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The Second Svipish Civil War
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  • Former Citizen
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  • Hvithaar Hall, Uppsala, Svipjoth

    The once calm, collected, peaceful passageways and meeting rooms of Hvithaar Hall were now disheveled with panic and pessimism. Nobles and politicians alike blamed each other, one for not advancing the military immediately and the other for pushing change too soon. Pjotur stood optimistic to all who looked up to him for leadership, but he knew well that Lukas' advantages in manpower and technology were going to be difficult, if not impossible to beat, for the antiquatedly armed Fylkiran Armed Forces.

    Reading the report of Issknui's retreat and the continual defeats all across Eastern Svipjoth, Pjotur could only stare blankly at a wall for a moment or two before moving on to the next documents, three letters or transcripts of other nations requesting the permission of Pjotur to send aid. Without hesistation or even a second thought, he signed approvals for each of those request, instructing the following:
    For the Joslisonorian forces to gather at Melkorka and prepare for the invading rebels from the East,
    For the New Naragian forces to station both at Birka and across the West Rurik's Sea,
    And for the Icebergian forces to airdrop into Issknui and station down in the small valley between Issknui and Muspelost, so that they can begin constructing a hidden camp there for both refugees and espionage alike.

    Finishing the letters, he handed them to his advisor of defense, Melkorka Tryggvisdottir, alongside an authorization deploying the majority of the Fylkiran Armed Forces' remaining manpower to join the Joslisonorians in Melkorka and the New Naragians in Birka, keeping the rest to defend Halogaland.
    TI-918A Starbase, Eastern Joslisonorian Space
    The Bridge of The JFS Skyterror IV

      "Sir!", said a bridge officer. "Admiral, it's a transmission from the Svips. Shall I play it to you?" Admiral Orei smirked. "I already know what it says." We walked over to the console. He sent a message to all ships in docked in the starbase. "We have permission to help the Svips. All ships, undock and follow the procedure." As the ships unhooked, Orei walked out of the bridge. He went into his quarters, where he opened his Holocommunicator, calling up Taren. "Hello?" Orei looked at Taren's hologram and smiled. "Hello, Chancellor. The Svips have said yes. Phase two can begin." Taren smiled back. "Good. My plan shall come along soon enough. Goodbye, Orei. You have satisfied me." Orei nodded, then turned the hologram off.
      Within hours, the entire first fleet, famed for being one of the most powerful in all of Joslisonoria's history, was under way. "Making drop to atmosphere," mumbled a bridge officer. Soon enough, the fleet of 20 starships arrived in Melkorka. The starships eventually found and idle position, and hovered over the land, ominously. 1 hour after stationing, landing forces were deployed out onto the ground, with 300,000 forces setting up camp, and the 4th fleet arriving with 100,000 more. Orei's shuttle touched the ground, and he stepped off, somewhat confusedly, as he was used to living in a starbase. Orei then sent the following transmission to Uppsala; "Pjotor,
    Greetings. This is Admiral Orei of the Joslisonorian Navy. We have touched down in Hedeby, miles away from Melkorka, just by the river. We will be expecting your forces soon. We have 300,000, expecting 100,000 more. May you have  peace, Orei."

    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

    • Wintreath's Official Non-Executive Dictator
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  • "Abandoned" Military Base, Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    As the Holy Spirean soldiers entered the military base, the front doors were suddenly slammed behind them and hundreds, if not thousands, of these barbarian soldiers surrounded them in the central quarter. Aiming their weaponry at the foreign soldiers, they were prepared to strike, halting only from the sound of Commander Stridor's warning.

    Backing away from the Holy Spireans slowly, they yet stood their ground. Emerging from the crowd was a single man, more fancifully armored than the rest yet still clearly barbaric. He casually parted from the encirclement and approached the Holy Spireans with no hesistation, then speaking,

    "Foreigners, you speak to chieftain of the Hircinaeans, Madanach. You protect us from one tyrant, yet will you succumb us to the other tyrant? Bring the rest of your soldiers here and we shall tell you our story and our conditions."

    Astril witnessed all of this without either being detected or harmed.

    Commander Stridor comes throught the door and says "Oh, who are these people? And why is my ladies fiancee here?" one of the Centurions says "My lord, these is Chieftain madanach, he wants to speak with you about their story, i think we should accept them, they seem to have pure souls, also i didnt know the lady had a fiancee", Stridor looks at them and says "Not the time to speak about that, you centurion"he points at one centurion " go greet the rest of the troops, a new 5k strong reinforcement should be arriving soon, tell them to come here and not to attack these people, and tell the troops outside the same" he looks at the chieftain, "I'll accept your offer, we spireans are lovers of history and justice fighters, perhaps we can assist you in any way you want, also our Regina will be arriving soon, she is a tall woman with silver hair, a symbol of Divine Blood, she is gonna give a definite answer after i hear your situation" His eyes then open wide and he says while offering the hand for a handshake" Oh my manners, i am One of the 3 supreme commanders of the Holy Spirean Magical Defense Department, or MDD for short, My name is Stridor the careful the oldest of the supreme commanders, lets go hear your story"
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    Holy Spire
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  • Hvithaar Hall, Uppsala, Svipjoth

    The once calm, collected, peaceful passageways and meeting rooms of Hvithaar Hall were now disheveled with panic and pessimism. Nobles and politicians alike blamed each other, one for not advancing the military immediately and the other for pushing change too soon. Pjotur stood optimistic to all who looked up to him for leadership, but he knew well that Lukas' advantages in manpower and technology were going to be difficult, if not impossible to beat, for the antiquatedly armed Fylkiran Armed Forces.

