Naragians and Holy Spireans fled with their equal share of Hircinaean refugees, Aldeigjuborg was fully taken by Lukas' soldiers. With the elimination of the Hircinaean anarchy, Queen Skjalddis submitted to the claim and authority of Lukas, thus merging her kingdom into his rebellion. Thus, everything of Asbyrgi Lake (with exception to Kaupang, which its ruler, Queen Otkatla, had an uneasy neutrality with Lukas' rebellion) was under his rule, leaving only the kingdoms of Norvegr and Halogaland left.

    Haithabu, Danmark, Svipjoth
    Leaning into the soft cushioning of his chair, Lukas held the rotary phone to his ear, listening contently as his field general reporting the victory in Aldeigjuborg. As he listened, a messenger quietly crept through his front door and silently approached Lukas' desk. With a small tap from Lukas' index finger, the messenger was granted their permission to make his delivery. In quick succession, the messenger placed an envelope on the desk before exiting the office.

    Hanging up the telephone call, Lukas glanced towards the letter and took it into his hands. His normal stoic expression turned into a smile; the wax seal on the envelope had the coat of arms of Queen Thjodhildr of Norvegr. Swiftly slicing the envelope open with his personal knife, he retrieved the parchment and read it. Since Lukas' victory in Melkorka, he has been negotiating with Thjodhildr concerning his claim to the throne. Both her and Lukas knew the futility of fighting against him; Most of Norvegr's landscape was unhospitable mountains and glaciers, and what was hospitable was populated by farms, villages, ports, and a capital not equipped to be besieged. Norvegr neither had the population, nor the military infrastructure to fight. Recognizing this weakness, Lukas had offered Queen Thjodhildr a deal: in exchange for monetary compensation and the guaranteed safety of her daughter, the first wife of Beinlaus, she would honor his claim to the throne. And in this letter that Lukas read, she accepted his deal.

    Gently lifting the pawn piece off of Akershus, he gazes intently at the last piece on the map of Svipjoth: that which sat atop Uppsala. He stood up slowly, lifting his rotary phone and dialing his generals.


    Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne.
    The Narag troops had received orders To fully retreat from Narag High command. They were to attack The Capital of Lukas while his troops were away. The First Armada. Begins a distraction While the INAS Foxen’s Heart begins evalcuating The Narag Army. As quickly as they came the Narag were now leaving. But Why? Lukas could only guess. And in his arrogance his people would be slaughtered. 
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  •    Advisory Chambers, St. Ariah Palace
       11/13/22, 12:30 A.M.

       Ariah pours out a bottle of Joslisonorian Coffee, takes a sip, and yawns. Her Chief Military Advisor walks in the room, along with the 2 other MA's on the Advisory Team.
    They take seats at the table, and all nod in greetings to each other.
       "We haven't been in the Civil War since Melkorka. We all remember that day." Ariah takes another sip of coffee. "That changes today. As you probably know, Lukas has the Svips all the way to Uppsala. And reports say that they're coming down on it extremely quick. Pjotur could be dead as we speak! But, now that we're in WARPP, we gotta do something. That's why I propose Operation Sureio-Melkorka. And, it's exactly what it sounds like. We are going to take back Melkorka. We have our forces ready. I wanted to inform you 3 first. That's all. Good night."


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    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Arcadian Bay, Valyria, The Stigyan Triumvirate.

    The Röd Skräck docked at the port, where multiple Legion soldiers guarded Cypress, Rognhildr, and Executor of Foreign Affairs Arthur Callahan, waited for the Svipish royals. Rognhildr remembered the first time she ever came to the Triumvirate she arrived at this very port, however the circumstances were much less foreboding. Immediately the platinum blonde hair of her mother and siblings were recognizable from the ships ramp and the young girl could no longer contain her joy at hearing seeing them unharmed.

    “Praise Hvitakristr you’re all okay!” She called out happily before her expression darkened. “I heard father stayed behind?” She asked, knowing and dreading the answer.

