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WRSL Charter
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  • Citizen
  • Flag Designer; Pop Culture Connoisseur
  • WRSL Charter

    • Goal
    1.1. The goal of WRSL (Wintreath Regional Sports League) is to provide community building, friendly competition, and a fun experience to the members of Wintreath
    • General Structure
    2.1. WRSL will be comprised of two threads for events: one for official WRSL events and one for non-WRSL created events, which can be created by anyone
    2.1.1. WRSL events will follow the format of the flagship (main) event of WRSL, the Wintreath World Cup, to the closest extent possible The format of the WWC is that matches are conducted on an online simulator assisted by modifiers and recorded on a Challonge tournament. Registration consists of entering the nation’s name, some player names, an optional uniform description, and an optional in character team report to help determine modifiers. NS stats (Patriotism for crowd support, intelligence for tactics) and past performance will also influence modifiers
    2.1.2. WRSL events are to be presided over by the Head of WRSL, with assistance from the Thane of Roleplay
    2.1.3. Nations who have not maintained a good standing with Wintreath as a whole may be prohibited from participating in official WRSL events
    2.1.4. Nations who finish top 3 in an official event will receive a medal and be put in the recordbook. Nations with a forum account will even receive a badge (Ex. Gold Medal x1)
    2.2. Player-created events can follow whatever format the organizers choose. Anything is permitted as long as it follows the community guidelines of Wintreath
    2.3. It should be noted that any sporting event is allowed, not just soccer (football)
    2.4. Furthermore, there will be a thread allocated to roleplay (RP)
    2.4.1. In order to preserve RP quality, only Rollspelskra members will have access to this thread. However, anyone can write the optional team report when registering and RP on the RMB until the shift to the forums
    2.5. There will also be two threads for discussion: one for in-character discussion, and one for general discussion.
    2.5.1. Lighthearted trash talk is permitted. No serious insults or threats are allowed. And as always, all discussion must not violate the Wintreath community guidelines
    2.6.1. There will be a pinned Recordbook for all official competitions
    • Authorities
    3.1. The authorities in WRSL are the Head of WRSL, the Thane of Roleplay, and any appointed authorities
    3.2. WRSL authorities will be responsible for managing, maintaining, and moderating the WRSL channel as well as organizing events
    3.3. WRSL is for rollspelskra and non-rollspelskra members, but managed by rollspelskra
    1 person likes this post: Svipjoth
    • Flag Designer; Pop Culture Connoisseur
    • Posts: 391
    • Karma: 154
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Straight (I think)
      Wintreath Nation
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