    Reading the report of Issknui's retreat and the continual defeats all across Eastern Svipjoth, Pjotur could only stare blankly at a wall for a moment or two before moving on to the next documents, three letters or transcripts of other nations requesting the permission of Pjotur to send aid. Without hesistation or even a second thought, he signed approvals for each of those request, instructing the following:
    For the Joslisonorian forces to gather at Melkorka and prepare for the invading rebels from the East,
    For the New Naragian forces to station both at Birka and across the West Rurik's Sea,
    And for the Icebergian forces to airdrop into Issknui and station down in the small valley between Issknui and Muspelost, so that they can begin constructing a hidden camp there for both refugees and espionage alike.

    Finishing the letters, he handed them to his advisor of defense, Melkorka Tryggvisdottir, alongside an authorization deploying the majority of the Fylkiran Armed Forces' remaining manpower to join the Joslisonorians in Melkorka and the New Naragians in Birka, keeping the rest to defend Halogaland.
    Eissiegspalast, Icebergia
    President Karl Werner is eating Diefgoldenfischundzwäibrätt and drinking his black coffee while working on a new science project. When suddenly, he received a letter from the Fylkir himself. He is surprised that the Fylkir, the past enemy of the Glaciesic Empire. Actually trusted the Icebergians. Karl Werner, although stoic and cold-blooded, still agreed to help. He demanded the Oberbefehlsführer des Heeres Johann Greifensohn to command the X - XXX. Luftlandejägerdivision and the Fremdhilfetruppen to drop down the small valley between the Issknui and Muspelost Mountains and build a humanitarian refuge center.

    “But Oberstbefehlsführer , what should we name our humanitarian refuge center? Also what food will we bring for the refugees?”

    “The Blaukreuz, I already designed a flag already to identify that we are for humanitarian purposes. But we must still have divisions protecting it. We will bring Rußdasche (Rice Bags), with packaged chicken and fish, along with packaged Marinated Carrots. Give them Ice Deluxe as drinks!”

    ”Understood, Your Excellency. I will do it right now. How about the plan that you want to give the Fylkir conventional atomic mines so that he can throw it to fully kill the enemy?”

    ”The Fylkir thinks us Icebergians as idiots…”

    The Small Valley between Issknui and Muspelost

    The twenty airborne divisions dropped from Icebergian Luftdrupfers. Along with the Fremdhilfentruppen. The Reigsmarine is watching the operation. After they dropped, the Fremdhilfetruppen construct a camp with their tent and the twenty divisions to guard the secret camp. After a while, the tent is finished. Inside the tent is a white flag with blue cross as it’s center. The tent is not very big, as to make it a secret camp. The food is inside the camp. The Reigsmarine watches their every move and reports it to Karl Werner using the Magnum Code.


    Eissiegspalast, Icebergia
    As President Karl Werner waits for the news, he receives the Magnum, he has a sigh of relief as he continues to eat his Diefgoldenfischundzwäibrätt.

    (OOC: Diefgoldenfischundzwäibrätt is an Icebergian Deep Fried Fish Hamburger (like Filet-O-Fish), it’s cooked with pig oil and served with tartar sauce and Zuglicht Sauce that is with the burger)
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    « Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 12:53:06 PM by Icebergia »
    “To understand a thing, you must understand its root.”
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  • "Abandoned" Military Base, Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    As the Holy Spirean soldiers entered the military base, the front doors were suddenly slammed behind them and hundreds, if not thousands, of these barbarian soldiers surrounded them in the central quarter. Aiming their weaponry at the foreign soldiers, they were prepared to strike, halting only from the sound of Commander Stridor's warning.

    Backing away from the Holy Spireans slowly, they yet stood their ground. Emerging from the crowd was a single man, more fancifully armored than the rest yet still clearly barbaric. He casually parted from the encirclement and approached the Holy Spireans with no hesistation, then speaking,

    "Foreigners, you speak to chieftain of the Hircinaeans, Madanach. You protect us from one tyrant, yet will you succumb us to the other tyrant? Bring the rest of your soldiers here and we shall tell you our story and our conditions."

    Astril witnessed all of this without either being detected or harmed.

    Commander Stridor comes throught the door and says "Oh, who are these people? And why is my ladies fiancee here?" one of the Centurions says "My lord, these is Chieftain madanach, he wants to speak with you about their story, i think we should accept them, they seem to have pure souls, also i didnt know the lady had a fiancee", Stridor looks at them and says "Not the time to speak about that, you centurion"he points at one centurion " go greet the rest of the troops, a new 5k strong reinforcement should be arriving soon, tell them to come here and not to attack these people, and tell the troops outside the same" he looks at the chieftain, "I'll accept your offer, we spireans are lovers of history and justice fighters, perhaps we can assist you in any way you want, also our Regina will be arriving soon, she is a tall woman with silver hair, a symbol of Divine Blood, she is gonna give a definite answer after i hear your situation" His eyes then open wide and he says while offering the hand for a handshake" Oh my manners, i am One of the 3 supreme commanders of the Holy Spirean Magical Defense Department, or MDD for short, My name is Stridor the careful the oldest of the supreme commanders, lets go hear your story"
    Aldeigjuborg, military base.

    Astril still cloaked uncloaks a look of excitement on his face. His tail is wagging swiftly.

    “The Narag Airship Karling and I are here to help too chieftain.”

    He looks at Stridor with a look of awe. 
    “Surprised you noticed me. No one else did… I mean the Airship in the sky is a dead give away. It bears the crest of my family. When is sevy coming? I’d like to help her in any way I can?”

    His tail is now wagging so much there’s a breeze in the room.

    he calms himself a pulls a flask of tea out drinking some. He bows to the chieftain. 