    “He is Fylkir. It is is responsibility to defend Uppsala, even if he dies defending it.” Kolfinna answered sadly.

    “Roxas wanted to send more soldiers…but between the still unknown traitor who is helping the enemy, the economic crisis caused by the fall of the Frigus Economic Sphere, and the fact that our military has run over 5 conflicts in the last 2 years just made it impossible. I’m sorry.” Cypress said apologetically looking over at the future members of his family.

    “Don’t worry so much.” Hardaknut declared, trying his best to sound cheerful. “Our father is strong and wise. The city will hold.” Cypress looked over at him with a knowing, grim face. He had supported Rognhildr as best as he could, but in the likely case that the city fell and Pjotur died, he didn’t know if he could do anything to omit the pain it would cause his fiancé.


    Uppsala, Halagoland, Svipjoth.

    Stigyan soldiers in the city knew what the next day would bring, but they had over 200 MK-130 Knight Mechs to take the first wave of the siege, it may just buy them time. Or at least if it would if one of the soldiers didn’t slip into the transmitter on the palace walls and rewrite the combat protocols on the mechs…
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    Holy Spire
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  • [still dont know how to delete a post, so ignore this]
    « Last Edit: December 01, 2022, 12:57:55 PM by Holy Spire »
    Holy Spire
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne.
    Uppsala, Halagoland, Svipjoth.

    Stigyan soldiers in the city knew what the next day would bring, but they had over 200 MK-130 Knight Mechs to take the first wave of the siege, it may just buy them time. Or at least if it would if one of the soldiers didn’t slip into the transmitter on the palace walls and rewrite the combat protocols on the mechs…
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The day of reckoning has finally arrived.

    Sooner than the sun rise from the eastern horizon did Lukas' rebel army abandon their camps and trenches to fully invade the city. Stigyans and loyalist Svips alike stood their ground bravely upon the walls of Uppsala, firing guns and arrows in brotherhood. At first, their defense was delaying the invasion, with many initial casualities taken from Lukas. However, when the proud soldiers of Pjotur thought that their luck was finally turning, the worst that could happen, happened.

    Barely a volley of gunfire had passed when the knight mechs began to malfunction, the best of them entrapping their operators and the worst self-combusting, killing many around them. These explosions helped to expedite the fall of Uppsala's walls, which came crumbing with only one volley of siege fire. If the men and women atop the wall did not die from the knight mechs or from the wall collapse, they were mercilessly executed by the stampeding rebels. The walls turned red in bloodshed as the city proper was now fully exposed to Lukas' command.

    While many a regiments made their way down large streets and small corridors to find any remaining resistance, Lukas and his elites marched straight for Hvithaar Hall.

    Inside Hvithaar Hall
    The royal guard, upon hearing the walls fall, immediately began working to protect the remaining royalty, primarily Pjotur and his heir, Beinlaus. Sweat and tears fell upon the war room map as the stamping of boots and hollers of panic voices filled the palace. Beinlaus could only stand frozen, staring at his weeping father with fear and despair. In his wavering voice, Pjotur rose his head,

    "Beinlaus, my son, come close to me."

    He obediently obeyed his father, leaning down slightly to meet his eye level as his hands were interlocked, unconsciously rubbing one another in an effort to find comfort. Lifting his hands, Pjotur rested them on Beinlaus' broad shoulders, giving them a tender, but tight squeeze.

    "I love you so much, son. You mean the world to me. Alas, you cannot stay here. They will find you, your cousin and his men. They will kill you and I cannot have that. As your father, I must secure your future. I love you."

    Beinlaus' facial expression could not decide between fright and anger as two royal guards suddenly grabbed Beinlaus from either side, restraining him with their strength alone as he was dragged away.

    No words could emerge from Beinlaus' lips. He thrashed, kicked, screamed, and sobbed as the figure of his father eventually disappeared behind the turn of a hallway.

