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The Second Svipish Civil War
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  • OOC: FINALLY, after almost a month of hiatus, the civil war is back on! Between moving back to my college town and settling into my hectic as hell senior year, I didn't have the chance to update the roleplay until now! Hopefully, we can get back on our normal routine. Thank you for your patience!
    12 days after the first wave of Lukas's Soldiers
    The Melkorka warzone
    7:00 P.M.

      Orei stood firm in the bridge of the Skyterror IV. He stared out at the death, rage, and chaos.
    12 days ago Lukas's army had arrived and commenced the first major battle against a foreign power. The Joslisonorian Imperial Fleet Vs. The Rebellion.
    They had held out for long enough. Morale was low, and the defenses were running out. Orei sighed. Quickly, he contacted Pjotur.
    "Good day, Pjotur. Unfortunatly, our forces may have to pull out. We await your response. We will use our sturdiness to our advantage, but I fear the worst. We may have to return and take Melkorka, no, Hedeby, when we have more forces. Orei out."
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    12 long days and nights have the rebel army held firm against the Joslisonorians and Svips. They besieged the entirely of the city, holding firm in their camps as Melkorka slowly lost its store of supplies. Attempts to break this siege, calculated and desperate alike, were unsuccessful, merciful only in the sense that there would be less mouths to feed. Amidst frequent raids and bombardments, the Joslisonorians quickly fled after the 12th day, no longer having the morale or feasibility to help the weakened Svipish Armed Forces. With the technology of Joslisonoria retracted, Melkorka was swiftly crumbled under the might of the rebel army. Upon the destruction of the remaining soldiers, the rebel general and his soldiers marched into the city proper unopposed, with starving citizens daring not to even look at their conquerors. Melkorka was taken, and once again, Pjotur defeated.

    Lukas leaned back in his office chair, placing his feet on his desk as he smirked into the rotary telephone. Hanging up the call, he glanced to the right of his feet, fixing his gaze upon his map of Svipjoth and the pawn pieces stationed at each uncaptured city. Adjusting his foot, he knocked over the pawn placed over Melkorka, letting it roll off the desk and onto the ground. Smirking, he then looked at the pawn on Aldeigjuborg. "Soon." he thought.
    Stridor tries to explain but then Severina enters the military base and asks “what is going on, oh there are the so called freedom fighters, I am Severina and that person you are holding is my fiancée astril of the narag empire, he is an ally that will assist us against lukas, will you please release him?”
    Astril is pinned down. his white fur is covered in dirt from the floor. “I am no threat to you. I promise. I and the Airship above us are here to help.”

    He actually looks scared. His sliver Eyes glancing around for a escape. “I am no warrior. Just a scholar.”

    He sighs as he is powerless against such force. He awaits his fate pinned down by the barbarians.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    The captors of Astril quickly turn towards Chief Madanach, obediently waiting for their next instruction. Hearing the plea of Severina, he shouted a foreign command at the soldiers. Without falter, they release Astril from their hold and back away to give him space. The chief then glared into the crowd and snapped his fingers, then pointing at Astril.

    From the crowd emerged a shaman of some kind, richly decorated in ornate priestly robes, with their face covered by a deer headdress. Approaching Astril, the shaman kneeled down and bowed their head, presenting a pendant necklace to Astril; the pendant was made of leather, carved in detail with humanoid and animal figures, complemented by sophisticated linework.

    "Take it," Chief Madanach blurted aloud, "it's a token of apology."

    Before anyone could react further, shouting and gunfire began to be heard from outside the military base. Turning towards the doors, Chief Madanach's gaze met the eyes of a frightened and bloodied Hircinaean foot soldier. He shouted, "There here! Lukas' men are here!"
    Citadel of Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    "And what are you chuckling for?" Amara questioned as she looked around if anyone was there for a joke. "Nothing, you just look incredibly pretty when rose petals cover your hair," Aaron complimented her. Amara blushed heavily, her entire face nearly going as red as the roses covering her. A call sounded over Aaron's watch as he saw the caller. "Georgios?" he said in surprise. He took the call as Amara stood there still stunned. "Rognhildr? I see," Aaron muttered in between the voice from the phone. "Welp, I have to go protect a Svipish princess. Nice meeting you Amara," Aaron said happily as he headed for the balcony doors, completely unaware of the reddened face of the Stigyan royal.
    Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Rognhildr sat alone in her room, her hands clasped in prayer and her eyes fixated Westward. She has spent the past two hours in this position, now numb to the pain of sitting on her legs. In making ceaseless prayers to both Ryder and Hvitakristr, she hoped that either her new or ancestral god will keep her family safe as they are extradited out of Uppsala.

    It was then that Aaron softly knocked on her door. Her thoughts suddenly stopped as she leaped up to her feet, running to the door in hopes it was her father. Recklessly swinging the door open, she was met with a stranger, her giant grin immediately falling. She stared at the man for what seemed like hours until she asked, "Who are you? Is my family here yet?"

    Meanwhile, Roxas sat in his war room, multi-tasking in reading both reports of his internal investigation and of his military in Svipjoth. It was then that a royal servant of Roxas gingerly entered the office, carrying with him yet another parchment.

    "Here you are, Emperor. It's from Lukas directly... We've already scanned it for anything dangerous."

    The boy placed the letter on his desk before leaving, gingerly closing the door just as he opened it. In burning curiosity, Roxas sliced opened the envelope with his letter opener and read:

    OOC: I highly recommend listening to this while reading the letter. I promise it's worth it.

    "To whom I despise, nay, detest,

    I write to you in my acclaimed and entitled authority as the rightful holder of the Fylkiran title.

    You still hold yourself ignorant of the plight of the Svipish race, supporting a treacherous usurper who betrayed both the will of his nation and his only brother. He has plunged our once independent nation into the helplessness equivalent to an infant, suckling on the teat of your useless electricyte and sinful manners of living. Both my disgraceful uncle and yourself have disposed of our military traditions, replacing it instead with your soulless machines and the endless comsummerist greed of your corporations. Verily, it was a pleasure to burn down your undignified invasion of our people's culture and faith. But I digress, for the saving of my people is of far greater concern to me than the destruction of yours.

    All you care to know is what rhetoric my uncle has spewed to you in his diplomatic subservience to all sovereign foreign rulers who even approach him. Your friendship is meaningless to him, a mere ploy to empower himself and his Baglarr elite to disenfranchise the already further empoverished people of Svipjoth, robbed of their ancestor's swords and axes and replaced with a gun not even touched by the hands of a Svipish artisan. You fight only for his sake, not for the people. Don't pretend you care.

    Assuming your probable brazenness, you're going to continue your fruitless, miserable attempt to intervene in my claim for the throne. I have destroyed you once in Issknui, and I will do it again and again for as so long as you keep sending the children of your citizens to die with neither dignity nor purpose in a land that they never knew. For as soon as the foot of a Stigyan steps onto the blood-sewn land of the Svipish people, you have committed a life to an early and honorless death.

    And in case you find yourself so stubbornly ignoring my promises, know that you are never going to safe again. I have links to your inner most circles. At a snap of my finger, I can assure the death of yourself and your family. Perhaps, however, I shall spare your lovely Lyra, so that she bare the son of her husband's killer. Whatever weapons your Stahl Industries produces, I shall have them, and wherever you ship off my cousin to, I will find her and bring her back to her motherland.

    May your unbounded arrogance burn you alive.


    Fylkir Lukas II Grankjellsson of Svipjoth"

    Astril Accepts the token the speaks into his communicator In Naragian. Above the battlefield the Rail gun’s glow can be seen in the clouds. Like lightining strikes they shoot the rear of the Enemy line. “While I am sure we have things to discuss Honorable Chief I think the invading Army needs to be dealt with.” A Naragian Soldier hands Astril His staff and Exosuit. Astril looks at Serverina. “Well I think you are in for a show.” He grips his Staff and speaks. As he does the wind howls and the rain suddenly burst forth. Lightining strikes here and there. “Greater Narag Magic. Wrath of Thorim. It summons a storm worthy of the Mighty God Thorim though in reality I used mana to create everything needed for a severe Thunderstorm. Wrath of Thorim sounds cooler.”