    “I am Astril “codex” Narag. Lord protector of the New Narag Empire. Pleased to meet you Chieftain.”

    2 people like this post: Holy Spire, Svipjoth
    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • Hedeby, Svipjoth
    10 miles away from Melkorka
    Joslisonorian Encapment

       Admiral Orei looked out at the Nidarossi Steppe. "A beautiful sight, isn't it?", he murmured to himself. He turned his head to look out at the thousands of tents laid out. Suddenly, he notices a starship coming from the clouds above. He quickly contacted V. Admiral Yeqmeh. "Yeqmeh! You made it." The Vice Admiral nodded. "Indeed I have, Admiral Orei. We will be landing forces soon. By our estimations there will be 400,000 of us." "Wonderful. We shall defeat them, surely." Yeqmeh turned off the transmission. An hour later, forces landed alongside Orei's forces. 
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

    • Wintreath's Official Non-Executive Dictator
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    The Ursian Empire
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  • Pieck Household

    Georgios walked up the steps of the newly bought house as he thought about what to say. He went right in front of the door and rang the doorbell twice as Aaron opened the door and put his finger on Georgios' mouth. "They're sleeping dammit, and I do not want to wake up Athena again," Aaron whispered.  Georgios chuckled, the 3 month old was just as noisy and active as her mother. The two entered the house into the bedroom as Georgios looked upon a rather messy haired Pieck cuddling with her child, both sleeping with tiny snores. No one amongst the Windwalkers and their friends thought that Pieck and Aaron would have a child that quickly, but here they were, on parental leave and having to raise quite possibly the most chaotic and loudest baby of all time.

    Aaron quietly crept up to the both of them as Georgios waited outside. "Honey, Georgios is here," Aaron whispered as quietly as possible. Pieck grunted a little as she hugged little Athena more. Georgios wanted to laugh a little, it reminded him of his and Aurora's first months with Sophie. "Pieck please, I can't run your computer without you, not until I've gotten used to it," Aaron begged as silently as possible. Pieck slowly opened her eyes and turned with a grumpy look to her husband and friend. "Hold on, let me put our bear cub to the crib," she yawned as she quite casually picked up Athena and placed her gently in the crib beside her. If there was one thing Georgios knew about Pieck, she learned very very quickly in any subject.

    "Give me a minute to boot it up, hopefully the server room hasn't run out of juice," Pieck said moodily as she wore her cloak and went out of the bedroom. Aaron and Georgios sat down in the living room. "So uh, how's being alive going so far?" Georgios asked bluntly. "Pretty good, just didn't expect a marriage and a baby so quickly. And man, technology is way more advanced. I mean look at this," as Aaron took his filled coffee cup, folded it into a neat little napkin, and then opened it up again with the coffee still in a cup. "Man I sure missed a lot, how's Aurora?" Aaron questioned for the other recently resurrected. "She's doing okay. Taking things slow. Sofie is now not scared of her anymore, but I'm sure we'll have to tackle a lot more in the future," Georgios said a little sad. Aurora had missed out on a decade with her child.

    "Okay you little wakers and deprivers of my sweet sweet time with little Athena, what do you need?" Pieck called from her office room. The two entered the room, and Georgios was still amazed with the amount of information and technology held in such a little place. It looked more advanced than any other sensor room in any government or military buildings. "This recording, according to Alex it reeks of magic. He does not know who's," Georgios handed her the speech of Lukas. Pieck had eyes of surprise as she took it and placed it into her machines. As it proceeded about it's calculations, it's deviations pointed towards Spirean magic. The three all went simultaneously, "what?" "I was expecting Seidr magic, but whaaaaat," Pieck said in the most dumbfounded she has ever been in her life. Aaron and Georgios both facepalmed.

    "So, what in Holy Bear's name do we do?" Aaron asked. All three specialized in beating up the enemy in their unique way, not wondering what their ally is doing. "Just inform Alex and talk with Severina. If worse comes to worst, send a Spider for the possibility that maybe, just maybe, they got some traitors," Pieck proposed. The other two nodded their heads. "Also, I have some other very concerning information. I was uhm, going through the black market..." Pieck tried her best to sound as innocent as possible as Aaron looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you bought another WMD," Aaron asked with much concern. "Nononono, just that I noticed something in some Naragian and Dashikan markets. They're missing some stocks of weaponry and vehicles, and some are mentioned going to Svipjoth" Pieck told them. The three sighed even more.

    "WARPP, the defense pact and black market supplier apparently," Aaron sarcastically joked. Georgios shook his head, noting down everything he'll have to report to Alex. "Ok, we definitely to send a commando to investigate this. But every Spider is busy getting notes on how to kill each Queen and King that supports Lukas. Don't have anyone else who has the skill set necessary," Georgios muttered. "Natalie?" Pieck asked. "She's in military leave Pieck, she needs to enjoy it. She almost died remember?" Aaron countered. "Well, do we know anyone else who does it better than her?" Pieck countered again. Aaron tried to raise his finger, remembered not knowing stuff for a decade, and put his finger down. "Fine, boot up a call," Aaron sighed.

    Windwalker Household

    Natalie hummed an Ostpunktian song from her childhood as she baked her next cheese pie for her customer, the tunes calming the atmosphere as she gracefully topped the pie with all the greatest Ursian cheeses known in history. The smell was so intoxicating, it's almost like she could charm an entire city with her baking skills alone, not even counting the other Spider training techniques she had received over the years. She put it in the oven as she took out her towel and wiped her forehead, it was quite hot even in the snowy city of Ursus Majoro. She missed Ostpunkt sometimes, but she had to admit, the stormflowers falling were a beautiful sight to rival the cherry blossoms. She heard her phone ring and proceeded to turn a stand from Open to Closed, serving her last cheese pie. She hoped the call it would be quick.