    As Beinlaus was forcibly evacuated from Uppsala, Pjotur stayed amidst the chaos, gathering his panic into stoicism, and walked to his throne, sitting upon it with his hands resting on the sabre his dear friend gifted him so long ago.


    "Uncle. A pleasure to meet you."

    Shortly after the audible fall of a royal guard's limp body, Lukas and his entourage of elite men entered the throne room. As Lukas stood in front of the door way, the elite men stood between the two family members, forming a circle between where their leader stood and where his uncle sat.

    "Despite the circumstances, I want to stay to tradition. Pjotur II Arngrimsson, killer of my father, I challenge you to a duel for the crown!"

    Pjotur listened to his words carefully, cognitively taking every portion with deliberate consideration. Slowly standing and stepping down from his throne, he made a distant approach to Lukas.

    "I accept."

    The two men lunged at one another, swiftly striking each others sabres. The elite men held their Stigyan tech guns with patience, watching the fight unfold before them. It was quickly gathered by both men that they were of equal strength to one another, Pjotur's experience and Lukas' youth. In this equality, the duel was long, each man gaining cuts, bruises, and shallow stab wounds that proved no definitive tide.

    Pjotur's age began to catch with him, his prowess victim to his aging body. With increasingly stunted attacks and slowed responses, Pjotur was continuously hit with Lukas' relentless fighting style.

    At last with a slash across the chest, Pjotur fell onto the floor, the sabre dropped and rolled away from his hand. He labored in breathing as Lukas slowly approached the infirmed Fylkir. His pace was almost a saunter as he then stood above Pjotur's head, pointing his sabre down, the edge lightly touching his neck.

    "Any last words?"

    "...I'm sorry, Grankjell."

    With a sharp downward slice, Lukas' sabre easily cut through Pjotur's neck. His spewing arteries spat blood across the room, droplets accumulating on Lukas' forehead and cheeks as Pjotur went still. Lukas watched as the arteries became lulled in their blood loss, then finally emptied. Kneeling down, Lukas used his index and middle fingers to shut Pjotur's eyes before moving upward to retrieve the Iron Crown. Holding the simplistic, yet ancient symbol of power in his hands, Lukas stood up. Controlling the subtle excited shake in his hands, he gently lifted the crown and placed it on his head, lowering and staring at his hands in disbelief and amazement. Looking to his side, his elite men could only muster a polite clap as he slowly approached the throne, gently climbing the stairs before seating himself. Each of the elite men kneeled to him, his destiny fulfilled and his claim seized.
    2 people like this post: Stigya2113, Joslisonoria
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne.
    Uppsala, Halagoland, Svipjoth.

    Stigyan soldiers in the city knew what the next day would bring, but they had over 200 MK-130 Knight Mechs to take the first wave of the siege, it may just buy them time. Or at least if it would if one of the soldiers didn’t slip into the transmitter on the palace walls and rewrite the combat protocols on the mechs…
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The day of reckoning has finally arrived.

    Sooner than the sun rise from the eastern horizon did Lukas' rebel army abandon their camps and trenches to fully invade the city. Stigyans and loyalist Svips alike stood their ground bravely upon the walls of Uppsala, firing guns and arrows in brotherhood. At first, their defense was delaying the invasion, with many initial casualities taken from Lukas. However, when the proud soldiers of Pjotur thought that their luck was finally turning, the worst that could happen, happened.

    Barely a volley of gunfire had passed when the knight mechs began to malfunction, the best of them entrapping their operators and the worst self-combusting, killing many around them. These explosions helped to expedite the fall of Uppsala's walls, which came crumbing with only one volley of siege fire. If the men and women atop the wall did not die from the knight mechs or from the wall collapse, they were mercilessly executed by the stampeding rebels. The walls turned red in bloodshed as the city proper was now fully exposed to Lukas' command.