    He rubs the back of his head. He seems emberessed.
    « Last Edit: September 22, 2022, 09:39:34 PM by Worgus »
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • OOC: FINALLY, after almost a month of hiatus, the civil war is back on! Between moving back to my college town and settling into my hectic as hell senior year, I didn't have the chance to update the roleplay until now! Hopefully, we can get back on our normal routine. Thank you for your patience!
    12 days after the first wave of Lukas's Soldiers
    The Melkorka warzone
    7:00 P.M.

      Orei stood firm in the bridge of the Skyterror IV. He stared out at the death, rage, and chaos.
    12 days ago Lukas's army had arrived and commenced the first major battle against a foreign power. The Joslisonorian Imperial Fleet Vs. The Rebellion.
    They had held out for long enough. Morale was low, and the defenses were running out. Orei sighed. Quickly, he contacted Pjotur.
    "Good day, Pjotur. Unfortunatly, our forces may have to pull out. We await your response. We will use our sturdiness to our advantage, but I fear the worst. We may have to return and take Melkorka, no, Hedeby, when we have more forces. Orei out."
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    12 long days and nights have the rebel army held firm against the Joslisonorians and Svips. They besieged the entirely of the city, holding firm in their camps as Melkorka slowly lost its store of supplies. Attempts to break this siege, calculated and desperate alike, were unsuccessful, merciful only in the sense that there would be less mouths to feed. Amidst frequent raids and bombardments, the Joslisonorians quickly fled after the 12th day, no longer having the morale or feasibility to help the weakened Svipish Armed Forces. With the technology of Joslisonoria retracted, Melkorka was swiftly crumbled under the might of the rebel army. Upon the destruction of the remaining soldiers, the rebel general and his soldiers marched into the city proper unopposed, with starving citizens daring not to even look at their conquerors. Melkorka was taken, and once again, Pjotur defeated.

    Lukas leaned back in his office chair, placing his feet on his desk as he smirked into the rotary telephone. Hanging up the call, he glanced to the right of his feet, fixing his gaze upon his map of Svipjoth and the pawn pieces stationed at each uncaptured city. Adjusting his foot, he knocked over the pawn placed over Melkorka, letting it roll off the desk and onto the ground. Smirking, he then looked at the pawn on Aldeigjuborg. "Soon." he thought.
    Orei II, President of Joslisonoria, stared at a hologram of blueprints. He then got out of his chair. "Jeret, summon Yareq." Jeret, his assistant, nodded.
    "You asked to se me, President Orei?" Orei nodded at Yareq. "See this?" He showed Yareq the hologram.

    Yareq recognized the model. "That's the Skyterror IV. What about it?" Orei turned. "We need to create more of them. Scrap older designs, create more of the Okkar Class. So far, we're doing well. But there is one problem. What will our new flagship be? I like to have variety, so I need you to help me. I know you are a man of science. Heck, you designed the Skyterror III and IV! You think you can do it?" Yareq looked at the blueprints, then at Orei. "Mr. President, I'd love to." Orei nodded. "I knew you would."

    Pearlsee Military Installation, HQ of Joslisonoria's Army and Navy
    Capital Docking Bay 3

    Orei stood from the view deck. He looked at the docked ship being disassembled and shipped. He then contacted Pjotur. "Good day, Pjotur. My name is Orei II. I'm pretty certain my father knew you. He is.. not here. I am the new president of Joslisonoria. I understand that Taren and Ariah is who you fought with, however I will continue that. After our.. plans are complete, we shall join the war again. I wish you well."
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

    • Wintreath's Official Non-Executive Dictator
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  • War Room, The Citadel, Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    “May your unbounded arrogance burn you alive. Insincerely, Fylkir Lukas II Grankjellsson of Svipjoth.” an exhausted Roxas read, barely able to contain his laughter as his overtired brain processed the juvenile insults from his newest enemy. However after two days without sleep the Emperor was not quite as composed as usual and subsequently broke down into laughter right in front of his cousin Amara, Executor Ironwood and Errol.
    “For the love of Oum, look at how stupid this f***ing b**** is!” He almost wheezed. “Errol! Errol get your camera out. take a picture of it.” He slid the parchment over to the praetorian. “When We track that little b****boy down I’m rolling this up and shoving it up his primitive a** before setting him on fire.” Roxas took a long breath and calmed down as the other three just looked at each other, all being more than used to their leaders odd behaviors.
    “When was the last time you slept?” Amara asked in her usual neutral tone, although she seemed a bit distracted.
    “Two days?” Roxas said questioningly. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is stopping this civil war as fast as possible. it’s barely been six months since the end of the Ursian-Violetist war. Although after Madrigal this Lukas child is about as threatening as debilitated chicken.”
    “Maybe we should take this seriously” Errol suggested as he pulled out his mobile scroll and photographed the parchment as ordered. “I mean they did steal three cargo ships of guns and tanks. To do that they needed inside help.”
    Ironwood nodded in approvals he looked at Errol and remembered something both himself and Roxas should’ve thought of already . “I agree, and I think I know how we can speed it up.” The others both gave him a questioning look. “Errol, you can read minds. Why don’t we have him run an investigation into everyone in high command and the executive council. Of course I’d be willing to be interviewed first to clear myself.”
    Roxas nodded in approval. “Good, you guys get started on this while I respond this little pr***.” Roxas said as the others stood up to leave and he picked up a pen.
    To Lukas II Grankjellsson, the rebellion leader.
    You claim to be the Fylkir as if the war is already won, Yet the war is likely only beginning. You speak with arrogance, rudeness, and lack of respect more reminiscent of a petty criminal or a street urchin as opposed to the supposed member of a royal bloodline. You did appear from seemingly nowhere after all. Can you even prove your lineage or are you just some opportunist praying on the beliefs of the Birkenbeinars for personal power at the cost of thousands of lives?
    You claim to be a hero of the Svipish people, its values, and culture. Yet from what I have seen you are anything but. You have thrust your nation into a civil war only six years since the end of the last one, massacred thousands of innocent civilians because you do not agree with their values, and plan to ensure your nation remains lost and forgotten in the past until someone decides to make you their colony or wipe you out. If you cared at all for the people like you claim to, you would never have done any of this.
    You threaten Pjotur, his family, and my own. You insult the honor of my wife. You gloated about your brutal murder of hundreds of innocent stigyan men, women, and children. You are not the first enemy I’ve faced. You are not the first to have traitors within the citadel. Far better and stronger men than you have tried to kill me, and those men all died in vain. However you are no man at all. The acts you have committed so far make it clear you are a small weak person who delights in cruelty. My father taught me to destroy those who delight in cruelty. 
    In ten years your memory will be that of a monster in a cautionary tale told to children, the villain in a tale that ends with your well-deserved death. If you wish to spare your followers. I will gladly meet you on the shores of the Skjlos gulf to do battle. However if you insist on these cowardly actions and continuing this war of personal glory, then send your best warriors. Watch as they fail, bleed, and die an agonizing, pitiful, demise in your name. 
    This is beginning of the end of your life Lukas, and I can’t wait to watch you burn.
    Emperor Roxas I Amory.
    Cocktail lounge, the Citadel.
    Amara sat down for dinner with old friend and the personal praetorian for Princess Cíelle, Claire Malachite. 
    So how’s the investigation going? Claire said using sign language.
    “Not very well, but there may be a breakthrough soon. Once Errol reads the minds of  everyone in high command it should be easy to find and burn the traitors.” Amara said angrily.
    You seem a bit distracted. Bringing back old memories? Claire asked with a look of concern. Amara knew immediately what she was referencing. The feeling of ropes around her wrists. The sounds of gunfire and breaking glass, her father’s blood on the cold cement floor.
    “I’m alright. Roxas didn’t even think to interview me despite my heritage. he knows I’m not like him.” Amara sighed. “It’s…it’s Aaron Windwalker. We spoke today and…well I don’t know. I keep thinking about it.”
    Claire smiled mischievously Well it’s about time you stopped focusing on work and put a little effort into companionship. 
    “I don’t need companionship” Amara said defensively as she started to blush.
    Your face says otherwise. really though? Him? He’s like two centimeters taller than me.
    “I wasn’t paying attention to his physical traits.” Amara sighed. “Besides you’re not one to give advice. Your boyfriend almost got his jaw broken because you kept it a secret.”
    Rognhildr’s Room, The Citadel.
    Aaron looked down at Rognhildr as her smile disappeared. “I’m Aaron Windwalker, Barnos’ Older brother. The Narex Council sent me to protect you from Lukas.” He held out his hand for the girl, she shook it shyly.
    “And my family?” She asked.
    “they’re not here yet, but your mother, siblings, sister-in law, and nephew are all on their way. Team KMSN is escorting them by boat. They should be here in a few days.”
    She sighed in relief for a moment until she realized someone was missing. “Wait what about father?” She asked in a near panic.
    Aaron looked down. “He chose to stay and fight.” he said with remorse as Rognhildr tried not to break into tears.
    The Röd Skräck, Hridvedr Sea.
    Team KMSN and Rasmus were taking care of the Svipish Royalty as they sailed across the northern sea. Most were below deck, But Hardaknut and Ingja were up topside playing pirates with the actual pirate crew of the ship. Hardaknut was up by Rasmus as he starred the ship when the teen noticed something in the horizon behind them.
    “Captain, what is that?” He asked in Svipish. Rasmus picked up a spyglass and investigated.
    “Damnit. KMSN get up here now, we’re being pursued!”