    "We need you to infiltrate these two, the Narag black market and this specific Dashikan corporation. Georgios shall investigate Severina," Pieck told her through the phone as Natalie stared at her with a sigh. "Alex won't be pleased you know? If you go behind his back on this....," she said as Pieck cut her off. "Look, I know why Alex is worried, we all do. But you're quite literally our only option...," Pieck began as the door behind Natalie opened. "Only option huh?" Alex shouted as he approached the 4 in the call. "Crap, uh, hi brother," Pieck said as sweetly as possible. "Hi Pieck, I know Georgios and Aaron are there too, so please bring Georgios up" Alex said in a mildly annoyed tone. Georgios hesitantly went in front of the projection as he stared in his annoyed best friend's eyes.

    "So, Crown Princess Jeanne has asked me to give my blessing towards the Ostpunktian company for the Svipjoth campaign, so I need you to tackle any of my problems for now," Alex said as Georgios nodded. "Pieck, Aaron, how's Athena?" Alex asked in wonder with Natalie also intent on listening on her niece's antics. "The usual, one very noisy and hungry baby," Aaron and Pieck complained. "Just like my sis," Alex joked with the other three laughing as Pieck was red. It had been a while since they've been together, all they needed was Aurora to be complete. "You go guys do that, I must talk with Natalie for a while," Alex ended the call as he turned to Natalie, a bit shy.

    "I swear I didn't agree with the plan..." Natalie tried to say as Alex put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. Natalie wanted to die of embarrassment right then and there as they both hugged each other. "You come back home safe okay?" Alex asked with great sincerity. Natalie smiled and nodded, another mission for the world's greatest Spider Commando. 
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  • The Citadel, Solitas.

    the Amory's were wrapping up dinner. it was a lively evening with Barnos visiting from Ursia, as well as Roxas' cousin Amara taking a break from her work at Triumvirate Technologies. as the children finished up Roxas dismissed them as well as Lyra. Once he was alone with his cousin and uncle he could conduct business.

    "Viktor, Amara, what have you uncovered?"

    "Your Grace, we have a serious problem. Evidence leads to this being an inside job." Viktor stated nervously.

    Amara handed Roxas a folder. "I traced the ships trail for their entire journey. the electrical signatures indicate nothing about being attacked or boarded. Whoever hijacked those ships were already onboard when they took off."

    Roxas' eye narrowed. "If it's an inside job, then I want a list of anyone who had access to crew and cargo manifests within the government. Wouldn't be the first time I've had to deal with traitors." a Roxas said that he felt a brief numb pain in the right side of his head.


    Port of Uppsala, Svipjoth.

    The Svipish royals were almost done loading essential supplies and a few important family artifacts onto the Röd Skräck, under guard by KMSN. Rasmus was rallying his men for the journey when dozens of airplanes flew over head and thousands of paratroopers started to descend on the capitol.

    "What's that?" Ingja asked as she pointed to the sky.

    "That isn't good." Creature answered. "If Roxas is deploying this much to the city the rebels must already be past the Isskuni. we need to leave, now."

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  • Kaupang, Svipjoth
    Geiseric stares apathetically at the Northern Greenlandic soldiers before nodding his head once, with neither excitement nor fear interrupting his stoic expression. He leaned down to retrieve his axe and swiftly approaches Gjolker's naval unit. Bending down from his towering stature to merely make even eye contact, he stated,

    "We are at the border with Danmark. We must stay away from there, stay here in Kaupang. Queen Otkatla allows neither Lukas' or Pjotur's armies. She hides in Jelling undecided. It is lawless here, vigilantes on both sides alike, including myself. We need to convince her to ally with Pjotur. We must the follow the coastline South to Jelling."
    Gjolker looks at Geiseric. “So, about that. We’re actually the team trying to secure the north and create a trench and prevent the spread of the rebels from reaching Mozart and Jelling. However, there is a team sent on capturing Jelling. We could escort you there, if requested.”

    Mozart Border, Svipjoth
    The third strike team lands on the coast, not expecting a fight. They look around and see it’s almost tropical, as tropical as it will get in a cold climate. General Sokojl looks at a map. “So, where are we?” He spots a village, with some activity, unaware if they’re Svipish or Mozartian, as they walk up they get a civilians attention. “Excuse me, what country are we currently in?”
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    I’m probably on NS lol
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  • Gjolker looks at Geiseric. “So, about that. We’re actually the team trying to secure the north and create a trench and prevent the spread of the rebels from reaching Mozart and Jelling. However, there is a team sent on capturing Jelling. We could escort you there, if requested.”

    Mozart Border, Svipjoth
    The third strike team lands on the coast, not expecting a fight. They look around and see it’s almost tropical, as tropical as it will get in a cold climate. General Sokojl looks at a map. “So, where are we?” He spots a village, with some activity, unaware if they’re Svipish or Mozartian, as they walk up they get a civilians attention. “Excuse me, what country are we currently in?”
    Jelling, Svipjoth
    Geiseric nods in agreement with Gjolker, "I come with you to Jelling. The Queen hides there, undecided. She must decide."

    Svipish-Mozart Border, Jelling, Svipjoth
    The third strike team notices a gruff-looking lumberjack sawing tropical wood. He notices the team and, resting his splitting axe on his shoulder after they declared their peaceful intentions, he announces, "Svipjoth. This is Ungarskog. Nearby is Mozart."