    While many a regiments made their way down large streets and small corridors to find any remaining resistance, Lukas and his elites marched straight for Hvithaar Hall.

    Inside Hvithaar Hall
    The royal guard, upon hearing the walls fall, immediately began working to protect the remaining royalty, primarily Pjotur and his heir, Beinlaus. Sweat and tears fell upon the war room map as the stamping of boots and hollers of panic voices filled the palace. Beinlaus could only stand frozen, staring at his weeping father with fear and despair. In his wavering voice, Pjotur rose his head,

    "Beinlaus, my son, come close to me."

    He obediently obeyed his father, leaning down slightly to meet his eye level as his hands were interlocked, unconsciously rubbing one another in an effort to find comfort. Lifting his hands, Pjotur rested them on Beinlaus' broad shoulders, giving them a tender, but tight squeeze.

    "I love you so much, son. You mean the world to me. Alas, you cannot stay here. They will find you, your cousin and his men. They will kill you and I cannot have that. As your father, I must secure your future. I love you."

    Beinlaus' facial expression could not decide between fright and anger as two royal guards suddenly grabbed Beinlaus from either side, restraining him with their strength alone as he was dragged away.

    No words could emerge from Beinlaus' lips. He thrashed, kicked, screamed, and sobbed as the figure of his father eventually disappeared behind the turn of a hallway.

    As Beinlaus was forcibly evacuated from Uppsala, Pjotur stayed amidst the chaos, gathering his panic into stoicism, and walked to his throne, sitting upon it with his hands resting on the sabre his dear friend gifted him so long ago.


    "Uncle. A pleasure to meet you."

    Shortly after the audible fall of a royal guard's limp body, Lukas and his entourage of elite men entered the throne room. As Lukas stood in front of the door way, the elite men stood between the two family members, forming a circle between where their leader stood and where his uncle sat.

    "Despite the circumstances, I want to stay to tradition. Pjotur II Arngrimsson, killer of my father, I challenge you to a duel for the crown!"

    Pjotur listened to his words carefully, cognitively taking every portion with deliberate consideration. Slowly standing and stepping down from his throne, he made a distant approach to Lukas.

    "I accept."

    The two men lunged at one another, swiftly striking each others sabres. The elite men held their Stigyan tech guns with patience, watching the fight unfold before them. It was quickly gathered by both men that they were of equal strength to one another, Pjotur's experience and Lukas' youth. In this equality, the duel was long, each man gaining cuts, bruises, and shallow stab wounds that proved no definitive tide.

    Pjotur's age began to catch with him, his prowess victim to his aging body. With increasingly stunted attacks and slowed responses, Pjotur was continuously hit with Lukas' relentless fighting style.

    At last with a slash across the chest, Pjotur fell onto the floor, the sabre dropped and rolled away from his hand. He labored in breathing as Lukas slowly approached the infirmed Fylkir. His pace was almost a saunter as he then stood above Pjotur's head, pointing his sabre down, the edge lightly touching his neck.

    "Any last words?"

    "...I'm sorry, Grankjell."

    With a sharp downward slice, Lukas' sabre easily cut through Pjotur's neck. His spewing arteries spat blood across the room, droplets accumulating on Lukas' forehead and cheeks as Pjotur went still. Lukas watched as the arteries became lulled in their blood loss, then finally emptied. Kneeling down, Lukas used his index and middle fingers to shut Pjotur's eyes before moving upward to retrieve the Iron Crown. Holding the simplistic, yet ancient symbol of power in his hands, Lukas stood up. Controlling the subtle excited shake in his hands, he gently lifted the crown and placed it on his head, lowering and staring at his hands in disbelief and amazement. Looking to his side, his elite men could only muster a polite clap as he slowly approached the throne, gently climbing the stairs before seating himself. Each of the elite men kneeled to him, his destiny fulfilled and his claim seized.
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth

    Atop a Tower overlooking the city A Woman in a Jet Black Naragian Uniform watched the Slaughter. She Laughs a bit. "For all there Bluster The Stigyan Military still can not compete With my people. Ah How nice It is to no longer Be Empress. Now There is only the Wraith... The death of that Stupid ignorant King was so Fun to watch. A Shame Astril is nothing like My Grandson Theo..." A Large Naragian Stealth Harrier Flys by the tower and the Woman Vanishes. But Who could she be?