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  • Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    The captors of Astril quickly turn towards Chief Madanach, obediently waiting for their next instruction. Hearing the plea of Severina, he shouted a foreign command at the soldiers. Without falter, they release Astril from their hold and back away to give him space. The chief then glared into the crowd and snapped his fingers, then pointing at Astril.

    From the crowd emerged a shaman of some kind, richly decorated in ornate priestly robes, with their face covered by a deer headdress. Approaching Astril, the shaman kneeled down and bowed their head, presenting a pendant necklace to Astril; the pendant was made of leather, carved in detail with humanoid and animal figures, complemented by sophisticated linework.

    "Take it," Chief Madanach blurted aloud, "it's a token of apology."

    Before anyone could react further, shouting and gunfire began to be heard from outside the military base. Turning towards the doors, Chief Madanach's gaze met the eyes of a frightened and bloodied Hircinaean foot soldier. He shouted, "There here! Lukas' men are here!"
    Goddess Yue looks calmly towards the sound and says "oh boy, here we go", she heads outside and orders the troops, " i want 2nd legion to get in the air and bombard them into pieces, 1st legion start to build mage towers, i have a feeling im gonna need them. 3rd legion you engage the enemies" Goddess Yue decided to stay in the military base while the troops cleared the outside.

    The 2nd legion picked up their brooms and took off, while this, the 3rd legion dispersed and got on top of the buildings still left standing in order to get the high ground. They started shooting spells at the enemy soldiers. 

    The 1st legion retreated a bit and started building walls, towers anda  temporary HQ building, all of this made of rock and other materials.
    Holy Spire
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  • Jelling, Svipjoth

    As soldiers reach the building after securing the southern border with Mozart, they start their search for the ruler of the province. After a hour of searching, they find them. They knock on the door. “Excuse me, Northern Greenlandic armed forces. We request access inside so we can have a word with you.

    OOC: I forgot so much about Jelling lmao
    I’m probably on NS lol
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    The Ursian Empire
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  • Rurik's Sea, Empress-class Battleship OES Jeanne

    The Crown Princess woke up to the tune of the 9th Melody of Ramiel, a famous composer in Ostpunkt. The sounds of the violin showcasing the tragedy and horrors of war, the trumpets the sign of endurance and triumph over that suffering. Made in the middle of the Medieval War, the song was a reminder of hope during the bombings of several Ostpunktian cities. Later then, when the first Ostpunktian boots set foot on Sovark, it was played for the troops, their perseverance to get to the cities of Sovark and end the war. Now it is played again, after 700 years the legions of the Ostpunktian military set out once more to impose their empress' will. Saving and securing a potential valuable ally to Ursia, where the rest of Ursia could not after the Civil War. Jeanne's blonde hair went messy across the bed as she looked up to her ceiling, a painting of the Ostpunktian flag being planted on a Sovarkian sand dune, wondering if the same was going to happen to her troops.


    "GOOD MORNING JEANNE," Orca shouted happily as she rushed to hug Jeanne, Levi right behind her. It was only a few hours, but Orca had befriended a significant amount of people in the task force being sent, much to the exasperation of Levi. "Morning Orca. How's your stay in my battleship so far?" Jeanne asked as she tried to get breathing room from the hug of the ship girl. Like any royal family, any and all guests had to be taken well care of. "Very fun. Your Scarab Knights are bigger and cooler than our Stormers in Ursia, and I even got duel some of their chevaliers. You're on par with Raktas Officers, your mother must be proud," Orca answered excitedly. Jeanne smiled at the answer. Her force was composed entirely of new volunteers, it seemed that her training program helped solve the experience issue by a little. She just had the worry in mind about when they got to actual combat. "Don't worry Jeanne, your troops are going to be fine. Maginot Doctrine did not emphasize on flexible survivability for no reason," Levi assured her. She nodded, hoping it was correct. "I'll be going to the war room. You two best get ready for the plans and sit by the Vanguards ok?"


    "So everyone else has either fallen, being crushed or simply hasn't mobilized fast enough," said one of the chevalier commanders as the meeting room participants looked at the screen of current Svipjoth. Most cities have rebelled, few neutral, and the ones Pjotur were holding were now so few. "We should start immediately by reinforcing Birka. So long as we hold, we prevent the front from developing so long as Melkorka can withstand the south," said one of the tank captains. "No no no, we do that and the Issknui breakout will be impossible to counter. If they flank us, it will turn our city into a literal Birka Pocket. You should know about that commander, given we nearly suffered that fate in Laktera 700 years ago," a Chevalier captain mentioned. Jeanne nodded to each form of advice, from hit and run tactics, to even ambitious amphibious invasions of the islands in the north east to aid the Spireans. As much as Maginot doctrine and their equipment favored then in defense and front breaking assaults, they were only one task force up against the entire mobilized might of Eastern Svipjoth.

    "I've had a thought. Forces are being amassed in Kaupang, Garthariki and Finnbygdir for either dealing with the fronts or pushing against Melkorka and Birka. Melkorka has fallen, they're leaking through Issknui into the Steppes," Jeanne said aloud as the meeting room listened intently. "Who's defending their logistics and manufacturing?" Jeanne concluded with a question. The idea sparked in every captain's head. They were a company size, far too small to engage the larger armies in long drawn out fights in Birka, Melkorka, Aldeigjuborg and the Kaupang fronts. However, so long as they were equal in numbers, Ostpunktian technology would far outweigh the Stigyan tech in the city. They could temporarily hold out outside the city long enough for a raid. Long enough, for a raid on Haithabu to rescue the Stigyan workers. "It could work, but it would have to be in and out. Quick as possible," one of the Drake-class cruiser captains said. "If there is one thing the Raid of Kassen have told us, in and out is our specialty," Jeanne said with glee in her eyes.

    OCC: I'll take care of the Raid of Haithabu.


    Georgios-Aurora Household

    Georgios woke up frightened from his dreams as he looked around him to see if Aurora was there. She was, thankfully, holding lovingly to his arm as she slumbered peacefully. He awoke from one of his memories, a battle in the Nazdek Wars. The same one where she died, her rapidly healing a fatally wounded Georgios as she was shot with as much ammo as possible. He couldn't even recover the body afterwards, the area vaporized by a failed nuke launch. Ever since she got back, he hoped he'd never have to face that feeling of loss again. He sighed as he slowly put her arm around her pillow, wanting to check on Sophie before he was off to Holy Spire. He peeked into Sophie's room, quite the messy one with all the concert posters and books of medicine. He chuckled, she looked so much like her mother, yet it was clear by how her room looked she took after dad. He went in and gave her a peck on the forehead, one of the many things Aurora did before they went into battle. He heard the door behind him slightly creak as Aurora looked with happiness in her eyes.