    Commander Stridor comes throught the door and says "Oh, who are these people? And why is my ladies fiancee here?" one of the Centurions says "My lord, these is Chieftain madanach, he wants to speak with you about their story, i think we should accept them, they seem to have pure souls, also i didnt know the lady had a fiancee", Stridor looks at them and says "Not the time to speak about that, you centurion"he points at one centurion " go greet the rest of the troops, a new 5k strong reinforcement should be arriving soon, tell them to come here and not to attack these people, and tell the troops outside the same" he looks at the chieftain, "I'll accept your offer, we spireans are lovers of history and justice fighters, perhaps we can assist you in any way you want, also our Regina will be arriving soon, she is a tall woman with silver hair, a symbol of Divine Blood, she is gonna give a definite answer after i hear your situation" His eyes then open wide and he says while offering the hand for a handshake" Oh my manners, i am One of the 3 supreme commanders of the Holy Spirean Magical Defense Department, or MDD for short, My name is Stridor the careful the oldest of the supreme commanders, lets go hear your story"
    Aldeigjuborg, military base.

    Astril still cloaked uncloaks a look of excitement on his face. His tail is wagging swiftly.

    “The Narag Airship Karling and I are here to help too chieftain.”

    He looks at Stridor with a look of awe.
    “Surprised you noticed me. No one else did… I mean the Airship in the sky is a dead give away. It bears the crest of my family. When is sevy coming? I’d like to help her in any way I can?”

    His tail is now wagging so much there’s a breeze in the room.

    he calms himself a pulls a flask of tea out drinking some. He bows to the chieftain.

    “I am Astril “codex” Narag. Lord protector of the New Narag Empire. Pleased to meet you Chieftain.”
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    Chief Madanach noticed the tailed-human and began to panic, pointing at the revealed man and shrieking. Observing their leader, the Hircinaean soldiers tackle the Lord Protector, assuming him to be an assassin sent by Pjotur to hurt them. Chief Madanach then screams at Stridor,

    "Who is this!? Are you with this tailed monster!?"
    Hedeby, Svipjoth
    10 miles away from Melkorka
    Joslisonorian Encapment

      Admiral Orei looked out at the Nidarossi Steppe. "A beautiful sight, isn't it?", he murmured to himself. He turned his head to look out at the thousands of tents laid out. Suddenly, he notices a starship coming from the clouds above. He quickly contacted V. Admiral Yeqmeh. "Yeqmeh! You made it." The Vice Admiral nodded. "Indeed I have, Admiral Orei. We will be landing forces soon. By our estimations there will be 400,000 of us." "Wonderful. We shall defeat them, surely." Yeqmeh turned off the transmission. An hour later, forces landed alongside Orei's forces.
    NNE: He Walks into the Embassy to Alert the Ruler of Svipjoth the Fleet will and five hundred thousand Troops are here to assist In defending Positions so the other Army’s can fight.
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    The Huskarl at Melkorka welcomed the Joslisonorians with reserved warmth, with short but firm handshakes. He directs Admiral Orei to the earth that is being scorched and the defenses that are being constructed to the South of Melkorka, discussing with him each of their mens' stations.

    "Admiral Orei, Lukas' men are coming soon. We have received word that they have already passed Issknui and are marching North. We need to set up our defenses, and fast. Hvitakristr willing, we shall win this siege."


    The same Naragians were welcomed in Birka in the same manner, building a defense to the city's west to defend the incoming army from the East, already navigating between the coast of Rurik's Sea and Issknui.

     It is without doubt that soon, two massive battles will occur, most likely at the same times as one another. On both fronts and both sides, prayers were made and men readied for blood and death.
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  • Hedeby, Svipjoth
    10 miles away from Melkorka
    Joslisonorian Encapment

      Admiral Orei looked out at the Nidarossi Steppe. "A beautiful sight, isn't it?", he murmured to himself. He turned his head to look out at the thousands of tents laid out. Suddenly, he notices a starship coming from the clouds above. He quickly contacted V. Admiral Yeqmeh. "Yeqmeh! You made it." The Vice Admiral nodded. "Indeed I have, Admiral Orei. We will be landing forces soon. By our estimations there will be 400,000 of us." "Wonderful. We shall defeat them, surely." Yeqmeh turned off the transmission. An hour later, forces landed alongside Orei's forces.

    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    The Huskarl at Melkorka welcomed the Joslisonorians with reserved warmth, with short but firm handshakes. He directs Admiral Orei to the earth that is being scorched and the defenses that are being constructed to the South of Melkorka, discussing with him each of their mens' stations.

    "Admiral Orei, Lukas' men are coming soon. We have received word that they have already passed Issknui and are marching North. We need to set up our defenses, and fast. Hvitakristr willing, we shall win this siege."
    Over the next 3 hours the troops moved into position. Just outside the city of Melkorka, 400,000 soldiers, armed with plasma rifles, stood in position. 7 Ultraaken Tanks stood in front of them all. And most impressive of all, 35 starships, fully armed and ready to destroy, flew above.