    Port Narag.
    The Naragian Troops Return Home for the Winter Hugging their Loved ones and for many Holding their New Born Children for the first time. The Sudden Withdrawal of troops May have shocked Many Allies But simply put Naragians are unable to fight in Winter Weather of Winreath Efficiently. The offensive will return in Spring.

    Flandaras Island
    The Naragian Third Mage Core, The Second Armada, And The INAS Codex rest on the northmost Naragian Naval Base in winreath. The General in charge The Forces is a Old Foxen That is Almost three Thousand years old. One of the Original Children of the Ancestors. He watches patiantly Waiting For The Spirean Troops to march. His Forces are there to provide support of the Naragian People's Greatest Ally.
    « Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 08:30:49 AM by Worgus »
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • Retribution!
  • Outside of Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The full force of Lukas' rebellion surrounded the historic walls of Uppsala, gathered in dozens of camps, trenches, and constructed siege machines. On the capital's other side, Lukas' navy held the same foreboding weight. Uppsala was completely surrounded, both land and sea fronts completely blocked by his rebellion. Lukas himself sat with his infantry, studying the flames of the campfire before lifting his head and glaring through the smoke towards Uppsala.

    Tomorrow, he thought, will be the day. Everything will be completed, his men and women will be ready. Uppsala shall finally be taken, and it will be him who will finally defeat his uncle once and for all. Tomorrow, he will wear the Fylkiran crown and sit upon his rightful throne.
    Uppsala, Halagoland, Svipjoth.

    Stigyan soldiers in the city knew what the next day would bring, but they had over 200 MK-130 Knight Mechs to take the first wave of the siege, it may just buy them time. Or at least if it would if one of the soldiers didn’t slip into the transmitter on the palace walls and rewrite the combat protocols on the mechs…
    Uppsala, Halogaland, Svipjoth
    The day of reckoning has finally arrived.

    Sooner than the sun rise from the eastern horizon did Lukas' rebel army abandon their camps and trenches to fully invade the city. Stigyans and loyalist Svips alike stood their ground bravely upon the walls of Uppsala, firing guns and arrows in brotherhood. At first, their defense was delaying the invasion, with many initial casualities taken from Lukas. However, when the proud soldiers of Pjotur thought that their luck was finally turning, the worst that could happen, happened.

    Barely a volley of gunfire had passed when the knight mechs began to malfunction, the best of them entrapping their operators and the worst self-combusting, killing many around them. These explosions helped to expedite the fall of Uppsala's walls, which came crumbing with only one volley of siege fire. If the men and women atop the wall did not die from the knight mechs or from the wall collapse, they were mercilessly executed by the stampeding rebels. The walls turned red in bloodshed as the city proper was now fully exposed to Lukas' command.

    While many a regiments made their way down large streets and small corridors to find any remaining resistance, Lukas and his elites marched straight for Hvithaar Hall.

    Inside Hvithaar Hall
    The royal guard, upon hearing the walls fall, immediately began working to protect the remaining royalty, primarily Pjotur and his heir, Beinlaus. Sweat and tears fell upon the war room map as the stamping of boots and hollers of panic voices filled the palace. Beinlaus could only stand frozen, staring at his weeping father with fear and despair. In his wavering voice, Pjotur rose his head,

    "Beinlaus, my son, come close to me."

    He obediently obeyed his father, leaning down slightly to meet his eye level as his hands were interlocked, unconsciously rubbing one another in an effort to find comfort. Lifting his hands, Pjotur rested them on Beinlaus' broad shoulders, giving them a tender, but tight squeeze.