    "You think the Spireans will give a reasonable answer?" Aurora asked as they slowly walked to the kitchen, Georgios's head snuggling on top of hers. "It's the Spireans, reasonableness is weird in their part of the world," Georgios said, grunting a little. Aurora sighed as she took arms around his head and bumped their noses together. "You still feel guilty don't you?" she asked as Georgios looked down a little in shame. "I just wish I could have been better parent to Sophie, and that would've massively helped, if you were there with me," he confessed as he looked down even more. "If there was one thing I certainly knew just before I was gone, is that there would be no better parent to Sophie on the planet, than you. So please, never put yourself down like this alright?" she asked as her purple eyes stared into his red. Georgios nodded and leaned for a kiss. He wished he never had to go to HS, if it meant being with Aurora for one more second.


    Rose Palace, Holy Spire

    "So, why are you here mr. prince," Georgios asked to the white haired 12 year old boy beside him. With that same Ostpunktian skin complex and white hair as his mother, everyone could tell from a glance that Lance was Jeanne's younger brother. Even at his young age, the boy had followed in his sister's footsteps at being very good at a specific subject. Where Jeanne was great at her duels, strategy, and craftmanship, the younger was a very talented botanist. "Well, I have been told that Holy Spire's gardens were fantastic and full of exotic magical plants, so might as well join in on the fun and see if theirs can rival our plants," the prince replied, his Bee drones scanning and recording the data of surrounding plants. "You next generation kids are getting very good at scientific breakthroughs," Georgios complimented, remembering Sophie's new design for a neurological brain path scanner. "Yes we are. Welp, seems you better get going, I'll just stay here. Goodbye Mr. Georgios," Lance said as he hurriedly went towards the gardens. Georgios smiled as he entered the halls.


    Rognhildr's Room, Citadel of Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate

    "Hey, here you go," Aaron said as he gave a handkerchief to Rognhildr, trying to stop the tears from flowing. It reminded him of Barnos when he was young, back when he was just adopted. Both Alex and Natalie had to go for a while and the poor bear cub cried for hours as he had never been taken care of by anyone else, much less Aaron. He sat down cross legged as he let the Svip royal down on the floor, trying to keep the tears to herself. "It's okay, you can cry," Aaron said as the princess tears went down her cheeks as she laid her head on Aaron's shoulder. "Everything will be alright, we just have to be brave and strong for now ok?" he told her as she let it all out. It was what he told himself for a long time to keep himself alive.


    Unknown, Akershus

    "I'm just saying Mr. Lackey for Lukas, we will be here for a long time if you do not tell me what were the contents of the trade between Dashiki City, Narag and your bunch. I got pie, water, and some television to keep myself bored, you are barely being kept alive, and it has been a week. So might as well give up mate, I got all the time in the world," Natalie mocked as she chomped down on some sandwich staring annoyed at her kidnapped trade person. Sneaking around Haibathu was not hard, getting them to talk was the hard part. She sighed as she wished to be back home. Out of the corner of her eye, one of her Spider drones appeared from the door of the run down condo. She grabbed it gently with her fingers, and plugged it into her watch, the data footage playing. The spider displayed records of the deals, and identities. Natalie fumed, her interrogation efforts completely useless. She sighed, at least it got her closer. "Welp, guess you're going to the slammer," she said to the poor Svip in front of her.

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  • Rose Palace, Holy Spire

    "So, why are you here mr. prince," Georgios asked to the white haired 12 year old boy beside him. With that same Ostpunktian skin complex and white hair as his mother, everyone could tell from a glance that Lance was Jeanne's younger brother. Even at his young age, the boy had followed in his sister's footsteps at being very good at a specific subject. Where Jeanne was great at her duels, strategy, and craftmanship, the younger was a very talented botanist. "Well, I have been told that Holy Spire's gardens were fantastic and full of exotic magical plants, so might as well join in on the fun and see if theirs can rival our plants," the prince replied, his Bee drones scanning and recording the data of surrounding plants. "You next generation kids are getting very good at scientific breakthroughs," Georgios complimented, remembering Sophie's new design for a neurological brain path scanner. "Yes we are. Welp, seems you better get going, I'll just stay here. Goodbye Mr. Georgios," Lance said as he hurriedly went towards the gardens. Georgios smiled as he entered the halls.

    A Butler passing by looks at the random unkown man and says "Good sir" he puts his magical monocle, "I see you come from the ursian empire, a rare occasion since we dont get visits from the ursians, oh forgive me, please come with me" the butler took georgios to a waiting room, the room wasnt big but looked really expensive, in the middle of the room there was 2 long sofas and a small one, in the middle of them was a coffee table made of gold and rubies.

    Georgios waited 10 minutes before the crown princess arrived, before she arrived a butler came in and announced "The crown princess quinella, the first of her name, queen of the andals and the firs.. oh sorry wrong line *cough* The first of her name, demi goddess and the owner of the eternal crown". The crown princess enters the room and sits on the opposite sofa that geogios is sitted. "I heard you're from the Ursian Empire, such a guest must only be met by royalty, now tell me, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit sir georgios?"

    Holy Spire
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  • The Citadel, Solitas.

    It was late in the evening as Errol sat in his quarters with a glass of fine wine. It was a long day of interrogations. Almost half of the entire Stigyan High command and executive council trying to find whoever was leaking information to the Svipish rebels. He must have been more tired than usual as the wine was hitting him much stronger than usual. He was getting dizzy and the world was spinning. Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. 

    Errol stood up as fast as he could, but it felt like his entire body was under a weight as the pain increased. Poison was the only coherent thought in his mind as he stumbled out of his quarters to the hallway. His vision was quickly dimming, but he thought he saw a servant in the distance. "Help!" He called out with his remaining energy as he collapsed to the ground. His last thought before fading into unconsciousness being of Princess Caelan, the child he was sworn to protect.


    Two hours later, Citadel medical wing.

    Roxas and his head praetorian, Col. Malcolm Radek, stood outside Errols hospital room. Empress Lyra was inside, worrying about one of her oldest friends. After being found by a nearby servant, he was rushed to the medical wing and was treated for poison made from the toxic petals of Mantle snow lilies that was put into his wine bottle.

    "We have people going over everything in the East Wing now, with two checks a day from here on out. It won't happen again Your Grace." Radek said as he coordinated efforts to alter security in response to the murder attempt.

    "They were after him specifically. This confirms that whoever is helping Lukas is in fact in my own inner circle." Roxas mused aloud. 

    "Clearly someone never learned from the Blood Red Summer." Radek half-joked as he thought back to that night, fighting for his life in the burning Obsidian headquarters.

    "It's been 16 years. Apparently i need to give everyone a reminder what happens when you betray me and try to kill family." Roxas said angrily. As much tension as there was between the two when they were younger, Errol is the brother he never had.


    The Röd Skräck, Hridvedr Sea

    The Svipish royal family was secured below decks as the ship was fired upon by the pursuing ships loyal to Lukas. Team KMSN was ready to fight, With Nellis already taking sniper shots at anyone he could find, despite the rocking ocean waves and low visibility of the night. Chase's multicolored eyes started to glow as she prepared to unleash the powers of Winter on the enemy.

    "Alright men, they're gaining on us fast." Rasmus called out. "We may be pirates and outlaws, but this is bigger than us. Be ready to fight and if needed die. Who's ready to spill some blood!?" He twisted his cane and a thin germundbu sword emerged from inside of it. everyone prepared as the closest ship got closer...and closer...right until they are almost able to board, then a massive Arc round was fired from somewhere above and blasted the hull wide open. KMSN looked up expecting to see an airship, but instead they saw a human flying around with some sort of jet boots and a massive gun over their shoulders.