    Orei stood firm, intimidating even. He looked out the bridge window of the Skyterror IV, the flagship of the Joslisonorian Navy. Just then, he received a transmission. "Play it, it's the scout." A holo of a pilot lit up. "Hello, Admiral, uhm. This is the scout-" He was cut of by an explosion from under the small spacecraft he was flying. "Long-story short, they are coming. An hour away. Prepare, and remember me-" Just then, another explosion could be heard, and then static. "You heard him. Prepare!"
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    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Chief Madanach noticed the tailed-human and began to panic, pointing at the revealed man and shrieking. Observing their leader, the Hircinaean soldiers tackle the Lord Protector, assuming him to be an assassin sent by Pjotur to hurt them. Chief Madanach then screams at Stridor,

    "Who is this!? Are you with this tailed monster!?"
    Stridor tries to explain but then Severina enters the military base and asks “what is going on, oh there are the so called freedom fighters, I am Severina and that person you are holding is my fiancée astril of the narag empire, he is an ally that will assist us against lukas, will you please release him?”
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  • Chief Madanach noticed the tailed-human and began to panic, pointing at the revealed man and shrieking. Observing their leader, the Hircinaean soldiers tackle the Lord Protector, assuming him to be an assassin sent by Pjotur to hurt them. Chief Madanach then screams at Stridor,

    "Who is this!? Are you with this tailed monster!?"
    Stridor tries to explain but then Severina enters the military base and asks “what is going on, oh there are the so called freedom fighters, I am Severina and that person you are holding is my fiancée astril of the narag empire, he is an ally that will assist us against lukas, will you please release him?”
    Astril is pinned down. his white fur is covered in dirt from the floor. “I am no threat to you. I promise. I and the Airship above us are here to help.”

    He actually looks scared. His sliver Eyes glancing around for a escape. “I am no warrior. Just a scholar.”

    He sighs as he is powerless against such force. He awaits his fate pinned down by the barbarians.
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    In The End... All Shall serve, The New Narag Empire.
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  • 12 days after the first wave of Lukas's Soldiers
    The Melkorka warzone
    7:00 P.M.

       Orei stood firm in the bridge of the Skyterror IV. He stared out at the death, rage, and chaos.
    12 days ago Lukas's army had arrived and commenced the first major battle against a foreign power. The Joslisonorian Imperial Fleet Vs. The Rebellion.
    They had held out for long enough. Morale was low, and the defenses were running out. Orei sighed. Quickly, he contacted Pjotur.
    "Good day, Pjotur. Unfortunatly, our forces may have to pull out. We await your response. We will use our sturdiness to our advantage, but I fear the worst. We may have to return and take Melkorka, no, Hedeby, when we have more forces. Orei out."
    2 people like this post: Svipjoth, Waggleton
    I checked to make sure that he was still alive.

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  • Nuven Village Trenches, Daguo, 2008

    As a child, Aaron was told he was born in 1998, but no one knew when his birthday was. He was found on the doorstep of an orphanage, no name, no letter, just a naked baby abandoned on a desert mattress. In that hell they called an orphanage, they did not even give him a name, only a callsign. Rat, for his small stature. Poorly fed, he did not grow tall. He remembered those times with dread, not a single happy childhood memory. He blew the candle on his small biscuit ration, his own cake for his 10th birthday as he heard artillery blasts in the distance. He heard kids who could afford a cake did that. Daguo was in civil war again, and Nuven and other villages banded together to defend each other. Because of the small populations, even kids as young as 5 years old were conscripted. He could see 5 kids, trying to drag a screaming adult who's lost his leg. November 25, both his birthday he chose, and another day he'll most likely die. Serving 5 years as a childhood soldier and slave, not like he had much of a choice.

    He saw the company commander, a 16 year old, grabbing his whistle. Another charge was going to be ordered. He heard tank shells and machine gun fire flying by. Their own tanks had been knocked out already, leaving burning wrecks in the cold desert night. He watched other soldiers, as young as 5, as old as 70 with eyes of terror. He really was deserving his name of Rat, his capacity to survive unrivaled. Ironically, he's one of the very few surviving veterans of the company, the bullets slowing down whenever he focused, something he's noticed since he was young. Time slowed down, sensing everyone around him, he sighed in stress readying for the charge. It was going to be a long night. Loading his semi-auto rifle, the 16 year old yelled. "FOR NUVEN, CHARGEEEE," he screamed. Aaron walked out of the trench wondering about the first two words. Did he really want to fight for Nuven? And the world went still, as he charged away. 


    Citadel of Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate

    Aaron woke up as he came from the memory. His meditation was interrupted yet again. He looked around the gardens he was meditating at. It was quite beautiful, the roses were stunning and gleamed at the sun. In his opinion, only stormflowers could only look more magnificent. He yawned and stood up, plucking a rose from one of the rose bushes. It was quite the beauty and he smelt its fragrance entering his nose. He sensed something in the background as he looked in the entity's direction. "Amara?" he called out the cousin of the Emperor. The raven haired girl appeared from the door of the balcony. "I didn't know you liked flowers?" Amara commented as she brushed her hand across the rosebushes. "Well, since we don't have stormflowers growing here, I might as well get a suitable replacement," he replied.

    The two didn't interact much, one was busy protecting all the denizens of the Citadel, the other was busy with experiments for the next Stigyan technology. Aaron remembered, this is probably the first time the two ever had a private conversation. "Aren't you supposed to be busy doing some form of experiments? I've heard of a new composition of electrocyte your team has been developing," FA3 started. "Well, even the most hard working of researchers need some form of rest. I come here for the roses for rest," she answered back, gazing at the flowers happily. A harsh wind blew and rose petals landed everywhere, onto Aaron's cloak and Amara's hair. He chuckled a little at the unaware Amara.

    "And what are you chuckling for?" Amara questioned as she looked around if anyone was there for a joke. "Nothing, you just look incredibly pretty when rose petals cover your hair," Aaron complimented her. Amara blushed heavily, her entire face nearly going as red as the roses covering her. A call sounded over Aaron's watch as he saw the caller. "Georgios?" he said in surprise. He took the call as Amara stood there still stunned. "Rognhildr? I see," Aaron muttered in between the voice from the phone. "Welp, I have to go protect a Svipish princess. Nice meeting you Amara," Aaron said happily as he headed for the balcony doors, completely unaware of the reddened face of the Stigyan royal.