    "I love you so much, son. You mean the world to me. Alas, you cannot stay here. They will find you, your cousin and his men. They will kill you and I cannot have that. As your father, I must secure your future. I love you."

    Beinlaus' facial expression could not decide between fright and anger as two royal guards suddenly grabbed Beinlaus from either side, restraining him with their strength alone as he was dragged away.

    No words could emerge from Beinlaus' lips. He thrashed, kicked, screamed, and sobbed as the figure of his father eventually disappeared behind the turn of a hallway.

    As Beinlaus was forcibly evacuated from Uppsala, Pjotur stayed amidst the chaos, gathering his panic into stoicism, and walked to his throne, sitting upon it with his hands resting on the sabre his dear friend gifted him so long ago.


    "Uncle. A pleasure to meet you."

    Shortly after the audible fall of a royal guard's limp body, Lukas and his entourage of elite men entered the throne room. As Lukas stood in front of the door way, the elite men stood between the two family members, forming a circle between where their leader stood and where his uncle sat.

    "Despite the circumstances, I want to stay to tradition. Pjotur II Arngrimsson, killer of my father, I challenge you to a duel for the crown!"

    Pjotur listened to his words carefully, cognitively taking every portion with deliberate consideration. Slowly standing and stepping down from his throne, he made a distant approach to Lukas.

    "I accept."

    The two men lunged at one another, swiftly striking each others sabres. The elite men held their Stigyan tech guns with patience, watching the fight unfold before them. It was quickly gathered by both men that they were of equal strength to one another, Pjotur's experience and Lukas' youth. In this equality, the duel was long, each man gaining cuts, bruises, and shallow stab wounds that proved no definitive tide.

    Pjotur's age began to catch with him, his prowess victim to his aging body. With increasingly stunted attacks and slowed responses, Pjotur was continuously hit with Lukas' relentless fighting style.

    At last with a slash across the chest, Pjotur fell onto the floor, the sabre dropped and rolled away from his hand. He labored in breathing as Lukas slowly approached the infirmed Fylkir. His pace was almost a saunter as he then stood above Pjotur's head, pointing his sabre down, the edge lightly touching his neck.

    "Any last words?"

    "...I'm sorry, Grankjell."

    With a sharp downward slice, Lukas' sabre easily cut through Pjotur's neck. His spewing arteries spat blood across the room, droplets accumulating on Lukas' forehead and cheeks as Pjotur went still. Lukas watched as the arteries became lulled in their blood loss, then finally emptied. Kneeling down, Lukas used his index and middle fingers to shut Pjotur's eyes before moving upward to retrieve the Iron Crown. Holding the simplistic, yet ancient symbol of power in his hands, Lukas stood up. Controlling the subtle excited shake in his hands, he gently lifted the crown and placed it on his head, lowering and staring at his hands in disbelief and amazement. Looking to his side, his elite men could only muster a polite clap as he slowly approached the throne, gently climbing the stairs before seating himself. Each of the elite men kneeled to him, his destiny fulfilled and his claim seized.
    A box is sent directrd to Lukas, inside also being what appears to be a metal cylinder with a dark red lense in it. Like one that would go into a microscope, only this one came with 3 feet of wiring. As well as a manual, surgery tools, and a letter with a red stamp on it, saying. . .

    "Dear Lukas

    We are proud that you have reached your goal and happier that we could help your cause. You made even the strongest armies in Wintreath cower in fear. It's however only the start, I'm sure Stigyan won't be happy with the shift in power. That is why we're offering to send more shipments of cybernetics, as well as a gift.
    A Mk-XII Vital Military Grade Eye. It allows you to see the vitals of your foes, and even what weapons, magic source, or armor they're using. You can even see the ammo count within their weapon's magazine. Be careful with the instructions ofcoarse, don't want a vegetable to run a army.