    "Holy...It's her. The Valkyr" Chase said, both awed and nervous as the rest of the pursuing ships started to get destroyed one by one.the screams of men could be heard as they were bled by chain gun, railgun, and fire and their ships sunk into the frigid ocean waters. once the ships were down the Valkyr dematerialized her weapons and teleported them back to the rest of her rigging before landing softly on the deck of the ship and removed her helmet. Chase saw a woman around her age in an armored environmental suit with chocolate brown hair.

    "Salutations friends. Is everyone okay? I'm Meriwell Everett. The Emperor sent me just in case you ran into trouble." The triumvirates very own ship girl said cheerily. However Chase was filled with dread. Valkyr's are extremely deadly, and she was the reason this Valkyr didn't have a ship to accompany her.
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  • Astril Accepts the token the speaks into his communicator In Naragian. Above the battlefield the Rail gun’s glow can be seen in the clouds. Like lightining strikes they shoot the rear of the Enemy line. “While I am sure we have things to discuss Honorable Chief I think the invading Army needs to be dealt with.” A Naragian Soldier hands Astril His staff and Exosuit. Astril looks at Serverina. “Well I think you are in for a show.” He grips his Staff and speaks. As he does the wind howls and the rain suddenly burst forth. Lightining strikes here and there. “Greater Narag Magic. Wrath of Thorim. It summons a storm worthy of the Mighty God Thorim though in reality I used mana to create everything needed for a severe Thunderstorm. Wrath of Thorim sounds cooler.”

    He rubs the back of his head. He seems emberessed.
    Goddess Yue looks calmly towards the sound and says "oh boy, here we go", she heads outside and orders the troops, " i want 2nd legion to get in the air and bombard them into pieces, 1st legion start to build mage towers, i have a feeling im gonna need them. 3rd legion you engage the enemies" Goddess Yue decided to stay in the military base while the troops cleared the outside.

    The 2nd legion picked up their brooms and took off, while this, the 3rd legion dispersed and got on top of the buildings still left standing in order to get the high ground. They started shooting spells at the enemy soldiers.

    The 1st legion retreated a bit and started building walls, towers anda temporary HQ building, all of this made of rock and other materials.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Madanach and his troops, upon hearing the earth-rumbling sounds of thunder, were frozen at first with anticipation, but then started to stamp their feet onto the floor and howl alongside Astril in some form of ritual dance. After a few moments, Madanach grabbed his axe and screamed to attack, with the hundreds of soldiers in the abandoned warehouse surging out of the front doors all at once. Accompanying Astril and Yue, the three leaders exited the building, witnessing a giant regiment of Lukas' men engaging with the combined forces of the Hircinaean Tribe and Holy Spirean soldiers.

    "What a beautiful sight. Warfare... it shall never change. A beauty that never leaves." Madanach murmurs this to himself, a quote rather poetic and thoughtful for someone as seemingly barbaric as the Hircinaean chieftain.

    Jelling, Svipjoth

    As soldiers reach the building after securing the southern border with Mozart, they start their search for the ruler of the province. After a hour of searching, they find them. They knock on the door. “Excuse me, Northern Greenlandic armed forces. We request access inside so we can have a word with you.

    OOC: I forgot so much about Jelling lmao
    Jelling, Kaupang, Svipjoth
    Before the guardsmen could even respond, the large oaken doors of the capital slammed open. A woman with a silver tiara and short brown hair strutted out of the building with a confident anger, her deathly glare catching the eyes of the Greenlandic soldiers accompanying Geiseric. She huffed, her breath near akin to smoke as her cheeks were flared with fiery rage.

    "I did not ask for foreign military presence in my kingdom! Who are you? And what is your purpose? Answer me this instant, or I shall jail you for unrightfully entering my lands!"

    Geiseric steps in front of the soldiers, his towering height lending them protection under his shadow, as he booms back,

    "These are men that are trying to protect your kingdom, our country! Are you not aware of the rebels that pace your borders?! They await the chance to violate your land! We need you, as our queen, to take the final, firm step against Lukas in loyalty to your ruler!"

    He met her gaze with a similar passion, his eyes bravely piercing into Queen Otkatla's. They stared silently against each other for what felt like hours until

    "...Fine. I should be disgusted by your insolence towards me, but I am impressed with you instead. Come, I will give you and your Greenlandic friends here refuge. For now. Go ahead, come in, and try to convince me why any side is worth taking."

    The Röd Skräck, Hridvedr Sea

    The Svipish royal family was secured below decks as the ship was fired upon by the pursuing ships loyal to Lukas. Team KMSN was ready to fight, With Nellis already taking sniper shots at anyone he could find, despite the rocking ocean waves and low visibility of the night. Chase's multicolored eyes started to glow as she prepared to unleash the powers of Winter on the enemy.

    "Alright men, they're gaining on us fast." Rasmus called out. "We may be pirates and outlaws, but this is bigger than us. Be ready to fight and if needed die. Who's ready to spill some blood!?" He twisted his cane and a thin germundbu sword emerged from inside of it. everyone prepared as the closest ship got closer...and closer...right until they are almost able to board, then a massive Arc round was fired from somewhere above and blasted the hull wide open. KMSN looked up expecting to see an airship, but instead they saw a human flying around with some sort of jet boots and a massive gun over their shoulders.

    "Holy...It's her. The Valkyr" Chase said, both awed and nervous as the rest of the pursuing ships started to get destroyed one by one.the screams of men could be heard as they were bled by chain gun, railgun, and fire and their ships sunk into the frigid ocean waters. once the ships were down the Valkyr dematerialized her weapons and teleported them back to the rest of her rigging before landing softly on the deck of the ship and removed her helmet. Chase saw a woman around her age in an armored environmental suit with chocolate brown hair.

    "Salutations friends. Is everyone okay? I'm Meriwell Everett. The Emperor sent me just in case you ran into trouble." The triumvirates very own ship girl said cheerily. However Chase was filled with dread. Valkyr's are extremely deadly, and she was the reason this Valkyr didn't have a ship to accompany her.
    Rurik's Sea, Western Svipjoth
    The large armada was ultimately defeated, but not in result of pure destruction; indeed, the majority of the ships fled the battlegrounds, while some fighters stayed to terrorize the royal family's final method of escape. By the time that the Valkyr arrived, these fighters fulfilled their purpose, burning into wreckage and sinking deep into Rurik's Sea.

    The men and women of Rod Skrack cheered, running towards Meriwell with great appreciation and greetings. The royal family came out of their hiding to give their thanks and converse with the elite soldier as they sailed ever closer to the Stigyan Triumvirate.

    However, amidst a small victory a greater loss was gained. The larger armada that evaded the sea battle went west, first stopping to meet the land infantry in barraging the small port town of Birka.

    « Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 03:58:06 PM by Svipjoth »
    • For the Honor and the Glory
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  • Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Madanach and his troops, upon hearing the earth-rumbling sounds of thunder, were frozen at first with anticipation, but then started to stamp their feet onto the floor and howl alongside Astril in some form of ritual dance. After a few moments, Madanach grabbed his axe and screamed to attack, with the hundreds of soldiers in the abandoned warehouse surging out of the front doors all at once. Accompanying Astril and Yue, the three leaders exited the building, witnessing a giant regiment of Lukas' men engaging with the combined forces of the Hircinaean Tribe and Holy Spirean soldiers.

    "What a beautiful sight. Warfare... it shall never change. A beauty that never leaves." Madanach murmurs this to himself, a quote rather poetic and thoughtful for someone as seemingly barbaric as the Hircinaean chieftain.
    The Empress Yue not wanting to use its powers in the war started leaving svipjoth entirely heading back to Solium Deae.

    Stridor was given the command of the legions and himself would participate in the fighting, taking out his wand and levitating himself he started to cast explosive magic on Luka's soldiers, but this was limited due to the preffered close quarters method of warfare by the lukas soldiers and the Hircinaean tribe, so he changes his approach, he ordered the armies to be more agressive, and instead of using non-lethal spells, they should use more lethal spells. The legions then started using not insta death spells but more deadly spells like lightning, torture, and elemental magic. 