    Ostpunkt City, The Ursian Empire

    Orca had never seen the capital of the Ostpunktian Empire in nearly a hundred years. She remembered her years touring there, it nearly rivaled the views of Mt. Sturm and Ursus Majoro. Flying above the treetops of the jungle into the ringed river and into the city was breathtaking. Years ago she would have taken a river from the Eastern side of Ursia, now she flew over the Orvos Jungle. Leviathan was busy snoring right beside her as he was escorting Alex to the capital. A hundred years ago, she saw steel machines walk across the jungles, huge cruise liners ferry passengers, and marvelous aerial battleships. Now it was 3 times that number, with everything far more advanced. The Vanguard-class aerial battleships hovered over the skyline, Beetle-class aerial aircraft carriers docked in underwater as they went closer and closer to the city.

    "Orca, stay on track, I know it's exciting but still we got a job to do," Levi advised her on communications. Orca laughed anyways as she straightened their course. It was true, they were going to participate in another war. Down in the streets of the capital, a huge parade raged on. Legions of Frog tank destroyers, Turtle heavy mech tanks and Hornets went through the city streets as citizens showered them in cherry blossoms. The legendary Scarab Knights commanded by their Chevaliers were leading each formation, their personalized and customized designs reflecting each personality. At the head, a Scarab Knight adorned in emerald stripes and painted in white. On top was the Crown Princess of Ostpunkt itsself. Jeanne Cerasus waving to her people.

    OES Jeanne 3rd ship of the Empress-class Battleships, The Ursian Empire

    "Didn't think you would get your own ship this quickly Jeanne," Alex commented as the two walked across the top of the ship. Orca and Levi were busy playing with sea animals underwater, an activity that never fails to amuse the highest echelons of the Narex Council. "Well, we already had OES Celeste and OES David, and they both promised me I would get the next battleship," Jeanne replied. It was quite the impressive ship. It was designed not only to carry guns that could cross entire countries, but withstand blows, go underwater, equipped with several advanced stealth technologies, and most importantly, was the central command of any Ostpunktian army. Given the rapid rise of army recruitment, a new Empress-class had to be created for such an army. Jeanne's were mostly composed of aspiring and potentially effective recruits.

    "Besides, gotta beat up Lukas and his bunch of lackeys. Shame that you bunch in the Polaris river ain't joining," Jeanne said in a tone of slight disappointment. "Well, no one there wants to fight another war for monarchs again. If you do well in your campaigns, I'm sure you can rile up the rest of your countrymen," Alex responded. Jeanne nodded. "So, how's your two sons? I heard that Barnos was getting betrothed and your Aaron is still single?" Jeanne asked to annoy Alex. Alex looked back with a look of sighing, swearing under his breath that everyone in the political landscape has been trying to marry his sons. Last week, some noble of Sovark offered their daughter for Aaron. "Yes, and I wonder when those types of questions will end," Alex complained as Jeanne laughed. "I'm sure your older son will get sooner or later, he has quite the looks and charm for any sane Ursian woman. Or maybe even foreigners," Jeanne teased. If there was one thing Alex wished for, it would be that, just to end the questions.

    The two reached the entrance of the ship as Alex watched the Sea Falcons and Tsunamis load up into the side hangar bays. Huge Vanguard and Beetle ships flew right by for escort. "Well, seems this will be the end of this trip of mine. Good luck on the campaign, Holy Bear bless you," Alex wished Jeanne with a small bow. Jeanne bowed down in return. "Thank you, and good luck with running the country. I will take care of Orca and Levi, I assure you," Jeanne said with sincerity. Alex smiled as he turned away back to his personal Dragonstorm. Second thing to do, gain support for the war. First thing to do, eat some really good home baked cheese pie.
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  • OOC: FINALLY, after almost a month of hiatus, the civil war is back on! Between moving back to my college town and settling into my hectic as hell senior year, I didn't have the chance to update the roleplay until now! Hopefully, we can get back on our normal routine. Thank you for your patience!
    12 days after the first wave of Lukas's Soldiers
    The Melkorka warzone
    7:00 P.M.

      Orei stood firm in the bridge of the Skyterror IV. He stared out at the death, rage, and chaos.
    12 days ago Lukas's army had arrived and commenced the first major battle against a foreign power. The Joslisonorian Imperial Fleet Vs. The Rebellion.
    They had held out for long enough. Morale was low, and the defenses were running out. Orei sighed. Quickly, he contacted Pjotur.
    "Good day, Pjotur. Unfortunatly, our forces may have to pull out. We await your response. We will use our sturdiness to our advantage, but I fear the worst. We may have to return and take Melkorka, no, Hedeby, when we have more forces. Orei out."
    Melkorka, Hedeby, Svipjoth
    12 long days and nights have the rebel army held firm against the Joslisonorians and Svips. They besieged the entirely of the city, holding firm in their camps as Melkorka slowly lost its store of supplies. Attempts to break this siege, calculated and desperate alike, were unsuccessful, merciful only in the sense that there would be less mouths to feed. Amidst frequent raids and bombardments, the Joslisonorians quickly fled after the 12th day, no longer having the morale or feasibility to help the weakened Svipish Armed Forces. With the technology of Joslisonoria retracted, Melkorka was swiftly crumbled under the might of the rebel army. Upon the destruction of the remaining soldiers, the rebel general and his soldiers marched into the city proper unopposed, with starving citizens daring not to even look at their conquerors. Melkorka was taken, and once again, Pjotur defeated.