    From - CEO Ashjen

    p.s - Merry Christmas"
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    « Last Edit: January 02, 2023, 06:26:00 AM by Waggleton »
    Today's post is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the post description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
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    Kaguya after hearing the new of the fall of uppsala and the death of pjotur sends a letter offering her condolences for his family that is currently protected in the stigyan triumvirate, she also sends words for the spirean forces located in an island off the coast of aldeigjuburg to start a massive bombing campaign on the city in preparation for a naval invasion. Kaguya also orders the navy to blockade the city.

    Spirean Military base of the coast of Aldeigjuburg

    After receiving the orders around 700 wizards take off on their brooms and at the speed of sound travel to the city and start to bomb it to ashes, using the fire and explosive magic spells, they set fire to buildings and blow up ammunition storages and infrastructure. They also aim for AA managing to destroy it. The navy takes position around the city coast and are constantly alert and watchful for any threats.
    Unknown Place

    Kaguya hides using a dark cloak and she teleports to uppsala and hiddenly using her invisibily magic and illusion magic, travels around the palace lukas is in. She enters a room where lukas is currently alone. She removes the cloack and removes the invisibily spell from her, and she locks the room with magic. She says "Hi lukas, i have come in peace, i wish to start negotiations between Holy Spire and Svipjoth"
    2 people like this post: Waggleton, Svipjoth
    « Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 08:56:47 PM by Holy Spire »
    Holy Spire
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  • Unknown Place

    Kaguya hides using a dark cloak and she teleports to uppsala and hiddenly using her invisibily magic and illusion magic, travels around the palace lukas is in. She enters a room where lukas is currently alone. She removes the cloack and removes the invisibily spell from her, and she locks the room with magic. She says "Hi lukas, i have come in peace, i wish to start negotiations between Holy Spire and Svipjoth"
    Lukas turned towards the woman suddenly appearing before him, wearing his newly claimed crown and his royal robes. He grips his sabre at first, but upon announcement of her intentions, he sheaths it once more, bowing to her while ignorant of the locked door. 

    "Queen Kaguya of Holy Spire... I'd normally have to punish you for trespassing into my land but alas, not only has your people been kind to my cause, but I cannot bear to lay my hands on a woman. Yet our dynamic is still tumultuous. Come, let us talk."
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    Kaguya hides using a dark cloak and she teleports to uppsala and hiddenly using her invisibily magic and illusion magic, travels around the palace lukas is in. She enters a room where lukas is currently alone. She removes the cloack and removes the invisibily spell from her, and she locks the room with magic. She says "Hi lukas, i have come in peace, i wish to start negotiations between Holy Spire and Svipjoth"
    Lukas turned towards the woman suddenly appearing before him, wearing his newly claimed crown and his royal robes. He grips his sabre at first, but upon announcement of her intentions, he sheaths it once more, bowing to her while ignorant of the locked door.

    "Queen Kaguya of Holy Spire... I'd normally have to punish you for trespassing into my land but alas, not only has your people been kind to my cause, but I cannot bear to lay my hands on a woman. Yet our dynamic is still tumultuous. Come, let us talk."
    Kaguya smiles at Lukas and says "Alright" they sit on a round table that is in the middle of the room. "So i wanna hear your terms, i only wish to end the war due to the economic crisis i am facing" She looks at Lukas with a expecting look.
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    Holy Spire
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  • Kaguya smiles at Lukas and says "Alright" they sit on a round table that is in the middle of the room. "So i wanna hear your terms, i only wish to end the war due to the economic crisis i am facing" She looks at Lukas with a expecting look.
    Lukas gazes back at Queen Kayuga, smirking softly as he cautiously leaned over towards her, "In all honesty, Queen Kayuga, I might know of a way that we may contract a peace treaty," He stands up and softly says, "and it does not involve parchment and ink."