    Stridor himself started levitating hundreds of debris of the buildings and throwing them at lukas men. Still, despite this, strider was still holding on to his fear of luka's men, he had no idea if this were his elite or professional soldiers, but if they were he knew the unprofessional troops that the empress sent were in a difficult situation. 

    These legions were sent for building the advanced post, the high command didnt expect any type of combat, thinking lukas would go straight for the capital. Strior however wouldnt give up and since he himself was worth hundreds if not thousands of normal wizards he would probably fight unless the battle was all but lost.


    Back in Solium deae the integrity knights were preparing to be sent to svipjoth, these were the most elite group of melee soldiers holy spire had in its arsenal, thought small in number(around 5-10k), their armor and swords were made of mithril, and it would take a lot to pierce their armor. After a small parade their got on the ships(their magic is limited and they cant fly) and started to head to svipjoth. 

    Together with the integrity knights, around 100 ice golems and 1 experimental mithril golem were also sent, these are merely brute force units whose main focus is against tanks or fortifications.

    Holy Spire
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  • Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Madanach and his troops, upon hearing the earth-rumbling sounds of thunder, were frozen at first with anticipation, but then started to stamp their feet onto the floor and howl alongside Astril in some form of ritual dance. After a few moments, Madanach grabbed his axe and screamed to attack, with the hundreds of soldiers in the abandoned warehouse surging out of the front doors all at once. Accompanying Astril and Yue, the three leaders exited the building, witnessing a giant regiment of Lukas' men engaging with the combined forces of the Hircinaean Tribe and Holy Spirean soldiers.

    "What a beautiful sight. Warfare... it shall never change. A beauty that never leaves." Madanach murmurs this to himself, a quote rather poetic and thoughtful for someone as seemingly barbaric as the Hircinaean chieftain.


    Rurik's Sea, Western Svipjoth
    The large armada was ultimately defeated, but not in result of pure destruction; indeed, the majority of the ships fled the battlegrounds, while some fighters stayed to terrorize the royal family's final method of escape. By the time that the Valkyr arrived, these fighters fulfilled their purpose, burning into wreckage and sinking deep into Rurik's Sea.

    The men and women of Rod Skrack cheered, running towards Meriwell with great appreciation and greetings. The royal family came out of their hiding to give their thanks and converse with the elite soldier as they sailed ever closer to the Stigyan Triumvirate.

    However, amidst a small victory a greater loss was gained. The larger armada that evaded the sea battle went west, first stopping to meet the land infantry in barraging the small port town of Birka.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth, Imperial Command Room Aboard The INAS Karling.
    "My Emperor. The Kristian is Requesting you return home. You have no Heir Currently." Astril sighs Responding to his coms.. "You Know it is Forbidden For you to Call me that... Even though that is basically what I am. Send Vlad Draculesti Down here in my place Then. He will Command our Forces. I will take one of our Fighters Home." Astril Vanishes and a Towering Neo-Naragian Man Steps Foward. "Come Then Men of Lukus. I was teach you the Fear that the Empire Of Mann Learned First hand after my Daughter in Law's Death." He uses Magic to Summon Spears That impale Many of the enemy troops But in a Way that they will live for hours. He instantly impales The Spears into the Ground. This is the Man That Scared The Entire warlord's Council Two years ago.

    Rurik's Sea, Western Svipjoth
    The Naragian Flotilla Had pulled away Returning to a near by Naragian naval Base outside Svip Waters. It would be currently Refueling And Rearming. "Men. Tonight we Attack Lukas' Allies. We will also Attack any Sthall Industries Facilities Captured By Lukas And his Forces. Collateral Damage is Authorized. We need to stop them from Using Stigyan Weapons Even at the Cost of Civilian Lives. These orders Come From Then Kristan itself." The Ships prepare For departure At Dusk. The Fleet Consists of Five Union Class Battleships, A Sistina Class Super Carrier, one hundred Cruisers, Fifty Destroyers, And 65 Ballistic Missile Submarines.
    « Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 06:44:39 PM by Worgus »
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • The Röd Skräck, Rurik Sea, Northern Svipjioth.

    The morning sun rose in the east as the ship left Svipish territory into international waters, where 2 Stigyan Corsairs met with them as backup for the remainder of the journey. Within two days time the Svipish royal family should be within the safety of Solitas. Most people onboard were asleep from the late night fighting. However Ingja  was wide awake early and was playing with Meriwell on the deck. Creature had been up all night waiting for an enemy counterattack, and knew there wouldn’t be any rest  anytime soon as he talked to Viktor through SatPhone.

    “Poisoned you say? Ill tell the others. We’ll help the investigation however you need us to, and when we find out who I’m sure Chase would love to ‘question’ the spineless coward responsible.


    Medical Wing, The Citadel, Solitas.

    Errol was confused as he opted his eyes. His head and chest felt like they had been hit by a sledgehammer as he opened his eyes and realized he was in the citadel’s infirmary. Before he could move someone small pounced and gave him a bear hug.

    “Mr. Errol! I’m so happy you’re okay.” The eight year old princess Caelan said, a worried look on her face for her bodyguard.

    “What happened? My minds all fuzzy…”

    “Someone poisoned you. You had a heart attack and almost died.” She answered sadly. Errol hugged her back.

    “Well I’m still here. I have a job to do.” Errol said confidently. In truth there was another reason he was assigned to be Caelan’s bodyguard, but she was too young to know the truth. His words seemed to calm her, but she seemed worried still.

    “You seem troubled. Is everything else okay.” He asked.

    Caelan gave him a look and said “I don’t wanna be the guy you’ve all been looking for…daddy’s mad.”

    Errol's blood chilled as he remembered what happened the last time traitors infiltrated the Stigyan high command. 16 years later and he could still perfectly recall the smell of burning flesh.
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  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • The Empress Yue not wanting to use its powers in the war started leaving svipjoth entirely heading back to Solium Deae.

    Stridor was given the command of the legions and himself would participate in the fighting, taking out his wand and levitating himself he started to cast explosive magic on Luka's soldiers, but this was limited due to the preffered close quarters method of warfare by the lukas soldiers and the Hircinaean tribe, so he changes his approach, he ordered the armies to be more agressive, and instead of using non-lethal spells, they should use more lethal spells. The legions then started using not insta death spells but more deadly spells like lightning, torture, and elemental magic.

    Stridor himself started levitating hundreds of debris of the buildings and throwing them at lukas men. Still, despite this, strider was still holding on to his fear of luka's men, he had no idea if this were his elite or professional soldiers, but if they were he knew the unprofessional troops that the empress sent were in a difficult situation.

    These legions were sent for building the advanced post, the high command didnt expect any type of combat, thinking lukas would go straight for the capital. Strior however wouldnt give up and since he himself was worth hundreds if not thousands of normal wizards he would probably fight unless the battle was all but lost.


    Back in Solium deae the integrity knights were preparing to be sent to svipjoth, these were the most elite group of melee soldiers holy spire had in its arsenal, thought small in number(around 5-10k), their armor and swords were made of mithril, and it would take a lot to pierce their armor. After a small parade their got on the ships(their magic is limited and they cant fly) and started to head to svipjoth.