    Lukas leaned back in his office chair, placing his feet on his desk as he smirked into the rotary telephone. Hanging up the call, he glanced to the right of his feet, fixing his gaze upon his map of Svipjoth and the pawn pieces stationed at each uncaptured city. Adjusting his foot, he knocked over the pawn placed over Melkorka, letting it roll off the desk and onto the ground. Smirking, he then looked at the pawn on Aldeigjuborg. "Soon." he thought.
    Stridor tries to explain but then Severina enters the military base and asks “what is going on, oh there are the so called freedom fighters, I am Severina and that person you are holding is my fiancée astril of the narag empire, he is an ally that will assist us against lukas, will you please release him?”
    Astril is pinned down. his white fur is covered in dirt from the floor. “I am no threat to you. I promise. I and the Airship above us are here to help.”

    He actually looks scared. His sliver Eyes glancing around for a escape. “I am no warrior. Just a scholar.”

    He sighs as he is powerless against such force. He awaits his fate pinned down by the barbarians.
    Aldeigjuborg, Garthariki, Svipjoth
    The captors of Astril quickly turn towards Chief Madanach, obediently waiting for their next instruction. Hearing the plea of Severina, he shouted a foreign command at the soldiers. Without falter, they release Astril from their hold and back away to give him space. The chief then glared into the crowd and snapped his fingers, then pointing at Astril. 

    From the crowd emerged a shaman of some kind, richly decorated in ornate priestly robes, with their face covered by a deer headdress. Approaching Astril, the shaman kneeled down and bowed their head, presenting a pendant necklace to Astril; the pendant was made of leather, carved in detail with humanoid and animal figures, complemented by sophisticated linework. 

    "Take it," Chief Madanach blurted aloud, "it's a token of apology."

    Before anyone could react further, shouting and gunfire began to be heard from outside the military base. Turning towards the doors, Chief Madanach's gaze met the eyes of a frightened and bloodied Hircinaean foot soldier. He shouted, "There here! Lukas' men are here!"
    Citadel of Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    "And what are you chuckling for?" Amara questioned as she looked around if anyone was there for a joke. "Nothing, you just look incredibly pretty when rose petals cover your hair," Aaron complimented her. Amara blushed heavily, her entire face nearly going as red as the roses covering her. A call sounded over Aaron's watch as he saw the caller. "Georgios?" he said in surprise. He took the call as Amara stood there still stunned. "Rognhildr? I see," Aaron muttered in between the voice from the phone. "Welp, I have to go protect a Svipish princess. Nice meeting you Amara," Aaron said happily as he headed for the balcony doors, completely unaware of the reddened face of the Stigyan royal.
    Solitas, The Stigyan Triumvirate
    Rognhildr sat alone in her room, her hands clasped in prayer and her eyes fixated Westward. She has spent the past two hours in this position, now numb to the pain of sitting on her legs. In making ceaseless prayers to both Ryder and Hvitakristr, she hoped that either her new or ancestral god will keep her family safe as they are extradited out of Uppsala.

    It was then that Aaron softly knocked on her door. Her thoughts suddenly stopped as she leaped up to her feet, running to the door in hopes it was her father. Recklessly swinging the door open, she was met with a stranger, her giant grin immediately falling. She stared at the man for what seemed like hours until she asked, "Who are you? Is my family here yet?"

    Meanwhile, Roxas sat in his war room, multi-tasking in reading both reports of his internal investigation and of his military in Svipjoth. It was then that a royal servant of Roxas gingerly entered the office, carrying with him yet another parchment.

    "Here you are, Emperor. It's from Lukas directly... We've already scanned it for anything dangerous."

    The boy placed the letter on his desk before leaving, gingerly closing the door just as he opened it. In burning curiosity, Roxas sliced opened the envelope with his letter opener and read:

    OOC: I highly recommend listening to this while reading the letter. I promise it's worth it.

    "To whom I despise, nay, detest,

    I write to you in my acclaimed and entitled authority as the rightful holder of the Fylkiran title.

    You still hold yourself ignorant of the plight of the Svipish race, supporting a treacherous usurper who betrayed both the will of his nation and his only brother. He has plunged our once independent nation into the helplessness equivalent to an infant, suckling on the teat of your useless electricyte and sinful manners of living. Both my disgraceful uncle and yourself have disposed of our military traditions, replacing it instead with your soulless machines and the endless comsummerist greed of your corporations. Verily, it was a pleasure to burn down your undignified invasion of our people's culture and faith. But I digress, for the saving of my people is of far greater concern to me than the destruction of yours.

    All you care to know is what rhetoric my uncle has spewed to you in his diplomatic subservience to all sovereign foreign rulers who even approach him. Your friendship is meaningless to him, a mere ploy to empower himself and his Baglarr elite to disenfranchise the already further empoverished people of Svipjoth, robbed of their ancestor's swords and axes and replaced with a gun not even touched by the hands of a Svipish artisan. You fight only for his sake, not for the people. Don't pretend you care.

    Assuming your probable brazenness, you're going to continue your fruitless, miserable attempt to intervene in my claim for the throne. I have destroyed you once in Issknui, and I will do it again and again for as so long as you keep sending the children of your citizens to die with neither dignity nor purpose in a land that they never knew. For as soon as the foot of a Stigyan steps onto the blood-sewn land of the Svipish people, you have committed a life to an early and honorless death.

    And in case you find yourself so stubbornly ignoring my promises, know that you are never going to safe again. I have links to your inner most circles. At a snap of my finger, I can assure the death of yourself and your family. Perhaps, however, I shall spare your lovely Lyra, so that she bare the son of her husband's killer. Whatever weapons your Stahl Industries produces, I shall have them, and wherever you ship off my cousin to, I will find her and bring her back to her motherland.

    May your unbounded arrogance burn you alive.


    Fylkir Lukas II Grankjellsson of Svipjoth"
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