    "Now, you must understand, Queen Kayuga, that this is and will be an only one time affair," Lukas speaks as he straightens her hair, "As... lovely, as the experience was, I cannot have a foreigner be of any influence in my Fylkirate. You understand, right?" Queen Kayuga nods as she prepares her teleportation portal.

    "Best of luck." 
    1 person likes this post: Waggleton
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  • Kaguya smiles at Lukas and says "Alright" they sit on a round table that is in the middle of the room. "So i wanna hear your terms, i only wish to end the war due to the economic crisis i am facing" She looks at Lukas with a expecting look.
    Lukas gazes back at Queen Kayuga, smirking softly as he cautiously leaned over towards her, "In all honesty, Queen Kayuga, I might know of a way that we may contract a peace treaty," He stands up and softly says, "and it does not involve parchment and ink."


    "Now, you must understand, Queen Kayuga, that this is and will be an only one time affair," Lukas speaks as he straightens her hair, "As... lovely, as the experience was, I cannot have a foreigner be of any influence in my Fylkirate. You understand, right?" Queen Kayuga nods as she prepares her teleportation portal.

    "Best of luck."
    Kaguya leaves stumbling and teleports back to holy spire, fully knowing she is pregnant.(sry stigya)
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  • Kaguya smiles at Lukas and says "Alright" they sit on a round table that is in the middle of the room. "So i wanna hear your terms, i only wish to end the war due to the economic crisis i am facing" She looks at Lukas with a expecting look.
    Lukas gazes back at Queen Kayuga, smirking softly as he cautiously leaned over towards her, "In all honesty, Queen Kayuga, I might know of a way that we may contract a peace treaty," He stands up and softly says, "and it does not involve parchment and ink."


    "Now, you must understand, Queen Kayuga, that this is and will be an only one time affair," Lukas speaks as he straightens her hair, "As... lovely, as the experience was, I cannot have a foreigner be of any influence in my Fylkirate. You understand, right?" Queen Kayuga nods as she prepares her teleportation portal.

    "Best of luck."
    Kaguya leaves stumbling and teleports back to holy spire, fully knowing she is pregnant.(sry stigya)
    I hate everything about this… WHY?
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    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • The Citadel, Solitas.

    For hours Roxas watched spy plane footage of the Siege of Uppsala. silently fuming with rage as the Knight Mechs turned on their own military and the walls fell. He stood and went over to a cabinet in his office and pulled out a bottle of mead gifted to him by Pjotur. About twenty minutes later he had confirmation, his friend and ally was dead.


    Kolfinna entered Roxas’ office a short time later. “You called for me?” She said, fearing the worst. Her worries were validated before Roxas even told her, when she saw him standing by the window, the bottle and two glasses on his desk. Tears welled in her eyes as the reality that her husband was dead hit her. “Tell me we’re going to make Lukas pay.”

    “I Promise.” Roxas said turning to her. “First I’m going to find the traitor in our ranks before he can do any more damage and I’m killing him, then we take back your home and kill anyone who sides with Lukas, then I’m taking Lukas and dismbowling him before setting him on fire.”


    Obsidian Legion HQ, Solitas.

    Legate Theodore Lyons locked the doors to his office before opening a scroll hidden under the floor by his desk. There was a message from Lukas It’s nearly time. Have your men in place to take Rognhildr. You’ll know when it happens. Lyons sighed in worry. Roxas was getting closer to finding out who the spy was by the day. However he knew the risks of doing what it would take to end the madness that has plagued the Triumvirate after the last few years since the isolation ended.


    In transit, Stigyan Imperial Air Force VTOL #J457.

    Beinlaus opened his eyes after bring knocked out when he was forcibly taken away to save his life. He realized he was flying in what had to be a Stigyan ship long with the two royal guards who carried him out and some Stigyan elites.
    “Where are we going?” He asked one of his guards.

    “To the Triumvirate. Word is WARPP is massing a huge force to counterstrike and retake our nation, with you as the true Fylkir.”
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