    Together with the integrity knights, around 100 ice golems and 1 experimental mithril golem were also sent, these are merely brute force units whose main focus is against tanks or fortifications.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth, Imperial Command Room Aboard The INAS Karling.
    "My Emperor. The Kristian is Requesting you return home. You have no Heir Currently." Astril sighs Responding to his coms.. "You Know it is Forbidden For you to Call me that... Even though that is basically what I am. Send Vlad Draculesti Down here in my place Then. He will Command our Forces. I will take one of our Fighters Home." Astril Vanishes and a Towering Neo-Naragian Man Steps Foward. "Come Then Men of Lukus. I was teach you the Fear that the Empire Of Mann Learned First hand after my Daughter in Law's Death." He uses Magic to Summon Spears That impale Many of the enemy troops But in a Way that they will live for hours. He instantly impales The Spears into the Ground. This is the Man That Scared The Entire warlord's Council Two years ago.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Lightning and fire rained from the sky, scorching the deceased and striking against Lukas' shieldwall. Though the soldiers leading the march fell steadily, they were quickly replaced by soldiers behind them, making a breach near impossible. Those Hircinaeans who charged forward were decimated, their weapons weak and their lack of military organization evident. Neither hill nor building could benefit their normal guerilla approach as each ambush ended in catastrophic failure. It was clear that they were not elite soldiers, but possessed Stigyan tech that they were well adapted to using.

    As the shieldwalls marched closer to the abandoned military base, Chief Madanach approached both Stridor and Vlad, himself coated in viscous blood, older layers already oxygenizing into his furs. He spoke low, but boldly, not allowing his apparent exhaustion constrict him.

    "Both of you, listen to me. We're not going to survive this. We are outnumbered. I know both of your nations have the technology and capability to save my tribe. So it is this that I ask: leave this nation and take with you my surviving tribe. My elite men and I will stay to cover your retreat. Please take them, allow our culture to survive. Lukas will crush it if he has the opportunity."

    Rurik's Sea, Western Svipjoth
    The Naragian Flotilla Had pulled away Returning to a near by Naragian naval Base outside Svip Waters. It would be currently Refueling And Rearming. "Men. Tonight we Attack Lukas' Allies. We will also Attack any Sthall Industries Facilities Captured By Lukas And his Forces. Collateral Damage is Authorized. We need to stop them from Using Stigyan Weapons Even at the Cost of Civilian Lives. These orders Come From Then Kristan itself." The Ships prepare For departure At Dusk. The Fleet Consists of Five Union Class Battleships, A Sistina Class Super Carrier, one hundred Cruisers, Fifty Destroyers, And 65 Ballistic Missile Submarines.
    Birka, Thagallvoll, Svipjoth
    With the Naragian ships making their retreat, Birka was left with a short and bitter mercy. After mere days, the city was fully besieged, with any and all opposition destroyed. Shortly after this success did a large portion of Lukas' fleet dock at Birka, effectively having a 24 hour, rotating blockade of Uppsala by sea. While many citizens hid in their homes, others cheered in the streets, celebrating the rebels with fish and beer. 

    Haithabu, Danmark, Svipjoth
    Lukas held a proud, but stoic smile as he hung up his rotary telephone. Both Aldeigjuborg and Birka were taken. The Hircinaean terrorists were finally eliminated, effectively obligating Queen Skjalddis to support his reign, Lukas thought, as he flicked the pawn pieces off of the aforementioned cities. Slowly standing, he sauntered to the window of his impromptu throne room, gazing at the reconstructing Haithabu. His Haithabu. Allowing the stoicism in his smile to fade to a full grin, he went back to his phone and called, demanding a rally to be organized.

    Civilians and soldiers alike gathered around the former Stahl Industries headquarters, keeping an engaged but polite distance from the stage and podium constructed before it. Accompanied by many guards but dressed in his most suave attire, Lukas Grankjellsson took to the stage, shortly thereafter quelling the cries of his supporters with a mere hand gesture. He spoke with a booming voice, requiring neither microphone or amplifier, as live footage focused on him,

    "Sons and daughters of Svipjoth, glory be unto Hvitakristr. Indeed, it is He who knows His chosen children, the not only ethnic, but idealistic inheritors of His word and prophets. It was He who has blessed us with victory in Haithabu, in Helsing, and now in Aldeigjuborg and Birka. Hvitakristr willed the destruction of the Hircinaean heathens, those that have continuously molested the peace and prosperity of our brothers and sisters in Garthariki,"

    A short pause was taken, as the crowd erupted in cheer, clapping and hollering. Lukas allowed this for a moment, but then once again silenced them with the palm of his hand.

    "Their prolonged terror upon Garthariki was a symptom of Svipjoth's current illness. Indeed, Svipish pride and culture has been devalued in the eyes of our illegitimate Fylkir. If not evidenced in his silent permission for Hircinaeans to terrorize, then it is most certainly evidenced by his submission to foreign interests. Ever since the end of our isolation, we have sacrificed many brave souls for pointless wars disconnected to our purpose and values, and sacrificed many more livelihoods in the interest of rapid globalization. Haithabu was mutated into a tourist attraction for wealthy Stigyans and it was their industry that left our traditional industries betrayed and decimated. 

    My father fought against this threat three decades ago, fighting valiantly against this future we presently live in. He fought for our development to be Svipish-led, not foreign-led. He wanted our future to be crafted by Svipish farmers, spinstresses, blacksmiths, and scientists, not by foreign governments. For that, he was disowned and killed by his older brother, my uncle. I wish to continue his mission, brothers and sisters, and I believe it is not too late. We can reverse this damage. We can revive our industries, develop technology ourselves to rival the greatest regional powers, and no longer fear cultural disintegration."

    Another loud cheer echoed across the crowd. It was yet again paused.

    "I beg of those that are in our lands and fight for the current Fylkir, please reconsider your interests and depart from our lands. This is Svipjoth's conflict, my conflict. Allow us the opportunity to resolve this ourselves and to each nation that allows us our distance from here on out, I promise our cooperation and kindness. This is the will of the Svipish people and despite your best intentions, they must take precedence above everything else.

    Thank you all for hearing my words and wishes. Svipjoth will soon see the dawn slay the twilight. Order and fairness will be restored to our men, women, and children. I shall duel Fylkir Pjotur in your honor and I shall not disappoint. Hvitakristr bless us all, amen."
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  • The Empress Yue not wanting to use its powers in the war started leaving svipjoth entirely heading back to Solium Deae.

    Stridor was given the command of the legions and himself would participate in the fighting, taking out his wand and levitating himself he started to cast explosive magic on Luka's soldiers, but this was limited due to the preffered close quarters method of warfare by the lukas soldiers and the Hircinaean tribe, so he changes his approach, he ordered the armies to be more agressive, and instead of using non-lethal spells, they should use more lethal spells. The legions then started using not insta death spells but more deadly spells like lightning, torture, and elemental magic.

    Stridor himself started levitating hundreds of debris of the buildings and throwing them at lukas men. Still, despite this, strider was still holding on to his fear of luka's men, he had no idea if this were his elite or professional soldiers, but if they were he knew the unprofessional troops that the empress sent were in a difficult situation.

    These legions were sent for building the advanced post, the high command didnt expect any type of combat, thinking lukas would go straight for the capital. Strior however wouldnt give up and since he himself was worth hundreds if not thousands of normal wizards he would probably fight unless the battle was all but lost.


    Back in Solium deae the integrity knights were preparing to be sent to svipjoth, these were the most elite group of melee soldiers holy spire had in its arsenal, thought small in number(around 5-10k), their armor and swords were made of mithril, and it would take a lot to pierce their armor. After a small parade their got on the ships(their magic is limited and they cant fly) and started to head to svipjoth.

    Together with the integrity knights, around 100 ice golems and 1 experimental mithril golem were also sent, these are merely brute force units whose main focus is against tanks or fortifications.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth, Imperial Command Room Aboard The INAS Karling.
    "My Emperor. The Kristian is Requesting you return home. You have no Heir Currently." Astril sighs Responding to his coms.. "You Know it is Forbidden For you to Call me that... Even though that is basically what I am. Send Vlad Draculesti Down here in my place Then. He will Command our Forces. I will take one of our Fighters Home." Astril Vanishes and a Towering Neo-Naragian Man Steps Foward. "Come Then Men of Lukus. I was teach you the Fear that the Empire Of Mann Learned First hand after my Daughter in Law's Death." He uses Magic to Summon Spears That impale Many of the enemy troops But in a Way that they will live for hours. He instantly impales The Spears into the Ground. This is the Man That Scared The Entire warlord's Council Two years ago.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Lightning and fire rained from the sky, scorching the deceased and striking against Lukas' shieldwall. Though the soldiers leading the march fell steadily, they were quickly replaced by soldiers behind them, making a breach near impossible. Those Hircinaeans who charged forward were decimated, their weapons weak and their lack of military organization evident. Neither hill nor building could benefit their normal guerilla approach as each ambush ended in catastrophic failure. It was clear that they were not elite soldiers, but possessed Stigyan tech that they were well adapted to using.

    As the shieldwalls marched closer to the abandoned military base, Chief Madanach approached both Stridor and Vlad, himself coated in viscous blood, older layers already oxygenizing into his furs. He spoke low, but boldly, not allowing his apparent exhaustion constrict him.

    "Both of you, listen to me. We're not going to survive this. We are outnumbered. I know both of your nations have the technology and capability to save my tribe. So it is this that I ask: leave this nation and take with you my surviving tribe. My elite men and I will stay to cover your retreat. Please take them, allow our culture to survive. Lukas will crush it if he has the opportunity."

    Rurik's Sea, Western Svipjoth
    The Naragian Flotilla Had pulled away Returning to a near by Naragian naval Base outside Svip Waters. It would be currently Refueling And Rearming. "Men. Tonight we Attack Lukas' Allies. We will also Attack any Sthall Industries Facilities Captured By Lukas And his Forces. Collateral Damage is Authorized. We need to stop them from Using Stigyan Weapons Even at the Cost of Civilian Lives. These orders Come From Then Kristan itself." The Ships prepare For departure At Dusk. The Fleet Consists of Five Union Class Battleships, A Sistina Class Super Carrier, one hundred Cruisers, Fifty Destroyers, And 65 Ballistic Missile Submarines.
    Birka, Thagallvoll, Svipjoth
    With the Naragian ships making their retreat, Birka was left with a short and bitter mercy. After mere days, the city was fully besieged, with any and all opposition destroyed. Shortly after this success did a large portion of Lukas' fleet dock at Birka, effectively having a 24 hour, rotating blockade of Uppsala by sea. While many citizens hid in their homes, others cheered in the streets, celebrating the rebels with fish and beer.

    Haithabu, Danmark, Svipjoth
    Lukas held a proud, but stoic smile as he hung up his rotary telephone. Both Aldeigjuborg and Birka were taken. The Hircinaean terrorists were finally eliminated, effectively obligating Queen Skjalddis to support his reign, Lukas thought, as he flicked the pawn pieces off of the aforementioned cities. Slowly standing, he sauntered to the window of his impromptu throne room, gazing at the reconstructing Haithabu. His Haithabu. Allowing the stoicism in his smile to fade to a full grin, he went back to his phone and called, demanding a rally to be organized.

    Civilians and soldiers alike gathered around the former Stahl Industries headquarters, keeping an engaged but polite distance from the stage and podium constructed before it. Accompanied by many guards but dressed in his most suave attire, Lukas Grankjellsson took to the stage, shortly thereafter quelling the cries of his supporters with a mere hand gesture. He spoke with a booming voice, requiring neither microphone or amplifier, as live footage focused on him,

    "Sons and daughters of Svipjoth, glory be unto Hvitakristr. Indeed, it is He who knows His chosen children, the not only ethnic, but idealistic inheritors of His word and prophets. It was He who has blessed us with victory in Haithabu, in Helsing, and now in Aldeigjuborg and Birka. Hvitakristr willed the destruction of the Hircinaean heathens, those that have continuously molested the peace and prosperity of our brothers and sisters in Garthariki,"

    A short pause was taken, as the crowd erupted in cheer, clapping and hollering. Lukas allowed this for a moment, but then once again silenced them with the palm of his hand.

    "Their prolonged terror upon Garthariki was a symptom of Svipjoth's current illness. Indeed, Svipish pride and culture has been devalued in the eyes of our illegitimate Fylkir. If not evidenced in his silent permission for Hircinaeans to terrorize, then it is most certainly evidenced by his submission to foreign interests. Ever since the end of our isolation, we have sacrificed many brave souls for pointless wars disconnected to our purpose and values, and sacrificed many more livelihoods in the interest of rapid globalization. Haithabu was mutated into a tourist attraction for wealthy Stigyans and it was their industry that left our traditional industries betrayed and decimated.

    My father fought against this threat three decades ago, fighting valiantly against this future we presently live in. He fought for our development to be Svipish-led, not foreign-led. He wanted our future to be crafted by Svipish farmers, spinstresses, blacksmiths, and scientists, not by foreign governments. For that, he was disowned and killed by his older brother, my uncle. I wish to continue his mission, brothers and sisters, and I believe it is not too late. We can reverse this damage. We can revive our industries, develop technology ourselves to rival the greatest regional powers, and no longer fear cultural disintegration."

    Another loud cheer echoed across the crowd. It was yet again paused.

    "I beg of those that are in our lands and fight for the current Fylkir, please reconsider your interests and depart from our lands. This is Svipjoth's conflict, my conflict. Allow us the opportunity to resolve this ourselves and to each nation that allows us our distance from here on out, I promise our cooperation and kindness. This is the will of the Svipish people and despite your best intentions, they must take precedence above everything else.

    Thank you all for hearing my words and wishes. Svipjoth will soon see the dawn slay the twilight. Order and fairness will be restored to our men, women, and children. I shall duel Fylkir Pjotur in your honor and I shall not disappoint. Hvitakristr bless us all, amen."
    Vlad looks at the chief knowing the situation well. “The Holy Narag Empire Shall shelter your tribe as long as they wish. But you need to hold long enough for your people to safely evacuate. So I will also stay behind. I am old. Over two thousand years old… let us save the  ones who still have a future to look forward to.”

    With that he unleashed a flurry of ice down upon the foes. He intended to die here. Something The Kristan would never like. He was their strongest Ally. “Come then Warriors! Claim the Head of the Man Who served Jamie Narag Himself… If you can that is. Claim The Head of the First Born of Alanor, Godslayer of Jupiter, The Eldest Neo-Naragian.”
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    « Last Edit: November 07, 2022, 11:12:51 PM by Worgus »
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Lightning and fire rained from the sky, scorching the deceased and striking against Lukas' shieldwall. Though the soldiers leading the march fell steadily, they were quickly replaced by soldiers behind them, making a breach near impossible. Those Hircinaeans who charged forward were decimated, their weapons weak and their lack of military organization evident. Neither hill nor building could benefit their normal guerilla approach as each ambush ended in catastrophic failure. It was clear that they were not elite soldiers, but possessed Stigyan tech that they were well adapted to using.

    As the shieldwalls marched closer to the abandoned military base, Chief Madanach approached both Stridor and Vlad, himself coated in viscous blood, older layers already oxygenizing into his furs. He spoke low, but boldly, not allowing his apparent exhaustion constrict him.

    "Both of you, listen to me. We're not going to survive this. We are outnumbered. I know both of your nations have the technology and capability to save my tribe. So it is this that I ask: leave this nation and take with you my surviving tribe. My elite men and I will stay to cover your retreat. Please take them, allow our culture to survive. Lukas will crush it if he has the opportunity."

    Stridor looks at the chief and says "Wise are those who sacrifice everything for their dream", he then looks at his soldiers and orders a general retreat back to the newly base built on one of the islands off the coast. In the HQ of the new built base stridor gets near to a small  sphere object on trop of a marble stand, its appearance is similar to obsidian but it emits a small amount of light. He slowly puts his right hand above the sphere and closes his eyes.

    He has visions of the fate of the chieftain, and of its troops. He also sees the integrity knights leaving Holy spire, He decides to warn them of what happened. He sends a letter to the knights commander warning of the lost battle and of the base location, he also uses the obsidian stone, nicknamed palantir, to message the strongest mage in HS, the leader of the nine, salman the white wizard. He informs salman of the occuring and invited him to come to the base, to which salman agreed.

    Now everything is in motion for the counter attack, while still far from happening, the pieces are starting to fall in place.
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